Isekai Tower Defense

Chapter 9: Ch9: R Mode Unleashed!

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Whether you think you can or you cannot,

You're right.

-Henry Ford

"I'm going to need even more power for this one," Emil said to sparky.

"Wolf!" Sparky barked back to him.

"Poo poo pee pee," Emil replied.

Everyone stared at him shocked. Just what was Emil's plan? Hmmmmm? Hmmmmm?

"You can't be serious. You haven't mastered that form yet. You'll destroy the whole town Sarge!" Private Shit Stain warned.

"Just do your job and hold off then enemy, private. Leave the worrying to me."

Suddenly everyone's radios crackled on, "This is P squad, everyone's been wiped out! It's a... AHG!" The radio went silent.

"Holy mother of God," Emil said as he saw the wave of monsters heading towards them. Their number was so great they had become a liquid. "Everyone! Get back to the town and evacuate the civilians! I'll repair the wall and handle them all myself."

"But don't you need time to charge?" Yui asked.

"This new form uses less energy, but puts a massive strain on the body. I have to do it. Now get going before all those innocent town's people are killed." Emil said putting on a brave smile.

"Okay, just whatever you do, don't die," Yui replied, running off to join the others.

"Looks like things have worked out. I didn't want you to have to see my next form," Emil said to himself, then shouted, "Poopy rape mode activate!"

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The hand of a massive dragon crashed into Emil, smashing him into the ground. If it had been a second earlier he would be dead. Suddenly the dragon was launched with unbelievable power, and every monster was blow back by the gust of wind it created.

Emil's transformation changed basically nothing, except he got maybe a little bit of a tan and his hair became a shade lighter. Then he said the only thing he could in that moment, "Poopy rapie."

An explosion went off with the force of a nuclear blast, wiping out the entire wave in a single attack and leaving a colossal crater where Emil had stood. The wall and the town were instantly vaporized along with the monsters.

But before Emil could react, he heard the sound of clapping, "Well done Emil."

Emil turned to face the Demon Lord. He looked just like a regular bloke, except he had horns, a tail and demonic wings.

He spoke with the posh sophistication of a nobleman, "You have pleased the demon god more than I could ever hope to. Not only have you provided a wonderful show, but you've made the way into the kingdom clear for us. No longer will we have to suffer in the trenches."

"Fuck you!" Emil said, punching him in the face, launching him into the distance, but leaving behind a handful of sparkly white teeth.

Emil's Poopy rape form wore off and he went back to check on the town. It was completely leveled to the ground, without a trace of his squad, the military, or even the civilians.

"Looks like they didn't make it in time," Emil said, sobbing like a bitch. His whole squad had once again died.

But then a miracle happened! Yui's cells, which had been completely vaporized, where reforming, slow but surely. She had a powerful regeneration ability! But Emil didn't release and instead thought it was a monster.

"Die you disgusting flesh slime! Emil said, smashing the shit out of it with a hammer, blood spraying everywhere.

Suddenly it formed a disgusting fleshy mouth, and spoke in an otherworldly feminine voice, "Wait Emil it's me Yui!"

"Zombie!" Emil screamed smashing her in the face even harder.

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