Looks Like I’ve Somehow Ended Up As A Villain In A Bishoujo Game

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Magic

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Going up to the doors of my father's personal office I knocked.

A second later I heard his voice.


Opening the door I went inside and then closed it behind me.

"Oh Alastor, this is a surprise. Tell me son, what do you need?" He asked. Having stopped attending to the paperwork that is one his desk.

"Father, I would like to learn magic. So I request you hire a tutor for me?" I asked.

My physical training and weapons training are going well thanks to Gerard, but as far as magic goes I haven't progressed at all.

That is why I am asking my father to get me a tutor.

"There is no need for that." My father replied.

As he did so I got a shocked expression on my face. "Father, I don't understand. Did I do something wrong, is that why you will not hire me a magic tutor?" I questioned.

Feeling upset at my father for his reply.

Which is shocking me a bit since I have the mind of an adult.

I guess being in the body of a child again is messing with my psyche and emotions.

"No, you did nothing wrong son. What I am saying is that there is no need for a tutor, when I am sure your mother would be happy to teach you magic." He explained to me.

"Mother?" I questioned.

"Yes." My father replied. "You wouldn't know given her frail constitution, but your mother is a powerful magic user." He told me.

"Eh? She is?" I questioned.

"That she is." My father replied. "So let me talk to her and once I do I have no doubt she'll agree to your request."

"I see then. Thank you." I said.

"Of course." My father replied.

I then took my leave of his office, a smile on my face.

Not only will I be able to start learning magic, but I'll be able to spend more time with mother as well.

It is the best of two worlds.

Standing in front of the doors to a study room I have Ferric and Charlotte by my side.

Today is the day we start magic lessons.

A few days ago at dinner my father brought up the topic of mother becoming my magic tutor and she literally jumped out of her seat the moment the words were out of his mouth.

Seeing this I could only see how right my father was about my mothers' reaction to the subject.

He truly knows her well.


Once my mother agreed to the proposal I asked her if Ferric and Charlotte could join in the lessons as well and she happily agreed.

Now here we are.

Moving up to the door I opened it.

When I did so I saw my mother sitting in a chair next to a portable chalkboard. A table in front of her with three chairs and multiple books.

Along with a small desk right beside her, a strange-crystal ball sitting atop it.

Looking at me and my friends my mother put a bright smile on her face.

"Come in, come in." She said.

As she did so the three of us stepped into the room, Charlotte closing the door behind us.

Right after she did this we went and took the seats at the table.

"Alright, now let's begin magic lessons 101." My mother happily exclaimed like a child.

Seeing this I simply put a wry smile on my face.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to teach us." Charlotte told my mother.

Since as the wife of a duke her schedule actually is quite busy.

My father is always traveling around our family territory, and to and from the capital quite often. As such managing our family territories day-to-day operations fall on my mothers' shoulders.

Sure her physical condition is not good, but reviewing reports and signing paperwork doesn't require much of that.

Hearing Charlotte's words my mother simply waved her off.

"It's fine, it's fine." She said. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to teach my little bunny magic after all."

"Mom!" I cried in embarrassment. My cheeks gaining a hint of pink I'm sure.

"Little bunny?" Ferric question, putting a grin on his face.

"Its' nothing, just a nickname is all!" I quickly said.

Hoping the topic would be dropped.

Since I really don't want anyone else to start calling me that.

My mother is the only one who does.

And I really can't blame her. Given my white hair, red eyes, and androgynous appearance I can understand how I look like a bunny.

But just because I understand it doesn't mean I want to acknowledge it.

I'm still a man, and I don't want to be thought of as cute dammit!

"I would like to hear more about this." Ferric said. His grin getting bigger.

'This bastard!' I thought.

I'll definitely get even with him.

"Unfortunately that will have to wait. We came here for lessons about magic, and I don't think it would do us good to waste anymore of lady Rayna's time." Charlotte spoke up.

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Turning to her I looked at her like she was an angel.

"However after the lessons are over I'm sure lady Rayna wouldn't mind telling you more about her little bunny." She said. Getting a soft smile as she did so.

