Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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In the privacy of his own room, the Hero stood in the center. Surrounded by all the best comforts the kingdom could offer. There was a knock on the door. After it went unanswered, the visitor let herself in.

"You!" Sanko accused, pointing a finger at him. "Because of your arrogance, you're putting my life, and the lives of my friends in danger."


"You think you're some big shot because everyone calls you the Hero of Legend. That you can just do what you please."


"Well not to me you're aren't!" Sanko stormed up to him. Daring him to challenge her in some way.

"To me you're just another fool. A simple minded baka!"


"So I'm warning you now. If you let anything happen to my friends Hero-baka, I'll never forgive you."

Sanko then spun around to storm out of the room, not caring how the Hero felt, or what he could say in return.


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The hunched over minion practically crawled on all fours as he half scuttled his way to his master. Mortem Shade stood tall, and lean. He was deathly pale, with a bald head, and beady red eyes. He wore a long black cape that he wrapped around himself like a cloak. He was standing on a balcony, looking down into the arena where his own champion fought in another duel.

"Master." The creature hissed. "Our spies found someone willing to betray King Fonz. The turncoat says that King's Wizard has summoned the Hero of Legend."

"So he finally calls for a champion." The Lord of Darkness said to himself. "Fortunately I have one of my own."

He watched as his Dark Knight, a tall woman with lean muscle struck down her opponent with her spear. Once his body hit the floor, she stood ready, waiting for her next adversary. She didn't have to wait long. However what come forward wasn't just one enemy. It was three.

Giant sized brutes with black helmets that also covered their faces. All of them carried a spiked war club large enough to crush a man with one blow. They towered over her. Staring down at her. But try as they might, they couldn't intimidate her. Not in the slightest.

When the first raised his weapon to attack, the Dark Knight moved so quickly, it seemed as if she just appeared right under his arm, with her spear point raised. When the Gladiator realized what had just happened, it was too late. On swinging his weapon down, he impaled his own hand on her blade. He dropped his weapon, yanking his hand away. Mortem's champion drew her weapon back to thrust it into his knee. He dropped down, and the Dark Knight moved to his side, putting him between herself, and the other two before they could react.

While the Gladiator was down on one knee, bleeding from his hand, the Dark Knight hopped onto his shoulder to launch her spear at one of the others. The weapon crackled with lightning as it blasted through the second Gladiator like a thunderbolt. He died instantly. She hopped off the giant she was standing on, going to retrieve her spear. She dived into a roll under the massive club that swung for her head, from the third.

The Dark Knight grabbed her spear, spinning around in time to see that same club coming down for her. She hopped back, avoiding the weapon as it slammed down. She launched her spear once again. This time straight through the gladiator's skull. She then ran straight up the club, straight up his arm, onto his shoulder where she pulled her weapon free from the other side, leaping away as he fell.

There was only one left. He tried to stand up, but his injured knee failed him. He tried to move away from the Dark Knight, but it was futile as she slowly made her way towards him. She finished him off with one final blow.

The Lord of Darkness looked down at his champion, his Dark Knight with pride. It was only a matter of time when she faced the Hero of Legend. And he had all confidence she would win.

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