Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 57: Chapter 57: Days Like These

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Chapter 57:

Days Like These

Jace looked out over the city. A blanket over him and Liana's arms wrapped around him. There was a peace to this moment, but Jace couldn't help but feel something in the air. It was the feeling you get right before a storm hits. That calm as everything goes quiet before it starts.

"She'll be alright," Liana whispered to him as if reading his mind.

"Yeah, I know," Jace smiled, lifting the blanket up and pulling her inside, "You know I just worry."

"Mhm," Liana giggle, nestling close to him.

Holding Liana close, Jace's mind turned towards Selene. He had always sensed there was more to her. He couldn't believe this all started when he first met her as Marian. That High Elf Nurse. Jace couldn't help but feel a bit sheepish at how they met.

From him telling her off to her looking over him after he passed out. He believed it was that moment he took an interest in her. He thought she was just a cold, uncaring nurse, but he saw more to her then. Something had definitely blossomed between them, but perhaps it started with her first.

Meeting her at the club felt like happenstance, but Jace wasn't that naive. How could he have saw her at the exact place he works right after he went back? On top of that glamour of hers, it was all too suspicious. Despite that, he felt his guard falling around her. As if he could trust her.

Now, he trusted her implicitly. They often say things happen for a reason, but it was something Jace never really believed in. Now, he felt there might be some truth in it. He met these amazing people who were standing by his side. He learned a lot and was still growing.

It didn't make him perfect, he was far from it. He knew he fell back and failed to utilize everything he knows sometimes, but he tried. That was all anyone could do. It was all anyone should expect from people. To simply try.

"We should go inside," Jace whispered to Liana, leaning his head against hers, "It's getting chilly out here."

"Oh?" Liana looked over at him with mischief in her eyes, "Would you like me to warm you up?"

Jace blushed, looking away bashfully. Liana's light laughter filled the air with its delightful sound. Wasting no more time, the two of them entered the loft to warm themselves up.


Kiera stayed with Liana and Jace, making sure to keep them safe in Selene's absence. She wanted to help her, but knew someone had to be around. They didn't know when another team might be sent. They didn't think they knew of the loft's location, but it was a high probability.

With everyone out in the open with their feelings, it was a lot simpler for everyone. Kiera enjoyed teasing Jace, watching him squirm. Even as Liana got after her for doing too much, she knew that Liana also enjoyed it. It was the happiest she ever saw Liana, which made Kiera's heart soar.

"Honestly, sweetie," Kiera mused lovingly, "You're absolutely adorable."

"Speak for yourself, Sunshine," Liana teased, kissing her on the cheek, "Don't think I don't see you looking at him when he's not looking."

"...Well, it's his fault," Kiera pouted, resting her head in her arms as she placed them on the kitchen island.

"Is it now?" Liana chuckled, throwing some ingredients into the pot of soup as she cooked lunch, "By the way, is he still meditating?"

"Mhm," Kiera nodded, looking in the direction of the terrace, "He's improving steadily. I'm impressed. He's also not used magic, so..."

"How long until he can?" Liana sounded concerned, which Kiera understood.

"If he continues at this pace? By the end of the week," Kiera stated, but tapped her finger on the counter in thought, "However, even then he should refrain for."

Liana was quiet after that. The two of them understood he wanted to get back to work. They wanted nothing more than for him to stay put and take care of him. He's worked too hard for too long, but it was in his blood. It was what he did.

"Hopefully, after Selene is finished..." Kiera spoke offhandedly, almost mumbling, "He'll finally just stay still..."

"Maybe," Liana smiled amusingly, "Until then, we have to do our best."

"After he recovers..." Kiera stated, "I'll try to teach him, if he wishes."

"I'd appreciate that, love," Liana glanced towards her, causing her heart to beat faster, "Thank you."

"Well...I want to, so..." Kiera mumbled into her arms, much to Liana's amusement.

She had a hard time admitting she wanted to spend more time with Jace, even after confessing to him. Outwardly, she was incredibly brazen, but inwardly she was incredibly shy. All of this was new to her.

She never thought she'd fall in love with Jace, but here she was. The both of them shared traumatic pasts, and perhaps that was one reason she bonded with him. It went far beyond that though. His caring nature burrowed its way into her heart, and she didn't want to let go. She wouldn't.

