Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: Discussing a Plan

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Chapter 32:

Discussing a Plan

A couple days after their date, Jace and Selene met up with Kiera at a diner.

"So, what's the plan?" Kiera asked Jace as they sat in a booth near the back.

Jace was a bit distracted as he cast is gaze between her and Selene. Jace knew that they met each other beforehand but sitting in the booth with Selene next to him, and Kiera across from them was a bit more nerve-wracking than expected. Taking a breath, he steadied himself under Kiera's amused gaze.

"I'm not sure, honestly," Jace whispered, playing with the food before him on his plate, "I wanted to have them hand them over themselves, but you...really found out where they were."

Kiera beamed proudly as she rested her head on one hand.

"It wasn't just me," Kiera's eyes moved to Selene.

As Jace looked towards her, their ears turned red. Shifting about nervously, she simply smiled and shrugged.

"I didn't do much," Selene responded humbly, "I just accompanied her."

"Still, you helped find it," Kiera insisted, "Don't sell yourself short. Now is when you do brag, isn't that right, Jace?"

Giving him a sly smile and wink, he felt slightly uncomfortable and suddenly shy. Selene was being cute in her humbleness, and he was incredibly grateful to the both of them. Even though he originally didn't want to involve Selene or even Liana. Luckily, Kiera didn't bring her along. He didn't know how he would handle the two he loved being together in the same room.

"Right, well..." Jace placed his hand over Selene's under the table, "Thank you, regardless."

Though her face remained impassive as she nodded, her ears betrayed her as they turned an even brighter red. "Adorable..." Jace smiled, letting out soft breath.

"So, we have two options," He stated, focusing back on the task at hand, "You said this...AI would inform them of our arrival, right?"

"Mhm," Kiera nodded, her eyes twinkling from her smile, "You're still surprised, aren't you?"

"A bit, yeah," Jace laughed lightly, " think you're a Technomancer. That's amazing. I understand now how you can take such good care of Liana...Thank you."

Jace felt a little bit sheepish in saying it, but he was really grateful to Kiera. His heart grew anxious as Selene sat right next to him. She knew about his feelings for Liana, but instead of anger, he simply felt her hand gently squeeze his. Almost comforting.

"I love her, Jace," Kiera told him, her eyes seeming to hold some deeper meaning, "I will take care of her for the rest of my life,'re welcome. She's important to you, right?"

Jace's face burned at her words, and though he tried to get himself under control, it was difficult.

"...Yes, she is," Jace took a bite of his food, just some eggs and hashbrowns from the local diner.

There wasn't much to say, as what he said was the truth. He thought back to that day he was told about Liana's secret love. Kiera said they'd accept them, but just who was it? He always wore his emotions on his sleeve, so did Kiera already know about his love for Liana?

Glancing up at her, Jace saw she was watching him closely. An amused smile seemingly permanently poised on her face. "Would she accept it?" He wondered, taking a deep breath. He cared for Kiera, and didn't want to cause any problems. She, along with everyone else became so important to him.

"So, all the more reason to care for her," Kiera responded, looking towards Selene, "Isn't that right?"

"...She is important to Jace," Selene stated coolly, taking a sip of juice from her cup, "Anyone who is important to him should be well taken care of. That goes without saying."

Jace was overwhelmed with their words. To think he met such a wonderful person, and for Kiera to be such a blessing. He found himself smiling, his heart melting. Clearing his throat, he tried to compose himself.

"Well, thank you," Jace told them, holding Selene's hand more firmly, "But...can we get back to this?"

He gave an awkward smile, to which Selene nodded. Her smile was gentle as they began to plan what to do. All the while, Jace was well aware of Kiera's eyes on him. Amusement never left her face as they planned how to handle the Spider.

There were a few options. They could go to where the Spider lived and confront them. Not involving the Nobles or the Spiders. This was the current direction Jace was leaning towards. It wasn't his original plan, but with the information on where they lived, it was a lot more enticing.

Another option was to keep digging. The proof of Black Suit buying the Valkyrie wasn't enough to use. Even if it could be tracked to the Spider now. They needed concrete evidence of the Spider having the information on Jace's mother. On top of that, how many more Spider's had the information?

