Kazami Eichi’s Peaceful Life

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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"... An unfamiliar ceiling, no… there's no ceiling at all…" 

"... What kind of phenomenon is this…?" 

The young man thought inwardly as he put his left arm crossing his chest under his right arm as his right hand under his chin, striking a pose of the thinker(not exactly) seemingly observing the wide wide white sky that has no clouds while lying on the smooth white floor. 

The gigantic white boxes floating around the sky give a surrealism and omniscient feeling, letting the young man feel the creeps and chills creeping in his whole body. 

The Out of the world and alien vibes it gives the young man has left him a bit scared at his current situation, as he suddenly out of nowhere opens his eyes at an unknown place that looks like it will appear in futuristic alien movies. 

The young man thought maybe he was kidnapped by aliens and dropped here to be experimented on and brainwashed or maybe he was being trolled and currently being shown in tv as he unknowingly mutters bullshits and being fooled into some unknown plot and being laughed at by the viewers. 

But decided the previous and the latter was impossible as he suddenly remembers the last thing he did before sleeping last night. 

He readied a light novel about the protagonists waking up in a white room and was greeted by a god blah- blah- blah~ he got isekai'd and the story goes on while reading it he falls asleep and he's here, in other words he currently now is dreaming, is what his conclusion to his current situation. 

"... It feels weird, that I'm aware that I'm dreaming."

"... Ahh~ that's it. I'm Lucid Dreaming."

With that conclusion forming in his head, the previous tension that builds up in his mind and body feels like a lie and disappears, and he's now calmly lying and enjoying the feeling of lucid a clear mind.

However all of his fluffy feelings came to halt seemingly nowhere, a tranquil and a fatherly-like voice of an old man reached his ears and greeted him. 

"You seem to be enjoying yourself right now?" 

"... Hmm?" 

Contrary to the old man's expectations, the young man calmly looked at him with a calm and questioning look as his head turned and met the eyes of the old man or more like the skin face of the old man.

His eyes land to a yellowish glowing old man with long grayish hair holding a wooden staff of some sort supporting his fine and well-build body only wearing a white robe and a sandals to his feets similar to those greek gods in his world in greek mythology, however looking at this glowing old man you can see that his face doesn't have any mouth and eyes he doesn't really have any shape resembling a face, only a shape of nose can be seen to his skin-only face, that's why the boy strongly concluded that this is a dream looking at a creepy no-face old man.

"Kazami Eichi-kun, I welcome you to my domain." 

"I am what you humans call "God" and I'm here or to be more specific I summoned you here to try recruiting you to my project…" 

"..." however this boy named by the god "Kazami Eichi" lying down there dumbfounded by the sudden introduction of the God he said he is, and continue lying down and seemingly scanning the whole body of this "God". 

"Is there something wrong Eichi-kun?" the god asked him as he looks towards the young man called "Kazami Eichi" looking confused. 

'Is he some kind of entity in my dream created by my imagination? If he is what i think he is then can i change his appearance by using my mind? No- no-... Then what if he really is a God? Would he think I'm so rude for a lowly human making him wait? No- that's unrealistic!'

Eichi used all of his mind power to think of a solution to his current situation laying out multiple simulations in his mind on how the scenario would go if he said a wrong word to this "God" though he felt like he's exaggerating. 

Currently there's two problems in his mind, the Realist thinking side thought whether he would think that all of this is a dream and let it pass, and the hopeful side thinking that maybe this is all real and he was really summoned by god. 

The two sides clashed inside his mind, calculating the possibility of the safe route and laying down plans after plans. 

And a few minutes passed…. 

"...." meanwhile the so-called god observes the young man and seemingly amused by his thoughts waiting patiently for him. 

And finally Eichi slowly stood from his position standing straight and facing the god, his face looks like he got the answers to his current predicament, his hair covered his eyes looking down to the white ground creating a serious atmosphere. 

"... I-" 

"Pardon?..." the god said as he didn't catch the young man's words. 

"What am I gonna do now?..." yes the answer he thought up until now is just-, 'I'll just play along for now…' what a disappointing plan indeed he even make the god wait for him just to arrive at his half-hearted plan, but if you look at his mind carefully the two sides fighting at his mind previously seems to shut up as a third party intervene at their war advocating the word "Neutral".

Yup, he just chose to be a bit hopeful and a bit realistic, harmonizing and resulting in his current decision. 

'Sometimes you just don't need to think too much about it and just go along the flow' this is his motto that helped him survive countless stress and over thinking and survive up until now surrounded by the harsh reality of human society. 

"Are you really a God?... " Eichi questions the old man in front of him, considering he's not really a religious person and just visits shrines from time to time to thank gods and while at it wish for a peaceful life. 

You are reading story Kazami Eichi’s Peaceful Life at novel35.com

"Yes, I am…" the God said to Eichi, answering his question. 

