Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 40: Chapter 40: The Morning After

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Chapter 40:

The Morning After

Jace awoke to the light through the windows in a room he was unfamiliar with. The feeling of someone next to him, snuggled by his side drew his attention. It was a soft, warm feeling. Their body close to his. Slowly, his gaze turned towards them.

Liana's bare body pressed against him, her eyes closed as she slept peacefully. The light of the sun giving her an otherworldly glow, or was that just her naturally beauty? Jace didn't know. He only knew that the memories of last night came flooding back.

"D-Did we really...?" His face became completely red as he felt a slew of emotions run through him. Happiness, giddiness, disbelief, embarrassment, and more caused him to be a complete mess. He could still feel the sensations, still recall the heat of the moment.

"Morning..." Liana's quiet voice startled him as she snuggled closer against him, "I see you're still hopeless, even after..."

Her own cheeks grew red, burying her face against his neck.

"...You're no better," Jace retorted, smirking.

"Well..." Liana mumbled.

Stretching, Liana got a mischievous smile upon her face. Throwing her leg over him, she straddled across his body. Immediately, he grew conscious of where she was, and just how vulnerable they both were. The covers over her slid down, revealing her slim, fit body. Everything laid bare.

"You're worse," Liana teased, her hands on his chest, "My eyes, handsome, are up here."

Jace blushed, not just for being caught staring, but at being called handsome. He never thought he was, but hearing Liana say it made him feel quite bashful and happy.

"S-Sorry..." Jace flustered, "I mean, can you blame me?"

"Heh, no," Liana ran her hands along his chest, her fingers sending shivers throughout his body, "I want you to look. I've always wanted you to see me as a woman...Now, we can work on that shyness of yours."

Jace smiled sheepishly, glancing towards her. Liana was looking upon like she never had before. As if she no longer held herself back. "I never noticed before...What an idiot."

"Yes, you are an idiot," Liana giggled, surprising Jace.

"Are you sure you're not a mind reader?" He asked skeptically playful.

"Positive," Liana tilted her head, sighing contentedly, "You're just easy to read, but then again...I've always watched you."

"Don't make it sound creepy or anything," Jace teased, laughing lightly.

Crossing her arms, she pouted playfully, squinting at him in protest. Something in this moment felt like everything and nothing had changed. She was still Liana, and he was still him. It reminded him of better times. Days they spent more time together, before he became negligent.

Those moments she'd be able to get right through all his defenses. Though, she still always found a way to do so. They were still the best of friends, and now even more. They were lovers, now bound together. Which meant that Jace didn't have to hold back either.

Smirking, he took a deep breath to settle his heart. Startling her as he suddenly gripped her sides gently. Her skin was smooth, and as he began to tickle her, that tough facade began to fall. Her laughter filling the room. They tossed about as she attempted to defend herself.

"S-Stop!" She giggled under him, "Th-That's unfair!"

"Oh, is it now?" Jace sighed happily, his hands relaxing as he simply held them in place upon her.

His gaze became soft, gazing upon her. " real, isn't it?" Her laughter was dying down, that radiant smile never leaving her face. He was still quite shy, but as last night happened, and he was before her in this moment, he felt enthralled. His hand running up her side, tracing its fingers over her body.

She shivered under his touch, her gaze turning sultry, loving. Making its way up her neck, to her cheek where it stopped. Cupping her cheek, he could only gaze upon her. Tenderly taking her in. Wanting to burn this moment into his memory.

"J-Jace?" She asked, blushing as she averted her eyes, "If you stare too long, I'll get embarrassed..."

"I thought you wanted me to look?" Jace teased, smirking.

"That's...!" She pouted, caught in her own words.

"Honestly..." Jace laughed lightly, turning off of her as he laid back down, "That's unfair is you. How can you"

Turning on her side, Liana propped herself up, looking at him rather confused.

"What does that even mean?" She laughed, raising an eyebrow.

"I just..." Looking over at her, he found his heart beating heavily in his chest, "You're beautiful, you're smart...and you always take care of me. Even when I cause you such pain...Every time, you stay by my side. That can't all be because of love, can it?"

Reaching up to her cheek once more, she closed her eyes, holding his hand to her firmly.

"No,'s a large part of it," She whispered, blushing lightly, "Your words flatter me...I just care about you, Jace. You're more than you think you are. Your pain, your trauma, does not define you."

Opening her eyes, they had a fierceness to them. One that caused Jace's heart to skip several beats.

"I've watched you for years," She whispered, "You try your best. You've always been there for me as well. You are always sincere in your actions. Every time you make a mistake, you do your best to fix it...You care, Jace. Give yourself some credit."

