Life Going Wild With Plug-ins

Chapter 2: extra 2

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[TanGua] «Clear Stream» 02 - Novice driver Ye Tan’s first time on the road.

T/N: Content warning-ish for slightly suggestive content. (There’s a literal fade to black but I figured better safe than sorry.)

Ye Tan returned to the Sword Pavilion.

The next day at noon, Ye Tan and Jun Xuanheng knelt on the bed after carefully bathing and burning incense.

The two of them wore unlined garments since, according to the Eldest Young Master’s suggestion, their clothes shouldn’t be too hard to take off, because it would break the rhythm when doing things, but they also shouldn’t be too easy to take off, because it would leave less opportunities for flirting.

Ye Tan was more serious than usual, and Jun Xuanheng didn’t even dare to breathe.

They sat for the length of half a cup of tea, and Jun Xuanheng couldn’t help but ask: “A-Tan, what are you waiting for?”

Ye Tan said: “The time.”

Jun Xuanheng: “What time?”

Ye Tan: “The time to sleep together.”

Jun Xuanheng: “How do you determine the time?”

Ye Tan: “You just know.”

Jun Xuanheng couldn’t help but praising him in his heart: Turns out this matter was so complex and elaborate, he really deserves to be my Ye Tan, luckily he has thought of everything.

Within a short time of kneeling, Jun Xuanheng’s legs were already sore, and it was hard for him to maintain a proper kneeling position.

Ye Tan naturally knew his health had never been good, so he let him do whatever he wanted.

Jun Xuanheng hurriedly shook his head: “No no, how could just I do whatever for such a serious matter?”

Ye Tan said: “Then we can discuss it another day.”

“That’s fine too.” Jun Xuanheng already deeply felt like this matter might be no fun at all, and he massaged his knees as he said: “A-Tan, there’ll be coloured lanterns at Qinhuai tonight, come to see them with me.”

Moling was located in the rainy Jiangnan, and Jun Xuanheng had always been fond of water, so the Sword Pavilion had countless decorated boats ready.

Today, they picked a small boat, and drifted along from the lake behind the Sword Pavilion all the way towards the river inside the city. Jun Xuanheng sat barefoot at the bow of the boat, the little bells between his ankles ringing out with the current. He didn’t know how to swim, and it was only because Ye Tan was by his side that he dared to be this unrestrained. Normally, he wouldn’t even dare to get on a boat alone.

Every night at Qinhuai there were coloured lanterns, people selling apricot blossom wine, and beautifully illuminated buildings. Ye Tan found himself surrounded by the world of mortals, but he felt that all the colours in the world were still not as good as the person in his arms. He gazed at his Master, spellbound, and suddenly felt his heart move.

“The time!” Ye Tan yelled.

“Ah?!” Jun Xuanheng was startled, and only reacted after a moment of stunned silence, hurriedly looking himself over and asking a series of questions: “I, I’m not ready? Am I still fine like this? There won’t, wont’ be any problems, right?”

“…..It seems like it’s passed again.” That thread of ambiguity slipped away in a flash, melting into the night wind. Ye Tan thought about it for a spell, and analysed, “Maybe this subordinate shouldn’t have yelled.”

“Oh…..” Only then did Jun Xuanheng relax his worried heart, “Then next time you can just begin straight away”

Jun Xuanheng went back to watching the lanterns, and soon became lost in thought. Strangely enough, as soon as he became lost in thought, Ye Tan felt a small itch at the bottom of his heart.

“Are the lanterns that beautiful?” He asked.

Jun Xuanheng didn’t understand, so he answered: “Naturally.”

“You’re more beautiful than the lanterns.” Ye Tan said seriously.

Jun Xuanheng couldn’t help but laugh: “I can’t see myself.”

“Look into my eyes.” Ye Tan said.

Jun Xuanheng’s heart stirred, and he leaned sideways to look into his eyes. Sure enough, those heroic and gentle eyes were entirely filled with him, and he was stunned.

“Isn’t it beautiful? You’re stunning.” Ye Tan asked.

Jun Xuanheng sincerely said: “A-Tan is the most beautiful.”

He saw that familiar red blush rising up to the tip of Ye Tan’s ears, and lowered his head to kiss him. His movements were extremely slow, and his eyes were both clear and hazy.

Ye Tan kissed him with his eyes open, because he was very worried his own kiss would be askew. He had always been very precise with his swordsmanship, so he never imagined there would be a day where he would be so flustered and agitated.

Ye Tan confirmed his position was right and slowly closed his eyes, stretching the tip of his tongue towards his lips and lightly licking at them, gently roaming about. Jun Xuanheng reacted by slightly opening his mouth and letting him slip inside, both very clumsy as they learned how to respond to one another.

This was the first real kiss between the two of them.

It could be said that it was very brief. Ye Tan quickly withdrew, because he had heard that kissing for too long could make it a little hard to breathe, and he couldn’t bear to let that happen to his Master.

