Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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"This doesn't look so bad." Ichiko said, staring down the stone hallway from inside the dungeon entrance.

"We haven't even started yet." Sanko reminded her.

The four of them began their journey, Ichiko walking side by side with Hero. Pulling him along with her. His dueling weapons from yesterday were replaced by a much sharper sword, and a more durable shield. He also had armor now that formed a diamond shape around his unique frame.

"At least we're doing better than that guy." Niko said, pointing at a skeleton as they walked past it.

Wondering what could have happened there, Ichiko accidentlly walked into a trip wire. One step ahead of her the floor fell away, revealing a pit so deep the bottom couldn't be seen. She went screaming right over the edge. Hero went over right along with her. However his wheels got caught between the tripwire, and the very edge of the drop off, holding him in place. Ichiko got a hold of his outstretched arm, and held onto it.

"You saved me." She whispered, staring into his smiling face. Hero-san truly lived up to his name.

The other two mages conjured a rope, and used it to pull both of them back up. First death trap was avoided. But they still needed to get across. Fortunately their magic provided an easy solution. With a running jump, both Niko, and Sanko conjured wind with their magical tools, propelling themselves across the pit. Ichiko soon followed, giving Hero a push forward before jumping onto his back, and using her crystal ball to create her own gust of wind. She even sneaked in a kiss on Hero's check as a thank you to him for saving her. Something that brought out a giggle from Niko, and an eye roll from Sanko.

The group continued on, wary for more traps. Aside from a few scattered bones there didn't seem to be much. As alert as they tried to be, the group was still caught by surprise when the second trap was activated. Hero was in the lead, being pushed forward by Ichiko who was right behind him. A small click sound was heard right before a dart struck Hero in the side of the head. A second dark soon followed from the other side. Ichiko ducked down, afraid one of them might be aimed at her.

From behind Sanko rushed forward, and used her foot to shove Hero ahead, activating more darts firing from both sides.

"Stay right behind him." She instructed. "We don't know how much time before those things reset."

Ichiko stood back up, and the three of them stayed right behind Hero as he rolled forward. Most of the darts bounced off his armor. But a few managed to stick into him. Ichiko, and Niko were both worried that he might be poisoned, but Sanko was sure he'd be fine. Eventually they got through the end of that trap, and came to a stop. For the moment they were safe. And the wizard girls used the time to pull the darts out of Hero.

"I hope you're not hurt too much." Niko said.


She grinned in response. "As tough as they come."

After resting, the group started moving again. The stone tunnel soon opened up into a room where several sections in the floor were filled with spike pits. Even parts of the wall had spikes, as if the makers were hoping that adventurers would simply walk straight into them. In the center of the room, placed on a circular podium was an orb.

"Be careful with that thing." Ichiko said. "The magic coming from it is strong."

The others agreed. They approached slowly with Ichiko once again behind Hero, pushing him forward. When they got close enough however, the orb let out a burst of magic in all directions. The wave engulfed all of them. They looked around, unsure of what had just happened. They didn't seem to be hurt. They also didn't know who they were, or what they were doing there in the first place. The Wizard girls started to slowly move about the room with no direction in mind.

Any of them could wonder into the spikes at any time. Completely unaware they were even doing so. But Hero was unaffected by the spell. And when Ichiko moved away, her hand pushed him forward, causing him to roll towards the Orb in the center. He bumped into the podium, causing it to tip over. In turn, the orb rolled over, and off, shattering as it hit the floor. The magic faded as it was destroyed, and the three apprentices got their wits back. Realizing how badly that could have gone, Ichiko, and Niko both thanked the Hero for saving them. Sanko simply mumbled, too proud to give thanks to the likes of him.

As they went on Niko was now the one to push their champion along. When the next trap activated, a stone wall slammed down behind the two, separating them from Ichiko, and Sanko. A section of the ceiling swung open, from which a giant boulder dropped down. It immediately started rolling right for them.

