Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 99: Chapter 99: Olivia’s Determination

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Chapter 99:

Olivia's Determination

Olivia was overwhelmed by a lot of emotions. There was relief and guilt, happiness and worry, and above all there was love and hope. She had a chance to make things right. To earn her daughter's trust back, but not only that, but the trust of the young boy named Jace.

She had been nervous when she was summoned to the hospital. She knew that her daughter wished for her to heal someone but didn't know who it was. She wasn't informed of anything beforehand. She simply waited.

This was for several reasons. She didn't want to be too overbearing with questions. She had been pushy with Selene in the past when she had been addicted to the attention she received from others because of her. She didn't want to repeat that. To be seen as pushy.

She truly did love her daughter, but it was too late to change the past. To Olivia, Selene was still that small child she held in her arms. What she wouldn't give to embrace her once more. Her heart ached, knowing it was far from her grasp.

Olivia also didn't want to look like she was prying for information. Selene had dealt with Kenneth and those of high society for a long time. They were always scheming and trying to find someone's weakness to use to their advantage. Olivia didn't want her daughter to think that.

Olivia truly had no ulterior motives. She simply wanted her daughter back. She had a lot to make up for, and the least she could do was be patient and go at Selene's pace. Whether it's the guards Selene placed on her or waiting to be told what is going on in her life.

Which is why she was both shocked and pleased when she met Jace. It wasn't her ideal first meeting, but the fact Selene allowed it to happen in the first place was a step in the right direction. What she didn't realize was that the patient she was meant to heal, was the young boys mother. Delilah Ward.

Mana Degeneration coursed through her body. It was at late middle stage. The treatment she had been receiving up till now had been less than adequate, but that was at no fault of the doctor in charge. Rather, it was at the lack of proper facilities and access to treatment.

They did the best they could before now. She could see the love Selene showed Jace, and was quite happy. Even though she was surprised that there were two other girls, it was Selene's choice, and seeing her smile was more than enough to accept it.

"No...I have no right to say otherwise." Olivia thought, remembering how she stood by and let Kenneth sell her to that fool boy many years ago. It wasn't like Olivia was against polyamory, but that when she thought about the past, she knew that she had no say regardless. The best thing she could do was support her, regardless of if she needed it or not.

After all, Selene was finally able to make her own choices, and who was she to stand in the way of that? Not only that, but Selene knew how to read people. If she chose Jace, and was okay with the situation, then there was no reason to doubt.

On top of all that, she saw how Jace treated her. "He's quite precious..." Olivia mused to herself, understanding a bit of why Selene fell for him. The moment he recognized who Olivia was, he held Selene defensively, as if to protect her. It was rather adorable, and in his eyes, she saw his determination.

She knew he didn't like her, but was giving her a chance for Selene. He wasn't controlling her, he was supporting her. Something Olivia should have done years ago. He was giving Olivia a chance because Selene was. He respected her wishes, even holding back his emotions.

She was absolutely overwhelmed with his words. It gave her the hope to be a true family. Something she always wished for, but never got. It was torn from her the moment Selene could walk. She had been trapped in a cage, too afraid to break free.

He wished to greet her properly, as his mother-in-law. It was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. She could barely contain her tears at the chance she had. To finally have her family back. She vowed to do everything she could to redeem herself and prove her words to Selene.

Taking a deep breath, she stood opposite Doctor Gerard and Doctor William. There were several other doctors, all wearing masks but ready for what came next. Tapping into her mana source, she flowed the energies through her body.

It was warm and gentle. She recalled the past when she healed Selene, smiling wistfully as she placed her hands over Miss Delilah. Jace was her son. She brought a life into this world that made Selene happy. "I'll repay you that which you gave me..." She took another deep breath and began to work.

Her eyes glowed a deep midnight blue, sparks of green beginning to sparkle within them. From her hands flowed tendrils of soft green, sparkling with a deep emerald. They flowed over Miss Delilah, wreathing her body in their warm energy.

At the same time, the doctors began their own work. Performing blood transfusions and beginning the Aetherium Vitae treatment. The essence of this treatment would remove the impurities within her blood, providing untainted blood and stimulating her mana flow. Olivia's job was to heal the Mana Degeneration clots spread throughout her body so that the new blood would take.

It was a disgusting feeling as she found spots of heavy Mana Degeneration. Like trudging through sludge and filth in a sewer, but she pushed through. She was careful not to overwhelm Miss Delilah, while pushing her own self forward.

She could feel the strain upon her body, the cold sweat beginning, but she wasn't done. Flowing more power into herself, the more stubborn spots were beginning to fade, but before she could finish, a hand pulled her back. Her concentration broke, as did the magic she was performing.