I was wrong. Charlotte is a demon.

Seeing everyone was against me I sighed in resignation.

As I did so my mother lightly chuckled.

But after a moment she stopped and the lesson truly began.

To begin with, she explained to us what magic truly is.

"In this world there exists an energy known as mana. It flows through all living things. When mana is harnessed and manipulated by people or other living beings and then used to alter the world around them in various ways, this is what is known as magic." Mom explained to us.

All humor gone from her voice.

She is acting like a teacher right now.

Noticing this all three of us paid attention to every single thing she said.

"Magic itself is performed by casting spells. Which are catalysts for manipulating mana. However once a person reaches a certain level spells are no longer necessary for casting magic. This is known as chantless magic. Observe." Mom explained.

She then held out her left palm in our direction and a second later a blue spell circle appeared above it. A moment afte  it di a water ball formed.

Seeing this all three of us got stars in our eyes.

Mom smiled at our response.

Then after a few minutes she dispelled the water ball.

"That was one of the most basic spells, known as [Water Ball]." She explained. "A spell from the water affinity family."

"Affinity?" Ferric questioned.

"Yes." Mom said. "While there are various types of magic in this world, all of them can be placed into one of the following eight categories. Fire, water, wind, earth, lighting, light, dark, and finally null." She explained. "Though amongst all the magic categories null is special."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because any spell that doesn't fall into one of the other seven affinities will fall under the null category." She explained to us. "And that's not even mentioning all the variant magic types associated with each magic affinity. For instance if you have a water magic affinity, then with enough training you van learn ice magic."

"So cool!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I think so too." Mom said. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves." She spoke. "To even start the process of learning magic, one must have an aptitude for it. If not, then doing so is impossible."

"How do we learn if we have an aptitude for magic or not?" Charlotte questioned.

"I'm glad you asked." Mom said.

She then lightly tapped the crystal ball located on the desk next to her.

"This is what is known as a magic tool. They are created by those with magic and come in all shapes and sizes with various functions. But this one here is what is known as an aptitude tester. It will determine if one has an aptitude for magic, and what magical affinities they have." Mom explained. "Now then, today we will be determine what if any magical affinities you three possess. Come up one by one and place your hand on the crystal ball. Once you do it will take care of the rest. Like so."

Mom placed her hand atop the ball. After she did so ti started glowing, revealing two different colors inside of it. One blue and the other black.

After a moment mom removed her hand and the crystal ball returned to its perfectly clear color.

"The colors you just saw were in reference to what aptitude I have towards which magical affinities. The blue color is for water magic affinity, while the black color represents dark magic affinity. The other colors are as follows: red stands for fire, green is for wind, brown is for earth, yellow is for lightning, gold is for light, and finally white is for null. So then, who is first?" Mom said.

"Lotte, you go ahead." I said.

"Yes." Ferric agreed.

"Very well." Charlotte spoke.

She then got up and moved over to the aptitude tester.

Reaching it, Charlotte placed her hand on the crystal ball and then a moment later two colors appeared.

Blue and white.

Which means Charlotte has affinities for water and null magic.

Removing her hand Charlotte returned to her seat.

"Next." Mom said.

"Ferric go on ahead." I told him.

"Sure thing." He said.

Ferric then got up and moved over to the crystal ball, placing his hand atop it. A second later it then glowed with two colors.

Red and white.

Meaning Ferric has an aptitude for both fire and null magic.

A smile on his face he came back to his seat.

Which means it's finally my turn.

Standing up I moved over to the tester and placed my right hand on it.

The moment after I did so I felt a warm energy flowing inside of me. Moving into the aptitude tester.

'So this is what mana feels like.' I thought.

I can't say I'll ever forget the feeling.

A moment after I placed my hand on the orb, it started glowing.

But with five colors.

Red, green, blue, black, and finally white.

That means I have an aptitude for fire, wind, water, dark, and null magic.

Ok, I did not see this coming.

But I can't say I'm upset.

Not in the slightest.

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