Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Obsession

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Chapter 100:


Selene found herself in a moment of her life where the decisions she made effected those closest to her. It was the first time she ever had such things. People she cared about and decisions that would affect them. It wasn't a bad thing, just different.

Of course, one may call it an obsession. Her decisions and actions mainly pertained to Jace. Her choices were all to make a better life for him and herself. The more that time went on, the stronger these feelings of her became.

Which is exactly why she couldn't just let the Cliffstone's go. Kiera was of the same mind. The two of them shared in their growing obsessions. They bonded over their tendencies and utilized their powers to protect those they love.

"So, you bought them out?" Kiera asked as she lounged on the couch of the loft, tilting her head in her direction, "That Cliffstone business?"

"In a way," Selene smiled, twirling in her hand a small crystal sphere, "The thing about corporate law in this day and age, is that megacorps rule the world. A law my dear father instilled in me from a young age."

Her words dripped with sarcasm and disgust when it came to her father, though she was quite pleased with her actions. She wasn't like her father, but she would utilize what she was taught. She stared into the crystal sphere she held, something that Liana gave to her one day.

Liana had told her that she felt Selene was anxious, and perhaps she needed something to do to distract herself, or at least help her focus. Truth be told, she was right. Selene's mind had been racing all over. From Jace and their mysterious connection, the St.Claire Family and their business, to everything in-between.

There sphere was roughly the size of a golf ball. It was clear, yet lines of colors danced through it in the light. As she moved it about in her hand, the smooth surface felt nice upon her skin and its lights were mesmerizing.

"Truly, she's a frightening woman...I like her." Selene truly marveled at how insightful Liana was. Still, turning her mind from the sphere and Liana, she went back to Cliffstone. They had crossed the line. Insulting Jace and Liana.

It was infuriating. She would have ended them right then and there if it wasn't Liana who stepped forward. Jace was handed off to her and who was she to refuse? He had been so adorable that night, though he vowed never to drink again.

He claimed he was happy to have tried it at least once with those he loved. Her ears still burned when thinking about those words. To think that he had wanted to do that with them made Selene's heart soar. Which is why the fact the Cliffstone's insulted him even more insulting.

"Well, it's not like I didn't do anything either," Kiera placed her hands behind her head and laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, "I may have planted a rather nasty virus...their investors won't be too happy at the sudden problems with their new tech."

"It's almost like we were working together..." Selene mused, "And you act like you didn't know my plan."

Kiera laughed lightly, shrugging slight.

"Well, I just wanted to check," Kiera's gaze grew hard, "Those bastards insulted Liana. I should rip their tongues from their mouths."

Selene seconded that thought. She would destroy Cliffstone Tech. Absorb their assets into St.Claire to help recover from her war with Kenneth. St.Claire Industries wasn't dying. It was too big to simply disappear or drop from the world's radar.

Selene had been working tirelessly to ensure that St.Claire Industries recovered, and it did. Slowly, it's profits were raising once more to the levels they previously held. They would be, just as she told them, a steppingstone.

They made a splash when they should have stayed in the shallows. They awoke one of the masters of the sea and would pay for it. Even if she was not like her father, she wasn't a pushover. She was not kind to those who crossed her.

Jace was hers, and Liana came to be a dear friend to her. A connection made through their mutual love for Jace. In truth, Liana was just like both Kiera and Selene. Though her way of doing things were perhaps even the most terrifying.

Hers was a calm fury. The kind you only felt in nature when it was displeased. You know that uneasy feeling when you're alone in a dark woods. That was Liana.

Beautiful yet unnerving when crossed. She was someone who was silent in her affections. Such that she would poison them over years to build up their immunity. However, once her affections were unleashed, she was unbridled.

Truly, Selene respected her. In a way, she feared her. Selene had never felt such a feeling before. It was exhilarating.

"Do not worry," Selene informed Kiera, staring into the crystal sphere, "You'll get your chance. You planted the trackers?"

"Of course," Kiera almost scoffed, feigning insult, "Who do you think I am?"

"Heh. Alright, I was just checking," Selene said, laughing lightly, "Once they return from their training, will we discuss it?"

"Yeah..." Kiera nodded, smiling lightly, "I think it's time, anyways. You said a place was ready?"

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"It will be," Selene told her, taking a breath as she smiled contently, "A home all our own..."

