Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: Night of Confession (Slight Spice/Smut at the end of the Chapter)

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Chapter 39:

Night of Confession

The city tonight just didn't look as beautiful. Compared to Liana, it looked dull. "Come on Jace, get it together..." But he couldn't. This entire day had felt weird. From dinner feeling like a date, to Liana's exuberant aura. As if she was determined. Jace knew that was always a sign to be cautious.

"...What's going on, Liana?" Jace asked her as they go to the balcony, "I've tried ignoring it, feels different."

"Does it?" Liana sighed softly, looking out over the city with that serene gaze of hers, "I guess it is...Tell me, what do you think of me?"

The question caught him off-guard. "Does she know?" His heart raced a million miles an hour. "No...she couldn't, but then..." He grew anxious as he thought about it.

"W-Why are you asking?" Jace tried to pass it off, laughing nervously, "I're Liana. The closest person I have to a friend, and I-"

"Jace," Liana interrupted, looking out of the corner of her eye at him, "Don't bullshit me right now."

She was firm, but not unkind. She knew he avoided things that made him uncomfortable. He knew she wanted a straight answer. Just like he didn't like people sugarcoating things, she didn't want to be pulled around.

"...I think you're amazing," He answered honestly, "I think I don't deserve half of the things you do for me..."

Leaning his forearms over the railing, he gazed out at the city. The night had fully begun. Holograms of advertisements danced before his eyes. Neon lights pulsed and radiated the life of the city, and yet...he felt so distant from it all. Right now, he was here with Liana.

But what did that exactly mean? He knew he loved her and knew he couldn't live without her. The mere thought of losing her was heart wrenching. It pained him almost as much as losing his mother. He couldn't fathom it. He was afraid to say anything, but this may be his only chance.

His thoughts flashed to Selene, remembering her words. Even if Liana rejected him, he at least had her, right? It's not like he wouldn't understand. Liana had Kiera after all, and there was the person she loved. "I wonder who it is..."

"You've taken care of me," Jace continued softly, "I always took you for granted...But you never once seemed to hold it against me. Though, you certainly do pack a punch..."

He laughed, recalling all the times she hit him for endangering himself. He always thought it was annoying, but deep in his heart he knew she cared. Which made it all the more painful to know he hurt her.

"Well, you're a damned idiot sometimes," Liana told him teasingly, "Someone has to knock some sense into you..."

"Ha, you're right," Jace peeked at her from the corner of his eye, "I'm glad you've been in my life. I'm glad it's you that has been there...So what do I think of you?"

She waited patiently, her gaze searing itself into his very soul.

"Yes," She whispered, "What do you think of me?"

"I..." Jace closed his eyes, afraid to look at her, afraid to see the horror and disgust that may appear upon her face, " you, Liana. Not just as family, but...As a person. You're kind, you're smart, and you've always been there for me even if I don't deserve it. I think you're an amazing woman. Kiera is lucky to have you, and whoever that other person is...well, I can't say I'm not jealous."

There was silence, and the fear Jace had been worried about began to enter his heart. "Is she going to say anything?" As he thought this, he felt a hand upon his cheek. He was startled, but realized it was a gentle touch.

"'ve finally admitted it," Liana's voice called out gently.

"Y-You knew?" Jace finally opened his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest.

Her face wasn't disgust nor fear. It wasn't hatred or annoyance. It was...tender. Happy? "Am I imagining things?" Jace felt his heart pounding even harder.

"Well, not at first. I learned it recently," Liana smiled mischievously, "Did you forget...We spied on your first date."

Jace's eyes widened in horror. "How could I have forgotten that?" He felt his heart burn up, spreading throughout his entire body. He had been so preoccupied with everything else that Kiera's admittance to spying on his date with Selene never registered to him. "I was worried she'd know...but she heard my confession to Selene..." His legs could no longer hold him as he squatted down, hands covering his face in embarrassment.

"Of course you would know..." Jace bemoaned his own foolishness, "I was so worried, but you already knew..."

"Yes, I did. I'm sorry, Jace," She spoke sweetly, though laughed in amusement.

Feeling her hand upon his head, he glanced up from between his fingers to see her concerned face. It touched his heart seeing her care even now.

"I feel like such a fool..." He muttered, "I've caused you so many problems..."

"Yes, you have," Liana told him, causing him to groan, "Heh, oh don't be like that. Do you think I would have done all that I've done for no reason?"

"...No, but..." Jace felt comforted by her hand upon his head, if also a bit sheepish, "I thought you'd be upset, or disgusted. After all, we're like family, and you have Kiera. Not to mention that one person..."

"Oh, come on now," Liana sighed, shaking her head, "You've not realized it by now?"

"...What do you mean?" Jace asked, confused as his head still recovered from realizing she had known all along about his feelings for a while now.

"Stand up, you fool," Liana pulled him to his feet, her hand on his cheek, "Honestly, I guess you won't understand if I don't say it."

"Say...what?" Jace's face was fully dumbfounded, his mind completely blank at this situation.

"You," Liana poked him in the chest firmly, yet playfully, "You're that person, you dumbass."

"I-I am?" He pointed a finger at himself, his heart frozen in his chest, "Is she...serious?"

There wasn't much time to process this information as her hand grabbed his shirt, pulling him down to her. She was so close to him as her gaze never left him.

"Yes, Jace," She smiled, her scent intoxicating, "You."

His eyes widened as her lips locked with his. This was beyond his wildest imaginings. His entire being felt relieved as he melted into her kiss. It was sweet, passionate. His eyes closing as he gave himself over to the kiss.

