Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Memories

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Chapter 54:


Liana had been preparing Pho for dinner. Cooking the broth all day. With the rest of the ingredients finally there, it was time to eat. Jace sat next to Selene, as Liana insisted. The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time was her reasoning.

"Please, put what you want in," Liana motioned towards the food, "Take what you want."

"Thank you," Selene nodded, preparing her bowl.

"So, you said it involved trust?" Liana asked as she served her own portion.

"Yes," Jace nodded, smiling awkwardly, "It requires one Ascended to insert their mana into another in such a way that it envelopes, but does not override or mix too much. The other Ascended must then allow their mana to be guided by the other."

Controlled Meditation was often considered intimate in the Ascended community. It required close proximity and complete trust in the one guiding you. A lack of trust could result in your mana going out of control and colliding violently with theirs. It also left you incredibly vulnerable.

You were allowing access to what was, essentially, your life. It wasn't asked lightly. If the other Ascended had ulterior motives, or sinister intentions, then they could very well harm them quite easily. In normal circumstances, you couldn't just inject your mana into another's.

This meant that he had to allow her to do so. Thus, it was a matter of trust. However, if successful, it would speed his recovery along immensely. It would help repair the pathways and teach him how to properly flow the abundant mana now that he was stronger.

"I see..." Liana smiled, picking at her food in thought, "I understand now. To think, you've come so far as to attempt this."

"What do you mean?" Jace asked, a bit worried at her sudden words.

"I mean, Jace," Liana looked up at them both with clear eyes, glancing between them, "You never would have trusted someone like this before. Seeing you make this much progress is...overwhelming."

"In a good way, I hope," Jace laughed lightly to hide his anxiety.

"Very much in a good way," Liana chuckled, taking a bite of her food.

Jace joined her in taking a bite as well. The flavors exploding in his mouth. Falling into the pleasure that was Liana's cooking, they all took a few moments to enjoy the food in silence. After a while, however, Jace's anxiety returned.

"Selene..." He cast his eyes towards her apprehensively, "I know I mentioned it, haven't said anything. I won't force you to do this."

"No," Selene smiled slightly, shaking her head, "You're not forcing me. I'll be honest. I'm nervous."

Jace was shocked at her admission. She had been rather honest throughout their time together, but he never thought he'd see her admit to being nervous. She always seemed so confident, even when she was flustered.

"I-" Before Jace could say anything, Selene held her finger to his lips.

"Let me finish, silly," She teased, causing him to blush and apologize, "I'm nervous, but I will do it. I am just a bit surprised you wished for me to do so. After all, there's also Kiera who could help you."

Jace took her hand from his mouth, holding it gently. "She's unsure about herself...this is the first time I'm seeing it so clearly..." He couldn't help but find her cute in this moment. It was true, he could ask Kiera. However, in the moment, and even now it felt like the right choice to ask Selene.

"You're right, I could," Jace nodded, squeezing her hand comfortingly, "However, I asked you. I know we haven't known each other for long, and there's still much to learn, but with all you've done for me...there's no one I'd rather entrust this to."

Selene's ears turned red as she looked away from him coyly. After a moment, she nodded.

"I will do my best," Selene stated, composing herself.

"Well, now that that's settled," Liana was practically glowing as she watched the two of them, "Let's finish eating, then we can discuss the schedule for meditation, yes?"

They all agreed, finish their meal with small talk and warmth. Jace knew he had a long way to go, but even as he took hits, he now learned to ask for help and lean on others. He would recover and he would become stronger. Not just for his mother's sake anymore, but for everyone's.


"Are you comfortable?" Selene asked, her nerves getting the better of her.

She tried her best to hide it, but she was worried. She wanted this to go well. Jace was counting on her. She was still over the moon about him even asking her. "To think...he really asked me." Selene smiled to herself.

It had been a couple days since Selene had come over for dinner. Liana insisted she stay for a while, something she couldn't refuse. It was a bit awkward at first, but honestly refreshing. Waking up in the morning to have breakfast with Jace and Liana was quite nice.

"Heh, yes, Selene, I'm comfortable," Jace told her, laughing lightly, "You don't have to fuss so much."

"Well, this is important, and..." Selene took a breath, steadying herself, "I don't want to make a mistake."

