Leonidas – Greed

Chapter 3: Surprise, surprise!

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[Leonidas - Greed] 3. Surprise, surprise

[Subspecies] You have met the requirements to choose between the following three ;

[Advanced Crion]

A [subspecies] higher than [Crion].
Has higher physical strength and focuses more on [Strenth] and [Vitality]

[Strength +7]       [Stamina +3]         [Intelligence +1]
[Agility +4]         [Vitality +7]

[Crionic Spider]

Has higher potential of becoming a mage and focuses more on intelligence.                               Effect- Trades 50% of physical strenth for Intelligence
[Intelligence +100]
[Strenth] ;  [Agility] ;  [Stamina]  ;  [Vitality] -50%
Become 25% Spider.

[Crionic Devil]

-The [Subspecies] with the most potential in the bloodline tree of the Crion Lineage.
An ancient [Subspecie] that is an all-rounder, in ancient times some who possesed this bloodline fought side by side with[????] to battle [????]
However none managed to get to the top of this bloodline and unveil its secrets.

[Strenth +10]          [Stamina +10]    [Intelligence +10]
[Agility +10]             [Vitality +10]           

“Hmmm” I read through the [Subspecies] information and and thought about them. If it’s  how I think it is, the choice that I make now will affect the way I evolve forward from today, I certainly don’t want to be a 25% Spider so.
“I choose….”

[Crionic Devil]

Just right after I chose, I got envelopped in a black cacoon, It felt like I fell asleep but still had my consciousness and could feel my body changing, I could tell I grew a lot, my skin started to feel more smooth. If before my skin was rough and gray, now it can be said it’s smooth and gray and more pleasant to touch. After all the changes were done the cacoon disappeared in black light and I regained my “consciousness”.

[Subspecie] Crionic Devil has been chosen]

[Crion - Lv. 10] —> [Crionic Devil - Lv .13]

“Hmmm” it seems that [Middle Demonic Spider] has given me quite the EXP and let me level up 4 times, making me jump immediately to Lv. 14.

After pondering, I devoured it and gave me quite a nice surprise.

Devoured [Middle Demonic Spider] 

[Devoured 17 stat and skill points]

[Obtained skill [Lesser Thread Creation] 


Name: [Leonidas]

Race: [Middle Demon]

Subspecies: [Crionic Devil] - Lv. 14

[Strength]: 30
[Agility]: 30
[Stamina]: 31
[Intelligence]: 30 
[Vitality]: 27
[Stat Points available]: 30

[Race Skills]: [Language Comprehension - Lv. 1]

[Universal Skills]

Identify - Lv. 2  

Basic Mana Manipulation - Lv .1


Night Vision

Strengthen - Lv. 1

Lesser Thread Creation - Lv. 1

[Skill Slot 5/6 ]

[Skill points available]: 70

[Title]: [Spider Killer]

“Mama miaa  that’s huge progress” I grinned looking at my fast improvement, the new skills seem to very useful, I’ll have to test them one by one.

So I started with [Basic Mana Manipulation], from the limited memories that I have, in my past life mana didn’t exist and people could only imagine having it, they imagined it as something ethereal and that mana is everywhere around us inside and outside us.

I sit in a meditation position and and tried to feel the mana inside me, my heart, my veins, muscles and finally I found my mana, I couldn’t clearly see it but I could definitely sense it inside me and when I tried to control it, I failed terribly.

Guess that is expected as it’s only Lv. 1 skill, so I put 20 skill points raising its level from 
[Basic Mana Manipulation - Lv .1] —> [Basic Mana Manipulation - Lv .4]

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After raising it to Lv. 4, I tried manipulating mana  again and if felt much more natural, it’s like it became a part of my body which I could manipulate it however I want, so I directed the mana towards my claws and bright blue glowed from them. I could tell they were sharper and stronger than they normally were.

Next I tried [Lesser Thread Creation] I have to say the ring really is unpredictable, because unlike the [Middle Demonic Spider]’s ability mine was different.

Its ability was more like webs, it probably had a skill like [Lesser Web Creation] or something biological.

While mine was creating threads with my mana which I think are more versatile, so I try creating threads and I could feel mana draining away, however I could feel the thin thread between my hand and where my hand was pointing, I used little force to try to rip it and it because if its weakness it immediately ripped appart, but when I put much more mana on the thread, it gets harder to ripp. 

While I thought about the advantages and the disadvantages of the skill I chose to upgrade it.

[Lesser Thread Creation - Lv. 1] —> [Lesser Thread Creation - Lv .4]

Just like that, another 25 Skill points were gone, but I paid little attention to that.