"W-What are you doing!? I was almost-" Olivia exclaimed, glaring coldly back at the owner of the hand.

She came face to face with Arthur, a man from the Mercer Family who she recognized. He was placed to watch over her and protect Miss Delilah. Olivia knew him as a diligent man who was fiercely loyal to the St.Claire's, though betrayed Kenneth in his final moments. His reasoning was the Kenneth was no longer a St.Claire with how he conducted himself.

Yet, why was he stopping her?

"Madam," Arthur spoke, his expression impassive yet refined, "You were almost fainting."

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"Fainting?" Olivia asked, repeating the word, "I feel fine. Wha-"

Just as she said that, the world began to spin, and it was Arthur who steadied her. Looking around, she saw the other doctors looking at her in concern. As Arthur wiped her brow clean of the sweat which built up from her magic, she was reminded of her daughter's words for a third time.

"...I apologize," Olivia said, standing up and steadying herself with Arthur's help, "I lost myself for a moment. How is she? Miss Delilah, that is."

"Better, now," Doctor Gerard spoke up from across the bed, his voice a bit gruff with her as he stared her down firmly, "Though you should take care not to overdo it. We don't need two bodies to deal with."

His words were harsh, but right. If she wasn't careful, she could inadvertently hurt Miss Delilah as well as herself. She had to stay healthy and strong in order to be of any help. She had been impatient to prove herself, blinded by her happiness.

How quickly she forgot the words not only Selene told her, but Jace as well. If she wanted to be greeted properly as his mother-in-law, then she had to do this properly.

"Alright, how long before the next treatment?" She asked, taking a seat in a chair that was provided to her.

"In a couple hours," Doctor William spoke this time, adjusting his jacket, "This treatment lasted two hours, but if you do something like that again..."

His tone was full of warning, and she nodded. This treatment would be a lot slower without the help of a Healer, and if she continued to push herself, either she'd die and it would take longer, or they would shorten the sessions and it would take longer as well.

"Don't worry, I won't," Olivia promised, and she meant it this time.

Looking towards Miss Delilah, she felt a bit foolish. This wasn't something she should rush, no matter how impatient she was. Her complexion was looking better, the black veins looked thinner, but far from gone. It would take a while, but she was prepared.

"For the sake of our children's happiness..." Olivia thought to herself, "We both have to get better." Olivia smiled with resolve. "I will heal you."


Olivia spent all her time and energy on helping to heal Jace's mother. It was all she thought about from the moment she woke up to the moment she went to bed.

It was strange for Olivia. Not that she was doing this, but that she felt she was growing a bond with Delilah. To the point where she often began to drop the honorific "Miss". Of course, that's not to say she didn't respect her. It was just that she felt perhaps she would rather have her calling her by just her name.

Doctor Gerard seemed to have known Delilah, speaking about her whenever asked. He was a bit reticent at first, but with Arthur's nod of approval, he divulged what he could. Truthfully, Olivia was jealous and also heartbroken.

Delilah seemed to have been a very strong, brave, and bright woman who loved her son with everything she had. This, she was jealous of. To be loved so strongly by her child and to even fight through the fear and pain to protect them.

This jealousy was not malignant. The jealousy Olivia had was one of respect. She was jealous that she couldn't do what Delilah did, and respected her for it. She vowed to do better, even if her daughter was well into her adult life.

As for being heartbroken, she heard of how she became this way. Jace had given his approval to tell her, should she ask questions. That is why Arthur nodded to Gerard. She was touched that Jace allowed the story to be told, and was broken for hearing it.

Delilah and her son Jace went through hell. Olivia shuddered at the thought of this "Quentin". He was Jace's father and Delilah's ex-husband. Jace protected his mother, but in so doing caused an inadvertent clash that he blames himself to this day for.

"Just how much pain has that child gone through?" Olivia thought of Jace. Those experiences had to be extremely traumatic. Situations like that shaped people. He is someone, she came to learn, who loved hard for those they cared about.

He had devoted many years to helping his mother at the detriment of himself. She only hoped that he was able to rest now that he was with her daughter. Somehow, she believed he was.

Seeing him among the three girls, who he called his angels, he seemed relaxed. As if he belonged. It was heartwarming to see, and she was very proud of her daughter.

She could see that Selene loved him and understood his pain. So, she knew that she was doing all she could to make him happy. Jace made Selene happy, and so Olivia had to do her part as well.

So, as the days went on, Olivia devoted herself to Delilah's care. She felt kinship with her. She wanted to heal her regardless of her daughters request to do so. She looked forward to the day she would wake. Perhaps, Olivia thought, Delilah could teach her how to be a better mother to Selene.


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