He blushed deeply, not believing such kind words were fitting for him, but nonetheless he found himself happy. Love was an interesting thing, and he didn't fully grasp it. He simply knew that he cared for her. A lot.

He wanted to be with her. He wanted to be with Selene. He be happy. "Was this...what my mother meant?" Jace found himself unsure but smiling. It was the closest understanding he could get right now.

"Liana..." Keeping eye contact, he pulled her down to him.

She didn't resist, and in fact knew what was coming. She took guidance, locking lips with him. Her hands holding his head between them. It was just as sweet as he remembered, maybe even more so. Her soft lips were intoxicating.

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"...Jace," Liana pulled away, speaking softly, "Don't worry so much about the small details. Relationships aren't always easy, nor are they straight forward...You'll come to find out."

"Will I?" Jace laughed nervously, "Honestly, it's already pretty insane...Selene really was okay with this?"

His heart grew anxious, nervous as he worried about hurting her.

"You know," Liana's voice was playfully cautious, "You shouldn't mention other women when you're laying with another...naked."

His cheeks grew red, shrinking back at her words.

"I-I guess you're right..." Jace mumbled, "Sorry..."

"...Jace," Liana sighed, giving him that look, "Really? I'm joking."

"O-Oh..." Jace couldn't have felt more embarrassed than in that moment.

"Honestly," Liana sighed, shaking her head, "I see we have a lot of work to do with you..."

Caressing his cheek, she smiled lovingly.

"Not that I mind," She stated, "And yes, Selene was okay with this. You'll have your hands full with us. I hope you're ready."

"...Not at all," Jace admitted, chuckling, "But, I look forward to it."

Seemingly happy with his answer, Liana laid her head upon his chest. They stayed like that for quite a while. Talking very little, but one thing was made clear. They were now more than they were before. Liana would no longer be holding her feelings back.


Liana couldn't be happier. Not only did she finally confess to Jace, but they had spent their first night together after so long. There couldn't have been a more perfect moment. Every feeling she ever had culminated into this moment. The realization of their relationship.

She made it clear in no uncertain terms that they were, in fact, together now. Making Jace understand that now that she had him, she wouldn't let him go. He should be prepared for that with Selene as well, to which he showed much nervousness over.

Still, she knew he was happy. Everything was working out better than he ever could have hoped, and now his smile was brighter than ever. Even if it was still quite bashful. "It's so cute...One moment he stands confident, the next he is a puddle in my hands..." She'd have it no other way, otherwise he wouldn't be Jace.

Of course, she would help him with his shyness. After all, she wanted him to be more confident. To understand that her feelings are not just fleeting. That he has her, and those around him, as support. For her specifically, he has her in every way imaginable.

"Eat up," Liana told him, practically floating on air, "You'll need energy to recover your mana."

"Mhm..." Jace's face was almost always constantly tinged with pink, "Thank you, Liana..."

"Oh come now, handsome," Liana teased, leaning her elbows on the table, "Can't you think of anything else to call me?"

"I...I don't know," He admitted, averting his eyes, "I'm not...I mean, you're my light."

Liana's heart skipped several beats as she froze from his words. Embarrassed to hear such things, she was stunned in the best way possible. Quickly collecting herself, she smiled and turned to grab herself some food.

"I-I see..." She mumbled, flustered, "I suppose you can take your time to think about it..."

"Oh?" Jace got a mischievous tone in his voice that caused her heartrate to increase, "You don't like being called my light?"

"N-No, it's not that..." Liana answered, trying to compose herself, "In fact...I'm flattered. I just...It's a bit too much for me."

"Ah, so I should use it sparingly?" Jace asked, sounding almost disappointed, "Shame...But you really are my light. You've always been. I was just blind until recently."

"Well, maybe not sparingly," Liana smiled, glancing over at him, "But, you have more than one light in your life, do you not?"

Jace grew silent. His gaze pensive as he played with the eggs on his plate.

"You're not wrong," Jace answered, smiling tenderly, "But you were, and are the first."

"Perhaps," Liana mused, happy to hear him say it, "Still, don't ignore Selene. If it wasn't for her, I don't know if that dense brain of yours would have figured it out."

"Hey! Come on now..." Jace pouted playfully, "I mean, you're not wrong, but also...hey!"

Giggling, Liana sat down with him to eat. The two of them were finally as close as she always wanted them to be. She was seeing him shine in ways she could only dream of. Neither of them having to hold back or hide.

Of course, it would be awkward for them for a while. At least for Jace, but perhaps with his growing understanding, it wouldn't be as bad as she thought. For now, she was content and would aim to help him recover. It would be easier now that they didn't have to tiptoe around each other.

"Meditation after breakfast," Liana ordered, "No skipping."

"...I won't," Jace chuckled softly, a pleasant sound to her ears, "Thank you."


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