Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 38: Chapter 38: Date Night?

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Chapter 38:

Date Night?

"What am I doing?" Jace muttered to himself, checking his hair in the mirror, "It's just dinner like normal..."

Jace couldn't help but fuss over himself. He had been at Liana's for the past two days. Everything was going well. He was slowly recovering his mana, all the while Liana was taking care of him.

She made him food, ensured he had plenty to drink, especially water. Her herbal mixes were not just some folklore, but incredibly effective. His sore body was more relaxed, and he could feel the blood flow through him more easily.

He was slightly jealous of Kiera, knowing that she had been exposed to Liana's herbs for so long. Jace had always been too sheepish to accept, or too proud. Now, however, he hoped to receive more. Every moment with Liana has become more precious.

Over the last two days, he has eaten with her no problem, but for some reason tonight feels different. He began to feel butterflies in his stomach all day. Liana seemed even more elusive than normal as well. "Is it just my imagination?" Jace couldn't piece it together.

Which is why he found himself taking a shower and fussing over his hair afterwards. A towel wrapped around his waist, he had yet to get dressed. Which is why when he heard the knock upon the door, he panicked.

"Y-Yes?" Jace called, attempting to calm himself as he stared towards the door.

"Is everything alright?" Liana called from the other side, "I know you take long showers,'s been two hours now."

"Two hours?" It hadn't felt that long to Jace, but perhaps it could have been. His mind had been hectic recently, but today it was the worst.

"Yeah, I'm alright!" Jace told her, "Just lost in thought...Sorry about that."

"It's alright," She responded, her voice seemingly relieved, "I was just worried."

His heart tore at itself for worrying her but was touched she had checked on him.

"I'll be out in a bit, okay?" He reassured her.

"Okay..." Her voice trailed off, but then called out again, "When you're done, meet me out on the terrace, alright?"

"...Yeah, I'll be there," Jace promised, wondering why the terrace.

It had been a long time since he was this nervous. There wasn't really a reason for it, yet he couldn't shake the feeling. As if something was going to happen, but he didn't know what.

Since Liana was waiting for him, he couldn't take his time anymore. Putting on more comfortable clothing, he made his way down the hall to the terrace. It was on the second floor of the loft. An open area that allowed a beautiful view of Neo City. It was already evening, with the sun setting below the horizon. Soon, the lights of the city would illuminate the world.

"It is a beautiful sight..." Jace had always marveled at the city at night. Even as it took everything from him, he could see in it a beauty that those of the past saw when they first built it. The hope of a dream. " didn't take everything from me," Jace reminded himself, exiting onto the terrace through the sliding glass door.

There upon it stood a sight that was already beautiful. His eyes widened as he took her in. Liana, his guide throughout his life. She leaned on the banister of the terrace looking out over the city. A serene smile on her face.

Her hair blew gently in the light wind, looking absolutely stunning. She wore a long-sleeved black blouse with jean shorts and tights. She wore nothing on her feet, leaving them free. Of course, he also only wore socks. There wasn't a need for shoes in the house, or on the terrace.

Glancing towards him, his heart caught in his throat. For some reason, in the fading evening sun, she looked even more beautiful than she ever had before. "Did she always seem to...glow?" There was a radiance to her that he couldn't quite place.

With a pep in her step, she made her way over to him, smiling with her hands behind her back. Beaming up at him, he felt a sense of embarrassment. As if her eyes were devouring him.

"Thought you drowned or something," She teased, poking him in the stomach gently, "I'm glad you didn't."

"Y-Yeah, me too..." He laughed nervously, "She smells nice..."

It was true, she smelled different from normal, or was that his imagination? Her usual scent was more fragrant than before. This was only enhanced as she wrapped her arms around his, pulling him over to the balcony.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She asked, looking out over the city, though his eyes were on her.

"Yes..." He muttered, clearing his throat as he tore his gaze away from her, "You have a lovely view...."

"Isn't it though?" She giggled, hugging herself to his arm, "You know...I wish you'd come over more often."

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"...I'm sorry," His heart filled with guilt, "I'll do my best to do so from now on, alright?"

"Oh, you will," Liana stated confidently, "You have no choice."

"Oh really?" Jace smiled, amused.

"Really, really," She nodded her head vigorously, laughing playfully, "Or are you planning on having me hunt you down?"

He felt a menacing aura come from Liana as she stared him down. Her gaze were like daggers, piercing into him. Gulping, he shook his head.

"N-No, you don't," Jace told her, rubbing the back of his neck, "I promise, Liana."

"...Good," All the fight seemed to leave her as she let go of him, "Come on, the food is waiting."

Motioning behind them, it was the first time Jace noticed the table set with food. The smell had been hidden by Liana's own scent, or perhaps it was that he was just that distracted. He marveled at the food before him. It was a simple meal, but one of his favorites. Lasagna.

"What's the occasion?" Jace wondered as he made his way to sit.

It was a simple patio table, but wreathed in vines that Liana had cultivated. Red flowers bloomed among the vines, but didn't obscure the tabletop itself. Hanging plants with long vines hung from the ceiling of the terrace, as it was a slightly enclosed terrace.

"Nothing much," Liana told him, though her smile said otherwise, "I just...missed our time together. We don't see each other often."

"I suppose that's true..." Jace once again felt the guilt build in his heart, his eyes downcast.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Liana tried to cheer him up, "Just a shame you have to be injured for it to happen."

She pouted, teasing him. He could only smile himself, laughing at such a cute expression. "I suppose that's as good a reason as any..." He thought, grateful for her consideration.

Sitting down, she ensured he had his portion before grabbing her own. It smelled delicious, and tasted just as good. The sauce, mixed with the meat and cheese blended perfectly with the noodles. It was an explosion of flavor.

Not many at such homecooked meals anymore. Everything was instant or frozen. Even most restaurants, save those that cost a lot, used instant food to serve to their customers. It was very rare to find something good. Which was why many people praised the food of Little Asia, though you had to be careful where you ate.

All their food was made in front of you. Their street vendors were highly regarded, but to find a truly good place was prized by the locals, and highly guarded. You had to know someone who knows someone before they accepted you, or you just eat there enough for them to know you.

"Why am I thinking of such useless stuff right now?" Jace couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He was here enjoying a good meal that Liana had prepared. She had always been like this, but why did his heart beat so quickly now? Glancing up, he saw her eating.

It wasn't anything different from other people, but in some way, she was more delicate. The way she chewed carefully, savoring every bite. The way she brushed her hair behind her ear to keep it out of the food. "Cute..." It was the only thing he could think of.

As he watched her, she herself looked up at him. Catching his gaze, she smiled happily. His heart skipping several beats, unable to hold her gaze. As the night dragged on, she lit candles to provide some light, and the nearby lanterns they had also lit up.

It gave everything a warm glow. Truth be told, this almost felt like a date, but to Jace that couldn't be. They were just two friends. Family members enjoying the evening...together. Jace shook his head, trying to not get his hopes up as he finished his food. All the while, she smiled happily towards him.

"...That was really good," Jace told her, happy for the meal, "Truly, thank you. You do so much for me, and yet I-"

"I'll stop you right there," Liana said sternly, though her face quickly turned gentle, "I never asked for you to do anything for me. I do this because I want to, because..."

Her words trailed off. Her gaze averted itself as she took a breath. His heart felt tight while wondering what she was about to say.

"Jace, come with me," Liana motioned for him to follow her.

Without complaint, he did. They made their way back over to the balcony that looked out over the city. With the warm glow of light from her balcony, the lights outside seemed dim. Was it because of the atmosphere, or the company?


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