"However, I would like you to refrain from putting me in the same class as the gods in your world, because I have way over classed them as I am on way more upper position compared to them." the God said to Eichi as he explained to Eichi the hierarchy of gods. 

After a few hours passed, Eichi eagerly listens to God as this topic tightens his interest. Though Eichi seems to forget something important as he converse with the God. 

Summarizing the details, God explained to Eichi. The Gods in Eichi's world are just the results of the human mind's product called "Faith" that caused the birth of many gods in his world Earth. 

However, the difference in this Gods is they're limited in that world, basically they can't go out because their source of power is their worshippers and they will lose their powers once they attempt to go out and venture to other star systems doing so the Faith of their worshippers won't be able to reach them rendering them good as dead and powerless.

Going back to the topic, the difference between Eichi's gods and the God that is in front of him is that he acts like the administrator of this single universe that has countless worlds, galaxies, stars, and planets inside of it.

And the gods inside Eichi's planet are nothing but subordinates to him that aren't worth mentioning. Well, that's to be expected, compared to what he managed, those gods were nothing in front of it, considering the multiverse exists.

"Yes, the Multiverse exists, actually that's the thing I forgot to mention. I actually only manage one universe of this multiverse, and until now before I even exist the exact number of it is still not stopping to increase until now because it's still expanding currently."

"...." Eichi was left speechless at this revelation that was dropped to him by this God and before Eichi even asked the question that sprouted in his mind.

"Yes, you're correct there's a countless amount of administrators that are currently managing their own assigned Universe." the God beat him first to it as he answered the question in Eichi's mind before he even said it.

"... I see… hmm?- wait- what?- Did you say assigned? Are you implying there's even more big shots above you that can command you God?!" and that's it Eichi's common sense shattered as his final defense turned into nothing.

"You catch up way too fast for a human that's commendable…" said the god to Eichi and while at it praised the young man's intellect for his guess. 

"You're indeed correct, I am just a mere subordinate too of those in above" the God answered Eichi's guess. 

Eichi, who heard this sudden clarity hit him and collapsed from his standing position and sat down on the ground. This revelation that he was exposed to was too big for him to digest quickly and adjust, as he took a deep breath to calm himself down, weirdly though he can't help himself but get excited at this fact that was given to him by the God in front of him.

But then he thought deeply at what happened until now, they're conversation was so interesting for him that it got derailed to the main objectives of this entity. 

He questions himself at what is the goal of this God. 'He even said something about recruiting me to his project. What kind of project was it? What kind of scary thing will I be exposed to? It's somehow too interesting and at the same time risky.'

Eichi thought inwardly as he tried to guess God's thinking, but in the end he gave up. What kind of idiocy were he trying to do such as comprehensing a God's thinking, he can't even assume the perspective of a God as he doesn't know what kind of values the God's holds.

Comparing his mind to this entity, he can't help but let out a deep sigh as his worth was equaling to a single atom if you tried to assume a God's perspective and values. 

In other words he is worthless more like zero worth that has no value at all, but somehow he meets this God and finds value in him as the God seems to need him for something, going so far as to summon a lowly human. 

Now he wonders what kind of worth does the God saw in him to need him for something, the Universe is vast and surely with every star system out there in space, there must be more worthy lifeforms out there that is more stronger and smarter there and it won't be weird if the God in front of him chooses them over a greedy and weak creature such as humans.

"...Ahem*Now where are we? We're getting derailed from the main point." the God said to Eichi as he saw him pondering about his objectives. 

"... Ah- Y-Yeah you're right" 

"Now, going back to it Eichi-kun, I summoned you here for you to perform a certain task for me that's a must for my project. Are you willing to partake in this? If you're willing and agree to partake after this I shall grant you any request."

"...." a sudden pause in Eichi's mind happened, he doesn't know why but a suspicious feeling creeps up into his mind. His instincts are screaming to him that this offer is too suspicious and also enticing and needed a clear mind to think before acting over impulse. 

He knows how powerful the granting of any wish from a true God's charm is, and any normal person will accept it before hearing the details of the God's objectives, and if he isn't observative enough he will also fall to its charm and say "OK!" with exclamation immediately after it was mentioned. 

Thinking about it he feels slightly frustrated but what can he do in front of a God, an absolute power holder.

"Please, Can i a-ask about the details of your plans or at least tell me what use am i to you and what am i going to do?" Eichi asked the God almost begging to him as he resigned his fate to him. 

But contrary to Eichi's expectations the god began to lightly laugh as he seemed to find something interesting to his words, though Eichi felt complex about it as he felt that his resolution was being made of fun. 

"...Ahem* forgive me for my sudden outburst, though you seem to be misunderstanding something here so I'll explain it to you carefully your task"


(Cliff-kun summon*) 

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