Kazami Eichi’s Peaceful Life

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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"Now, you may think my offer is suspicious but, please be patient and hear me out Eichi-kun." the God said to Eichi as he saw him being wary of him, although the God didn't mind it as it's only natural for him to feel and do so. 

'Being observant is a also a good quality, he's the best candidate I've ever come across, I can't let him disagree with me would i?' the God said inwardly as he turn his eyes towards the young man who is emitting a quite a lot of vigilance and at the same time hopelessness. 

Normally he wouldn't go out of his way to do something as trivial as this, but being an entity that manages a myriad of things inside his assigned universe, patience is the first thing he learned in the emotional department and his strongest quality.

The God's eyes turned to Eichi and came a little bit closer to him and stopped. 

The God waves his right hand that holds the wooden staff slightly and almost instantly small light particles start fusing together and out of nothing a small chabudai appears followed by two small zabuton, and on top of the low table there are two yunomi resting on top, this made Eichi's eyes widen in awe.

(A/N: "Chabudai" is a Japanese low table and "Zabuton" are cushions for sitting and "Yunomi" are japanese tea mugs.)

"I've seen that the humans in your land like this liquid substance and heard that it has a calming effect, I've also taken quite a liking to it." 

The God said to Eichi urging him to sit down with him and making the wooden staff in his right hand vanish with a slight move from his hand, making him calm down a bit as he saw the God acting like a human, and surprisingly it work on him… slightly…, as he saw the Gods face wriggling and formed a mouth to his skin face making him able to drink the green tea and enjoyed it genuinely as he saw him smiling, though the sight creeps him a bit but he shakes his head and dismissed such feeling.

Eichi slowly sits down too and looks at the yunomi in front of him, taking it slowly from the table and holding it to sniff the aroma that the green tea was emitting, feeling the familiar fresh scent of the tea.

"this scent…it's sencha…" immediately recognizing the smell Eichi starts drinking the green tea slowly, and giving out a small sound of sipping.

(A/N: "Sencha" is a type of Japanese ryokucha which is prepared by infusing the processed whole tea leaves in hot water its a popular tea in japan) 

Letting out a calm and satisfied sigh, Eichi look at the God who was also enjoying drinking the green tea, which also received a weird look from Eichi. 

For Eichi, Gods in his mind are almighty, sacred and prideful entities which would give a feeling of they're living in a heavenly, and gaudy castle while being surrounded by Tennin and Tennyo in eastern or angels in western myths not all of it though. 

But looking around him and the God in front of him, that seems unlikely compared to his imagination, the god in front of him can be said more proper and fitting to be called "True God", though he's still wary of him. 

Eichi stops his thinking as the God coughs a bit, taking his attention as the god finally answers his questions.

"Ahem*... Now, answering your questions earlier. I've seemed to come and notice a bit of change in the actions of the gods below…" The God then continues and reveals a hugely disturbing things to Eichi who by now is sweating profusely hearing the God's words. 

Summarizing the God's words, he noticed a change in the gods actions in the Earth, because the world's bizarre energy called "Faith" is surely but slowly was spiking up resulting in a huge power up to Gods currently existing greatly empowering them. 

Now the problem is here, what causes the huge "Faith" energy spike up? 

The answer is, the more intelligent lifeforms' mind quality falls down which is called in your tongue "Despair" and starts relying on a rumor which is now called "Gods" in their minds, the more they produce this energy product called "Faith". 

Then that's where the "Gods" took action and harvested it, making it their own power, which they realize that making humans despair and fall, the more they benefit from it. 

"You can guess the rest of how the huge energy fluctuations happened and what caused it…" the God mysteriously said to Eichi while sipping his green tea, sneaking a peek at Eichis expressions. 

"... Wha-?!..." Eichi who heard this can't help but be dumbfounded on this while heavily sweating profusely.

He can't help getting a headache after hearing all of this as he puts down his yunomi and starts rubbing his forehead to ease his headache a bit, weirdly though it works.

"You must have noticed why Eichi-kun, do you have some current events in your world that come to your mind that triggered this energy fluctuation?"

The God asks a question to Eichi urging him to answer while still drinking the green tea in his mug as if all of this is trivial to him. 

"...That pandemic and the ongoing wars…"

"Sigh*... So the humans are still in conflict, as expected." the God commented on Eichi's words, slightly disappointed but dismissed it as an intelligent lifeforms natural thinking and didn't think too much about it. 

Eichi hearing this was slightly ashamed for his fellow humans, and ashamed at the fact that he was also a human, and that he can't disagree as he also holds the same human quality, the same quality that was plaguing humanity and can't refuse this as he quite like his current self.

"I-I have a question God?..."


"Do the gods back on earth really have connections to the current events in my world?" 

Eichi asked the God in front of him nervously, tilting down his head forward covering his eyes with his hair while pointing his eyes to the God watching his expression. 

Eichi doesn't really want to make assumptions on his own and if he can, he wants to make sure he's making the right guess. 

Eichi is not willing to be manipulated even if the "True God" is the opponent and he can risk his life anytime as he doesn't hold his life that high and didn't put much value to it.

Though he prays that he won't get tortured and die painfully, but he can't help but think he's forgetting something again.

"With your intellect you already know the answer to your questions? Why bother ask?..."

"... I-I just want to know it, n-nothing much…" 

Eichi bit his lower lip as he made a mistake and didn't put effort in his reasoning as he knows the God won't answer him truthfully and that depends on the God himself if he will answer truthfully. 