Jun Xuanheng’s eyes were bathed in light, and his eyes were also entirely filled only with Ye Tan. He actually seemed to want to continue, and moved closer when he saw Ye Tan being to retreat.

“…..Did you keep your eyes open?” Ye Tan was a little embarrassed.

“A-Tan is beautiful, I would hate to close my eyes.” Jun Xuanheng nodded as he spoke.

Ye Tan coughed, changing the subject: “Don’t you feel short of breath?”

Jun Xuanheng closed his eyes: “I am a little dizzy.”

Ye Tan secretly found it was as he expected, and Jun Xuanheng spoke again: “But I really liked it.” And went back to pressing against him.

As the kiss ended again, Jun Xuanheng was already breathing very rapidly and the corners of his eyes were misty. Ye Tan lapped at him lovingly and carried him back inside the boat. There was a huge soft couch inside, because Jun Xuanheng had always been frail and spent more than half his time laying flat, this was especially put here so he could roll around as much as he liked.

Ye Tan laid him down on the couch and asked: “Master, do you want to be on the top or the bottom?”

Jun Xuanheng shook his head: “I’m not really clear about it. A-Tan, what about you?”

Ye Tan smiled lightly: “If it’s with Master, I like anything.”

“Me too.” Jun Xuanheng happily hugged him and asked, “What’s the difference? Are there any burdens?” He didn’t care about which side enjoyed it more, but he did care about who would find it more painful.

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Ye Tan said: “I heard that the top has to exert some physical strength, and the bottom might be in pain.”

After hearing this, Jun Xuanheng nodded and said: “Oh, my physical strength is no good. A-Tan, I’ll trouble you to be on top, okay?”

He so seamlessly took on the side that sounded more painful that it could be said he did it flawlessly. But Ye Tan couldn’t help but frown.

“Don’t think about it too much, A-Tan.” Jun Xuanheng hugged him again and rubbed against him.

Ye Tan was persuaded easily, and he thought that, since he had plenty of experience now, he wouldn’t allow his Master to suffer at all, so he agreed: “Alright.”

Ye Tan propped himself up on top of him, delicately kissing his Master on the corners of his lips, his cheeks, the tips of his ears, his earlobes, his Adam’s apple, and his clavicles. His kisses fell like spring rain, meandering downwards. He pressed his palm against his chest, inserting his middle finger between the silk cloth and sliding downward inch by inch, until the front of his clothes was opened in a loose mess.

“I can take it off myself…..” Jun Xuanheng’s and Ye Tan’s practical reasoning was exactly the same.

Ye Tan was amused: “No, I’ll do it.”

Jun Xuanheng obediently removed his hands, and watched him again with gleaming eyes: “I also want to touch A-Tan.”

“Enjoy yourself.” Ye Tan spoke closely against his hear.

Jun Xuanheng’s movements were naturally not the least bit interesting, tearing open the front of his clothes with a big grin and looping his hands around him, pulling him downwards. Their bare skin pressed closely together, and they couldn’t tell whose skin was hotter.

Ye Tan asked: “Do you like this position?”

Jun Xuanheng didn’t know he had another, deeper meaning, so he simply nodded happily.

“I’ll remember. …..But, not yet.” He spoke.

Jun Xuanheng had a few doubts but, when Ye Tan dropped a kiss on his lower abdomen, the senses on his whole body were entirely focused on that kiss, so this thread of doubts was thrown out somewhere far away.

Ye Tan shifted downwards again, almost coming in contact with that thing, but he suddenly got up and changed positions, sitting on the edge of the couch and holding his Master on his lap, unflinchingly saying: “Master, this subordinate has something to tell you.”

Jun Xuanheng’s entire face was pink, giving him a charming and gentle look like spring scenery, and he was entirely deaf to whatever Ye Tan was saying.

Ye Tan helplessly said: “Master, snap out of it.”

[——Lights out, fade to black——]

As Ye Tan recently found out, if he touched the cinnabar spot between Jun Xuanheng’s eyebrows, he would sink into a brief, deep sleep. His Master’s body was a mystery, and he had always been used to it. Thanks to this characteristic, he wouldn’t land in too much of awkward situation today.

He carefully pulled out of his Master’s body, even though he deliberately tried to contain the overflowing, white turbid liquid, he still couldn’t avoid spilling out a little less than half. Even he himself had not expected there would be so much on their first time.

He loosely wiped him down, grabbing the quilt that had slipped from his shoulders and wrapping up his sleeping Master in an impenetrable bundle, before carrying him back to the second floor. On the second floor, there was a partitioned-off area separated by a heavy muslin curtain, for the purpose of bathing and freshening up, it always had hot water ready, which would be replaced from time to time while the boat was docked. There was a Chinese cedar bath inlaid on the inside, and since the boat was small, it was not much bigger than the average bathing tub.

Ye Tan stepped inside the bath and leaned his malleable Master against his shoulders, sitting him sideways across his own lap. He lightly parted his legs and reached inside with his slender fingers, meticulously cleaning him out a few times, as vague wisps of white silk became visible in the water, dissipating like smoke rising away from a chimney.

