Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 4: Chapter 4. Battle of conception: Everyones watching

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In the Origin void, Both Hamza and observer stood in the cell games arena, both stretching and preparing for the confrontation. Hamza couldn't help but feel a thrill run through him as he anticipated what he could do. He had an insurmountable confidence in himself and his abilities. He could do nearly anything so he had a few ideas.


Hamza couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. Focused on the task at hand. He knew that the next few moments would change everything and he was ready for whatever came his way.


The sentient system was displaying the clock as it was in a daze watching both of them. As the clock counted down



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"I got this in the bag," Hamza said trying to taunt observer , but the observer just waved a kiss in response, taunting him back.


"I like to see you try my dear pet," the observer said with a sly smile, which actually annoyed him.


Hamza glared at the observer, annoyance clear with his voice "Ughhh, you and your antics" he grumbled, feeling a bit irritated by her taunts.


The sentient screen, watching the exchange between Hamza and the observer, had a sick idea. It started a betting poll across the Omni-nexus, only open to beings deemed worthy to place bets on the spar and watch it. The battle would be broadcast by it, giving countless entities across the Omni-nexus the opportunity to place bets. There were no stakes, just the thrill of the competition and the opportunity to be entertained.


"Sometimes my ingenuity frightens me," "Hahaha, let the games begin!"


The sentient screen cackled, its voice sounding like a glitching screen laugh. It was pleased with its betting poll's success, the competition's thrill, and the opportunity to make connections and favors. It had outsmarted itself, with the idea of broadcasting the spar across the Omni-nexus.


As the match began, the bets started pouring in, and entities from all over the Omni-nexus tuned in to watch the intense battle unfold.


Before the battle began, the observer snapped her fingers. With a wave of her hand, the arena transformed, becoming a planet the size of a complex Outerverse.


"I just needed to make the arena bigger," she said with a smile, "It's too cramped here. Plus, it's now a big show. Can't disappoint the viewers," she added while looking around and waving.


Hamza couldn't help but be impressed by the observer's power. He thought to himself


[Well, I can understand. We can pretty much do anything. I just can't understand how we can't use the power to destroy Aku, but I'm assuming there is some bullshit reason involved]


He shook his head, knowing that there were probably complex reasons behind the limitations of their powers.


In the Origin void, the planet came into existence, complete with its own time, space and everything else. Both him and observer were ready, standing on the newly formed planet, ready to face off


Hamza lunged forward, his eyes focused on the observer. He was determined to test his abilities and see if he could defeat her, and make a run for it from this place back to his own world. This was one of his main motivations to challenge observer.


He moved with incredible speed, closing in on her in an instant. He made a fist, ready to deliver a powerful punch that would end the battle before it even began. Observer, however, was ready for his attack. She swiftly ducked and dodged his punch, her movements fluid and precise.


Dumbfounded Hamza was in awe.



Before he could say anything observer twisted her body and delivered a kick. The kick had such force that it destroyed the cell game arena by the sheer force. After being flung with such force he missile into the stratosphere. 


He concentrated for a moment and in an instant, he stopped in mid-air, hovering without moving another centimeter. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, still taken aback by the sheer force of the observer's kick. looking down at her as she was waiting for him.


"That was rough," he said in a sinister tone. He knew that he needed to change his strategy if he wanted to defeat the observer. He held out his hand, getting ready for a signature move.


"KA MAAAA HAAA MEEE-," he shouted the name of the attack with intensity. Just for the giggles.


The ki overflowed from Hamza's hands as he prepared to launch his Kamehameha wave, growing larger and larger, comparable to the size of the planet that was created by the observer. But before he could launch the attack, the observer sneaked up behind him and delivered a swift chop, interrupting his attack.


"Reaper CHOPPPP," she shouted making him on the head sending him flying at impossible speeds, straight into the planet.




the entire planet shook as Hamza impacted it with incredible force, causing a massive explosion.


 The observer hummed a tune as she landed near Hamza in a playful manner.

"Hum hum hum hum hum," she sang, conjuring a stick and sitting on her knees. She poked at Hamza as if he were dead, out of amusement.


"You actually tried that stupid move. You think you have 5 episodes for that? AHAAH..." she laughed mockingly.


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Despite her taunts, Hamza dug himself out of the hole and got back up, determined to not let her get the better of him. The observer backed off, still humming her tune, clearly enjoying herself.


