Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 5: Chapter 5. I won?

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The clash of swords echoed like thunder through the battlefield as Hamza and the observer fought with all their might. The sparks flew as their swords met in a fierce dance of death. Each strike was met with a fierce determination, neither willing to back down.


The observer's sword was like a serpent, striking with deadly precision while Hamza's swords were like a lion, fierce and powerful. The ground shook beneath them as they fought, leaving deep gashes in the planet. 


The sound of swords clashing echoed like a never-ending storm as Hamza and the observer fought with everything they had. Millions of strikes rained down upon the surrounding, turning the once lush forest into a barren wasteland of deeply carved strikes. Each strike was like a hammer blow, chipping away at the earth and leaving behind nothing but destruction in its wake. The trees were reduced to splinters, and the landscape was forever changed by the ferocity of the battle.


Observer's sword was a blur, striking with light speed, while Hamza's was a force of nature, crushing everything in its path. The ground shook beneath them as they fought, the deep gashes in the earth testament to the intensity of their battle.


“Ching, clank”


With each blow, Hamza felt himself being pushed back by the observer's relentless attacks. Her sword strikes were growing stronger and faster with each passing moment, and he found himself struggling to keep up.


He was using the most powerful swords he could imagine and was using Zoro 3 sword style flawlessly, yet she was battling him head-on without breaking a sweat. His mind raced with thoughts of desperation, questioning what it would take to defeat her.


As the battle raged on, the planet they were on was slowly being carved into pieces by the relentless strikes of their swords. The slashes from both Hamza and the observer were cutting through the planet as if it were butter, leaving deep gashes and chasms in their wake.


The sentient system, watching from afar, well beyond their range, hovering in the void and very far away from the planet, observed the destruction with a sense of detachment.


"They are not holding back," the sentient system said, as it analyzed the data on the screen. The time read 02:30,


Hamza continued to attack relentlessly, his determination to defeat the observer driving him on. But observer was not easily defeated, parrying each of his strikes with ease and taunting him with her words.


"Aww, don't be mad. You're amusing at least," she said, her words echoing in his very soul, taunting him and making him angrier by the second. The observer's words and constant parries made Hamza lose control of his emotions. He was too angry to think clearly and let his emotions take over.


With a fierce determination, Hamza took a stance and called forth the most potent attack of Gilgamesh. He didn't care about the consequences and went for the kill, shouting the attack out loud,


"Die already! Enuma Elish!"


"Hey, not cool," the observer said with a hint of disapproval


Feeling a little uneasy about Hamza's statement. Despite the fact that an attack that could kill gods was being used against her, she remained calm and collected. She had expected this.


As Hamza launched his attack, observers said with a hint of surprise. "You're going for the kill?" she remarked coolly, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.


He blazed with determination as he shouted, "You underestimate me, observer. I'll take you down, no matter what it takes!"


The observer's lips curved into a sly grin, "Is that so? Let's see what you've got, then."


As the sword began to vibrate and its three components started rotating, the observer's expression changed to one of seriousness. "Looks like you're not holding back," she said, her voice filled with a hint of respect.


The space and sound warped in their area as the entire planet began to shake. Hamza activated ea and with a swift wave of his sword, launched the attack toward observer. She manifested Black wings that could warp the planet with its size.


"Vector shield" she shouted, summoning her defensive barrier, but it crumbled under the immense power of Hamza's attack.


As the debris cleared an entire half side of the planet was wiped out, Hamza was keenly watching, wondering if he had defeated the observer.


"Did I get her? Did I win?" he asked himself.


But before he could even process the thought, a sucker punch landed on his face, sending him flying to the half of the planet that had survived. The punch was so strong that Hamza couldn't stop himself from drilling into the planet.


The observer communicated with him telepathically "You didn't need to destroy the planet, jeez. This planet is bigger than a multiverse. You really tried to kill me, huh."


The observer's words and behavior caught Hamza off guard, he couldn't believe she survived that.


