Legends Reborn Online

Chapter 39: 39 NPCs Are Stupid

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“Give me just a minute, sir.” She responded. 

The lady took a minute or two to finish what she was writing, and then lifted her head.

“What can I do for you?”
“I am looking to become an alchemist and hopefully open up a shop in the future, how should I go about that?” He asked.

A radiant smile appeared on her face.

“Oh, good! We don’t get hopeful alchemists often.” 

“The first thing you need to do is to obtain the alchemist subclass by taking one of our beginner courses. Here is a pamphlet of the op-”
“I already have the subclass.” Enzo interrupted. 

“Oh! Okay, would you like to be tested for your alchemist certification?”
“Sure, how do I do that?”
“I will have one of our senior alchemists come in and test if you can make a simple 1 star pain relief potion and if you can, then you pass.”

‘Should I just do the beginner course?’

Enzo didn’t want to attempt the test and fail, but after thinking for a bit he realized this was just a game so there was no need to take it so seriously. He could always take the test again if he failed. 

“Okay, I will do that. Is there something I can look at that gives the prices of herbs while I wait?”
“Of course!”
She took out a different pamphlet this time and handed it to Enzo.

“You may sit down anywhere, and I will go get one of our available senior alchemists.”
She then stood up and left through a door on the far end of the room. 

Enzo sat down and opened the pamphlet.

It had all the things he would need to make his own potions, but Enzo focused on the things necessary for health potions. 

With all the required materials, it would cost at least 4 and a half gold coins to make a 3 star health potion. So, Alchemists were only getting 50 silvers in profit for one of the lowest grade potions in their stores. Surprisingly, the most expensive part of the potion was the purified water. Enzo didn’t know how it was made, but it covered 4 out of the 4 and a half gold coins. 

‘Why don’t they just use normal water instead and create a lower quality potion?’

‘These NPCs must be kind of stupid.’

If his hunch was right and he was able to make a lower grade potion with the same materials except for the water, he would be able to make it with just 50 silver coins. 

Another problem Enzo noticed was that there were no 1 or 2 star materials listed in the pamphlet at all. 

“Sir? We are ready for you.” The receptionist was back and with a man standing beside her.

The man looked to be around 50 years old, but still had a head full of white hair and a white beard. He wore a white lab coat around his clothes, but a nice suit could be seen under them. 

The man reached out his hand for a handshake and introduced himself to Enzo.

“Hello, I am Marcus. I work in alchemic theory here at the alchemist hall.”
“My name is Atlas, it is nice to meet you.” 

“Nice to meet you as well Atlas, if you would follow me to the testing area please.”

The alchemist led Enzo through the door which led to a hallway full of other doors. 

They went through a random door on the right side of the hallway. 

The room they entered was relatively large. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all made of white marble. There were small fire pits at regular intervals with cauldrons sitting on top of them. 

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It looked like a teaching room if anything. 

“Okay, we already have the herbs you need, just place them all in the cauldron and combine them as you hopefully learned in a beginner course. Just start whenever you want to and I will confirm the results when you are done.” Marcus said as he led Enzo to one of the cauldrons that had a few materials beside them. 

“Alright.” Enzo nodded. 

He then looked at the two ingredients sitting beside one of the cauldrons. 

There was a bottle of water and what looked like a small stack of flowers. Enzo used his inspect skill on both. 

[3 Star Purified Water]

[Water that has been purified by 3 star purification flames. It is great when used in potion making to help with the combination of herbs and other materials.]

[Hallustesia Flower]

[A flower that contains pain relief agents in its petals and slight hallucinogenic agents in the stem.]

The flower had a long green stem and many yellow petals at the top. 

Enzo had no clue what he was doing, so he just decided to wing it. 

He lit the fire with a match that was sitting in a box beside the cauldron and then poured the purified water in. 

He waited for a bit until the water started boiling before throwing in the Hallustesia flowers and started the activation of his combination skill. 

‘What the hell!’

Immediately after activation Enzo felt like he was transported to another world, but he could still feel his body. 

However, right as he lost focus he was taken back. 

‘What was that?’

Enzo stopped for a few seconds to think before reattempting the use of his combination skill. 

He was brought to the weird world again, but he soon realized it was just something he was seeing not experiencing. 

There were many cylindrical objects floating around the air in this weird world. Some of them were combined with each other, but some were alone. 

Enzo kept his focus on using the skill so he wouldn’t be kicked out again as he watched the cylindrical objects floating around. 

It only took another few seconds for Enzo to realize what he was seeing. 

‘These are molecules!’ He shouted in his head. 

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