Isekai of the Wooden Dummy

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

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On their triumphant return, King Fonz was elated. He called for a celebration, as their champion has proven himself beyond any doubt. Not only did he make it through the Drago dungeon, defeating the dragon. He also freed the two legendary Amazons from their curse. Defeated a company of the Dark Lord's soldiers. And managed to win over his Dark Knight. Victory over Mortem Shade seemed like an actual possibility now. Word of Hero-san's success, along with that of his traveling companions, spread through the Kingdom like wildfire. Even reaching the territories of the Valkyrie, Amazons, and the Elves.

There were a few who were worried that they were putting too much pressure on Hero-san. But he seemed unfazed by it all. He was as sturdy as the strongest oak.

After the revelry died down Hero was lead to his room. Tonight was not going to be a quiet one however, as a guest entered his room not long after.

"I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to talk to you in private." Shiko, the Valkyrie representative said to him.


"Glad to hear there are no objections." She went on. "When I first saw you, I had a feeling there was something special about you. I did question if you were really the hero. But that was because I never though I'd ever meet someone great like you. After awhile you come to expect people to disappoint you. But this time that was not the case."

Shiko looked him straight in his unblinking eyes before continuing.

"There is no doubt that my feelings were correct. You really are someone special. Someone I would like to get to know better. Become closer with. If you don't mind."


She smiled. "Then we shall see each other very soon. Until then, good night Hero-san."

Shiko turned, and left, disappearing as quietly as she had appeared. But there was still more to come as only a minute later Goko appeared in his room.

"I never thought I'd live to see the day." She began. "That our Amazon tribes would ever be united again. It was a century ago when our heroes disappeared, causing the rift that soon divided us."

Goko started to pace back, and forth as she talked.

"That's how I thought things would stay. That we'd never be brought together again. But you. You changed everything for us. For me."

She stopped her pacing to approach him. "For bringing our heroes back to us, uniting us once again, the Amazons owe you a great debt. We will stand. United. With King Fonz, against the Lord of Darkness."

Goko then reached out to caress Hero's cheek with her hand. "I owe you as well. You can rest assured that I'll pay my debt to you many times over."


She smiled before turning to leave, looking back over her shoulder as she did so. "Look forward to it. I know I will."

Not long after she departed, did Hero receive yet another visitor. The Elf Rokuko appeared. She entered his room with such grace, she appeared to glide over the floor.

"Your recent success has inspired everyone. Making you quite popular now. I hope it hasn't become overbearing for you."


"Your humbleness is to be admired." She said with a smile. "It is said that what affects one, affects us all. But my father does not see it that way. The mortal world he says is no concern to the Elves. But you know better, don't you. That's why you agreed to take on the challenge of the Drago dungeon, and stand up against the Lord of Darkness. Because you know that if the mortal world falls, then the Elves will be next. I know this too. And we will have no allies to help."


"You see it as clearly as I do. Perhaps that is why I have become so taken with you."

Rokuko turned around, unable to meet Hero's gaze after confessing her feelings. But he didn't reject her in any way, which was encouraging.

"I also know this." She went on, turning back to face him. "That my father loves me more than anything else. And he would do anything to protect me. That's why I'll join the fight against Mortem Shade Myself. That way father will have no choice but to send his army. And he will. You can be certain of that."

She put a hand on the side of his face wishing him a goodnight, before leaving with the same quiet grace she entered with. But not long after Rokuko left, did another show up.

"You think you're so great don't you?" Sanko scolded. "You're the most arrogant person I've ever met. You baka!"


"Even now, you think you're above it all. Acting without a care in the world. You double baka!"

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Sanko paced back, and forth in frustration for a long moment before speaking again.

"Your the worst person I know. So why? Why do I find myself falling for you?"


"This is all your fault." Sanko went on, walking closer to him. "Because of that, you're going to have to take responsibility."

Before the Wizard girl could do anything more, someone else entered the room behind her. She spun around to see The Dark Knight Kyuko.

"What are you doing here?" Sanko asked, trying to keep the surprise out of her voice.

"I came to see Hero." Kyuko answered. "It seems you had the same idea."

"That's not true at all! I only came here to give him a piece of my mind!" Sanko shouted back.

Kyuko walked towards the Wizard girl, giving her a smirk. "Is that so?"

"Of...of course it is...."

"That's what I'm here for as well."

Kyuko then leaned forward, causing Sanko to lean back.

"It seems we both want the same thing."

Sanko averted her eyes, but said nothing. Kyuko pulled away before starting to pace around the room.

"What is there to be afraid of really? From wanting the same thing. After all, everyone else is the same way. So we're not the odd ones out, are we?"

"I'm not just another girl." Sanko replied with a sharp edge in her voice. "I may be a Wizard apprentice now. But someday I'll be a master. I'll prove my worth."

"And I am the Dark Knight." Kyuko countered. "I have proven my worth."

She stopped her pacing to face Sanko once again.

"The two Amazons are legends. And the two other Wizard apprentices are on the same path as you. You aren't among rivals. You're among friends."

"Fair enough." Came the simple reply from the red head.

"And since we're all together in this, It would be good for us to all get along." Kyuko went on, walking back towards Sanko with a strange look in her eye. It was as if she was planning something. But Sanko didn't know what.

Not until the Dark Knight got so close that their bodies were almost touching.

"You, and I. Could get along quite well."

Sanko's complexion turned bright red again. But this time, not from anger. She tried to speak, but no actual words were forming.

"Fear not. I know what to do. And I'm sure Hero-san would be more than happy to see us getting along so well."

Kyuko spared a look over in his direction. Sanko followed her gaze, towards his unchanging, smiling face. He seemed to not mind at all.


"Well....." Sanko began, not knowing how to proceed. For her, this was unexplored territory. She'd have to rely on Kyuko. "If it's for Hero-san...."

Their passionate night began, and would not end until the following morning. All of it under the watchful eyes of the Hero. And his smiling face.


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