Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Scolding Examination

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Chapter 53:

Scolding Examination

Jace's blood ran cold. "I...wasn't expecting this." He sat in a chair, completely abashed as he shrunk before the two women whose gazes he was no match for. Liana stood with arms crossed and face darkened. The groceries sat on the counter behind her.

Meanwhile, there was the fact of the other woman there. "Selene..." Jace chanced glancing at her, but was met with a look his heart just couldn't take. He expected anger. Instead, there was worry in her eyes that made Liana's puppy dog look seem like nothing. The guilt ate away at him.

"Liana, I-" Jace attempted to explain.

"Selene," Liana interrupted, her eyes never leaving Jace, "Is what you said correct?"

"Yes," She nodded, looking towards Liana, "His magic...he's hurt."

"H-How do you even..." Jace was once more surprised by Selene.

"I pay attention," Selene answered simply, turning her attention back to him, "Especially...when it comes to you."

Jace couldn't hold back his blush at her sudden, direct words. "W-What does that mean?" He knew she liked him, and he liked her...a lot. However, the way she said that made it feel extremely intimate. Before the two women, he was completely helpless.

"I told you to not use magic..." Liana sighed, shaking her head, "Selene came to check on you, and here you are coming back injured and worrying her. Worrying us."

"I-I'm sorry..." Jace truly felt bad, as he didn't like to worry anyone, "Though, I didn't want to. I just-"

"Jace," Liana interrupted gently, yet with authority, "I do not say this to blame you. I say this because you should be prepared for what we do because of it..."

"W-What do you mean?" A chill ran over his body as the two women looked towards him with a devilish gleam.

"Well, it's quite simple, really..." Liana walked over to Selene, placing a hand upon her shoulder, "You need to have a checkup. After all, we have to make sure you're okay. Don't we, Selene?"

"...I agree," Selene's words were calm, though was contrasted by the intense pressure Jace felt from her gaze, "I apologize, but you'll have to remove your shirt."

"My...shirt?" Jace's heart raced as he looked between the two of them.

"You heard her, dear," Liana smiled devilishly, "Shirt off. Now."

"A-Alright...I just, I..." Jace faltered a bit, a sudden insecurity coming over him.

He knew that Selene was here before. That day she brought him back when he was seriously hurt. She most likely saw all of his scars before, but this was the first time Jace was actually aware of it. Liana was one thing. She saw him shirtless countless times. Especially now that they were lovers.

Selene was still new, and though he held deep feelings for her, that only made him more afraid. It was most likely an unfounded fear, but a fear he had nonetheless. He really liked her, and with everything going so well, he didn't want to lose them.

"Jace..." Selene's soft words were as soft as her touch upon the back of his hand, breaking him out of his spiraling mindset, "Breath for me. Please?"

His eyes looked into hers, and he was completely captivated. The unfathomable depths of tenderness drowned him. There was no disgust, judgement, or hate in those eyes. There was simply love and concern. He could only nod as he took her advice.

"I'll check your pulse first," She stated, taking his hand in hers, turning his arm over.

Liana smiled, and though he had been backed into a corner, he remembered that the two of them loved him. It was hard to recall sometimes in his moments of fear and anxiety. Yet, they saw through it and were there for him.

Liana made her way around the chair, placing her hands upon his shoulders. He was lost to her touch, her fingers finding the knots so deeply rooted in his flesh. Leaning down to his ear, she whispered softly to him.

"Tell us, what happened?" She asked him, Selene seeming to listen in as well.

He recalled the day's events. From going to the store, to trying to remember what meat to get. Liana teased him about it, telling him he should have written a list. He agreed, but hoped he got the right one. Thankfully, it was.

He then got to the robbers. Explained about the mother and her child, as well as Mr. Chen. Liana knew him, but Selene did not. He was a pillar of the community. His family came here many years ago to start a new life. The store had been passed down for generations. One of the few stores like that in Neo City which wasn't completely owned by a corporation.

A kind man, and one who was always charitable. Especially to those down on their luck. It was why no one messed with his store, and those that did found the Nobles knocking on their doors. Whoever those thugs were, would be dealt with swiftly.

"So...I couldn't just do nothing," Jace finished, the two women silent with their thoughts, "To be honest, part of me was reminded of the past. That kid was me, and the woman was my mother. I couldn't just-"

"Sweetie," Liana interrupted gently, "It's alright. I understand."

She hugged him from behind. It was a warm hug that reached deep into his heart.

"...I know you do," Jace smiled up at her.

"Even so," Liana stated, mischief in her voice, "You hurt yourself. You still need to be check. We paused to listen, but you're not getting out of it. Shirt off, sweetie."

Blushing, Jace nodded. Liana let him go, and though he was nervous, he slowly took off his shirt. Selene's ears burned slightly red, and Liana's cheeks turned a bit pink. However, as his scars were revealed, their emotions settled down.

"I-Is this alright?" Jace asked, uncertainty in his voice.

He held his arms around him, slightly ashamed of how he looked. He knew Liana didn't mind, and rather enjoyed his body. That didn't stop him from being so nervous and self-conscious with the both of them there. Especially Selene, as it was the first time he was ever shirtless while he was aware of it.

"It's perfect," Selene told him, smiling kindly, "You've nothing to be ashamed of."

"...Don't I?" Jace asked instinctively.

"No, you don't," Selene reached forward, taking his wrists in her hands, "Let me look."

Nodding, he let her pull his arms free from himself. Looking away in embarrassment, her eyes felt like they were burning themselves into him. He didn't mind it, but it was quite a heavy gaze. Her hand reached instinctively towards him before she stopped. Her gaze meeting his.

