Lightning and Fire Given Form.

Chapter 8: Sephtis The Scythe

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When they arrived at their house Shuri was waiting inside for them. She had already started to prepare dinner as they normally arrived at the same time every day when they went out to train. Still, they always took days off to spend more time with their mother. In Raynare's case, to just have a mother figure as her own parents had passed away. 

When Shuri heard them enter she walked out of the kitchen to greet them. 

"Welcome home." 

Shuri took the three kids into her arms with a happy smile. She glanced at Kurayami's hollow eyes which were just like always. Shuri had taught herself to read them as he was not very talkative.  She could tell he was happy and that was a good thing for her.

"I am glad you are back safe. Did anything interesting happen today?"

Raynare nodded with a happy smile.

"Azazel will be forging my new scythe."

Shuri might not be big on weapons, but she knew how much Kurayami and Raynare loved weapons. Akeno herself was not big on weapons, as her sear was the only thing she was interested in. She turned to Kurayami who removed the large sword from his back. His first sword was made of magical metals, but it was just a regular piece of metal. 

Still, to Kurayami it mattered as he considered his swords to be extensions of himself. Getting rid of his first just did not cross on his ideas. 

"Azazel is also going to reforge this one. It was my first sword after all."

He hung it on the wall in its sheath.  Shuri stood up as Baraqiel drew her into a hug. Kurayami had to say that his parents had a great relationship. Kurayami went to help set up the table with Akeno, but Raynare stayed behind. She liked to spend time with Shuri as Shuri was like a kind aunt to her.

Shuri noticed and smiled.

"Do you like spending time with me?"

She nodded shyly.

"Yes miss Shuri."

Shuri just stroked her hair with a kind smile;

"Just call me Shuri."

Raynare smiled.


Once they started eating she saw how Kurayami was using more hot sauce than normal. She had noticed he loved anything with strong spice to it so she always had some peppers for him. Seemed he wanted it even hotter.

"Kurayami. What foods do you want time to make?"

Raynare and Akeno looked nervous at the thought. He answered with no hesitation.

"Extra spicy Mapo Tofu."

Shuri was about to ask about it, Raynare shook her head and warned everyone.

"Don't listen to him. It's too spicy."

Akeno agreed.

"He nearly killed us."

Shuri got curious about it.

"Did you eat it at Grigori or something?"

Raynare nodded as she pointed at Kurayami.

"At Grigori, he tricked me into eating it. Just one spoonful and my mouth was on fire. Just ask Akeno."

When she turned to her daughter she nodded with fear in her eyes. Now Shuri wondered just how spicy it really was. She looked at her son who looked like he wanted some now.

"What did it have?"

He thought about it.

"I think they said it had Ghost peppers."

Shuri looked at that wide-eyed.

"You sure love spicy food."

He nodded happily as spicy food was the best. They went back to eating the meal which was not spicy much to Kurayami's disappointment. Nothing hot sauce can't fix. When they finished everyone washed their own dish to make it easier on Shuri. Finally, they all went to bed with Raynare and Kurayami on thier separate couches.  They were about to go to sleep, but Akeno came into the living room.

"Brother. Raynare. You can sleep with me today. I don't bite anymore."

They looked at her with squinted eyes while hiding their necks with their shirts. She looked at that and began to pout like crazy.

"I promise."

Kurayami pointed at his couch.

"No thanks. The couch is better and safer."

Akeno looked at both of them with a frown as she crossed her arms. She was telling them she would not move if they did not go with her. Kurayami squinted his eyes at her.

"But you did try to eat me though. How can I know you won't have a dream of fired chicken and try to eat me."

She pouted even more.

"I already said sorry."

They both felt bad and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. When they finally went to sleep they both woke up to Raynare getting her arm bitten by Akeno. She sadly once again had the steak dream and took a bite.


Raynare was shaking Akeno who kept her grip on her arm. Kurayami gave her a small shock on the neck that woke her up. She looked at what was in her mouth and got bright red. She let go and wiped her drool off. Raynare had tears in her eyes hiding behind Kurayami. He smiled slightly that it was barely noticeable. He did not get bitten this time so his eyes were full of laughter. Sadly his face was cold like always. As for Raynare she looked over and frowned at Akeno.

"You said you stopped."

Akeno blushed like crazy before running out in shame. When Raynare saw his eyes she frowned even more.

"This is not funny. Look at this."

She brought up her bit arm which had a very clear bite mark.

"I know. Now you know what I had to go through."

They went back to their couch as Akeno snuck back into her room. The next morning Shuri looked at the bite mark on Raynare's arm and sighed.

"Akeno. You're still having those food dreams."

Akeno nodded.

"I can't help it. I love food."

Kurayami shook his head.

"We're not mad at you, but it's just safer for us to sleep on the couch."

Akeno really missed it when she used to cuddle with her brother. He was really warm and barely moved when he was asleep. He was like a big doll, but she always ended up biting him from her dreams. Baraqiel was eating his food slowly and spoke up.

