Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 56: Chapter 56: It Begins

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Chapter 56:

It Begins

"Are you sure you can't stay?" Liana asked Selene quietly, "You're not even going to say goodbye to him?"

"I have to do this," Selene told her with a heavy heart, "If he sees me off then-"

"If I see you off, then...what?" Jace's voice called from the bottom of the stairs.

He was standing there in nothing but his pajama pants. Selene's heart skipping several beats. His face was tinged with worry, something she didn't like to see. Yet, in his eyes was a determination. She wouldn't be able to leave now. Not without an explanation.

"I'll leave you two alone," Liana walked past her, giving her a little nudge of encouragement.

Making her way towards the stairs, she stopped next to Jace. Placing a hand on his shoulder, the two of them shared a look. Silently, Jace nodded to Liana who smiled in understanding before heading up the stairs.

As Jace turned his attention back towards Selene, she felt a heaviness overcome her. There were things she couldn't tell him. Not yet.

Jace made his way down the stairs and towards her. With each step he took, her heart beat faster. Before she knew it, he was standing before her, his face clouded in thought.

"Jace, I-" She went to speak, but didn't get far.

"Shh," Jace hushed her, looking up from his clouded thoughts with a smile, "Don't say anything. Just..."

Reaching up, he took ahold of her hand and held it firmly. Both of his hands held hers as he looked upon them. She could see his mind working. He wasn't dumb by any means. Oblivious, yes, but not to the point of being incapable of sensing things.

Selene knew this, and knew he probably sensed something was off since earlier. It was the middle of the night on the day after they bonded over the Controlled Meditation. It was Selene's plan to leave without alerting him. Not for his sake, but for hers. It was like ripping a Band-Aid off. She had to leave before she changed her mind.

No matter how determined she was, leaving him was difficult, but it was something she had to do so that they could be together more often in the future. Jace could most likely sense that, and now he was here. She didn't want to leave, but Jace also sensed that.

Taking her hands in his, he led her towards the front door. With each step growing heavier and harder to take, yet she did not resist. Stopping before the front door, his gaze still had not met hers. She was afraid if it did, she wouldn't find the strength to leave.

"Selene..." He spoke softly, quietly, "You know my inner thoughts. So, I don't have to say how much you mean to me, nor how much of a mystery you are."

She swallowed hard, for his words were true. She didn't push too far into his thoughts and feelings to feel the warmth that came from them. He loved her. Something that warmed her heart as she thought about it.

"Even so, I will say it," Jace's words were firm, "I love you, Selene. In the short time we've known each other, I've found myself falling for you. It may not make sense with how little we know about each other, but I simply feel it. Whatever you're hiding, you'll tell me eventually. I trust you."

His words caused her heart to soar while also plummeting. He knew she was hiding things, but didn't press it. Perhaps that's one reason why she loved him. She could tell he wanted to know, but didn't hold it against her.

"Jace..." Selene called his name softly, reaching a hand up to his cheek, "I love you too. I promise you, I will tell you everything. Just...not now."

"I know," He nodded, and finally looked up into her eyes, her breath caught in her throat.

His eyes were clear, so very clear. In them she felt the warmth and love they had for each other. It was getting harder for her to leave with every second they stood there. Those blue eyes locking her in place. She could get lost in them.

"Selene, go," Jace motioned towards the door, "You have things to do, don't you? Not only that, but my mother needs you as well."

Selene looked towards the door with an agonizing gaze. He was right. She had things to do. Taking care of his mother was one of them, and securing their future together was the other.

As if he sensed her hesitation, he nudged her along, but not before showing a side of himself that nearly melted her to the spot. As she turned to go, his hand reached up to her shoulder. She thought he was about to hold her back, not wanting her to go. Instead, she found herself turned around with his hand upon the collar of her shirt.

With eyes full of passion, he pulled her down to him. Reversing what was usually done to him. His lips met hers with a heat that surpassed the sun. Her knees became weak, and for a moment she thought she may fall.

She didn't know how long the kiss lasted. She only felt his other hand upon her waist, which urged her further into the kiss. The hand upon her collar flattened, pressing against her clavicle. Pushing her reluctantly away. Their eyes meeting through the daze the kiss left them in.

"Go, but hurry back," Jace told her with words filled with strength, "Be safe. Don't keep me waiting too long, yes?"

"...Never," Selene stated, her resolve reignited, "I'll come for you soon. Remember, no magic for a week."

Selene smiled to herself as he nodded, finally turning towards the door. As it opened, she activated her glamour to take on the guise of an indistinct woman. She could feel his eyes following her until the door closed.

Making her way to the elevator, it wasn't until those doors closed that she allowed herself to react. Her heart beating a million miles per hour, she melted against the wall. Leaning against her, her legs could barely hold her. Reaching to her lips and feeling his hands still upon her. She wanted more.

