Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Entrusting Each Other

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Chapter 42:

Entrusting Each Other

"So...You're a St.Claire," Kiera mumbled, unsure how to feel about this information, "I suppose that explains a lot."

Selene had chosen to tell Kiera who she was before Jace. Kiera felt like she understood her reasoning, but she herself wasn't quite sure how to feel. After all, it was the St.Claire's who were involved with the experiments on her. One of many.

"...You know what they've done, don't you?" Kiera asked her, crossing her legs on the couch.

"Yes," Selene answered simply, of course Kiera didn't blame Selene.

They were at Selene's apartment, giving time for Jace to recover as well as space for Liana and him. So, for the moment Kiera was staying with Selene as they dealt with Black Suit who was now neatly tucked away

At the moment, the two of them were sitting in the living room. Talking over some Chinese takeout with the TV playing the news softly in the background.

"...I'll be honest," Kiera sighed, feeling a bit frustrated, "I know who your family is. I have...ties to them."

"As do many," Selene took a bite of her food, she seemed rather aloof, yet Kiera could tell she was struggling with this, "I know the atrocities my family has done. Both now and in the past. To their own blood as well."

There it was. The reason Kiera was so frustrated and conflicted. The St.Claire Family went back generations. They controlled one of the biggest corporations in the world. St.Claire Industries. Their hands were in everything.

Kiera always knew they weren't great, but hearing Selene's story put a lot into perspective. They were just one of many among the backers of those scientists. Research into creating a weapon. One that they could control. Thankfully, that project went down when Kiera escaped.

Still, they had the resources. It was possible they started up again. Who knows how many more were going through what she did, or worse. Selene was created with knowledge from that research. Her limits were endless. So, Kiera held hope that the project was ended, but chances were slim.

"I probably know about me," Kiera whispered, taking a bite of her own food, "Or at least have some speculation."

"Speculation," Selene answered, "The way you hide your power. It's not like others. You have inhibitors, don't you?"

"Mhm," Kiera nodded, shifting to get comfortable, "You're the first I'm telling this to...not even Liana knows. I guess that makes us even, heh..."

Selene smiled slightly, knowing that both of them were sharing intimate parts of themselves with each other before even the object of their obsession knew.

"I don't remember my parents well," Kiera told her, "I just remember them selling me off. They took the money and ran. Probably dead by now."

Selene was quiet as Kiera explained to her what she knew about herself. Sold to a company called Biorganix. A research institution dedicated to improving life for everyone. Through experimentation, of course.

They were extremely interested in Ascended. Mana. That which changed the structure of one's body when they awakened. Ascended were stronger, faster, and more reactive than normal people. Even more resilient as well.

There were experiments to determine a way to discover an Ascended before they awakened. Their test? Pain. How much abuse could someone take more than others. They couldn't use adults, because past the age of 18, it was very rare for someone to awaken. The majority of Ascended awakened during their race's teen years or younger.

Thus, this experiment was done on children. They found that 70% of those who survived and became Ascended had higher pain tolerance than the other children. The other 30% were more sensitive and died early. Discarded like trash.

Kiera found this out through her deep dive into their systems. She was slightly different from the children they took in. They were trying to create an artificial Ascended. Little did they know, she was a real Ascended. Their needles that poked and prodded, the burning of mana being forcibly injected into her system...all of that was a reminder of her hatred for them.

When they found out she was a real Ascended, she became their prized possession. The experiments grew worse. How strong could they make an Ascended? Could they control them? Thus began Project Heaven. A cruel, inhumane experiment.

She was pit against others like her. Which one would survive? Experiment on the others, utilize on her. Her life wasn't exactly easy even when she was their prized possession. The guards would abuse her. Beat her into submission.

Thankfully, they had the sense to never touch her. That was until the day she escaped. They had thought she was docile. They had no idea just what she was capable of. The inhibitors they placed on her were ineffective. She had long since found a way to control them.

"I reached out to the security mechs," Kiera explained softly, "Tore through them in seconds. I still remember the smell of blood and shit. It's not a pleasant smell."

"No, it really isn't," Selene agreed, causing Kiera to laugh.

They were quite similar. It was a shame that Selene had been put through what she had. Kiera couldn't imagine it. Thankfully, it was just that one time. In the future, she would have plenty of time to enjoy herself. To replace those memories with better ones.

"I destroyed the facility," Kiera continued, playing with her food, "Hunted down many that escaped. Some of the children locked in there with me attacked, and unfortunately, I had to kill them. Those that didn't were able to escape, but there weren't many."

"Are they still out there?" Selene asked, taking a bite of food, "The scientists, I mean."

"Yes, some of them," Kiera told her, sighing in annoyance, "I can't face them alone. Even as strong as I am. I need the help, but..."

"You've not been able to ask for it," Selene hit the nail on the head, "Sounds like someone we know."

"Oof, ouch. I mean, you're right, but ouch," Kiera laughed lightly, "Honestly, I wasn't sure what I thought of Jace when I first saw him."

"How did you meet Liana?" Selene inquired.

"Now that's a story..." Kiera thought fondly back on that time.

Kiera had escaped the facility. Survived on the streets. Travelled everywhere wary of everyone. She chased them to Neo City, the surviving scientists. It was here that she first met Liana. She was with a young boy, Jace.

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He looked like someone had attempted to drown him, and apparently that wasn't far from the truth. His father had attempted to kill him. He didn't know how to swim and was tossed in one of the streams which ran through the city.

