Kuroinu: Foreigner Vol2

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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The throne room was full of dead bodies. None of the men we'd covered here left alive. Their corpses were carried out by the soldiers, and the cleaners had already begun to scrub the blood off the floor and walls. Workers will soon be arriving to repair the broken furniture and other damage left by the massacre.

The innocent nobles looked on with different emotions. Some with approval, like the man who asked Celestine a question before he started. You could see that he himself would have gladly strangled most of those who decorated the interior of this place with their brains. A couple of people were clearly in solidarity with him, but most were still in mute shock, like the Leventine family.

They didn't know what was going to happen today, and there was a reason for that, namely, the head, Grave Leventin. We had no information that he was a traitor, but we did know something else. His son, Klaus, suffers from infertility, and the man, for some reason, hates him fiercely for it, as does Klaus's wife, Claudia. Though before, I'm told, until this unfortunate fact was revealed, he had a great admiration for both of them. So he came under suspicion, because he was an upset and embittered man, a pretty sharp-tempered man, with a hard temper, who could do anything he wanted to. So neither he nor his relatives knew anything until the last moment.

Fortunately, it turned out at the last moment that he was not involved in any conspiracy or anything else. But it was too late to let him in on the plans, so both he and his son and daughter-in-law were left in the dark.

The same was true of Kaguya, an Oriental-looking girl who wore an outfit similar to that of Japanese priestesses, traditionally more revealing than it should have been. It turned out that her temple was leaking a great deal, and if word of today's purging had reached her, she would have gone to the side immediately.

"My goddess, what is going on here?" - Grave, after giving orders to his subordinates, walked over to Celestine and asked what perhaps all the uninitiated are interested in.

"Exactly as I said-we punish criminals," - the elf-woman answered, keeping her face calm, though clearly it was not easy for her.

"I see," - the man nodded comprehensively, and then turned his gaze to Olga. -  'And she is... '

He hadn't expected to see her, and neither had many others. The arrival of the dark elves in the city had been carefully concealed until now. We had purposely timed it so that we could arrive at night and quietly put them in a closed part of the palace. It was to avoid any unnecessary commotion for a while, until the time was right. And it had come.

- "Our ally," the priestess explained. - "What I said about Vult is true. He wanted to torture her, but she managed to escape and came to me for help. We made an alliance."

- So why didn't you tell anyone? - Grave was indignant. He was hurt by the fact that he hadn't been aware of it until just now. I can see why, after all, the man is a warrior, and his honor would be hurt if he wasn't given some good reason for being treated that way.

"Isn't it obvious?" - The dark elf answered in place of the light elf. - "Your government machinery is rotten to the core, as you can see," - she pointed at the pile of bodies ahead. - "We've kept the number of those privy to the plan to a minimum so it won't become known to the enemy."

"You should have told me, too. Why have a commander of the guard at all if he does nothing?" - It's like I said. He doesn't like it. Sorry, man, but you're only on the pencil so far.

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"Take it easy, Grave. You'll have your hands full soon enough," - I said, drawing everyone's attention, and then I turned to the married couple to say hello.

"H-Hello, Kay," - the scientist replied uncertainly. He was still under the impression of what had happened. Pale and drained, with trembling hands. For a man as peaceful as he was, to see so many deaths at once was a very difficult experience. Someone is clearly in danger of having nightmares.

"Hello..." - Claudia looked better. But she was out of sorts, too, because she hadn't expected how things would turn out at all.

I met the three of them as soon as we arrived in Eldane. Generally, I was only interested in Klaus as a scientist who could implement some technology from Earth. Nothing too complicated with the local level of science, but the same black powder is fine. And where he is, so is his wife and father, so willy-nilly, but I recognized them all. Klaus was thrilled with his new knowledge. Grave and Claudia appreciated my fighting skills. It was there that I noticed, not without Martha's help, that Grave was, to put it mildly, "uneasy" with the younger generation. He even let it slip during a sparring session that he wished he had a son like me.

I was offended by this attitude toward my own family, but I didn't tell him anything, just put it on my list of potentially unreliable and passed the information on to Celestine.

- You knew, didn't you? - Leventin Sr. stared at me with irritation.

- Of course I did.

"It's crazy..." - All he had to do was sigh heavily. But he wasn't an idiot, so he got right to the point. - "What do you want me to do?"

He didn't ask, but asserted, confident that he would participate in Celestine's plans.

"Assign some of your men to guard the castle, and assemble the rest in the courtyard. It will be a very important assignment for you." - And she did not disappoint him. Grave, for all his perks, was very vain and cared about the honor of his name. The post of chief of the royal guard was a matter of pride for him, and it would be a shame for him if there was no important business for him, and it would be an insult on Celestine's part. She will not make such a gross and foolish mistake.

"Yes, my Goddes." - With a short bow, the man turned on his heel, holding his sword scabbard in his hand, and left to carry out the order.

"My dear subjects," -  the priestess turned to the others as she glanced at him, - "I beg your forgiveness  for what you have witnessed, but it was necessary for the safety of our country. I will ask you to be guests of this castle for the near future, the servants will escort you to your chambers. In three days, you and I will meet again and truly discuss our actions to protect the Free Cities from danger."

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