In a panic, Niko jumped onto the Hero's back and rode him down the path ahead. The pathway angled down, and even curved to the side. The Wizard girl leaned Hero to the left, while leaning herself to the right as a counter balance as Hero rounded the bend at full speed. Further up ahead the path curved in the other direction, forcing Niko to reverse everything she was doing. The giant boulder stayed right behind them.

"We've gotta go faster!"


"Brace yourself!"

She used her magic to create a gust of wind to speed them up. Daring a quick look back, Niko smiled when she saw the space widen between them, and the boulder that chased after them.

"It's working. Keep going."


The lead was promising. But as they reached the end, a wall was what greeted them. Not wanting to slow down, they slammed into it with Hero taking the full force of the impact. He was unharmed however, and only wobbled slightly from the joint in his lower body.

"You really are as tough as they come." Niko said taking in their current obstacle. The wall was about ten feet high with the path continuing on from there. No human would be able to climb it without the tools to do so. She didn't have any climbing equipment, but she wasn't without options.

"Hold on tight." She said, and she tightened her grip around the dummy.

From directly under them she cast some ice magic, conjuring up a pillar to lift them up. They made it just in time as the giant boulder destroyed the ice pillar right before crashing into the wall beneath them. The pair hopped off the ice pillar a moment before it's destruction, and they both fell to the ground. Hero on his back, with the Wizard girl right beside him.

"Looks like we saved each other that time." She cooed, sliding a leg over him.


"You're so strong, and brave."

Niko moved closer to the side of his head.

"I really like that about you."


She gave him a small kiss of her own on his cheek.

"Ahem." A voice called out.

Niko looked up to see Ichiko, and Sanko standing above her. Ichiko had a playful look in her eyes as she watched them, but the red head kept her frown. She was quite grouchy today.

"How did you two get over here?" She asked.

"There was a hidden passageway that lead us here." Ichiko answered, giving a hand to help Niko back to her feet. "I guess the people who built this place needed a way to get around without going through their own traps."

All three of them picked Hero back up, and got him back to rolling along. After a small amount of time, they entered yet another chamber. This time filled with bones. With caution they moved through it, waiting for the trap to spring.

And they weren't disappointed as a green hag burst out from underneath a bone pile.

"I will swallow your souls!" She screamed in a horribly raspy voice.

Her hands were raised, and a spell was unleashed in the form of a green vapor. It engulfed Hero.


It had no effect. Surprised, the hag cast her spell again. The result was the same. Enraged, she started shouting while preparing another magical attack, but was interrupted by a lightning bolt, a fire ball, and an ice shard.

From behind Hero, the trio unleashed their own magic on the hag who was too busy with the wooden dummy to even notice them. She stood no chance as she was blasted apart.

They moved on.

The next part of their journey lead to a wide open space. There were a few pillars that only reached half way to the ceiling, many of them broken. What they were there for since they weren't holding anything up was a mystery. There were also a handful of statues scattered about. However all but two of them were destroyed. The two that weren't destroyed were standing at the top of a flight of stairs that lead to a drop off.

"Did we reach the end?" Sanko asked.

"If we did, then there should be an exit somewhere." Ichiko replied.

A low rumbling vibrated from the darkness as if trying to answer that question. It was followed by a second. Then a third. Something was approaching them. Something big.

"Get ready." Sanko said, holding up her scepter.

From out of the darkness it appeared. Standing somewhere at forty feet in height, it towered over them. A green dragon with fiery red eyes. It reared it's head back. Then shot forward, releasing a blast of fire from it's maw. All of them took cover behind one of the pillars.

"This is really bad." Ichiko said in a panic.

"Get in the air, quick!" Niko shouted.

Up they all went using their wind magic. And not a moment too soon, as the dragon's tail came swiping right where they were all standing, destroying the pillar as it passed through. Hero went up with them, but none of the trio had a good hold of him. And as he went back down to the floor, he sped straight at the dragon as it was turning back around. The girls panicked, believing him to be too reckless as he charged. He slammed into the dragon's back leg, scoring a strike with his sword. That strike did no damage however, and sent Hero rolling away to his side.