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The third option, and least favorite, was to confront the Spiders direction. Stir the web, so to speak. See what came crawling out. They knew Jace's connection to the Nobles. It was risky and held little chance of success.

The final option was to utilize the information about the AI against them. AI weren't exactly illegal, but also weren't entirely legal. They fell into a very grey area. They were considered dangerous if left unchecked, as they were like ghosts in a world where electronics ruled.

If anyone knew that you had an AI, you'd be heavily scrutinized, brought in for questioning, and most likely have your AI confiscated. Their subconsciousness quarantined and blocked by Black ICE so they couldn't easily escape. They could try, but they risked having their entire selves wiped.

Often, AI was repurposed by corporations for their own desires. Thus, having an AI was risky. If what Kiera told Jace was true, this Spider seems to care for their AI. As the AI claimed they were saved by them, and they also called them Master. Which meant they are extremely loyal to them.

"So...First option it is," Jace finally exclaimed after all the options were aired before them, "I trust you, Kiera. They'll be waiting for us, right?"

"H-Huh? Oh, yeah," Kiera seemed uncharacteristically distracted, causing Jace to wonder what was wrong, "If they don't...I'll hunt them down."

"Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that," Jace smiled, laughing lightly, "But...are you alright? You look a bit flushed."

Kiera nodded, dismissing it as it being warm in the diner. Jace didn't quite buy it, as he felt fine, but chose to dismiss it as he knew better than to pry too much.


Kiera was caught off guard by Jace's words. She had been quite amused to watch him next to Selene. The two of them looked good together. He was smiling more, and seemed a lot more relaxed. Yet, when he told Kiera that he trusted her, she found her mind going blank.

He had said it with such genuine sincerity. She had never thought she'd be so happy to hear words like that, but it hit her deeply. Her heart skipping a beat in her chest as it took a moment for her to gather her thoughts.

Locking eyes with Selene, she raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Yet, the way her lips curled in amusement caused Kiera to become flustered. Thankfully, Jace was busy ordering something cold for Kiera so he didn't notice. "He's quite considerate..." Kiera's thoughts were a mess.

She really began to understand just what Liana saw in him. She always respected Liana's wishes. Even as she berated him for making Liana cry, she came to like him as a person. She saw a lot of herself in him. Pain.

She wasn't sure when, but she came to care for him. Was it a byproduct of Liana's own love and care for him? Did she assimilate that into herself at some point? "No...I came to care of my own volition." Kiera admitted, watching him talk to the waitress.

Though he was a pain in the ass, and did such unecessary things, he was kind at heart. He was fighting with his own demons. Reminding her of herself. She thought she left her own nightmares behind her, but when she woke up in a cold sweat to Liana's comforting embrace, she was reminded that her past wasn't so easily forgotten.

So, how could she really dislike him? Because Liana loved him? No, she was angry he didn't catch on, and angry she never said anything. That was the extent of it. She thought she would only ever love Liana, but now...Jace wormed his way into her heart.

Of course, she'd always stick to Liana's side if she had to choose. Luckily, she didn't have to. With how events were unfolding, soon the cycle would be complete. Regaining her composure, Kiera began to smile happily.

"Here you go, Miss," The waitress set an ice-cold shake before her, "One Mango Strawberry Smoothie."

"Ah!" Kiera's eyes lit up, it was her favorite flavor.

She had not listened to Jace ordering, as she was too preoccupied with her own thoughts. Sharing a look with him, he simply shrugged.

"I remembered you liked those," He told her, scratching his cheek nervously, "At least...I think it was Mango Strawberry, right?"

"Mhm," Kiera nodded, happily taking a sip of her drink, though it cooled her down, her cheeks still remained hot.

"Hmm...doesn't look like it's helping," Jace seemed concerned, oblivious as always, "Well, let's finish up here and get some fresh air. Hopefully that will help."

"How can it help when you do something like this?" Kiera grumbled to herself.

"Fresh air sounds nice," Selene agreed, locking eyes with Kiera once again.

Turning her eyes away from that knowing gaze, Kiera sipped her drink happily.


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