Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: A Closer Bond

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Chapter 55:

A Closer Bond

Jace made sure Selene was alright, much to her appreciation. She had saw and felt so many things. He was worried about her, but he didn't regret his decision. He had been apprehensive, but it was something he wanted her to see.

Neither of them knew it was possible, and so they discussed it for a while as Liana served them tea. Unfortunately, the Controlled Meditation had to be put on hold. Being pulled into such a situation was unheard of, and all three of them were quite surprised by it.

Liana pouted, jealous of not being able to share such a moment. However, with Jace giving her a warm hug and reassuring words, she was over it quickly. After all, there were moments they shared together that were irreplaceable to the both of them.

Selene stayed with them, and Kiera returned. The four of them grew much closer during this time. Selene was worried about her father sending more strike teams, but for now she was confident he'd be too busy trying to repair things within the family and company. So, for now she was able to enjoy her time with Jace.

Which is why she was happy to see him this morning but was a bit surprised to see no one else. Jace stood over the stove, cooking something that didn't smell half-bad. It was the smell of eggs and toast. He looked up as she entered the kitchen, his smile inviting.

"Morning, Selene," His words were pleasant to hear this early.

"...Morning," Selene replied as she sat down at the kitchen island, "Where's everyone else? Liana is usually cooking, but..."

"Usually, yes," Jace nodded in agreement, "However, they went out for the day. Kiera wanted to spend time with Liana, and Liana also hasn't had much time with Kiera lately, so-"

"They left us alone," Selene interrupted gently, understanding the situation, "Those scheming women..."

"Well...yes and no," Jace held a light blush to his cheeks, which Selene thought was rather cute, "Part of it was my idea. I...wanted to spend time with you, but as you were still sleeping, they got a rather mischievous look in their eye. This is the result."

Jace lifted the pan from the stove and turned towards Selene. On the table were two plates, and in the pan were scrambled eggs. Fluffy and mixed with melted cheese. Pepper could be seen sprinkled in. Selene rested her head on her hand, watching him closely.

"So...He suggested this," Selene smiled, touched by his initiative.

"I hope you don't mind scrambled eggs," He said, shrugging shyly, "I can't really cook much, but I'm confident they won't be bad. I have some toast as well."

"It's perfect, thank you," Selene answered him, much to his happiness.

"Milke or Juice?" Jace asked as he pushed her plate towards her and headed to the fridge.

"Milk will be fine."

"Milk it is," Jace nodded, taking out the container of milk and pouring them both a glass.

With the food ready, they ate together in silence, though Selene could feel his gaze on her. It was nice to know he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. The eggs tasted even better in his company, or perhaps it was because he made them that she enjoyed them so much.

"I'll take care of the dishes," Jace told her, picking everything up, but Selene couldn't allow that.

"I'll help," She stated, locking her eyes with his.

Realizing he couldn't win this, he sighed and nodded. There were some dishes from the previous day still needing to be washed as well, but Selene didn't mind. The two of them worked in tandem as he washed and she dried.

It was strange for Selene. This was the first time she ever just spent time together with someone like this. She was almost always alone. Doing her own dishes or washing her clothes by herself. Before, she had people for that.

However, something about this made it even better. They barely said any words together, but the air between them was calm. It felt right. Handing the dishes to her, there was a moment their hands touched. His blush was cute as he tried to act normally.

She could marvel at him all day, but it wasn't long before all the dishes were done. However, Selene was far from finished. With the light breaking through the windows, they illuminated him and brightened her day. His hair tied back messily; he was focused on drying his hands.

"Jace..." She called his name sensually.

Looking out of the corner of his eye at her, he smiled that damn smile. Raising an eyebrow as if to ask her "What's up?" and of course, she had to answer him. Reaching to him, her fingers touched the underside of his chin. She moved closer to him, looking down into his eyes as she forced him to look up at her.

He didn't resist, and in fact reacted beautifully. Placing his hands upon her hips, he smiled in anticipation. He knew what was going to happen. Pressing him back against the counter, she leaned down and kissed him deeply. "It has been so long..." She lost herself to the kiss, burning the memory into her mind.

As she drew away, his face was red as he breathed heavily. He was overcome with the heat of the moment, his hands gripping her hips. He held onto her firmly, yet carefully. As if he didn't want to let her go. A part of her hoped he didn't.

"Thank you for breakfast," She whispered, smiling coyly.

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"...Thanks for dessert," He answered back quite smoothly, her ears growing hot.

