Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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After leaving the Drago dungeon, Hero and his group went in search of Kyuko's camp. It wasn't hard to find. But she wasn't alone. There were at least fifty tents set up with soldiers walking around between them. Kyuko herself was no where to be seen. But placed directly in the middle of the camp was Sanko, tied to a wooden post.

The Amazon pair was more than willing to help get her back. It was an honor to fight along side the Hero of Legend. And they wanted to do whatever they could to oppose the Lord of Darkness. But first Ichiko, and Niko needed to rest to recover their magic.

By the time they were ready, darkness was approaching. While the Amazons got ready, both Wizard girls sent magic bolts high into the sky. They exploded in bright lights, blinding many of the soldiers in camp. While distracted, Shichiko, and Hachiko attacked. The first group of soldiers fell rather quickly before the pair split up to find more targets. Ichiko, and Niko ran into the fight soon after, flinging Hero into the fray.

A pair of soldiers tried to stop him; one thrusting his sword into the dummy's torso. The shape of Hero's armor however made that sword slide off at an angle while also causing him to start spinning his upper body. He struck both soldiers with sword, and shield, knocking them down while continuing to roll on through.

It was a full on battle now, as the Dark Lords forces engaged the Hero, and his group. Ichiko used an ice blast to freeze one of the soldiers in place. Another tried to attack her from the side, but she throw up a magical shield to defend against it. Right as Hero rolled through, knocking that soldier down. That contact sent Hero off in another direction, right into a soldier fighting with Shichiko. He was also struck down which yet again, sent Hero spinning away. A group of archers gathered together, aiming their flaming arrows at him. When they had a clear shot, they fired. Every flaming arrow was deflected away by Hero's spinning. Sending them all to land among the tents. Flames went up, and quickly started to spread. Another small group formed together to brace against Hero as he raced right towards them. In spite of their efforts the Hero of Legend barreled right through them.

Sanko watched as battle the raged around her. These soldiers may have had the numbers, but they were completely outclassed. Ichiko, and Niko were able to hold their own. Shichiko, and Hachiko certainly lived up to their reputation. No one could even come close to touching them. And then there was Hero-san himself. Zipping around like an unstoppable madman. Every attack made against him was quickly met with a counter attack of his own. At one point he came to a stop against an already felled soldier. That caused him to lean forward, striking another soldier in the face. As he went down his weapon went out to strike yet another one nearby, taking him down too.

Though Sanko was glad she was being rescued, she would have liked to see Hero at least get a black eye. Something to bring his oversized ego down a peg.

Almost the entire camp was on fire now. Anyone who was left standing chose to start running, rather than continuing the fight. Hero was back on the move again. Facing against the last soldier who tried to stand his ground. It didn't last long. He went down just like the others, only his sword flew from his hand, straight towards Sanko. The blade struck the post right above her head, severing the ropes that held her wrists.

Now freed, she glared at Hero before reaching out a hand to summon her scepter back to her.

He was such a show off.

The soldiers were defeated. Their camp was burned down. The group was reunited again. But it wasn't over. Approaching them from nearby was the Dark Knight Kyuko.

"Are you ready to meet my challenge now that you're warmed up?" Kyuko said to him, pointing her spear in his direction.


She gave a wicked smile. "Good. Then let us begin."

"Be careful." Ichiko whispered to him as they all moved away. Though she didn't doubt Hero-san's abilities. Something about this enemy made her feel uneasy. This was no beast like that dragon. Nor was this a bunch of goons. This was a powerful, cunning warrior. Someone who honed her skills to their peak.

The two squared off against one another. The Hero of Legend against the Dark Knight.

Kyuko attacked without hesitation. With spear raised, she dashed forward with incredible speed. Her spear struck Hero right in the center of his torso as she charged through. But just like with the soldiers, his armor deflected the blade. The force of the strike still sent him rolling away, so Kyuko used her dash attack once again. Then a third time. Each attack sent him spinning around. But did little actual damage. However Kyuko wasn't deterred yet.

Jumping twenty feet into the air, the Dark Knight charged her spear with lightning before launching it at Hero. The ground beneath him exploded as the spear struck down right before him. The explosion launched him into the air, sending him end over end, only to land back upright. Kyuko retrieved her spear then attacked as he moved away. This time she kept in melee range.

Another thrust of her spear sent Hero spinning. Kyuko raised up the other end of her weapon to block Hero's counter strike. This sent him spinning around in the other direction with another counter attack. Kyuko had to turn her entire body to block. She then followed through with the movement to get her spear ready to attack again, when one of Hero's wheels ran over her foot. It distracted her just long enough for his shield to slam into her.

His girls cheered as he scored the first hit.

Furious, Kyuko attacked with a flurry of strikes. The two battled back, and forth in intense melee. Every strike made by Kyuko was deflected. Every counter by Hero was blocked by Kyuko. She was on to his game plan now. And she planned to use that against him. After the rhythm of their battle was set in place, Kyuko struck out with another thrust from her spear. Hero's sword was already moving to parry it.

Good. He fell for it. Kyuko thought with a wicked grin. It was a faint. And at the last moment, the Dark Knight dropped her spear low, jamming it between Hero's wheels. He came to a sudden stop, but thanks to that ball join, his body leaned forward instead. Her plan backfired.

His sword came cutting down faster than Kyuko could react. With disbelief she watched as the blade came for her. Slicing cleanly right through her top. It fell open, exposing her for all to see.

Dumbfounded, Kyuko stood there. Her mind struggling to comprehend what just happened. She looked down at herself. Then back up at Hero who stood there in silence. That smile on his face. As if mocking her for her humiliation.

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The Dark Knight let out a scream of anger as she attacked again, while covering herself with one arm. She attacked without regard to any technique or finesse, barely able to defend against his counters. While spinning, the moment Hero's back was turned, Kyuko leaped forward, attempting to hit him from behind with another dash attack. Which she did. But this merely turned him back around, his sword now slicing through her bottoms as she flew by.

Now exposed completely, she used both hands to cover herself, dropping to her knees in shame as her skin turned a very bright red.

"You underhanded scoundrel." She hissed through clenched teeth.


"Looks like we have a winner." Ichiko said.

"I think you might be right." Niko added a moment later, as Kyuko did nothing but sit there covering herself.

"What are you waiting for?" Kyuko yelled at Hero.


"Why haven't you finished me off?"


"Don't just stand there! I am defeated. Now end this!"


Kyuko couldn't understand why he wasn't ending her right there. The more she yelled at him the angrier he should have gotten. But Hero held to his resolve in sparing her.

"Don't you get it yet." Sanko sighed. "That might be how the Lord of Darkness likes to do things, but we're not like him."

"What do you mean?" Kyuko asked, turning her attention to the other girl.

"Mortem Shade is a wicken man." Sanko explained. "There is nothing but evil that can come from him."

Kyuko looked down. "It's the only way I know."

"Then let us show you a different way."

Kyuko didn't reply. But she had seemed to calm down. So Ichiko, and Niko both brought her a cloak to cover her up, before helping her back to her feet.

"It's time we head back." Ichiko said. "King Fonz will want to know about this as soon as possible."

Since those two were helping Kyuko, Sanko planned on getting Hero, but when she turned to face him, the two Amazons were both on each side of him.

"You are quite the brave warrior." Shichiko said to him as her arms slid around him.

"And you are a man of virtue." Hachiko added, holding onto him from the other side. "Truly worthy of Amazon affection."

Sanko's frown deepened as she spun away from them. On second thought, those two can take care of him. Hero-san. That baka!

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