"It's alright...I don't mind," He smiled bashfully, "You're curious, aren't you?"

"...Liana filled me in," Selene told him, to which Jace nodded in understanding, "Are you upset?"

"About what?" He asked, shivering as her fingers met his skin, "You and Liana knowing each other, or?"

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"Yes, that and..." She looked towards Liana who was watching with a tender expression, "Her telling me about your scars."

"No, why would I?" He chuckled softly, shaking his head, "If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead. I already thanked Kiera, so..."

Looking towards her, he reached his hand up to her cheek, surprising her. She didn't resist as he tilted her face towards him. Her skin under his fingers felt smooth and warm. Before him was one of the most beautiful women in the world, and though he was afraid to admit it openly, more beautiful than Liana or Kiera.

"I know, she's gorgeous, isn't she?" Liana suddenly stated, causing him to blush and Selene's ears to grow bright red, "I'm not upset by it. It's just a fact. Granted, I'm pretty good myself."

"L-Liana! Can you stop reading my mind?" Jace flustered, looking way in embarrassment, "But...yes, you are. Both of you, all of you...Honestly, I'm outmatched."

"Nonsense," Both Liana and Selene stated at the same time, causing them to exchange a coy glance, chuckling lightly together.

"You're perfect," Selene said, smiling up at him.

Her words caught him off guard, as he felt he was far from her view of him. Even so, there was no way he could argue when both of them were looking at him so seriously and sincerely.

"R-Right...Well, I'll take your word for it," Jace attempted to compose himself, though his heart was trying to escape his chest, "Back to what I was saying before I was interrupted..."

Shooting a playful glare at Liana, she stuck out her tongue playfully back. Turning his attention back to Selene, he held her face firmly. This woman before him was still a mystery, but after having not seen her in a while...he was more than happy to see her.

"Selene, thank you," He told her with sincerity, "For everything that you've done. You've saved my life, helped me when I was hurt, and cared for my wellbeing. More importantly, you are caring for my mother...that can never be repaid."

"You don't have to repay me," Selene stated coolly, though her ears betrayed her as they burned red, "It's my job after all..."

"Job or not..." Jace smiled lovingly, her presence soothing, "Thank you."

As he gazed upon her, he couldn't hold himself back anymore. Even though he was self-conscious about his shirt being off, his heart took over. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, holding her head to his chest. She went rigid with surprise, but quickly relaxed into him.

"I'm glad to see you," He whispered into her ear, "I've missed you..."

"I'm sorry, I've been busy..." Selene tentatively hugged him back, her hand upon his back felt comforting, "I've missed you as well."

The atmosphere turned rather warm as Selene performed her examination. Jace obeyed everything they asked of him as her fingers felt around his chest and back. There were times where she'd examine his scars quite intently, and while he knew it wasn't part of the examination, he didn't mind.

In an odd way, it was very relaxing. He couldn't help but admire Selene's attentiveness. She took this very seriously once she started. Liana watched on silently, though he could tell she was content. A slight smile to her lips was all he needed to understand.

"Truly...they are all a blessing. Do I even deserve them?" Jace sighed softly, watching Selene work. Before he knew it, she was finally done. Putting on his shirt, he felt a lot more comfortable now.

"Jace..." Selene frowned, and he knew what she was about to say wouldn't be good, "Your needs to recover."

"How bad is it?" He asked quietly, afraid of the answer.

"You've been meditating?" Selene asked, to which he nodded.

"Yeah, I felt like I had a breakthrough," He answered, shrugging, "I feel a lot more...clear."

"You're not wrong, but..." Selene sighed, standing as she pondered something.

"Is everything alright, Selene?" Liana asked, worry tinging her voice.

"Yes...and no," She responded, looking at Jace with a curious eye, "Tell me, how does your body feel?"

"My...body?" Jace questioned, confused, "It feels...alright, I guess?"

"Normal?" She inquired, bringing a finger to her lip in thought, "Do you feel lighter? Faster? Heavier?"

"I...Never really thought about it," Jace was curious about her intention, "Why? What's wrong?"

"Well, it's true you've had a breakthrough," Selene smiled, almost as if she was proud of him, "Your mana flows a lot more smoothly than it used to. However, your recovery from the mana bomb...Your body isn't ready yet to use that mana inside of you."

"Wait, are you telling me I got stronger?" Jace's heart skipped several beats in excitement, "Did I really?"

"I mean...yes, you did," Selene chuckled softly, shaking her head, "But don't get too excited. As I said, that mana bomb really did a number on you. Please, refrain from using magic until your body recovers. A vessel not taken care of is bound to break."

Jace felt sullen, hanging his head as he nodded in understanding. His body was ravaged at the moment because of the mana bomb. Even though he had been taking it easy, his body wasn't ready for the stage he was at. "Damn...And just when I made some progress..." Jace felt a hand upon his head, comforting.

He didn't have to look to know it was Selene. Even so, he looked up at her from under her hand. She was trying her best to make him feel better, and it was then he had an idea. There was something he heard about from Nadine, but he wasn't sure Selene would accept.

"If that's the case, then..." Jace felt suddenly shy, as it meant something to Ascended to ask this, "If you could...would you help me?"

"Help you?" Selene questioned, "What do you...oh!"

Selene seemed to overheat as her ears and face became red. Jace himself felt rather embarrassed, his heart was racing.

"What? What's going on?" Liana asked, half excited, half confused.

"H-He wants me to...I..." Selene tried to explain, but even for her who was almost always composed was at a loss for words.

"Liana..." Jace took Selene's hand from his head and held it in his tenderly, "I want her to help me with controlled meditation. To use her mana to guide mine. It is...a matter of trust."


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