Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Last 5 minutes: testing the limits of PPOWERRR

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In the empty white void, a figure sat and stared at a game screen. Hamza was focused, and immovable. Observer sat beside him.


"Come on, don’t just sit there like a lump of coal.” Observer said. The clock counted down O the system






Hamza remained frozen, deep in thought, as the game clock counted down. Observer, sitting beside him, was growing increasingly impatient.


"You're a bore, you know that?" Observer said, trying to break Hamza's concentration. Observer was clearly bored from his antics. The clock on the screen was continuing down. 




The timer was ticking but Hamza remained frozen and just stared at the screen. Even the screen said something.


 [This power is wasted on you honestly. I bet you would be fun at parties]


Both the screen and the goddess made comments about how he was wasting the limited time he had been given. Unknown to both of them, Hamza was doing something extraordinary. He had changed his perception of time and was trying to extend it as much as possible. For him Minutes passed, hours passed, days passed, years passed, it felt like he was on a time frame infinitely different. It felt like he could go beyond trillions of years, but he stopped. After 100 years, only 4 seconds had passed.


He finally responded to their comments,

 "Don't underestimate me. Just because I'm not doing what you want me to do, doesn't mean I'm not doing anything at all.I just wanted to see what the limits were with this powers."


Hamza was frustrated and confused by the mysterious power he had been given. He turned to the observer and the screen and said,

 “I was just testing something. What's the point of this? Observer, I just experienced 100 years in 4 seconds because I wanted to. What's the use of this kind of power?"


The observer remained silent, and the infinite white void shook slightly. But she eventually responded in a slightly annoyed tone,


"I told you to stop asking questions. You're not ready for the answers."


Hamza's frustration grew. He wanted answers, and he wasn't about to let the observer avoid his questions.


"What do you mean I'm not ready? You're the one who gave me this power, and you should at least have the decency to explain why. Why give me something like this? "


The observer's silence was deafening, but Hamza knew she was hiding something from him. He realized that the observer's words were an indication that his journey was far from over, and he knew that he had to uncover the truth about his power, no matter what it took.


Hamza clearly felt the threat. Yet he couldn't help but ask one more thing.


"Ok, just one question and I won't ask anything more. Since the omni-nexus is infinite, does that mean there are an infinite number of threats like Aku? It can't be only him. Does that mean infinite loop-holes?"


She paused for a moment, considering his question before responding.

 "Well, of course. The omni-nexus is a concept where infinite concepts exist. It prevents itself from becoming a literal infinite paradox. Every individual omniverses contains its own infinite threats within itself, never escaping the verse. I can't describe the process to you, and I can't make you understand it. To mildly amuse your curiosity, there are beings beyond all conceptions. They decide what happens. We are both just part of that one decision. Even as my being transcends everything, watching everything, I'm just a puppet with strings. We all have become a part of his design."


Observer just patted Hamza's head as he was still struggling to grasp the concept.

"Just don't think about everything too much, Just enjoy the small things," she said, gesturing for him to let go of the complicated thoughts.


Hamza gave up thinking about it.


 "I was a teacher, so yeah. I was just curious," he admitted, still trying to understand it all.


He kept watching the infinite void, finding it soothing.


"It doesn't diminish your existence, your struggles, hopes, and dreams," Observer added, the last thing she had to say on the matter.


Hamza nodded slowly, taking her words to heart. He decided to let go of his curiosity and enjoy the moment as it was. He kept staring into the void, finding peace in its vastness.


Observer pounced on Hamza with a playful gleam.

'Are you just going to sit around twiddling your thumbs? We won’t be here in this origin point for a while”


She teased.

'Not until you pass the first phase' she nudged him with her elbow,


'Come on.'


She had high hopes that Hamza would do something extraordinary, something that would leave her in awe. She couldn't wait to see what he would come up with.


Hamza pondered for a moment, deep in thought.

"Let's see," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

 He realized that it would be a shame not to use the nearly limitless power at his disposal, even if just for a little while.


"Alright, first I want to try something,"

Hamza said, determination etched on his face. He extended his hands and a large, shimmering bubble appeared, its surface reflecting the light like a star.


"Hmm, let's fast forward it"


Hamza said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he concentrated on manipulating the bubble. The once static sphere began to swirl and twist, the colors shifting and blending together, creating mesmerizing patterns. She watched in wonder as the bubble expanded, filling the room with its mesmerizing light show.


As Hamza continued to work, it became clear that the bubble was not just a simple conjuration but an intricate creation, a glimpse into the depths of his power and potential.


The bubble continued to expand, but its shape remained unchanged, growing larger and larger until it was as big as a basketball. Observer watched in excitement, her eyes sparkling with wonder.


"Yay! Finally something not boring," she exclaimed.


As the bubble fluctuated, its appearance began to change, as if it were on the brink of bursting. The light show inside the bubble grew increasingly intense, swirling patterns and colors mesmerizing to behold.


A few moments passed and Hamza let out a satisfied chuckle.

"Aahahh, look at this," he said, gesturing towards the mesmerizing display before them.


