Journey across the multiverse [LitRpg]

Chapter 6: 6. Its time to choose

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Hamza stared at the sentient system in confusion, struggling to comprehend the gravity of the threat it had just presented to him. AKU, while powerful, did not seem like the type of villain that would pose a significant challenge. He couldn't understand why this particular villain was a threat when there were far stronger ones he could think of.


"Is that all?" he asked, his voice filled with skepticism. "I thought this was some kind of joke."


Observer,  tried to explain further. "It's complicated," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of mystery. "This AKU is from a timeline where he's hell-bent on becoming more powerful."


But before she could say more, the sentient system began to react in an agitated manner, its hovering screen body displaying loud and hostile messages.


 "Bitch, don't interrupt me, and just keep reading. How the hell did you become a teacher with this kind of attention span?" Directing that message at hamza 


Hamza felt a sense of disgust at the system's hostility towards him. He tried to remain calm, but his frustration was evident in his voice.


"I don't get it. We have the power to do anything. Why do I need you, system? This whole journey plot seems pointless. Why can't we just destroy AKU in the Samurai Jack verse and come back? It would be a breeze."


Hamza's words seemed to enrage the sentient system even more, steam rising from its body as it vented its anger. Observer attempted to diffuse the situation by fanning the system with her hand in a comical fashion.


The system's response was curt and annoyed, its text displaying on the screen.


 "It's not that simple. You're a --------------- being. You can't leave this origin void. It's the only place that can contain you in your entirety. If you travel to any other verse, you'll destroy it simply by existing. And there are rules to this, rules that cannot be broken. It's like trying to fill a glass with infinite water, it can't contain it. You are not meant to interfere with any verse. Since now you are something else."


With a sigh, the system continued.


"Also, my job is to make you travel safely without breaking the rules. I exist to nerf your ass so your stupidity doesn't cause unnecessary damage to the verse. You'll get isekai'd to that verse in your pathetic state. You would need to get strong. If you don’t stop this version of AKU, it will come to devour all of the samurai verse. He'll become the verse itself, becoming too powerful, and start spreading across the Omni-nexus to devour all of existence."


The system's tone turned hateful. "Before you ask, yes, this is the possible future we're talking about. It's a possibility that exists, but it's not set in stone. Your actions will determine the fate of the Jack verse and others."


Hamza was at a loss for words, completely flabbergasted by the information bomb that had just been dropped on him. He was speechless, struggling to process the overwhelming information he had just received.


"But what if I die?" he asked, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.


The system's voice remained emotionless, with a hint of sarcasm. "Well, if you're really that worried about it, you should probably start working on your push-ups and sit-ups and squats when you get isekaied. My main goal is to nerf you while also making you stronger as you eliminate threats. You literally unlocking your own power through me without breaking rules. These rules are in place for a reason. Your death, while not ideal, is ultimately insignificant in the grand scheme of things."


Hamza felt a surge of anger and frustration. "So you're saying my life is disposable, that I'm just a pawn in this larger game?"


Observer, sensing Hamza's confusion and fear, interjected, "Don't worry. Your original self now exists here, linked to me. Even if you perish anywhere else, you will simply respawn here, much like in a video game. Understand that this does not mean it won't hurt. You will experience everything - pain, sorrow, death , agnoy, love , hate- but you will not die permanently. Unless AKU succeeds in devouring everything in creation, of course. That would be bad for even us."


“I wonder what kind of drug the authors took to write something like this time” she said in awe


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Hamza asked


“Who? Author?”


She replied “Oh nothing”


Hamza took a moment to consider the information but soon found his thoughts drifting. He forgot about what he was thinking but couldn't shake the feeling of unease and uncertainty.


The sentient screen then displayed a screen of stats to both Observer and Hamza. It resembled a game screen, with various options for them to change their appearance and stats. Hamza felt a glimmer of hope as he realized that with the right adjustments, he could potentially deal with the threats in other verses. He had experience playing games like Dark Souls, and this was familiar territory for him. He knew that if he played it safe, he could survive.


Hamza Stats




















GP Multiplier






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