"What now, my pet," she said with a sinister tone, her voice glinting with amusement. Hamza knew that the observer was not an easy opponent, and he knew that he needed to come up with a new strategy if he wanted to defeat her. He took a deep breath and prepared for the next round, determined to come out on top.


Still he felt a little offended by the observer's taunts, although he didn't like Dragon Ball as a story, he loved the action and battles. He just wanted to have some fun.


"Ok, let's get serious," he said with determination, making fists with his hands. He knew that he needed to focus if he wanted to defeat the observer. He took a deep breath, and prepared for the next round, ready to give it his all. He was ready for a real fight.


Both Hamza and the observer vanished, but explosions occurred in the surrounding. Hamza launched a fury of attacks, punches, kicks, and even trying to headbutt her, but he misses many of them barely grazing the observer. She dodged elegantly, like she was dancing, her movements fluid and graceful. The speeds at which they were moving was tearing the world apart, moving from one edge of the world to another. Hamza did not stop and kept on attacking.


"HAAAAA," he shouted, but none of his attacks seemed to connect. The observer, however, did not make any moves yet, she was just toying with him.


Both fighters stopped as a storm of dust engulfed the world because they moved so fast. There was not one inch of the planet that was not touched by them. The observer knew that he had more in him, and she was looking forward to.


waving her hand she cleared the entire world of all the dust.


She saw him still standing. He spread both his hands and opened his arms.


"I just had a funny idea," Hamza said with a sly voice.


The observer watched him curiously, not interrupting. "I want to see what you do. Surprise me," she said in a playful voice, intrigued by Hamza's sudden change in attitude.


Hamza closed his eyes and concentrated


Hamza conjured the Key of the King's Law, Bab-ilu, and then opened the treasury Gate of Babylon. He reached into it to retrieve what he wanted.


"Who dares steals from the king. You mongrel, how dare you," a seriously pissed-off voice rang in Hamza's mind. It was Gilgamesh, the king of heroes.


But Hamza didn't listen to the voice in his head and continued to pull something from the gate. With an annoyed tone, he said,

"Shut up, Gil. I bought your games and shows. Just relax you, self-obsessed baby. Now let me borrow Ea for a while."


"YOU-" Gilgamesh began to protest, but Hamza cut him off as though he was receiving a call from him.


The observer watched in amazement as Hamza pulled out a powerful weapon from the Gate of Babylon, Ea, the sword of the gods. Hamza held it in his right-hand


A shadow of a form appeared before Hamza and a sword formed near his left hand. Venuzdonoa, the Abolisher of Reason, was now hovering, and he grabbed it with his left hand. Another voice just spoke to him.


"I'll give you my sword. I have my bets on you. You better win this," Anos said in an authoritative voice, watching from the darkness.


"You too? How? Do you have my landline number or something? I don't give a shit honestly. What this bet?" Hamza replied, feeling a bit confused and annoyed by the constant interruptions. He did not notice both observer and the sentient screen scheme.


Anos didn't respond, but Hamza could sense that he was still there, watching and waiting for the outcome of the battle. With two powerful swords in his hands, Hamza felt a surge of confidence and power. Still, he was not done.


Observer chimed in with a playful tone,


"Well, well, well, it looks like we have a little thief on our hands. Stealing things that can't be stolen, I like your style! But don't worry, as compensation for your thievery, they can now watch your battle and communicate with you as long as you want them to."


Hamza couldn't help but laugh at the observer's quip. He felt a sense of excitement that was almost overwhelming. He had always been someone who enjoyed taking risks and doing things just to see what would happen. With this new opportunity, he knew that he could push himself even further.


He then conjured a third sword from his own imagination, a blade that had no form but an aura of black energy rotating like a tornado. He grabbed it and put his sword near his mouth, ready to face the observer head-on.


"If I can't beat you with my hands, I'll just improvise and use weapons," Hamza quipped as he held the sword in the three-sword style, getting ready to strike. A furious and engulfing aura of black and green engulfed him completely. His eyes radiated a hue of blue and red as he lunged towards the observer, reaching her in an instant.


"ONI GIRI!" he shouted as he unleashed a powerful attack. With all three brokenly powerful swords.


Observer conjured a scythe, and with an elegant stance, she stood ready to face Hamza head-on. The scythe glinted in the light, its sharp edge reflecting the intense energy of the battle.


Hamza knew that the observer was not one to be underestimated, and he prepared himself for the toughest fight of his life. The two charged toward each other, their powers colliding shook the very planet as it was breaking apart by the intensity of the battle.  


The clock was ticking as the sentient system watched in awe.


[This shit is wild ngl]


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