Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 41: Chapter 41: Her Reasons

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Chapter 41:

Her Reasons

Selene was lost in the memories of her past. She didn't mind that Liana would share such a moment with Jace. In fact, she was quite glad. She loved Jace, and to know that there were others who cared so much was a relief to her.

Of course, that didn't mean she'd just let anyone close to him. Liana was quite the exception. With Kiera being another, should she ever confess to him. For now, Selene was content. The only issue she had were the memories of her past.

Being raised an heir of the St.Claire Family was not easy. She had to be perfect in everything. She was taught from an early age just about everything there was to know about management, mathematics, business, and more. She had to be good with it all.

Trained from an early age in self-defense. Even if she were to have guards, she had to know just how to defend herself as well. That's when all the experiments began. She was put through rigorous tests the moment it was discovered she was an Ascended. They had spent a lot of money to ensure she was created perfectly. Gene manipulation.

Everything about her was fabricated. She knew she was beautiful, but it was all because of those modifications. She was made to be perfect. Yet, she was still just mortal. Well, as mortal as an Elf could be.

Put through hellish training, she was taught to kill from an early age as well. Her first ever kill being forced upon her during her preteen years. Thrown into a pit to survive, it was either kill or be killed. She threw up like crazy afterwards. All the while her father praised her strength.

She has held a growing resentment towards him ever since. It was what started the path to her rebellion. However, what truly did it was what her mind was on now. As an heir to the St.Claire Family, there was a chance she'd have to use her feminine wiles to her advantage.

Chastity was a commodity. She was taught that everything and anything could be used as a bargaining chip. Her father sold hers to the highest bidder. Another young heir from an aristocratic family who her father was looking to form ties with.

At the time, she saw it as something necessary. Required of her as the heir to the St.Claire Family. She thought very little of it. It was normal to her, and only now did she realize that it wasn't. Remembering that time was unpleasant. It was disgusting and painful.

She held no attachment to them, and so wasn't aroused at all. Their touch made her skin crawl, and though they enjoyed their time, she didn't. It was in this moment she reached an epiphany. She hated being touched.

His hands grabbing at her, fondling her. It made her skin crawl. She wanted to vomit. She wanted him to stop. So, she made him. When he didn't listen, he found out the consequences. His blood covered the room and herself. She stood over his lifeless body as it was strewn everywhere, torn asunder by her powers.

Her father was furious, as the alliance was completely destroyed. Only their family's strength prevented any retribution from the other family. Still, he cared nothing for her wellbeing. She would have killed him as well if not for some filial piety still left in her body, and the fact she wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Ever since she became disgusted with her parents.

Her mother did nothing to stop it. Simply bragging about her daughter instead. Holding her up like some trophy. Meanwhile, her father saw her as nothing more than a tool. She held resentment to the both of them, but it was her mother who came to her after.

It was the only saving grace her mother had. Unfortunately, even in those moments Selene could see it. She could see in her mother's eyes the hidden agenda. Selene had withdrawn from the social scene. Her mother could no longer show her off as a trophy. Her status was dropping.

If there was even an ounce of motherhood in that woman, Selene couldn't see it. It was around this time that Selene began to formulate her plan. To leave her family and start anew. To find what it truly meant to be "normal". Whatever that was.

She spent many years trying to figure out what she wanted to do before she settled on healthcare. It was partly on a whim and partly because she couldn't continue to see the atrocities her father committed. A sense of doing good in a world her family made worse.

Even so, her emotions were just stunted. She felt nothing. Even if she knew right from wrong, she held no attachment to it. She hoped that would change in healthcare as well. It never did. She saw people die, heard so many sob stories. Treated everyone to the best of her capabilities, but after a while she just...stopped caring.

The world wasn't good. There was hardly a decent person among society. Even during those sob stories, the people always had an alternate objective. Insurance money, who would get what when they died, or just faking it.

There were some who felt genuinely concerned, like a parent for their child. However, even that concern held more beneath it. The burden of this child upon them. When could they get back to work? Why can't their children just be better? They were costing them a fortune.

So, in the end their concern was money more than the child. Even if they were genuinely concerned. Of course, Selene knew that money was always a stress factor for many. So, she couldn't exactly fault them for it. It just never allowed her to really feel anything for such people.

It was this nonchalant attitude and deteriorating satisfaction numbers in her record that caused her to be demoted. She wasn't, after all, originally a nurse. She had, in fact, been a full-on doctor. But, after so many patient complaints about her cold demeanor, along with Helen's interference, she was demoted.

