Kuroinu: Foreigner Vol2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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Now that certain individuals had opened her eyes, showing the depths of her delusions, she saw it. The lies, the pretense, the hypocritical game of publicity.

This place was literally soaked in the disgusting miasma that these filthy animals exuded, able to flatter in the face while holding a sharp dagger behind their backs. She already knew the names of most of them. And her eyes, gazing intently into the humming crowd, well distinguished those worthy people who were really willing and would help, from those who only seemed a reliable pillar of the state, in reality a festering ulcer that should be cut out quickly and cauterized so that the disease would not kill an already weakened body.

And she was not alone in her observations. Her precious subordinates-those of them already privy to the terrible mystery-also noticed what they had not been able to see before.

As for the others: Claudia, Kaguya, Luu-Luu... Well, she will apologize to them later. And to all the others who are not involved.

"It warms my heart to see what I see before me. Truly decent people!" - Patiently waiting for the voices to fall silent and their owners to calm down, the elven priestess spoke again. - "You and I, I dare say it, are about to perform a heroic deed. And before we move on to a more detailed discussion, I would like some of you, whose names I shall call, to come forward. Klaus Leventine."

"..me?" - The stubby man in the scholar's long robe looked uncertainly at the priestess. Claudia's husband and a good man with a sharp mind and a pure soul. Celestine was sure of him.

After a few seconds of hesitation, the man overcame his timidity and crept quietly to the foot of the podium beside his wife, who gave him a reassuring smile and a slight nod that made him suddenly become a little more confident and even straightened his shoulders.

Another name followed, and then another. A total of twenty-eight people separated from the main body of people, dividing the visitors to the throne room into two unequal halves. Too unequal, for more than a hundred remained standing in their seats. And all of them were traitors.

Whispers began to walk among the large group. People were unsure of what was going on, and those who were smarter began to suspect something and, as if casually, made their way toward one of the exits.

"My goddess, let me ask you a question," - one of those summoned asked. A gray-haired man. He was well into his fifth decade, but his build was still strong. He had been a warrior in the past-not a great one, but a skilled one-and had managed to earn himself and his children an inherited title and a handsome castle with his sword. Like the others whose names have been spoken, he led a strictly ascetic life and was not guilty of any unworthy deeds. A true warrior among those who will be much needed in the future. - "What should we expect?"

"Don't worry, sire. I have no grievance against you," - Celestine replied, looking the man in the eye, then glancing up at the crowd and raising her voice, - "unlike you!"

The guests who hadn't been invited to the podium fell silent. They were all staring at the woman.

"What is the meaning of this?" - One of them shouted indignantly, and was immediately supported by the others.

"Silence!" - Abruptly the priestess shouted, startling everyone again. No one had ever heard her speak in such a harsh and commanding tone. - "Now I speak, and you will listen to me!"

There was a commotion in the crowd. Some cursed, some were indignant, and some, smelling the smell of fried food, began to think how to get away quickly. But the guards were not just standing around the perimeter. Armed with halberds, they immediately stepped forward, pointing their weapons at the clamoring crowd, causing it to huddle and pile up. Many had their feet kicked in the process, and some had stumbled and fallen, adding to the effect of the action.

Fear gripped them.

"Recently I received direct confirmation that many of you have been involved in heinous crimes committed against our people. Trafficking, blackmail, robbery, selling drugs, demonology, black magic," - Celestine's voice, soft and gentle until now, changed, became hard and commanding, echoing through the throne room. Emerald eyes burned with divine fire, exuding a forceful aura into the environment. - "All of you have treacherously violated not only the written laws, but every possible standard of morality and common sense. And this at a time when we are threatened by the terrible enemy of all civilized nations. In the pursuit of your own profit, you have conspired with the enemy, sold our own citizens to him like some cattle, murdered and raped, and broken many thousands of innocent lives! There is no excuse for that."


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The crowd raged, still hesitant to come forward. Faces twisted with anger and indignation. Arrogance mixed with fear for their own skin. Everything came together in this cocktail of lowlifes, showing their true colors.

Celestine felt sorry for the good people who had come here and now had to watch it all. She herself had her doubts to the last, but there was no choice. Before she could fight the external enemy, she had to defeat the internal one first. And today she made a deal with her conscience. That's what her new friend called it.

Who now stepped forward, standing next to Celestine, and threw off the hood from her head, revealing her face.

"Here it is, your true face." - A cruel smile played on the lips of the tall dark elf with the long mane of black hair. Olga Discordia - that was who the woman was. Her voice, like her luminous colleague, thundered, drowning out the noise of the crowd. The hysteria in the ranks, caught red-handed, only intensified. Their last hopes of staying clean and getting away with it were dashed. - "It is because of people like you that our empire once collapsed, left alone to face hordes of monsters. It is because of people like you that its remnants have almost sunk into oblivion. Because of you..." - she spat out the last words as she held out her hand, her fingers clustered with electric sparks, - "this is all happening."

"Your guilt has been proven. And the sentence has already been passed."

"The punishment is death."

That was the final straw that turned the cup upside down. The former Masters of Life, with their fears of imminent death, ran straight for the halberds of the guards, trying to break through them and escape. The most implacable decided they had nothing to lose and lunged for the podium in the hope of killing the damn elven bitches and their whore-girlfriends and sealing their power once and for all.

But they didn't stand a chance.

Those who died from the knights' blows were still lucky, unlike those who were burned by the incredibly powerful branching lightning that flew from the arm of the Dark Elf Queen. The deadly charge of electricity reduced the number of rioters by a quarter at a time. The smell of ozone and burnt meat hung in the air.

The doors, to which many desperately burst open, opened on their own, letting in additional squads of warriors. These men felt no pity for those they were going to kill, for each of them had been part of the battle for Feo, and they had something to show for those who had caused this tragedy.


A man in strange armor appeared in one of the passageways. His mechanical eyes glittered an otherworldly blue, and his face was painted with an anticipatory grin. He kicked the first rioter in the chest and sent him flying in a long flight right out the window. He caught the other by the scruff of the neck and threw him against the wall with inhuman strength. The unfortunate body left a mesh of cracks and a bloody trail of mangled head.

After surveying the chaos in the throne room, the stranger unsheathed his blades and joined in with undisguised pleasure.

Similar things were going on all over the city. Every manor house, mansion, inn, even a room in an inn. Every traitor's location had been pre-calculated, and now, without pity, the Alliance loyalists were being swept clean.

In the annals of history this day will be known as the Eldan Massacre.

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