It was a joke why did you make it part of my reincarnation?!

Chapter 3: The new body and constant boredom.

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I managed to evolve and get on land. I can see in color. The first thing I did was look at my reflection my hair is black which wasn't surprising. What did surprise me though was my eyes. They were gold they also had silver near the bottom of them. I could get lost in them. I look away from the water and check the rest of my body.

The first thing I noticed were the juggernauts that were my boobs. I even outclassed the schools bust with these. Besides that my figure is pretty amazing.  I finally look behind me to see a tail. It is similar to my orca tail but smaller. I grab it and it feels very smooth. I feel it up to the tip. That's where it's sensitive.

"Hold up aren't I supposed to be 5 years old?" I'm greeted with awkward silence.

"Me and you god are gonna have a serious chat when I get up there again", for a second I thought I heard a groan, but I guess that was my imagination. 

"It doesn't mean I don't like it though", I was happy to be attractive even if I was as now a woman. I've always been unhappy with my body. Now that it isn't an issue, I feel a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I need to check my status.

Status. The familiar window appears before me. 

Name: Milo 

Sex: Female

Age: 5 years

Race: Orca

Level: 15

HP: 400/400

MP: 1,000/1,000


Ocean Domain Lvl. 6 Beast Transformation lvl Lightning Magic Lvl. 1

I got a jump in my HP and MP. I also gained two new skills.

Beast Transformation

Allows the user to transform into a more primal version of themselves.

Let's try it. I immediately flop to the ground in my orca form. I am slightly larger then before. I transform back though. 

"I also want gained lightning magic so making a fire for tonight wont be hard if I can control it. I try it out with only 10 MP and get a small bolt of lightning crackling in my hand. I then imagine it taking the form of a thin line. It obeys me. It's quite easy so control. If I use this correctly underwater catching food will be a breeze. 

I don't know the first thing about our door shelters though. I guess the fire and a large enough leaf will have to do. I'll be able to finally sleep fully now though.

I was still butt-naked so I use some leaves as makeshift clothing and I use the rest of the day to prepare for the night. When it finally does come I snuggle with my large leaf and doze off.

In the morning I hunt with my orca form. I bring it up to the surface and cook it. 

I then take my time to get used to my human body. I already was used to walking. I needed to learn to walk with the boobs though. They are heavy and cause me to slouch slightly. I need to strain my muscles to stand up straight. They look nice but these guys are annoying.

I find the need to remind myself that I'm 5 years old constantly over the next few days.

One more thing bothered me to no end.

I'm bored.

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Really bored.

Humans and orcas are social animals. Right now I have both incorporated into my physiology. It makes sense that I'm bored if I think of it that way. I should try to find people as my next goal. I have do have a human-like appearance now.

I sigh.

"I have so much to do to prepare for that and I don't even know which direction to travel", I say to myself in a bit of frustration.

So I continue my days in boredom. My clothes stayed on my human form even if I transformed which was a nice convenience. The same didn't work for items. So the only thing stopping me from travelling was, myself.

I would transform into my orca form and swim to the edge of the atoll only to stop and turn back.

Then it hit me.

I'm afraid of them.

I have a subconscious fear of them. I can't fix it if I don't go though. 

"I guess all those days of bullying did have an effect on my psyche", I conclude.

I never isolated myself before. I didn't have friends granted, but I spent a lot of time with my parents. Were they the only thing stopping me from slipping into isolation?

"I don't care what my subconscious wants nor do I care. I can repair that damage by encountering actual decent people" I force myself to move past the atoll and head in the direction of the sunset.

It took some time before I found some sign of human habitation. I found an island that had smoke coming from somewhere. When I swam around the island I also found a ship docked there. The ship looked like a typical fantasy ship. It was adorned with several ornaments which told me it was probably a government vessel. I swim up on to the shore and transform into my human form.

I make my way toward the smoke as quietly as I can as I don't know what kind people these are. I get to the camp and crouch down in the bushes. As much as I want to approach I need to learn a few things first. Bad people exist everywhere especially among the good. They are speaking a strange language so I have no clue what they are saying. Then one of them shouts in my direction.

My first instinct is to run but, something is stopping me. I look down at my feet. They are encased in ice. In a panic i try to free myself while making a shit ton of noise. The men get up and draw thier weapons. Can't say I mean no harm if I can't speak the language.

I summon lightning that surrounds me like a cage. I then use the time I bought myself to use warm water to thaw the ice. They don't do anything to attack me though.

"No harm?" I raise my hands in the air as I sign that I'm not hostile.

I don't get a response they seem to be waiting for someone. I have I feeling I don't want to stick around to find out. I begin to run with the lightning cage moving with me. I go back toward the beach. Before I reach there though a person stands in my way. A female elf at that.

I'm running out of mana so I can't afford a fight. 

"We mean you no harm", she says. Well freezing my legs would say otherwise. Wait how is she speaking English?

"Your people attacked me", I say back. I cant be sure this isn't a trap.

"I know if you can forgive them, I'd like to have a talk with you", she's trying to get me to calm down. I'm running really low on mana so I really don't have a choice. I dispell the lighting barrier protecting me. She tries to walk toward me but I step back. One step at a time lady. She pulls back too realizing her mistake. She says something in her own language then looks at me with a warm smile. 

Whatever my Ocean Domain skill is you better be a cheat if I need you to be. She beckons me as she walks back toward where those men who attacked me were waiting.

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