"Raynare. Today it's time for Azazel to make your scythe. You were quite jealous of Rebellion and Akeno's spear."

Raynare nodded with an excited look in her eyes. Who would not want a weapon of legend made by maybe the smartest man in the three factions? Azazel was ever improving and trying to learn more and the press he had made by studying Incinerate Anthem and the Virtra sacred gears was not small. It was why he was so thankful to both of them as they had pushed his research quite far.

After they finished the meal Raynare, Akeno and Kurayami got dressed. Kurayami just wore all black while Raynare and Akeno liked purples and blue. Today they wanted to go fly so they took flight alongside Baraqiel who moved slower to make sure they could keep up. They were not slow, but still not at the speed of Baraqiel.

When they arrived Azazel was waiting for them. He looked quite impatient and wanted to start already. He was the most excited as Raynare and Kurayami had the flames he wanted to use. Akeno was a sideline this time as her magic-produced flames were better than normal, but not by much.

When Azazel noticed he motioned for them to follow him

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"Finally your both here. We can make her scythe and reforge Rebellion, and your first sword to make them better. I have been trying to find a way to allow for the best with holy fire and the cursed flames of Viritra and I finally found the best way to do it. Let's go already."

Akeno raised her hand to get his attention.

"What about me?"

Azazel facepalmed as he forgot something.

"Oh, it should work the same for you. I can reforge your spear if I get a chance. For now, follow me."

They followed him into his lab where the magic happened.  Azazel had already gotten the metal he picked out and began to place the ones that were going to be used in the scythe. Like Rebellion he placed more Stygian Iron which he got from certain weapons from Hades that he acquired with his dealings.

Demigods do lose their weapons quite easily, so he got them and melted them down. Not to mention that most of the Grim reapers used metal in their weapons and they were not hard to squire. He added some celestial bronze he bought from a trade with Zeus a while back and the bone of an undead dragon he bought from Odin. For the soul, he got the soul of a Grim Reaper off the Black Market.  

"Alright, the materials are ready. I made this new forge that will work best for both of your flames, so get ready. Place your hands on the ends.

Akeno and Baraqiel watched quietly as this was up to the both of them. They were the ones with the special fire so this was more interesting to watch. They both placed their hands where he said while he got the metal and other materials ready. The bone was crushed to powder while they began to fill the forge with their flames slowly. The forge forced both flames to be contained and condensed together. 

Like a magnet, the holy fire and cursed fire fought each other for supremacy, but at the same time, they were stabilized by the magic of the forge. He placed the Stygian Iron and Celestial Bronze in a 10/2 mix together in a crucible. He placed that inside the forge and controlled the magic of the forge to increase the heat to begin to melt both metals together. 

He watched carefully as both magical metals melted and mixed until he found the perfect time to add the crushed bone. Undead Dragons were full of Death Energy so this was the perfect way to add some more to it. Once the bone touched the metal it mixed and tainted the color of the slag into a darker shadow. 

Once that was done, he added small nuggets of other metals which he used in forging Rebellion. Not much, but he added them to give the end result in an extra kick.

"Here we go. Raynare, add in your death magic."

She lifted her other hand and a stream of black miasma was drawn to the metal and began o fuse into it. Kurayami secretly added his own Death Magic into his flames which no one, but Raynare noticed. She still said nothing about it as he did not want to talk about it. With both of them adding death energy into their flames, the intensity skyrocketed. 

It was like it was perfect as more and more of it entered the molten metal. At the same time, the holy and cursed fires seemed to grow in intensity in reaction to it.

"Good, now we wait for it to absorb the power of the flames.  They had to keep the forge at the same temperature and the same intensity or it could explode. When Azazel thought it was at the best he took it out and poured the metal into a square mold. Once the metal cooled and became solid it was time to work. 

Here was the easy part in his opinion, but if anyone heard him say that they would curse him out as this was far from easy. That was just how confident he was in his own skill. He began to hammer the scythe shape from a large black which he controlled with telekinesis. He kept reheating the ingot in the forge every time it began to cool. Baraqiel and Akeno kept watching without blinking much as this was quite fascinating to watch. Azazel kept a firm look on his face as if he failed it would mean that Michael was right.

He was teased endlessly in Heaven for his wild ideas, but here he was proving all of them wrong. At the 12-hour mark the shape of the large curved scythe was finished so he dunked it into the magical oil. Once this was finished the rest was up to the magic in the scythe as his job was mostly done.

Once the scythe was cooled off he walked over to the giant magic circle he prepared beforehand. Kurayami and Raynare stopped fuelling the forge and watched as Azazel placed it in the magic circle. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the container that held the soul of the Grim Reaper. 

He placed it on top of the scythe and then sent his magic into the magic circle which lit up with pure magic. The container broke apart and the dark soul of the reaper began to orbit the scythe until Azazel spoke in Latin. 

