It was a joke why did you make it part of my reincarnation?!

Chapter 4: The Ocean Girl (Celia’s POV)

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The girl was silent when we went back to the group she only nodded or shook her head at my questions. I'm even speaking her language but, shes completely stopped talking. What makes it worse is that I can still feel that she's afraid of me. No, us. These dumbasses were probably her first human contact in this world and they couldn't have made a worse impression. 

When we get to the camp the girl stayed on the outskirts. She clearly distrusts the ones who cornered her earlier. 

We go to the ship where I've stored the majority of my clothing. She's quiet for the entire time. I catch her staring at me a few times while we walk. She always looks away though. She seems to be curious about me but, she seems to be either too shy or too wary to approach me. 

"You can ask questions I won't bite", I say to her. She shakes her head and looks toward the sea to avoid my gaze. It pains me to see her act this way. When we got to the ship there were a bunch of people there. She was noticeably uncomfortable.

"Just follow me I'll take you to my quarters" she nods and follows close behind me. The other beastmen are staring in fascination of her. She does everything she can to avoid thier stares. Obviously, none of works and her attire is making it worse. I pick up the pace to help her out. She seems to be glad that I've done that. Well at least if her tail wagging up and down is anything to go by. We board the ship without issue and get to my quarters as fast as possible. 

I go to the closet to pick something out for her. She stands there awkwardly. She squirms, causing her tail to move back and forth. For the most part, it's idle position is it sticking straight up in the air. This makes her look like she's dancing slowly. If anyone knew what just happened to her, they would know that's not the case.

"I'll set the clothes down here for you, please call me inside the room if you need any assistance", I go make my way past her and out of the door. She probably will use the moment to calm down. 

After a few minutes she peaks her head out the door.

"I-Im finished now", she stutters a bit. 

"Alright, I want to take you to the commander so everything can be explained. Specifically, why we are out here looking for you", she walks out the door and gives me a confused look.

"Why would you be looking for me? How did you even know I existed?", She asks raising her eyebrow.

"Well that's... a longer story. One that we should discuss with the commander like I said", I reply, giving her a warm smile. She only nods and gestures for me to lead the way.

I take the longer route to the commander's room. If she was going to be staying with us she needed to know her way around the ship right? She didn't seem to be interested though. 

When we get to commander's room the door was ajar. 

"Commander! We found them!" I shout we weren't standing in the doorway so my shout was justified. I hear the shuffling of his chair then his response.

"Guess we'll be back home faster than we anticipated. Bring her in." I make way in with the girl in question in tow. He motions for us to sit when we come in. The room wasn't luxurious nor was it dirty. Though, looking at the girl, her nose was scrunched up.

"I am Commander Refer of this warship, the Vestige. As you probably have heard, we have been looking for you. I ask that you save your questions until I finished explaining what I can. Understand?" The girl nods.

"Good. Now where to begin? Let's see.. do you know what a Hero Summoning is?" The girl nods her head.

"Ok but, for context I'll explain anyway. A Hero Summoning is exactly what it sounds like. Every five hundred years a demon king emerges. This demon king reeks havoc on all the races of this world. All of the monsters are given more power and become more organized in their attacks. To deal with this threat the gods have given certain priests the ability to conduct a hero summoning. These heroes then defeat the demon king and his armies." He pauses, seemingly to let the girl digest the information. I had taught several commanders, including the admiral her language. More precisely, I used an item to teach them. Communication was going to be flawless.

"All of the heroes are either summoned from among the dead of another world or summoned while they're alive. This time around though, they were summoned among the dead and given new bodies", he pauses again for the girl to process.

"You and I both know you are a hero. Surprisingly enough though, that's not the reason we are looking for you. Its because you caused a world notification." He pauses and looks at the girl with more serious eyes.

"You were given an animal body, correct?" The girl hesitates then nods.

"That confirms it. When you gained your new form the whole world new about it. The Beastman nations were up in arms about the birth of a new species and tried to seek you out everywhere within their respective territories. No one could find you though. We were tipped off by this elf that had gotten useful information about your new form from one of the other heroes. We expected for it to take years given the vast ocean but, we were pleasantly surprised", the girl clearly had questions, but she only continues to listen to him.

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"The nation that we hail from usually wouldn't normally reach out to another race's hero but..." He paused seemingly getting excited about his next words. "This is the first time that a hero has been a beastman", he finishes.

"The reason for this is unclear but, our nation, who usually doesn't accept the heroes, wants you to act as our protector against the demon kings forces. You would also be a symbol of hope for the people of this trying time. You would be a hero in that respect I guess. We won't send you to directly confront the demon king if you don't want to. We only ask that you stand by our leaders and help the adventurers in subjuation if needed", he is clearly very excited about the development.

I look to see the girls reaction and find her deep in thought. There's a few moments before she speaks.

"Will your people hurt me?" I half expected a question like this. Judging by the way she was acting, she's still apprehensive about us.

The commander turns to me. "Why is she asking that? Let me guess, someone attacked her on sight?" The commander looks visibly annoyed.

"Yes, one of the scout teams sent to search the island for her attacked her thinking she was a wild animal" I reply. The commander sighs and turns back to the girl.

"No. Our people want to see you. In fact the Chancellor is keeping this search a secret to reveal you to the public as a surprise! We want to raise a symbol? We want to raise a hero that won't destroy or fall into greed", the girl shifts in her seat then seems to go into deep thought. Then she finally speaks.

"I will help you", she replies with a neutral expression. 

"We will provide you with all the necessary accommodations when we return to the mainland. We will train you in the arts of combat. Even though your a hero, we will also protect you with some of our finest warriors. Now, I'm sure you're mentally exhausted right now." He turns to me. "Can she stay in your quarters? She seems to be the most comfortable around you", The commander asks. I know this was supposed to be a genuine question. This was non-negotiable though. I wanted to learn as much as possible about this new beastmen. There's also an air around her. It's an aura of gloom. Even though she puts on a brave face, something has happened in her past. It's something that seems to haunt the very air she breathes. I want to figure out what it is and rid this poor thing of it's grasp if I can.

"Of course", I reply putting on a similarly neutral expression.


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