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The dragon turned fully now, and raised a powerful claw to slam down upon him. While rolling away, Hero bumped into some stone rubble, sending him to roll off in another direction as that claw came down. It missed.

A magic bolt exploded in the dragon's face causing it to flinch. It turned it's attention to the one who hit it. Ichiko. The creature strode towards her, attempting to crush her under it's claw. Once again the beast missed. But just barely. The force of the impact knocked Ichiko right off her feet. Before it come make another move, ice formed over it's front claw, freezing completely over, and rooting the dragon to the floor. It tried to pry it's limb away, but the ice held. It roared in anger before breathing fire on the ice that held it.

Ichiko was pulled back to her feet by the other two, and they quickly started to cast a much more powerful spell together. When the dragon finally freed itself, the spell was complete. They let it loose. From above an enormous glacial rock smashed into the dragon, bringing it down, as it shattered to pieces.

But the dragon wasn't defeated yet.

Slowly it rose back to it's feet, sending shards of ice to slide down it's body. It gave out a very loud roar while slamming it's tail down on the floor. Now it looked angry.

"Get it's attention." Niko said before running off.

Sanko gave her an incredulous look but did as asked, running in the opposite direction while firing magic bolts. With the dragon's attention now on the red head, Niko was able to get to Hero who stood unmoving. She grabbed him by one of the arms, and ran back towards the dragon. The beast tried to catch Sanko in it's jaws but Ichiko blasted it with a lightning bolt, pushing it's head away. When Niko got close enough, she stopped to begin spinning Hero around in a circle, helping him build up momentum. After a full turn she released him.

Hero sped towards the dragon. He struck once on the dragon's rear leg, skidding off, and rolling forward to strike on it's front leg. That last hit caused him to bounce off, and roll away.

"Ichiko catch him!" Niko yelled. She pelted the dragon with fire balls to give her the opening she needed.

Hero rolled his way towards Ichiko, making it easy for her to catch him, and swing him back around to fling back at the dragon. He hit the dragon once again. And once again he bounced off, this time making his way towards Sanko. Both Ichiko, and Niko tried to draw the dragon's attention, attacking with their magic. But this time the giant creature kept his gaze on Hero. He drew his head back. Then shot forward, releasing a burst of flame right as Hero reached Sanko.

The other two Wizard girls cried out in panic as Hero, and Sanko disappeared in the fire. But after the fire died out, the two were still alive. Sanko had put up a magic barrier to protect them. Niko took the opportunity to create a spear out of ice before running at the dragon from behind. She stabbed her weapon through the dragon's tail causing the beast to flinch in response. It then stuck back with it's tail, swatting her away.

"We can't keep this up!" Sanko shouted. "I'm running out of magic."

"We're going to have to come up with something to finish it off soon!" Ichiko replied. She was feeling the drain just as much as Sanko was.

"I have an idea." Niko shouted back. "Hero. Do you think you're ready for something crazy?"


"Excellent! Here goes nothing!"

Niko gathered her magic for her next spell. When she unleashed it, a rope blinked into existence to wrap around the dragon's maw. Something the creature didn't appreciate as it immediately tried to get it off.

"We don't have much time. Help me create a ramp for Hero. He'll need it to reach the dragon's head."

The three once again combined their power, using earth magic this time, to raise a ramp from out of the floor. It was a long one too as it had to be high enough for Hero to be able to reach the dragon, but not steep enough to cause him to roll back down. Sanko pushed the Hero of Legend towards Ichiko, and the three began the process of gathering enough momentum for him to make his final attack.

"We've got your back." Ichiko said as she swung him around, before releasing him towards Niko.

"We believe in you." Niko said as she caught his arm, and continued with the process before sending him right at Sanko.

"Just don't screw this up." Sanko said, catching him, and spinning him around before releasing him towards the ramp. With the momentum built up from all three of them, Hero easily made it up along the ramp without slowing down.

The dragon finally managed to tear through the rope that held his jaws closed as Hero was moving up the ramp. He reached the top, and flew right off. Sailing through the air straight for the dragon. The dragon open it's jaws wide, ready to swallow the wooden dummy whole.

