Little Villain is no more

Chapter 15: Chapter Fifteen

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Today was suppose to go like this;

Li Wei would invite just a tiny number of friends, who would then invite their own other friends, who would also then invite their own other friends. With that, a large number of people would show up in front of his house leaving him stunned. Of course, since he felt he couldn't ask them all to go back, he decided to host them using the pool. Luckily, the rest of the family weren't around as they had either school or work to attend to.

And so, a pool gathering ensued.

Things would be hard for him to run by himself at first, but eventually the three younger brothers will return home. Seeing their lovely brother in such a dilemma, they'd immediately drop their questions and help him run the gathering; successfully turninng it into a splendid pool party. This would increase Li wei's all round reputation, and raise his points in people's hearts. This was also the first time his main male lead Gu Lan Zhang would take notice of him, since he was present at this pool party.

However, things would be going a little differently now. Just a tad teensy tiny bit little.

"Haah. This is going to be a long day." Li Wei sighed as he made his way inside, trying to control the noise of the people who followed him in. Though the other brothers were around, they were usually either in the office, the gym, the garden or their rooms. Even if they came downstairs, he knew he could still convince them if the intruders were simply staying in the pool room(natatorium) without disturbing others.

Yeah, he could still live a little. Even Mr and Mrs Huo shouldn't have too much objections.

Consoling himself with that, he made his way to his destination. However, immediately the door to the room was reached, two of his friends immediately rushed from behind him and barged in through with excitement. Following in their footsteps others also rushed in, causing someone to even get pushed down due to the mini stampede.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" The moment he said that, the people that had been rushing in stopped. Li Wei thought they'd finally listened to him, and breathed a sigh of relief as he shuffled through. However, he too, halted in his steps with widened eyes when he entered.

"Li Wei, what excactly is happening now?" Zhong wei stared at the group of unfamiliar people, who had suddenly barged in on his relaxation. 

'Ah! They're here?! ...Really, universe? Did you drink so much hate water or did you bathe in it!' While Li Wei cursed the universe in his heart, his expression took on an innocent facade, and he began to fidget his fingers. The people who had caused this in the first place, kept shut and shuffled back slightly.

"Well, I- I invited some friends over to study. The-they were only a few, I swear!"

"But then they invited their friends, who invited their friends... Who also invited theirs..." His voice was getting smaller the more he talked, and at the end of his sentence, his head was lowered. "They came all this way and I can't just leave them to go back... So I just thought... I'm sorry."

As everyone stood in place and the tensity of the room grew, the sounds of splashing water entered their ears and they all turned it's direction. The pool was quite large and the person seemed to be swimming back from the otherside.

That was probably why they weren't noticed until now.

Soon, a man emerged from the water and the maids who were standing at the side rushed to him. One carried a robe, one a towel and another a tray of wine.

"Who is that?"

"A relative? Is it another of Wei Wei's brothers?"

"How many brothers does Li Wei have?"

"Does he have a sister?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Research purposes."

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Murmurs filled the air and most of the people couldn't help but take a second look. The man who stood in the pool had long wet black hair that partially stuck to his face and body, while drops of water slid down his fair skin and defined muscles. His eyes glanced in Li Wei's direction and the boy visibly stiffened, however it was probably just his acting again.

"Ah. Brother Wei is here too. I'm really sorry to disturb you two like this."

'Aww. Look at that' Wei Luo thought in his heart, as he put on his robe and took a cup.  Looking at Li Wei reminded him of staring at a rabbit trying to reduce it's presence, and he resisted the urge to give a sly expression. Instead, still with his nonchalant facade, he scanned around before taking a few steps in his direction.

He sipped the wine as his legs moved, then paused.

"I didn't know you were having a party today." His face held no anger nor excitement, infact it looked quite bored- sleepy even. Li Wei immediately waved his hand dismissively as a line of sweat dribbled down his forehead. "No no. It's not like that-" 

"It- it's our fault" One of the girls behind Li Wei spoke up and Wei Luo glanced in her direction. Her head bowed slightly, too nervous to meet his eyes as she went behind her other friend. "Li Wei had called us to study with him, but we... We told a lot of people who wanted to come along too."

"Yes. It wasn't Li Wei's fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame us for showing up uninvited" Another person said. Soon enough, words of defence had already been put out for him even though there wasn't any accusation in the first place. Inspite of this, Li Wei looked at them with an expression of gratitude. This caused their hearts to clench the more and their determination to be rejuvenated.

Wei Luo watched this all with amusement.

As expected, even with something as little as this, the world helps the child of fate. How lovely. Despite being such an almost useless part of the plot like this, such a fickle occurence in passing, the world won't let it go.

"Haah" Zhong Wei sighed as he held his head. After hearing Li Wei's first explanation, he'd already wavered. But with the addition of the words of others, he had a headache as he came to a realization.

This little bother of his was too soft to people. Their family might be raising a small pushover, who could be easily decieved in the future.

He needs to teach him to be harder.

However, this soft side of Li Wei still tickled his heart. It still felt like he was still holding the small child in his arms who would cry and run away, but would still return with a face of worry once he cried out in fake pain even a little.

A small smile couldn't help forming on his lips.

His little brother was still the same.

"Well, I guess it can't be helped now. Feel free to have your fun. Your brother and I were already leaving anyway."

Hearing this, Wei Luo turned to look at him with a subtle expression saying 'We were?'. Zhong Wei ignored it and walked away, but Wei Luo knew by a hundred percent he was meant to follow.

'Well, there's not much I can do now anyway. ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇ́ world, you win this round'. While thinking this, he walked away. He was going to start work next week, there'll be plenty of time to play with Li Wei then.

He paused when reached the door and saw them all go inside.

'That's right. Li Wei was going to meet the male lead here wasn't he?' 

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