"Sigh*... being untrustful is unsightly Eichi-kun, know that I am still the highest god, however I can't blame you as I didn't provide you with enough proof for you to believe me and that's within my expectations…"

The God said to Eichi as his expressions were within his expectations, however this didn't make the God's mood down but on the contrary it boosted his expectations for him and his worth increasing thinking 'as expected of someone he chose' the God thought inwardly.

That said, the God stretched his right hand gracefully and summoned a white particles forming his previous wooden staff, waving it slightly and pointing it towards Eichi. 

Eichi, seeing this, was slightly wary and mostly afraid of what the God in front of him would do to him. 

You are reading story Kazami Eichi’s Peaceful Life at novel35.com

It took all of his effort to not let out any frightened expression on his face that would make his current position any lower than he currently is, and putting his all making a poker face to hide his true feelings putting up a facade.

God saw this all and can't help but let out a tired breath and can't help but think this young man was too wary exceeding his expectations. 

The God continues slowly extending his wooden staff toward Eichi's forehead, tapping it lightly. 

And the next thing Eichi knew, his surroundings had changed from white to frighteningly dark. 

Eichi was frightened as he couldn't see anything in this dark world, his facade that he put up broke down in tears and shivered seeing no light no matter where he turned his head.

At first he thought that all of this was a dream, but being in a frightened state let him realize that he can't wake up. 

However, in this dark world deprived of light, a small ball of light the size of a basketball hovering in front of him shows a scene like memories. 

The sight of an ethereal scene eases up Eichi's frightened state, as he sees another ball of light appear out of nowhere following the first ball hovering in his front showing another scene of memories. 

Eichi saw the memories inside the ball of light and couldn't help but become awe at this sight, slowly stretching his hand towards the ball of memories, Eichi tried to touch the ball of memories. 

Not knowing the consequences of his action, the moment his index finger touches the ball of memories, a blinding light overcomes his vision and blinds him while also feeling a sharp pain in his mind. 

This sensation triggered his sense of pain too much than he expected and collapsed and crouched down to the floor holding his head heavily sweating as he endured this grunt inducing pain.











After a painful while, Eichi's rough and raspy breathing can be heard. It took him a while catching his breath and regulating it as he adjusted to the sudden insertion of memories inside his head seeing the new memories flashing in his mind. 

He expected this much when he first saw the ball of memories and expected it to do what he thought, but he didn't think it would actually happen and it would hurt too much more than he expected.

Now experiencing that pain confirmed also one thing that all of this is happening and the possibility of it being a dream is now close to zero, the moment he felt the excruciating pain that feels like his brain is being stabbed by a knife real time while being conscious, the thing he forgot the whole time.

His now normal breathing can be heard as he let go of his head and lay down to the floor exhausted and at the same time sorting and reviewing the new memories that appeared in his mind. 


New Information flooded to him and he reviewed the memories, the problem that was currently existing increased and another headache assaulted his head. 

Eichi can't help but let out a stressed sigh, his emotions are now all over the place, he doesn't know what kind of expression would he let out as he discovered a heavy conspiracy conspiring the gods in his world. 

However, he doesn't know if conspiracy is the right word to call this as the gods back in his world are not even part of human laws. 

"Should I call it Divine Conspiracy?..." Eichi said out loud as he thought what kind of word would be rightful to call all the doings of the gods back in his world. 

Based on the newly gained information the first born gods that the developing humans have birthed to is widely different by regions, also the first gods are righteous and sometimes active in human realm and helped them in their crisis, however, as time passes of they ruling and the strong "Faith" of their believers birthed their partners and given birth to new gods continuing their legacy. 

All of the recorded gods by humanity once existed, and all the history of their actions also once happened.

However, the continuations of their long legacy also left the first gods buried by the new generations of gods and their actions. Their once believers died out and the new ignorant worshipers thought the new gods are the first gods, greatly weakening them and leaving them to be plundered by the new generations taking their titles for themselves.

This left them to realization, that they need humans to strongly believe in them and have "Faith" in them. However, how would they do that? They need them as they are the catalyst of their existence, once their faith dies out they would be left out and also die naturally due to being forgotten, weakened or being plundered by the future generations of gods. 

That's why they carefully moved, showing themselves to human kings ordering them to believe in them, ordering them to build statue for them to remember who they are and what they are and this didn't limit to human kings as they plotted out various scenarios, wars, plagues, and etc. driving the humans to despair giving existence to their dear "Faith" harvesting it to empower them. 

However, they once underestimated the humans of their intelligence and this mistake caused them to lose almost all of their population. 

The boom of technology and understanding of the world by the humans, most of the humans believe them not existing at all as they understand the world better than they use to, and this snuff out almost all of their powers, some unfortunate gods died being forgotten some survived connecting themselves to history and a small amount of people believing they still exist giving them enough to exist somehow, these kind of gods hides away from the strong gods fearing they might be plundered of their existence. 

The Fortunate ones survived due to their strong and many believers forming religions, surviving and making it to the new Earth.

However, this greatly confused Eichi. What is the connection between the gods on earth and the God who summoned him?

His questions were going to be left unanswered until Eichi touched the last ball of memories. 

Eichi stood up and looked at the final ball of memories, he couldn't help but fear it remembering the excruciating pain that assaulted his mind just recently, thinking about it left a slight trauma to Eichi. 

But decided to gather his courage as he wanted to know why he was summoned and what's the connection between him and the gods? Why does God show him this? 

He can't help it but, deep inside him his curiosity and intense interest is taking over his decision to reach forward to that last ball, maybe after touching it he would know the answers to his questions. 

Eichi looks at the ball and slowly advances forward to it, slowly raising his hand to touch it and only centimeters away from it. 

(Cliff-kun summon!) 

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