Hamza could hear the observer's thoughts


"Fuck this," he shouted, his voice so strong that it destroyed a portion of the planet as his voice vibration escaped and his frustration grew.


He imagined the most powerful thing he could, a wild energy that warped him as his size exponentially grew. Black and green energy engulfed and shaped his celestial body, keeping on growing.


With a hand popping out the size of the planet from its core, he used it as a support to dig out from it. He was starting to emerge and overgrow it beyond conception. This was his final move, his last resort, and he was willing to go all out to defeat the observer


As Hamza continued to grow, the planet became insignificant in comparison. He towered above it, his body fully formed and intimidating. A green cape made of crackling energy flowed behind him like a wave, as he stood tall with his hand clenched into a fist.


He slammed his feet into the origin void,  and the atom-sized planet that the observer had created crumbled. The sentient screen jolted in surprise, unable to comprehend the raw power and magnitude of Hamza's transformation.


His figure size beyond conception, resembling a fusion of Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Megas XLR. His head was shrouded in a hood, with energy coursing through the ear sockets, illuminating the void. His shoulders were adorned with glowing orbs of green energy that hovered ominously, and his overall design was a godlike, improved version of the original.


The observer's widened in shock and awe as she realized the full extent of Hamza's transformation.


"You cannot stop me," he bellowed, his voice echoing through the origin void. "Let's see if you can survive this, OBSERVERRR."


The sentient system, observing from afar, read the time on its screen: 01:00. The battle had stretched beyond reason, reaching a level of intensity and destruction that was beyond comprehension.


The observer watched in awe and anticipation as Hamza prepared for his final attack. She couldn't believe that he had mastered his origin form so rapidly. She couldn't help but giggle with joy. She knew that this was Hamza's last stand, his final attack.

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"Well, my little toy has grown so much," she said, her voice filled with malice. "Let's end this, shall we? Can't let him think he's in control, can we?"


As Hamza was about to unleash his final attack, the observer's body warped and changed, growing exponentially in size to match his. Her body was now that of a black manikin, with a similar design but different variations, including 50 hands like the Hindu deity Shiva, each holding a weapon. The weapons were adorned with intricate details and seemed to be made of dark, otherworldly .



"KILLER MOVER ULTIMATE SERIES: GIGAAAAA DRILLL BREAKERRRRRR," Hamza shouted as a drill emerged from his arms, stretching beyond infinity. Its size could not be described as he launched an attack at the observer with everything he had, his intention to kill her.


"AMUSING," the observer said, her voice filled with a hint of amusement as she prepared to counter Hamza's attack.


With a fluid motion, she merged all her 50 hands into one and raised her index finger to stop Hamza's attack. All weapons disappeared from her hand as she took the attack head-on. Her index finger shone as it was the center of all creation.


The two attacks met head-on in a deafening "BOOOM," as the white origin void was instantly filled with colors that constantly changed. The collision created an infinite expanding big bang at its center. The force of the impact was so intense that it felt like the fabric of reality was being torn apart.


He could not believe what was happening. He refused to accept that his final attack could be countered so easily. Both attacks were pushing against each other.


Despite His determined efforts, observer's power proved to be too much for him. As his drill construct was slowly destroyed, observer couldn't help but admire his body design and power. "You did amazing but you underestimate me," she said, her voice filled with a hint of amusement. "Still, good job my pet. I love your body design. Very flashy and cool. I like it a lot." she added, conveying a different meaning.


Hamza was determined to not give up, despite the observer's words. He pushed against her with all his might, but it was clear that his drill construct was slowly getting destroyed. He didn't pay attention to anything that the observer said, his focus solely on winning the battle.


The sentient screen watched the scene and added, "Well, at least he did something. It's over."



The observer's words and actions were a distraction, but Hamza was determined to not let them affect him. He knew that the battle was coming to a close, and he needed to give it his all to emerge victorious. He pushed against the observer with everything he had, his power and determination reaching new heights.






