Kuroinu: Foreigner Vol2

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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After a little wrinkling, the people quickly dispersed from their impressions. I'm sure they all have a lot to think about in the near future.

Olga, Celestine, the Order girls, and yours truly were the only ones left.

"I think we should move to a more private place," - the priestess took the floor again. - "I  need to explain myself to some of you."

Following the pale elf, we left the throne room through a small door hidden behind the throne. After spending a couple of minutes traversing the narrow, low-ceilinged corridor that hid behind it, we emerged in another part of the castle, where a small room prepared in advance was waiting for us. Celestine guessed what emotional state her subordinates might be in, so everything inside was arranged without luxury, but with coziness: soft carpets, comfortable armchairs and already waiting on the table decanters with water and wine for those who need stronger.

Maya, without thinking about it, immediately took a sip of one of these, and took a few powerful sips straight from her throat.

"Hoo-hoo..." - she exhaled loudly, tearing herself away from the wine. - "I haven't seen this much blood in a long time, I'm not used to it."

"I agree, it's not for the faint of heart," - Alicia said after she'd drained her own glass.

The others didn't even touch the liquid, except for Prim, who took a modest sip of water. When we planned the massacre, we wondered if she should be in the throne room at all, but she insisted on being there, and proved herself worthy. Surely her experience in the infirmary during the Battle of Feoh must have taken its toll.

"You did well." - I squeezed her skinny shoulder and helped her sit up. She deserved her praise today.

After waiting for everyone to be seated, Celestine began to fill in those of us who had been in the dark so far. The girls listened to the information, asked questions and expressed concerns, most of which were directed toward the excessive cruelty in the throne room, and were suspicious of the presence of Olga, who only hummed meaningfully and made condescending comments.

I was mostly silent, studying the new faces. There were two of them: Luu-Luu and Kaguya. I was already familiar with Claudia, but these two were new to me today.

Kaguya made a pleasant impression at first glance: calm, reasonable, obviously not stupid. And she looks good too, there's no need to hide it. However, I learned one not so good fact about her - she's a religious fanatic. And that immediately gives her minus a hundred points in my eyes, especially when you consider what kind of god she worships and what he demands from his followers. If I had made my peace with Celestine, having seen that she was a good human... elf, I could only guess with this girl. But just in case, I noted that I would not come within arm's length of her unless it was absolutely necessary. I would feel safer that way, and no one would get hurt.

Luu-Luu, the second girl, was of the half-grown race, and looked about twelve years old. She had a peculiar green cap, with blond red curls protruding from beneath it, that gave her a childlike appearance. She behaved accordingly.

However, with the role of small somehow did not fit a healthy axe at the side and the fact that she was rumored to be able to stack large men, pre-bent them into a ram's horn. And also her actual age of eighty-something.

In general, for the first time I appreciated them for myself, but how it will be further, we'll see later. Now that they were more or less on the subject, it was time to move on to important matters, and it was time to stop being silent.

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