Which it did. Hero flew straight into the dragon's mouth, and down it's throat. And got stuck there.

The dragon's eyes bugged out at the realization that it could no longer breath. It thrashed about, trying to swallow Hero all the way. Tried to cough him out. But he was firmly lodged in place. The Wizard trio watched as Hero-san fought against the dragon from within. A fight the dragon eventually lost.

Having been choked to death, the dragon fell to the ground one final time. The impact from hitting the ground popped Hero out of it's mouth, and he rolled casually towards the girls.

"He made it." Ichiko said, falling down to her knees in exhaustion. "Thank goodness."

"He's incredible." Niko added in agreement. She too slumped down from using up so much of her magic.

Sanko said nothing, choosing simply to fall down on her back. Hero, meanwhile continued to roll towards them. He reached the edge of the ramp they created, and somehow tipped over. His face fell right between Sanko's legs.


"Oh my!" Ichiko said with a smile.

"So bold." Niko replied.

"!" Sanko stammered with barely contained rage. Her face was nearly as red as her hair. "

She then blasted him with what remained of her magic, sending the wooden dummy flying away end over end.

"You pervert!"

It was right after that when the two statues at the top of the stairs that lead no where, were enveloped in bright lights. Lights that faded away almost as soon as they appeared. Leaving behind not statues, but two living people. Two Amazons judging by their green, and white tribal wraps.

They both also held weapons. The one on the left held a machuahuitl that was much longer than normal. It also had a long handle, becoming a two handed weapon. While the one on the right held the more standard, one handed version. She also had an oval shaped shield covering her other arm.

"At last our curse is finally ended." The first of them said.

"How long have we been stuck like that?" The second one asked, taking her time to stretch out her muscles.

It was then that the two Amazons looked to the three dumbfounded Wizard girls.

"Are you the ones that slayed the dragon, and freed us?"

"That seems to be the case." Ichiko said before asking a question of her own. "Who are you two?"

"We are Shichiko, and Hachiko."

"The great heroes who united the Amazon tribes over a hundred years ago?" Niko said in surprise. "You two are legends!"

"A hundred years." Shichiko said in almost a whisper. Was that really how long they had been under the curse? It was such a long time that it was hard to believe.

"How do the Amazons fair now?" Hachiko asked. It felt just as strange to her that they were cursed for a century.

"There's a lot to fill you in on." Sanko replied. "We'll tell you on our way back, once we find the way out."

"We shouldn't forget Hero-san." Ichiko added. She made her way over to where he had fallen. Niko went with her.

"I don't care what happens to that pervert." Sanko snapped back, crossing her arms and turning her chin away.

Before anyone could do anything more, a bolt of lightning appeared from no where. It landed in the center of the group with a thunderous explosion, knocking all of them off their feet. A moment later, a fierce looking woman wearing black armor, that frankly didn't cover much, leaped from the shadows. That lightning bolt had actually been an enchanted spear. And she was picking it back up from where it stabbed into the ground.

"So you are the summoned Hero, and his allies?" she questioned, her voice one of contempt. "I am not impressed."

"And just who are you suppose to be?" Sanko yelled back with equal contempt. Who did this girl think she was, ambushing them like she was some big deal.

"I am Kyuko." She said with a smirk. "The Dark Knight of Mortem Shade. And I've come to extend a challenge to this so called Hero."

"It's not just him you're challenging!" Sanko charged forward, readying her scepter for a strike.

Kyuko intercepted with a charge of her own, turning her spear over to strike Sanko in the body with the blunt end. Having the wind knocked out of her, Sanko doubled over. Kyuko caught her, and lifted her up over one shoulder. The two Amazons attacked, but the Dark Knight parried their strikes, and leaped away.

"I'll be waiting for you at my camp. So will this one. Let's see if you can get her back."

She then disappeared, leaving the others behind. Ichiko, and Niko picked Hero back up. Shichiko, and Hachiko joined them. Hero said nothing. There was nothing that needed to be said. There was no question that they were going to meet Kyuko's challenge. And that they'd beat her. And get Sanko back.

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