"How could I make you wait..." Selene thought to herself, mind filled with the lingering sensations, "After should be afraid. I'll finish this quickly. Then, you're mine." Selene forced herself to stand, composing herself before the elevator doors opened on the ground floor.


Selene returned to work as Marian. Seeing Delilah safe was a soothing reminder of what she was fighting for. Doctor Gerard worked diligently in her absence and would have to do even more. Selene was requesting a leave of absence.

"I am sorry," Selene told Gerard under the guises of Marian, "I know you've been covering for me a lot lately..."

Selene was taking care of Delilah while Gerard leaned against the wall, arms crossed. He didn't seem upset, but Selene was still nervous.

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"I won't pry..." Gerard stated slowly, rubbing his chin in contemplation, "You've always been a mystery. Diligent in your duties, you've done more than most."

Selene tucked Delilah in after finishing with the injection. The only thing left was to ensure her hair was trimmed. Selene was delicate with her head, treating it as the most precious thing. All the while Gerard didn't take his eyes off of her.

"I'm sensing a 'but' in there," Selene glanced over at him, to which he shrugged.

"There is," Gerard chuckled softly, "Mainly, I have one question for you."

"...What is it?" Selene asked cautiously.

She had a bad feeling about this, as Gerard was always a mystery to her as well. A brilliant doctor, but with skills that went far beyond that. Even if he was a dwarf, he stopped Jace's attack as if it was nothing. He has combat skills.

"Is this about Jace?" Gerard asked bluntly, casting a gaze over Delilah and Selene, "Ever since you met him, you've been out of sorts. Is everything alright?"

The genuine concern in his voice was touching, but Selene couldn't say much. It was true. Ever since she first met Jace, everything changed for her. Even her personality was becoming a lot more open than it ever had been. It wouldn't be wrong to say that this is about Jace.

"In a way, but everything is alright between us," Selene answered, sighing as she clipped away at Delilah's beautiful hair, "Such a shame...I hope you wake up soon so you can grow this back out."

"Then, I won't say any more," Gerard beamed, "I can see something is bothering you, so I was worried. Thought I'd have to give him a piece of my mind."

"No, you don't," Selene cast a cool look towards him, "I wouldn't let you anyways."

"...Well, that's terrifying," Gerard laughed it off, "I see you care about him a lot, and his mother...Alright, I'll cover for you. It wouldn't be the first-time taking care of Delilah. I don't mind. Do what you have to do."

"I will," Selene nodded, finishing her work and collecting the loose hair, "Thank you."

Selene was a bit anxious leaving everything to Gerard, but if it was him, she believed Delilah would be safe. It felt odd trusting someone who wasn't Kiera, Liana, or Jace. As they finished up their shift, Selene was confident enough to focus on what she had to do.


"Yes, Miss," A familiar male voice to Selene spoke over the call, "Mr. St.Claire has not left his office since."

"And the company?" Selene asked, though she was distracted.

"Chaotic, as expected," They answered in that prim and proper tone, "However, it is under control. Those who follow you have been making moves to mediate the damage, as requested."

"Thank you, Arthur," Selene told them, sighing.

"Is everything alright, Miss?" Arthur seemed genuinely concerned, the small image of his face furrowing slightly.

"...It will be," She answered, her gaze fixed on the object of her distraction.

She currently sat on top of a high-rise overlooking Westview. Specifically, an apartment complex. Far enough away that they couldn't see her, but she could see them. Jace stood out on the terrace in the chill night air. He was gazing over the city with a neutral expression.

He was out in his pajamas, cozy as he could be. It was only a couple days since she left him, but she missed him dearly. Kiera was watching him, just in case her father sent more assailants after him. What she was going to do, she had to do alone.

"I'm making my move, Arthur," Selene told him, his expression hardening, "Is everything ready?"

"More than ever, My Lady," Arthur held his hand over his chest, bowing, "We have awaited this day for years. Just say the word."

"Then, inform everyone," Selene ordered, her eyes finally meeting his, "Awaken and rise. St.Claire Industries will be reborn."

"As you wish, My Lady," Arthur smiled as Selene took one last look towards Jace.

She wondered what he was thinking about, but a part of her already knew. He was thinking about her, somewhere out in this city. The glimpse into his thoughts along with the Controlled Meditation seemed to create a connection that went far beyond proximity. It was just a feeling Selene had, but it was comforting.

She watched as Liana exited onto the terrace with a blanket she wrapped around Jace's shoulders. She smiled to herself, pleased that someone was there for him. She hugged Jace to her and he smiled, though she saw the concern in his face even from this distance, or was that a feeling? These mysteries would have to be solved another day.

"Arthur," Selene called softly, "Ensure my mother is safe, but watch her."

"It will be done," Arthur nodded, and the call was ended.

Standing from the edge of the building, Selene reluctantly turned her eyes from Jace and disappeared into the night.


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