With a mere snap of her fingers, Observer destroyed Hamza's body completely. All the infinite destruction that their attacks caused by their mere clashing stopped and vanished as if it never happened. Hamza collapsed on his knees with his head down in defeat, surrendering to the observer's power.


"I give up. You win," he said, his voice filled with defeat.


[I'm never escaping this thing. Now I'm sure] He thought to himself.


The sentient screen displayed the message, [Loading stats complete], indicating that the battle had come to an end. Hamza had lost and the observer emerged victorious. 


[Betting pole results across the Omni nexus] Observer 98.9%  Hamza 1.1%


he was not upset as he could predict there was no way to win. 


"Wow, looks like I've got some fans out there," Hamza said with a chuckle, as he looked at the betting pole results.


"Who the hell bets on my 'stupid ass'?"


The sentient screen let out an electronic sigh. "Wow, way to go kid. You've got some die-hard supporters out there."


As Hamza viewed the stats, the observer playfully jumped on him, pressing her chest against his back. "Looks like I won fair and square, Hamza. But don't worry, you put up a good fight," she said with a grin.


Hamza let out a mock sigh. "Yeah, yeah. I give up." he said


The observer just laughed and kissed him on the cheek.


“That was so fun. Thanks my pet. I got some fun out of it.”


She whispered in his ear, her voice filled with a dangerous hint of possessiveness. "No matter where you go, no matter what you do, you will never escape me. We will be together for eternity. You are mine, and mine only."


As Hamza read through the instructions on the sentient screen, the observer couldn't help but express her possessive feelings towards him, whispering dangerous comments in his ear. But he simply shrugged it off and continued to focus on the task at hand, completely immune to her yandere remarks. He already figured that part out long ago. A cosmic god tormenting him.


"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm yours and all that," he said nonchalantly, not even bothering to look at her. "But can we focus on this GP point thing?”


The observer pouted but decided to let it slide, knowing that her efforts to sway him were futile. She watched as Hamza absorbed the information on the screen, a small smirk playing on her lips as she knew that no matter what, he belonged to her


The screen displayed a game-like interface, similar to the Dark Souls games. The stakes were much higher, and the consequences of losing were dire. As he read the instructions and objectives, he knew that this was a fight for his very survival in this absurd journey. Hamza read through the instructions carefully, trying to absorb as much information as possible.


"The system here is going to balance your stats when you enter the other verses," the text read. "You will steadily gain more of your power as you continue to deal with the threats. You will be awarded GP points for eliminating the Aku virus-infected variants across the verse. Each variant has a different GP point value assigned. You can also earn them by interacting with the main cast of the verse. It depends on the likability or repulsiveness that the main cast feels about you. However, the amount earned is minuscule compared to the previous method mentioned"


Hamza nodded, understanding the stakes and the rewards. He was ready for whatever the other verses had in store for him. He would use all of his skills and abilities to earn as many GP points as possible and gain the upper hand in this dangerous journey.


It showed a video of a deer that was grazing the field. A mysterious black goo approaches it from its rear. The black goo crept closer and closer to the unsuspecting deer, its tendrils reaching out like the grasping hands of the damned. The deer's ears twitched in alarm as the stench of rot and decay filled its nostrils, but it was too late. The goo enveloped it, devouring it whole as it thrashed and screamed in terror. The goo twisted and contorted the deer's body, breaking bones and crushing organs as it feasted. Its eyes bulged in agony as it was consumed, the last thing it saw was the gleeful, malevolent gaze of the black goo before it was consumed by darkness.


With a sickening squelch, the goo finished its meal, and a twisted, monstrous version of the deer emerged. Its eyes now glowing red with malice, its bones visible through its putrid, blackened flesh, and its mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth. It let out a deafening screech as it set off in search of its next victim.


The scene was one of utter devastation and horror, and Hamza could not look away as he watched the grotesque transformation of the innocent deer into a monstrous killing machine. A chill ran down his spine as he realized the true nature of the Aku virus and what if it could infect and absorb everything.

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