I tested it again and with a thought I tried to create a few threads, from what I can tell, for me to use this skill I have to connect it between two places, but because the skill is still to low level I can only connect it with me and another object, in the future I could probably create threads wherever I want.

And finally the last skill [Strengthen] was pretty simple I could enhance my whole body with mana giving me a strength and agility boost +5 Points.
After testing my skills, I started my journey to find monsters, walking under a red sky searching for EXP.

As time passed.

 I didnt meet any monsters, I also didn’t have any “edible” food to eat, luckily I gained food resistance, although it didn’t help much at first but when I leveled it up to Lv.3 It helped and I could barely feel the need for food, averting another a possible future crisis.

After walking an uncountable distance searching for monsters I finally saw something interesting!, Before me was a cave, and unlike ordinary caves this one is almost as big if not as big as a castle in length and in width, I threw another look at it and found nothing special other than the fact that it was big, without thinking about it anymore I entered it.

[Dungeon of Laplace]

“So this is a dungeon huh?.” I thought it was vague, all the information I recieved is that it’s a dungeon and it’s name is Laplace and nothing else. By continually using [Identify] I have raised the skill to Lv. 6, but I still didn’t get any other information about this place, It could mean that this is a dangerous place or there is nothing special.

Continuing forward the sceenery changed, I looked around the place and was quite surprised by its design It looked pretty much like the castles in medieval Europe, but with a hint of Demonic touch, and by demonic touch I mean Black and Red. Whether it was the carpets, paintings in the wall, statues, weird furnitures all had black and red to them.

I continued forward until I arrived into an open hallway and saw stairs before me, at the end of the stairs was a huge door as if it was made for giants to open. I quickly started climbing the steps until I feel my foot pressed onto something, I look down and could see that I have accidentally activated some kind of trap or hidden mechanism.

The following seconds the floor near the door started to open and from beneath two statues like gargoyles appeared.

I used [Identify] on them.

[Gargoyal - Lv. 12] 
-Protect the Entrance of the Inner Dungeon

[Gargoyal - Lv. 13]
-Protect the entrance of the Inner Dungeon

Seeing that they are not much of a threat, I run at them and shot a few threads at their legs, after I pulled them, they were forced to come down the stairs, quickly taking my opportunity, I coat  both of my claws with mana and use [Strengthen] to boost my physical abilities, while they were falling I jumped at them with force and slash deep at their stomachs leaving a huge wound in their body, it could be seen that five claw marks apeared in their stomachs and blood came poring out like a river, two seconds after the fight started they bled to death.

Killed[Gargoyal - Lv. 12]

Killed[Gargoyal - Lv. 12]

[Experience has been given]

[Experience has been given]

[Level up]

[Crionic Devil - Lv. 14] —> [Crionic Devil - Lv. 15]

[Obtained 6 status points ; 4 skill points]

I didn’t pay much attention at my gains at the moment, I looked at the door before me and it started to open, the gargoyals were probably the key to oppening it, if not than it would have been almost impossible to open those doors with my current physical strength. As the doors started to open an almost blinding light enveloped the stairs making me flinch in response.

Not wasting anymore time I devoured the two gargoyles with my ring, gaining 10 status and skill points, which I will distribute later and started walking towards the door, as I entered in, the door behind me completely shut and dissapeared like it was never there.

“Shitt” I ignored the door disappear and looked ahead, what I saw was ….Nothing. Scratching my eyes to see if I got blind, but there was still ..Nothing, all there is, is darkness ..

*Whoo* *Whoo*
Suddenly light torches started to burn on fire on both of my sides and so did the other light torches before me until the sound of the light torches got too distinct for me to hear. Before me I can see a large tunnel with corroded bricks, they looked ancient and felt like they would fall down and break as soon as I step on them.

I didn’t take any chances and used a thread to connect my hand and the wall above, in case I fell down. I started walking quietly and slow after a few seconds of walking I disconnected the thread as I figured out that there was no threat of falling and I didnt need it, although the bricks look loose and old, they still were extremely tough, even when I try kicking down with all my strenght nothing happened.
Since I was safe from falling, I increased my pace forward.

I walked for 10 minutes and yet nothing happened.
……..15 minutes
………….25 minutes

*Hffff* I started to get irritated, I wish there was something, at least someethiinng.


I heard the sound of wind and I instinctively stepped back and an arrow passed right by before my eyes, as if that’s not enough another arrow from the other side shot towards me. Not having enough time to dodge I used my mana coated claws to parry the arrow, the moment it made contact with my claws, the arrow broke and I was safe.

“Damn it, I jinxed it again” I wipe my non existent sweat on my forehead as I sigh.

“Huuh, that could have been dangerous if the arrows were stronger.” Now that my guard is raised, I’m pretty sure that I’ll be safe.

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