He finally understood why today had felt so different. Why the city had felt so dull. Suddenly, his entire life lit up. Everything seemed brighter, more vivid than before. In her presence, he felt whole.

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Liana's heart pounded in her chest. He knew he was dense, but to this extent? "You're hopeless..." Liana thought to herself lovingly. She didn't hate this about him, and to be honest she found it quite cute.

He had been so worried about that mystery person for so long that his thoughts couldn't fathom it being him. He was definitely a foolish man, but this foolish man was the one she loved. His embarrassment caused her heart to flutter. It was so cute seeing him squirm, but now in this moment he was hers.

She felt a weight leave her shoulders as they kissed. As she finally told him, no, showed him how she felt. All her life she waited for this moment, and Kiera was right. The kiss was hot. Both literally and figuratively.

Her entire body burned with a passion as all her emotions were poured forth into this moment. Pressing herself against him, she felt his arm wrap around her, his hand holding her lower back. "Fuck..." She found herself craving more.

His touch was everything she ever thought. Every time she gave him a hug, or came in contact with her was nothing compared to now. Kiera had constantly teased her, and her father had warned her to confess. Now, that day was today.

She was going to wait, but that was no longer possible. How many years had it been? How long as she waited for this moment? "Take care of him." Selene's words echoed in her mind. Tonight was special, and she would ensure that.

Reluctantly pulling free from him, they were both left breathless. Jace's eyes were heavily lidded as he looked down at her. They were full of emotion that pierced her very core.

"W-Wow..." He muttered, his breathing heavy.

"He wants more as well..." Smiling to herself, she didn't give him time to think or say anything more, "Come with me..."

Pulling him by the hand, he didn't protest. She had prepared for this just in case. She didn't think she would make use of it, as she was going to wait, but now she was grateful she had prepared it.

Making her way back inside, she guided him to her bedroom. Candles in various places lit the room. Black lace curtains hung from the four-poster bed. Crimson sheets were neatly prepared, and pillows were all fluffed and waiting.

The lights of the city shown through her bedroom window, as she left the curtains open to provide a little bit of atmosphere. Jace's eyes were curious, but she knew he understood. There was apprehension growing on his face.

"Liana, this-" Jace spoke up, but she held a finger to his lips to silence him.

"Jace," Liana smiled teasingly, "I've waited for this...I want this."

"But Kiera..." Jace spoke from behind her finger, "What about-"

"She's respected my wishes. So has Selene," Liana told him, pressing herself against his body, "I want my first time with you...Now, shut up and sit down."

He blushed heavily, smiling sheepishly. " just have to take control with him," She chuckled at how cute he was, pushing him back onto the bed. The way he looked up at her was enough to drive her over the edge.

Her heart beat so loudly she could hardly hear her own thoughts. "This is crazy..." She thought, her nerves finally getting the best of her. Jace, seemingly noticing this, grabbed her hand and pulled her to him. He held her firmly, the smell of a storm upon him. It was relaxing.

"Liana..." He whispered to her, "Don't push yourself."

"...I'm not," She told him firmly, "I want this..."

"I do as well," Jace responded, "It's my first time too, but...If you will have me..."

"Of course," Pushing herself up from him, she kissed him once more.

His face was too irresistible as he blushed. He had never been good with women, and though her nerves were high, she found herself able to take charge. Guiding him as their bodies became one. Her hands slowly removing his clothing, her lips moving along his body.

She worked on instinct, as well as some research. After all, she was only mortal. She's seen porn before, but this was truly her first time with a man, and Kiera had always respected her wishes to not be touched until after her time with Jace.

So, she had a little bit more practice than he did. After all, she didn't just leave Kiera alone. His moans of pleasure were ecstasy to her ears. Urging her on further. She braced herself as she felt him tense up. The sweet, salty flavor unique and strange as he came.

Swallowing, she licked her lips. "So...this is what you taste like?" Was it just the emotions and hormones in the air, or was it that she truly loved his taste? It was different from Kiera, but of course it would be. He was a man, after all.

"L-Liana..." He whispered her name breathlessly, "That was..."

"Shh," She teased, standing up before him, "Just enjoy yourself...I know I will."

His eyes upon her, she felt more self-conscious than ever before. The moment her blouse fell to the floor, she held his hands to her body. Urging him to feel her. To touch her.

He was a quick study as he knew his assignment. He soon took over as her moans began to rise into the nights air. His lips were gentle upon her, finding all the right spots. Each time he kissed her, it was like electricity through her body. Pleasurable and tingly.

It wasn't long before she was completely bare before him. She had thought she was confident but found that she was in fact quite shy. Hiding her body with her hands. His gaze in the light of the night, the candles glowing warmly, was burning.

"...You're beautiful," he told her, much to her embarrassment.

"Sh-Shut up..." She told him, but loved hearing him say it, nonetheless.

He smirked triumphantly, much to her infuriation, but she could forgive him. She liked this side of him as well. With him looming over her, she grew nervous, but as he pressed against her, she found that all of it faded away. Helping to guide him, she let out a cry of pleasure and slight pain.

It was different than she had envisioned. Always hearing it hurt, and while it stung a bit, it wasn't like they said. Was it because she was so turned out? They were finally one, her arms wrapping around him, pulling him to her. His breathing in her ear turned her on more as he moved.

Their cries of pleasure rose into the night, not stopping for quite a while. Years of holding themselves back, of feelings finally realized. All of it culminated in these intimate moments. By the end, Liana couldn't have been happier. Stroking Jace's hair as he lay, exhausted, by her side.


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