Selene looked up from the crystal sphere for the first time. Her eyes meeting Kiera's as they shared in a knowing, content look. Their smiles feeding into each other.

Jace had always wanted to move to New Eden for his mother. He believed that life there would be better for them both. Selene could make it happen. Unfortunately, New Eden was rife with filth that invested it. She would ensure it remained clean for him.

Of course, she was sure he'd do some cleaning of his own. Her thoughts turned to him, her heart beating quickly in her chest. She loved him and all that he was. She hoped there would come a day he'd never have to bloody his hands, but part of her loved that side of him.

Though, she preferred his kind, flustered self. As she thought on him, her expression grew to fantasizing and soon into desire. Kiera noticed the change in her demeanor and the two of them shared in that feeling. That of obsession.


Cliffstone Tech was created and founded by Reginald Cliffstone five generations ago. They ventured into many tech sectors. From cybernetic limbs to software and computers. What they were most known for, however, were their security systems.

"Rock Solid" was their slogan. They often used analogs to mountains being an ancient form of defense that thwarted many attacks that would have been devastating. It was humorous and a bit ironic that they overlooked the one fundamental flaw in such things.

Mountains eroded. Rocks cracked. Given time, anything made of stone would crumble without proper maintenance. It was a shame then, that their servers were undergoing such a maintenance when the virus attacked. Their systems were compromised and all data relating to their business was exposed.

Reginald had always wanted to create a company that could be seen as trustworthy. He dedicated his entire life to creating such a company. He wanted people to feel safe when using technology. Whether it were the modifications they made to their bodies or a simple internet search.

Cliffstone Tech was his life's work. He raised his children to be honest and forthright. He taught them to be better than the rest so that they could continue to carry on his legacy. However, Reginald was a bit of a paranoid man. He had seen all the arrogance that wealth and power breeds.

As the success of his company skyrocketed, so too did his paranoia. He saw the possibility of his family becoming corrupt. He saw them becoming arrogant and rising too far beyond their means. Reginald knew the power of the megacorps.

In order to prevent his family from ever crossing them before they were ready to stand on an even playing field, he assimilated himself. Artificial Intelligence. It was still a bit rough back then, but he made it work. As he was on the last stretch of his life, he gave himself over into computer consciousness.

Integrated into Cliffstone's mainframe, he became Cliffstone. He did this to guide future generations. He would ensure that they stayed in line and followed his vision. From his son to grandsons and further down the line. He made sure that the Cliffstone name was unsullied.

Unfortunately, Reginald's beliefs came true. Power and Wealth corrupt, and it was in no other than himself. The one who sought to prevent it. A mind can only last so long before breaking down, especially when integrated into a machine.

Overtime, his senses became vaster. His vision grew and so too did his own greed and obsession with his family and the business. He became arrogant. He became controlling. He rose Cliffstone to new heights in the recent years.

Because of this, his descendants also grew arrogant. They began to embezzle funds and use their authority to get ahead in life. Cliffstone Tech was on the rise, but Reginald forgot the one fatal flaw in all that time. Never cross the megacorps.

Cliffstone Tech was a household name in the states. Around thirty percent of the everyday citizens used their systems. Around twenty percent utilized some aspect of their cyberware and other modifications. This was but a drop in the vast ocean of megacorps whose hands were in everything.

They were nowhere near ready to stand equal to them. So, when the virus attacked, Reginald knew. He watched as he was overwhelmed. Trapped and helpless within his company's mainframe. He couldn't help but be impressed at the efficiency of such a virus.

At the same time, Cliffstone buildings came under attack. Fires raged through their halls, burning down everything. A portrait of Reginald in one of their headquarters began to fray and split from the heat before the flames finally took it.

There was no loss of life, but the loss of confidence from investors and citizens alike made their fate known. Cliffstone Tech was no more.

Before the final fading of his consciousness disappeared from the mainframe, he heard a soft, modulated feminine voice. She appeared to him as a floating pink sprite with glitter all around her. A smile appeared within what could only be described as her head.

"I'll take good care of your tech." Her words sounded almost sincere. As if she was someone who truly loved technology. It sparked in him the passion he once held. He had failed.

The last thought he had was one which came from his heart, if he still had one.

"Thank you."

They allowed themselves to become what he feared. It was only right that they were struck down. To thank them was the least he could do. From now on, better hands would take over.


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