When Jun Xuanheng was asleep, his heartbeat and breathing stopped. Ye Tan understood this in his mind, but when the temperature of the person in his arms started to drop, he couldn’t contain his unease and anxiety, and couldn’t help but softly call out to him a few times.

Jun Xuanheng woke up very quickly, not a single trace of sleepiness in his eyes, and in a lazy, comfortable movement he lifted his hands and circled them around his shoulders. It was only after he opened his eyes that Ye Tan felt the light of the lanterns and the sound of the oars come alive again, and he realised that the water in the tub had not been cold at all.

Ye Tan had carefully examined him just now, Jun Xuanheng didn’t have a single trace of injury, even the hickeys were so light they couldn’t be seen, but he was still worried, and asked: “Master, my actions just now, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?”

The water sloshed aside as Jun Xuanheng stuck snugly against him. The tub was warm and moist, and the small pool between the skin of their chests seemed to hold the crescent moon inside of it. When he bumped against it, it became a sea wave that beat against the shore. He spoke carelessly: “Nope, I’m very good, excellent.”

Ye Tan smiled and nodded, feeling very good, and asked: “Then, Master, was there anything you liked in particular?”

At this, Jun Xuanheng stopped his movements and batted his eyelashes: “There was, there was. When our stomachs touched, it seemed like——” He circled his hands around Ye Tan’s waist, pressing against his back and forcing him to straighten out his waist, and stuck his own underbelly against him once more. This area was ordinarily almost never touched by strangers, so naturally it was exceptionally sensitive. Ye Tan had practised marital arts since young, so his abdominal muscles were firm, but Jun Xuanheng had a fragile and sickly body, so his were delicate and soft, and they fit even more snugly together.

Jun Xuanheng suddenly felt very satisfied, he was at the perfect height to bury his face into Ye Tan’s chest, and he couldn’t help but hug him even tighter. But he hadn’t had the change to rub against him for a little while when Ye Tan nervously peeled him away, flusteredly saying: “I, I get it, I’ll hold you again next time…..”

It was very comfortable, but the soft and warm things between their legs were also sticking very close together, so it was really sensitive and dangerous.

Ye Tan sucked in a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, and asked: “Was there anything else…..”

Jun Xuanheng was still acting without thinking, and gave him a new answer: “When you put your hands on my waist, A-Tan.” As he spoke, he pulled Ye Tan’s hands along and pressed them against the dimples on the most slender part his lower back, and nodded happily.

As Ye Tan touched his lower back, he only thought that his body had become increasingly thin and weak since the first time he saw him….. His heart fel sour, and he couldn’t help but pull him back into his arms and hug him tightly.

By now, Jun Xuanheng had already been rejected and pushed away by him countless times, and he felt extremely snubbed, so now that Ye Tan was suddenly hugging him, he was rather overwhelmed. He didn’t have time to feel happy, however, as he sensed that Ye Tan’s mood was very downcast.

He obediently let himself be hugged for a bit, and stroked Ye Tan’s hair as he carefully asked: “What’s wrong?”

“So far, I have been unable to protect you.” He mumbled.

Jun Xuanheng understood, Ye Tan had begun to blame himself again for letting him fall sick. But he himself had actually never minded this, being a salted fish was addictive, and he felt extremely easygoing about spending his days laying in Ye Tan’s arms every day. He had never seriously thought about finding a cure.

Until now.

Jun Xuanheng suddenly felt that this sickly body was interfering with things too much!

“A-Tan, I’ll think of a way, I will definitely get better.” Jun Xuanheng said.

Ye Tan had been troubling himself over this for several years, and he had no choice but to admit that there was really very little hope for this matter. He guessed he was trying to comfort him, so he could only smile bitterly: “En.”

Jun Xuanheng knew what he was thinking, and fixedly looked into his eyes, seriously saying: “A-Tan, you think I’m joking every time, but I’ve never joked around with you.”

Ye Tan was stunned, and all kinds of past events suddenly swirled in his mind. In his life, he was tossed around from person to person, homeless and miserable, forced to carry the world’s infamy and humiliation. As a result, he was able to meet this person, who had never once blamed him unjustly, and had never spoken a single word to deceive him.

How fortunate.

Ye Tan fished him out of the water, carefully wiped his hair dry, and returned him under the quilt. Jun Xuanheng was weak, and wouldn’t be able to bear their first time together, so Ye Tan had been extremely cautious and worriedly prepared for a long time. They were both very tired, and quickly fell asleep holding each other.

In the deep of the night, he would dream of his youth.

He would meet him soon, in the season of falling blossoms.1


1 A combination of two poems: The first part is from “Pipa Xing” by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi about a pipa player, and the second part is from “Meeting Li Guinian South of the River” by Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu about a musician at the court of the emperor. Note that, for the second poem, the author used ‘便’ instead of the original ‘又’, so I changed the translation to be “meet [him] soon” instead of “meet [him] again”.

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