"Smooth," She teased, to which he smiled mischievously.

Pulling themselves away reluctantly, they held hands and made their way to the terrace. There was something they still had yet to do. Controlled Meditation. With the house to themselves, they had all the time in the world to attempt it. After having such a delightful meal, Selene was more than ready.


Jace's heart raced in his chest. He was alone with Selene for the first time in a while. Not to mention, in Kiera and Liana's apartment. Though, he supposed it could be considered his as well. He was practically moved in. His room was never touched, and they always kept it ready for him.

With Kiera back, he insisted that Liana and she share their room. He wasn't quite ready to share a bed with the both of them, even if it was just sleeping. Though Liana pouted, she understood. After all, he felt bad that Selene was sleeping all alone.

Liana understood that this way, Selene wasn't feeling left out either. He was being considerate as this was all new to everyone. They had talked about it a bit with them all gathered here. Jace was the center point, and from there came the three of them.

The teasing was relentless, just as Jace had predicted. He was left a blushing mess more than once. Flustered by Kiera's brazenness, Liana's sweetness, and Selene's calm confidence. Against the three of them, he was absolutely no match. Yet, he didn't mind.

His own confidence was growing because of it. With those three by his side, he found himself thinking more. Especially when it came to wanting to get closer to Selene. It was why he asked for the house to himself. Though, originally, he had told them he was going to take her out.

Kiera suggested otherwise, which is why he asked for the house. Neither her nor Liana let him off easily as they teased him before leaving. Telling him to "have fun" with a wink. Even Nadine showed up to tease him before she followed Liana, which meant they were truly and utterly alone.

"Breathe," Selene instructed, and he listened.

Breakfast had been amazing, and the dessert after was even better. He found himself back on the terrace with Selene, ready to attempt the Controlled Meditation again. What happened last time was strange and a bit terrifying. However, he was glad it did.

He didn't know how it happened. As he felt Selene's mana enter his body, he felt warm. He opened himself up to her, letting her do as she needed. Something about her made him trust her. She had things to hide, but in those unwavering eyes of hers that others call cold...he saw a warmth.

He saw eyes that held no malice, at least towards him. He was nervous, of course. He didn't want to lose someone like her. He felt safe in her presence, rivaled only by how he felt around Liana. That was enough for him to trust her.

Even so, he didn't expect their connection to be so...vivid. She was able to read his memories and feel his emotions. When he realized that, he felt extremely vulnerable. It was as he felt her withdraw that he made a decision. Were his feelings about this woman real?

That's when he decided...they were. This was an opportunity. A way for them to connect and bond. He could see what memories she saw, feel the emotions she felt. It wasn't the Controlled Meditation, but his inner most thoughts. Thoughts he didn't even realize were under the surface.

He always held back his insecurities or tried his best to do so. With Selene by his side, this gave him strength to confront it. He had been able to allow it all to wash over him, but now he was able to stand against them as they washed over him. To begin the journey to overcome it.

"Are you ready?" Selene asked, to which he nodded.

This time, it would be different. They weren't looking at memories, but truly attempting the Controlled Meditation. Her hands upon his back, he could feel her mana begin to enter his body. It was cool, comforting. The cold soon turned to warm as it entwined itself with his.

She was careful, cautious as he breathed. His mana gathering itself and then dispersing through his body. He followed the flow and allowed it to course through him. At the same time, he felt her mana encase his, and it was in this moment he relinquished his control.


Selene felt it. The flow of his mana. His relinquishing of control. He trusted her implicitly. It was a feeling she still was trying to get used to. Living her life in the shadow of her father. The trophy of her mother. A puppet on a string to dance for them both.

Her father could never be redeemed, but she held out hope for her mother. However, that was for another day. Jace needed her now. This was when she could show him that he didn't misplace his trust. Taking his mana in hers, she moved through his body, following the broken channels and teaching him a way to control everything a lot smoother.

In this way, his body understood the proper feel of how mana should flow. Those broken channels soon understood the proper way to hold the mana, and in turn began to repair themselves. Given time and care, as long as you weren't dead or the channels completely destroyed, you could recover yourself.

They felt each other, Jace and Selene's mana flowing in unison. The trust between them strengthening, as well as the love. Their distance from each other became shorter, and in the hours that came during this meditation, his body acclimated to his newfound strength.

Though the time together seemed mundane, for the two of them it was irreplaceable, just as they were for each other. This was a trust that could not be easily broken. For Selene, that meant she had to speed up her plan.


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