Apparently, Jace had run away from home and his father followed. They confronted each other, and in a rage his father attempted to drown him. Whether it was in fear or something else, his father left the scene, but Liana had been nearby.

In her terror, she helped Jace from the water. She comforted him as he shivered, holding his knees to himself as he shook in terror. They couldn't have been older than 10, maybe 11 years old. They were young. Of course, for humans that was young.

Liana had always been older, since she was an Elf. That's just how things were. Yet, Kiera was captivated by her tenderness. Ever since that moment, she watched her. Kiera never knew anything but pain, fear, and hate. It was the first time she ever saw someone care for another person.

She wanted that. It was the first time she wanted anything. That began her stalker stage. She learned everything about her. She realized quickly that Liana was in love with this boy. She watched as he struggled with his own life and watched as Liana attempted to help him.

He was completely blind to her affection, and after a while kept seeing her less and less. This began to hurt Liana, but it never deterred her. She kept trying, for that's how devoted she was. Kiera was touched by her willpower. She grew a slight resentment towards Jace for a while.

That was until she saw him save her life. An Ascended attacked Liana after she dismissed his advances. Kiera had been about to move when out of nowhere Jace was there. He pushed her out of the way as lightning tore into him. Kiera's eyes went wide in shock.

All resentment left her, and even sent a shiver throughout her body from the look he had upon his face. It was then she noticed he held feelings for Liana as well, but were buried so deep that they couldn't be recognized. His rage and fury in his eyes sent the Ascended and his friends running.

She didn't want to leave Liana and him by themselves, as he was dying. However, a woman came quickly, who turned out to be Nadine, came quickly. Kiera had something else to take care of shortly after. That Ascended and their friends never saw another sunrise. It was the first time she ever killed for Liana.

After that, it became almost normal. Problems would disappear. She'd help from the shadows, but couldn't get in the way of Liana. She knew that Liana loved Jace, and couldn't get in the way of that, but that all changed when his mother became hospitalized and he awakened.

She watched as he grew further from her. She saw her begin to blame herself and couldn't sit still. That's when she approached her. She was persistent in her affections. She couldn't just leave Liana to deal with everything on her own.

"But...Liana told you this next part, yeah?" Kiera smiled fondly, "She accepted, and much to my happiness, she fell for me overtime. When I tell you that I'm happy for her, you have no idea."

"Really?" Selene raised an eyebrow, a doubtful look all over her face, "Did you suddenly forget what we share in common?"

"Oh, you know..." Kiera felt embarrassed, "I actually did for a moment. I was lost in the memories. I supposed you feel the same way for Jace."

"Exactly," Selene smiled serenely, "We'll have to make sure they stay happy."

"While not forgetting our own, of course," Kiera added.

"Of course," Selene nodded, picking up a dumpling, but paused before she ate it, "Also, you have my support. I'll help you take them down."

"Oh?" Kiera smiled gratefully, "I appreciate that. I take it you have a plan?"

"Yes," Selene took the dumpling and ate it in one bite, enjoying every last bit of it before speaking again, "I'll take over my family. Forcibly, if necessary. They wanted an heir...I'll give them one."

"The things we do for love," Kiera chuckled, taking a dumpling for herself, "You have my support."

"Thank you," she told her, nodding in her direction, "For now, Jace has to recover. While he does, we'll prepare things. Firs things first, I have to go back to work. Jace's mother is my priority right now."

"I'm sure he appreciates it," Kiera smiled, pondering for a moment, "And what of me?"

"Use my apartment," Selene told her, motioning to it, "Begin searching for those scientists and any connections they have to my family. If there are some, it'll be easier to trap them when I take over."

"I can do that," Kiera leaned back on the couch, her eyes turning to the TV, "Though, you may have some problems."

Selene followed her gaze to the screen whereupon her demeanor changed. The headline of the current news segment drew their attention: ENGAGEMENT OF ST.CLAIRE HEIR? POSSIBILITY HIGH. ABERNATHY TECHNOLIGIES TO MERGE WITH ST.CLAIRE INDUSTRIES. PART OF ENGAGEMENT? MORE AT NINE.

Kiera could feel the air grow cold as her breath became visible. Looking towards Selene, her face was just as cold as the room.

"That...bastard," Selene raged quietly, "After I killed that boy years ago, he's tried many times to engage me...always in private. Now he does this?"

"Selene..." Kiera called to softly, "He can't force you."

"Oh, I know," She responded with a bite, taking a breath to calm herself as the temperature slowly returned to normal, "I apologize, I know his tactics...he'll attack Jace soon."

It was Kiera's time to grow frigid. Her expression darkening. If he attacked Jace, that meant Liana was in danger. Not only that, but if anything happened to Jace...She couldn't think about it.

"Damn it...Really?" Kiera asked to which she nodded.

"Yes, he already sent people before," Selene exchanged a glance with her, "I took care of them, but now? Well, I guess he wants war."

"War it is," Kiera stated solemnly, looking back towards the screen.

Plastered with the announcement was an image of who she assumed was Selene's father. Dark brown skin, conventionally handsome with black hair slicked back and violet eyes. Like Selene, he was an Elf.

Next to him stood a beautiful Elven woman who she assumed was Selene's mother. Light, golden brown skin and silver hair that fell in waves down to her shoulder. However, her midnight blue eyes seemed to hold some kind of uncertainty. As if she looked worried.


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