Pushed to a part of the hospital and patient no one wanted to care for. Well, all but one. Doctor Gerard. Everyone else had practically given up on his patient. Mana Degeneration, after all, was difficult to treat. Being the only hospital in the Warrens capable of doing so, however, there weren't many options for people.

Most patients didn't last long due to lack of funds. They just let them pass away. It was better than being in pain, after all. She believed her assignment would be simple and short. That was until she saw him. Sitting by his mother's side, genuine love in his voice.

She was surprised, and even curious. Was this just an act? Yet, the moment he saw her there was only concern for his mother's wellbeing. Jace saw a cold, uncaring nurse. He saw in her someone who wouldn't care for his mother. He didn't want that.

He wanted someone who would ensure her treatment. It was the first time she ever saw someone with no ulterior motives. The first time she saw someone not care about the money. She was sure when he heard the increase in price, that he would give up.

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It was only Doctor Gerard who believed in him. Jace resolved himself to get the money no matter what it took. She admired that. He didn't care about his own wellbeing, only his mothers. He cared about someone else other than himself.

She knew, of course, that it was unhealthy. She was surprised in her sudden change. Wanting him to take care of himself. The feelings in her heart awakening. Seeing this person before her try so hard finally freed the ice inside of her. Above all...his touch didn't repulse her.

She resolved in those moments she'd do everything in her power to keep him around. He made her feel things she never felt before. She would ensure his happiness and hers. He would no longer have to be so unhealthy. Of course, that would take work.

She knew the horrors of this world. The obstacles in the way. She had reasons she felt the way she did. Simple as they may be. There would be nothing that stopped her from achieving the happiness she finally felt. To share Jace was a simple decision to ensure both of their happiness.

She looked forward to the day they would become one. To feel the touch of someone she loved. Would it be different? It had to be. His touch made her feel nice. His gaze made her feel beautiful. Not in the way others made her feel. Their lecherous gazes were disgusting in comparison.

He made her feel like a person, and not just a tool. So, she would do anything for her goals to be realized. Which is why she found pleasure in her hunt. Finding Black Suit was easy. Kiera had him pinpointed to their exact location. They believed Jace to be dead and were relaxing easily in their Palm Hills Penthouse.

"Selene," Kiera called mischievously, "I think he's pissed himself."

"Ah, I thought I smelled something," Selene could, in fact, smell the ammonia in the air.

It was a simple task to infiltrate this place. Kiera took care of all electronics, and Selene any physical resistance. Bodies of guards strewn everywhere. Selene's eyes were coolly detached as they stared upon the pathetic man before them.

"Wh-Who are you!" They demanded; their green cybernetic eyes wide in fear.

"Avenging Angels," Kiera mused, "I like the sound of that, don't you?"

"It's quite fitting," Selene stated, staring down at the man on the floor, "You recently attempted to kill someone quite important to me."

"To us," Kiera corrected, smiling.

"Right, to us," Selene smirked, sighing as she gathered in her hand glowing energy, "That alone is enough to kill you..."

The energy roiled around like agitated water. Its silver glow was menacing as power crackled inside of it. A technique taught for torture. Something she was taught growing up. It was a vile, horrible technique. Yet, in this moment it came in handy.

"Once this enters your bloodstream," Selene explained coolly, "It will burn like hell. You'll feel like you're burning alive, but you're not. You won't be able to sleep. You'll shit yourself, which will burn as well. Even pissing will be painful."

"W-What?" The man's eyes turned from fear to absolute terror, "W-Why are you doing this?"

Smiling devilishly, Selene knelt before him. Her eyes glowing a deep violet, beginning to turn silver. His body went rigid as an invisible cut opened his arm.

"Because," Selene told him, "I believe Jace warned you, did he not? If you fuck with him again...he'd find you. Only, it was us."

"Ooh, unlucky," Kiera taunted, laughing menacingly.

Recognition passed over his face as he realized Jace was, in fact, alive. The energy flowed like water from Selene's hand into the wound. It was like liquid metal with lightning crackling inside of it. As he tried to speak in protest, all that came out was a blood curdling scream. Underneath his skin, the burning began.

Kiera and Selene looked on with uncaring, emotionless eyes. Both of them feeling the satisfaction from his screams. They wouldn't let him die as quickly as the Spider. Selene had just the place to put him. His sins were far from paid.


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