"You won't," Jace said with confidence, "I trust you, Selene. If there's anyone who can, it's you. I've seen your glamour. That takes insane control. Not to mention, your strong..."

"That's...I am strong, but..." She couldn't tell him about her ability but was touched at his trust. It seems he was also paying attention to her, which made her incredibly happy. The two of them were situated on the floor of the lofts terrace. Jace sat in front of her, with her behind him.

Adjusting herself, she placed her hands upon his back an equal distance apart, just over where his lungs should be. She could feel him breathing as he entered his meditation. He was preparing himself; his positioning was quite good. His foundation showed he had many years of training under him.

"Nadine...That's who taught him," Selene remembered being told about her. Liana's mother and an Ascended who was a Healer. "He must have continued training even after her death..." Selene could tell just by watching Jace that she had to have been an amazing teacher.

Though his posture needed a bit of work, everything else was as it should be. Helping him to adjust his posture, he didn't fight and let her do as she needed. He was quite amicable to her instructions, but after she was satisfied with his posture, she placed her hands once more upon his back.

"Can you feel the difference?" She asked quietly.

"Yes," He answered softly, taking deep breaths in and letting them out slowly, "It feels...smoother."

"Good," Selene smiled to herself, feeling his warmth under her hands, "Shall we begin?"

"Just tell me what to do," Jace continued to breath, and ever so slowly she began to feed mana into him.

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She was careful at first, cautious. She didn't want to hurt him, and it was very easy to do so with this method. She readied herself for any resistance, but much to her surprise, there was none. "This is..." Her eyes widened, gazing at the back of his head.

There he was, breathing evenly. His eyes closed to the world and hair blowing lightly in the gentle breeze. As her mana flowed into him she felt no tension. She didn't have to push through anything like she had thought. It was like breaking the surface of a completely still pool. Simple and clean.

She was careful not to disturb the surface, but once she was under, there was nothing stopping her. "He...really trusts me." Her heart soared high, riding that revelation. A part of her was holding back, believing he was only saying those words about trust to reassure her.

Yet, those words were real. "How can he trust me so easily?" Worry entered her heart, though she steeled it. Sectioning it off almost immediately so as not to disturb her concentration. Her ears were burning from how happy she was. She wouldn't let her fears change that.

There was a sort of connection that happened when another Ascended joined their mana with another's. One that could, in some cases, reveal their very emotions. Their deepest feelings. Of course, it wasn't a guarantee.

This connection wasn't fully understood, as not many were willing to trust another enough to fully study it. Right now, Selene was feeling this connection. Fear, anxiety, and a calmness that was not her own. However, there was more. She began to see things. Things that weren't hers.

This was unheard of, but as there wasn't much info on such a connect, this may be within the realm of possibility. Of course, she couldn't help but wonder if this may have some connection to her Re-Write ability. Possibly even being a Paragon, as they defied all logic.

The thought crossed her mind due to the nature of its effects. It could completely change someone. Their thoughts, memories, feelings. Their very existence. In some instances, she could even see those memories and hear those thoughts. When connected to Jace like this, it was almost automatic.

She could feel herself being pulled into him. His insecurities, trauma, and above all...kindness. There was a warmth within the cold waters of his very being. A warmth that drew her further. Deeper inside his thoughts and memories.

"No...I can't." Selene held herself back. Whatever this was, she couldn't be tray his trust. This was his privacy. As curious as she was to see where these feelings and emotions came from, she couldn't just barge in like this. Even if there was no resistance.

"Selene," Jace spoke up, voice was calm, if only a little confused, "I...Don't know what's going on, but I can feel you. I'm not sure what this is, don't have to stop."

"Jace, I'm in your memories, that's..." Selene couldn't bring herself to say more, for fear of revealing her ability.

"So that's why I felt my memories moving like that..." Jace didn't sound upset at all, and after a while, he spoke with unshakeable certainty, "I wasn't expecting this, but please...I am open to you. I have nothing to hide. Sate your curiosity. I trust you."

"Those damn words again..." But she could feel it. The truth of his words. He meant them. Connected as they were, his resolve was unwavering. He was baring himself to her in the purest of forms. It was enough to bring her to tears for the first time in her life.