"Anima tua in hoc metalli corpore vitam renovet." 

(Your soul will renew its life in this metal body.)

Once he spoke the soul was dragged into the scythe which caused the scythe to light up. The many runes he carved into it filled wiht power as the soul changed to suit the needs of the scythe. Azazel had a stupid smile on his face as he wanted to rub it in the face of Michael. It may not be sacred gear, but it was better in his opinion. Once the scythe was finished a dark aura hung around the scythe.

"While I may not be a dwarf I bet those old bastards would take me in any day."

If any dwarf heard that they may just agree. His skill in forging was not any less than a dwarf.  He handed it to Raynare who took it in her hands. The moment she touched it like what happened to Kurayami spikes went through her hands. She was ready and the connection to her scythe was finalized. The tattoo of a skull appeared on her right shoulder and she came up with the name Sephtis.

(Means eternal death.)

They watched as the scythe seemed to refine itself as a large black eye opened up on the blade. Seeing that made Azazel remember that scythe of Azrael. That thing had an eye that looked just like that so maybe it ran in the family.

Baraqiel was surprised to see it.

"Your scythe almost looks just like his. Just less scary and nicer."

Azazel nodded as he looked at the blinking eye on the weapon. It was looking at each one of them with curiosity. The original will of the Reaper was wiped by the spell that Azazel made. 

"I got to agree, that thing could kill with one look. This one is like a baby compared to that scary thing."

It entered her arm and disappeared. She was totally giddy with her new weapon, but now it was Rebellions reforging. Kurayami looked at his sword and was kind of worried.

"Azazel. Nothing will happen right."

Azazel shook his head as he had

"Nah. We don't have to do any hammering on her. Just heat her up in the flames a few times. I tested it on some test weapons and it ended up being quite easy. I swear."

He was right actually as the process was mostly done quite easily. The opposing flames were forced to work together in the forge and Rebellion had a dark soul. Grim Reapers were created from the power of Hades so their souls were already kind of death-related. However, Rebellion was different. She had been with him in his past life and had gained a dark sentience from the slaughter she had fed on. 

Through this dark soul and the many metals that went into forging her new body, she absorbed the power of the flames without issue. However, the metal's it was formed with, fused more closely, and the connection with Kurayami grew.  When he took it in his hands he felt it was just right. He felt Azazel must really be part dwarf.

"Azazel. You sure your not part dwarf."

Azazel shrugged with a smile.

"Maybe god just was jealous of Odin and made me like that. If anything he did a perfect job I do have to say so myself."

Azazel thought about something and looked at their weapons. He still had Akeno's spear to work on and Kurayami's first sword. Still, he could tell both Raynare and Kurayami were exhausted so he decided to push this to a later date.

"I think it will be better to push the rest to a later date. I can tell you two are exhausted so it will just result in bad quality. Better do this when you are fully rested."

Kurayami looked at his first sword and agreed.

"That is fine, not like it is alive at this moment."

Akeno nodded.

"No problem."

Seeing how they were fine with it made Azazel offer them a second offer.

"Raynare, Kurayami, are you willing to do this more often? We won't be using my special metals, but we will be making armor and weapons for Fallen who are on active duty as you know we are technically at war. We can make one for your father Kurayami."

The Great War never officially ended and it was more like an unsteady ceasefire. As such getting, better quality gear would be a godsend. Any edge over the others would be better.

Baraqiel looked at Azazel and thought of it.

"As long as they agree to it Azazel. What do you think?"

Kurayami agreed as it wa good training. 

"I do not mind at all. This is actually pretty good training as it makes us use our sacred gears with careful control."

Raynare nodded as she agreed. Seeing how this was a win Azazel offered them something they wanted.

"I heard you wanted familiars. We got a place that is full of interesting things there. You can go there and see what you find. Well, I got to go take a nap, I need a break.  Kurayami, Raynare, and Akeno all bowed to thank him as he did not have to do this. He had used up his own collection of magical metals for them so they were thankful to him. Azazel did not intend to use this to make them feel indebted to him as he saw this as an investment.

Once they thanked him they left soon after. Raynare had an extra jump in her step and had a really big smile. Akeno and Kurayami walked behind her as they watched her hop happily.

Kuraami noticed and asked her about it.

"You sure are happy."

She nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Of course. Seeing you have such a cool sword made by Azazel made me want one and now that I have it I can be even strong. I wonder when we will get out first mission though. We are already strong enough right?"

Akeno had to agree.

"Mission time. Yay."

Baraqiel frowned at the idea.

"Azazel has been talking about it. We agreed that it will be soon, but be patient."

They all agreed as carelessness was how you died. For now, they had another idea to break her weapon in. It was time for a spar as they wanted to try them out now. Both weapons are ready to see who is superior. Of course, Rebellion felt no fear as Sephtis was a baby compared to her. She had followed Kurayami since his past life and now she had to prove it. 

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