The once static sphere has now became dynamic and the observer can see the depth of the spell and how intricate it was.


He presented a small ball to the observer, which floated on its own in the void.

 "Okay, I'm going to do something interesting," he said with a grin.


Hamza stood up and opened a gate for both of them, and the screen followed them as they walked through it. He stood at the front, welcoming them with open arms.


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"Welcome to the multiverse I have created," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "I put a lot of thought into it. I just thought, why not?"


"Ohh, interesting," the observer said, her voice full of interest and curiosity as she looked around at the new surroundings. The place was beyond her imagination, the different worlds and realms she could see were mesmerizing. This was a moment of pure wonder and magic.


The observer looked around in awe at the infinite cosmos, marveling at the different worlds and realms that stretched out before her. The screen too, viewed the scene with wonder.


"This is amazing," she said, her voice filled with awe. "An infinite, layered multiverse. You did a good job. Honestly, I expect nothing less from my pet," she said mockingly.


The screen, however, was not impressed. "Huh, I could have done better," it mocked. "This is nothing to someone with that kind of power."


Hamza grabbed the screen as it floated by, a stern look on his face if he had one. He didn't appreciate being mocked or belittled, especially not by a mere system that he just met. He took pride in his abilities and had worked hard to create this multiverse. He knew that the observer was just joking but he couldn't take the comment from the system as well. It was personal.


He had a wry chuckle, not taking the screen's comment too seriously

 [Oye wtf] the screen protested.


He grabbed the sentient system and starts tearing the sentient system screen just to mess with it a little.


"Don't make me do the same thing now, you stupid hateful system," Hamza replied with an amused voice.


Observer, who had conjured a bowl of popcorn out of thin air, sat back and watched the interaction between Hamza and the sentient screen, munching on her snack. The scene was amusing to her, and she couldn't help but be entertained by Hamza's playful teasing of the sentient system.


Just remember, after we come back from one of the other verses, it's just you and me." Hamza said to the screen system, with a mockingly tone.


He laughed a bit


Hamza and observer stepped through the portal and into Origin void, Hamza couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement.


"Did you make it as boring as your original world?" Observer asked.




Hamza gestured excitedly as he spoke about his creation.

"It's got so many things! I made a hierarchy of power like angels, demons, dark beings, gods and put them in 3 different realms. I can't wait to see how it develops."


Observer listened with interest as Hamza continued,


"I made the earth and humans a separate realm. The thing is, others can invade in a different sense. I'll have to think about the other details later."


She responded, "Oh, that's nice. Congrats my pet."


Observer wrapped her arms around Hamza, pulling him close. It was an uncomfortable embrace, but Hamza didn't resist. He was still dazed, thinking about his first creation. Observer took advantage of the moment, pressing her mannequin women body against his.


"You happy?" Hamza asked in a monotone voice.


Observer stared at Hamza with a look of surprise and confusion.


"Geez, are you gay? If so I can become a man as well" she asked,


"No," he replied, "I'm just godphobic."


"Humph," she responded, clearly offended by his statement.


She just stared at him for a moment before shaking her head and moving on, seemingly having forgiven him for whatever slight she perceived.


Observer looked at Hamza curiously.


"So this is your first creation. Will you destroy it now?"


Hamza was confused by her question. The thought of destroying his creation never crossed his mind. He had created sentient life, and all he wanted to do was watch it, every particle, every being. He felt compelled to do so.


"Never," he replied firmly.


"I will just watch them, every one of them."


Observer nodded, her expression unreadable. "Typical, but expected. Anything else?"




As the clock on the sentient screen in front of him approached 6:00 minutes, Hamza didn't slow his perception of time. It didn't matter, as far as he knew there could be thousands of verses he had to visit as part of this journey. But he would be back here eventually, regardless.


He spawned a thin cloth he had just created and draped it over his multiverse, protecting it. Observer watched him with interest, as he put the safeguard in place.


"I’m going to do some stupid things I want before this journey starts," Hamza declared, a determined voice


He wanted to do some cool things, and so he created a massive tournament arena, specifically modeled after the Cell Game arena from Dragon Ball, a series he had watched as a kid. With a wave of his hand, the arena emerged into existence.


Hamza began flexing his body, doing some exercises to warm up, although it was completely unnecessary because it hardly mattered. He just wanted to do it for fun


"AHHH," he exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice as he prepared to enter the arena and live out his childhood fantasy.


An excited shout from Observer echoed through the infinite void as she jumped onto the tournament floor that Hamza had created. She was clearly excited about what he was going to do.


The sentient screen suddenly displayed some new messages, in addition to the running clock:

[5:15] [What the fuck is he doing now?]


"Hey, want to do a battle? Like in the Cell Games?" Hamza asked Observer, with a confidence


"If I win, you don't bother me in the journey for your amusement," he added, with a hint of challenge in his voice.


"Hmm," Observer responded, considering his proposal.


She struck a pose and pointed at him with excitement. "Deal. If I win, I want something from you on the journey," she said, accepting his challenge.


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