No one had ever trusted her like this. No one had ever gotten so close. She never let them. "Whatever this interaction is...I will not let his trust be misplaced." Taking a breath, Selene calmed herself.

"Alright, then I'll take you up on it," Selene stated coolly, "Please don't regret this."

"I won't," He responded softly, and she knew he spoke the truth.

This was enough for her to truly understand what Liana and Kiera had told her about Jace. He wouldn't come to hate her. It wasn't in him to do so. Not unless she did something truly horrific, of which she had no intention of doing. This eased her heart, the worries she had for the future began to melt away.

Having permission, Selene let herself fall into his memories. She could hear his subconscious thoughts, see into the memories of his past. The traumas he holds deep inside:

--"I have to get stronger." Jace felt weak, and Selene felt it. He wanted to protect those close to him. Yet, he continued to have to push himself to get anywhere, but now he was trapped. Unable to use magic and feeling useless. Yet, underneath all of it, there was hope.

--"Mom...I'll save you." His mother's face when she was awake appeared to Selene. She was just as brilliant and beautiful as Selene had been told. She was a radiant person who truly did brighten up any room she was in. Such a strong, loving woman. Jace truly loved her with everything he had.

--"Quentin, that bastard..." And image of his father. Large and imposing with synthetic mana running through his veins. It was the first time Selene ever saw Jace's father. She was grateful he looked nothing like him. Jace definitely took after his mother.

--"No...Please, don't hurt me. Dad!" Jace was a child, his father standing over him as he beat him. He cowered in the corner of the small apartment. The smell of alcohol and smoke heavy in the air. His father dragging him from the corner and lifted his shirt. The searing pain of a cigar being put out on his back was almost too much for Selene.

--"Leave mom alone!" Jace yelled at his father, only to be backhanded. Many more times this happened until finally Jace lashed out. She saw his tear into his father to save his mother. Worry and fear mixed with undiluted rage.

--"I couldn't save them...I was too late." Flashes of bodies dead in an apartment, emotions of regret followed by anger. Those who killed them stood no chance against an angry Jace.

--"Am I...Allowed to be happy?" A sadness washed over her as she felt Jace's doubts. He was terrified, scared of ruining everything. He was raised to believe himself to be a burden. Now, there were three people who loved him. He doubted if he was allowed to be as happy as he was with them. This was enough to bring Selene to tears.

--"Liana's so kind..." Selene agreed with this sentiment as she felt the warmth and love Jace had for her. She saw memories of their childhood. How kind and attentive she was. How regretful he felt for never realizing their feelings before.

--"Kiera is rough, but I like her." His emotions were conflicted. He cared deeply for her but had been jealous until recently. He had felt his best friend had been stolen by her, but this was all his misunderstanding. She saw their first meeting and how cold he was towards her, only for him to warm up over time. Before he knew it, she was family to him, and now even more.

--"Nadine...Mother, I miss you." She was his second mother. She was kind and warm. Images of her face flashed before Selene's vision. Lifting Jace up when he was a child. These were some of the happiest memories Jace had and brought a smile to Selene's tearstained face.

--"Balek. No, dad. I hope he's alright." An image of Balek at his bar, all alone looking at a picture of Nadine. He held his sadness inside of him, but Jace knew. He had to work harder so that Balek didn't have to worry, but in the end...Jace still ended up worrying him.


Selene could get lost in these memories. She was hungry to learn and know everything there was to know about Jace. However, she was at her limit. Going any further would overwhelm her. The tears staining her face were proof of that.

"It's the first time since I was child that I've cried..." Selene thought to herself but wasn't upset by this. In fact, she was more than pleased. She could feel Jace's apprehension in her seeing and feeling all of this. He feared she would think him weak and a waste of time.

But, how could she feel that way? Words that caught her attention made that impossible. She only fell deeper in love with Jace, and more determined to help him have a good life. For all of them to have a good life.

"Selene...she's a mystery, but...I feel so safe with her."

These were the words she heard. The feeling associated to them were inviting, but she held herself back. They were thoughts and feelings about her. While he gave her permission to do whatever she needed, this was as far as she would go.

She saw how he looked at her through his perspective, and the way he saw her caused her heart to melt. In his eyes she was beautiful. He saw her as a person and someone he felt safe with. She would press no further, and so withdrew herself from his memories, taking a deep breath to compose herself.


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