It was much like how she saw Liana. Her kindness outshone the sun. She was radiant and lovely beyond words. Truly, her first love.

"Something smells nice," Jace's voice drew their attention as he made his way down the stairs.

Making his way into the kitchen, Kiera smiled in his direction, winking. His cheeks turned a light pink, rolling his eyes with a smile. Resting a hand in the middle of her back, she tried to suppress a blush of her own.

"Everything alright?" He asked, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"Perfect," She replied, looking towards him, "Meditation go well?"

"Mhm," He nodded and went to move away.

However, he paused, turning back towards Kiera. He hesitated as if he was unsure. Then, as if resolving himself, he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head. She couldn't suppress the light blush that entered her face, but luckily, he was too shy to pay attention.

"Thanks for asking," He mumbled, scratching his cheek.

"How cute..." She thought to herself as he made his way to Liana. His hand finding her lower back, she was a lot more pro-active than Kiera. Turning her cheek towards him, he took the hint and kissed her gently upon the cheek.

"Just some Grilled Cheese," Liana answered his earlier question, "Can you stir the soup?"

"Of course," He smiled, taking the handle of the spoon and began to stir the pot.

Jace was as awkward as always, but loving. Though that was to be expected. He didn't have as much time with Kiera as a lover as he had with Selene and Liana. She hoped that would change, but he was making progress. The kiss upon her head was evidence of this. The feeling still lingered.

These were the days Kiera lived for. What she aspired for all of them. These lazy days where they simply existed. No one was in danger as they spent time together. It was even better when Selene was here, but for now this would do.

They would savor these moments before things grew chaotic again. After all, once Selene took care of what she needed, everything would come out. The truth of who Selene was and...the truth of Kiera's past. The day was getting closer to when she would need Liana and Jace the most.

Jace's wrist upon her forehead brought her from her thoughts. He had a look of concern upon his face. She smiled up at him, surprising him as he blushed.

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"Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you," He stated, attempting to pull his hand away.

Reaching up, Kiera held his hand, stopping it from going anywhere.

"Nonsense, you didn't," She held his hand to her face, closing her eyes, "I was just thinking. Lost in thought. I can feel your's flowing a lot better."

"W-Well, I mean...It's all thanks to everyone," Jace admitted shyly, "I know I'm a handful, but-"

His words were cut off as Kiera suddenly pulled him by the hand, dragging him down to her.

"Now, Jace..." Kiera spoke menacingly, "What did we say about that?"

"I-I, uhm..." Jace looked away, swallowing hard, trying to think of some bullshit to say.

"Cute..." she muttered, reaching her other hand behind his head, "By the way, this is how you kiss someone."

His eyes widened as she pulled him in for a proper kiss, though he didn't resist. It was soft, sweet. He relaxed as they savored the moment. As he pulled away, his face was completely red.

"C-Come on..." Jace pouted, sighing.

"You're not a handful," Kiera stated simply, propping her head up against her palm, "Now, sit. It's time to eat."

"...Alright," He smirked, sitting next to her as Liana placed the food before them.

Liana was smiling in amusement, and the three of them enjoyed a wonderful lunch together.


Later that night, Kiera sat outside on the terrace enjoying the night air. A small fire crackled before her in the fireplace they had. It's light flickering against the dark of the night, doing its best to warm the area.

Her thoughts were wandering to everything that has happened lately and in the past. The experiments and her escape, her discovery of Liana and Jace, and her subsequent falling for the both of them. Her life was full of these different experiences, the most recent of which made her quite happy, but the shackles of the past still held her.

Even with her abilities, she couldn't do it alone. The chill in the air causing her to shiver despite the fire. Almost as if he sensed it, Jace appeared beside her. The warmth of a blanket being placed over her shoulders as he smiled down at her. "I'm not alone..." She reminded herself as he sat down.

"Nice night," Jace stated, to which she could only agree, "Bit chilly though."

"Yes, it is," She nodded, "Definitely chilly...That's what the fire is for."

Despite her words, she pulled the blanket tight against her, grateful for it. Glancing over at him, she saw once more the kindness he held inside of himself. That warmth that drew her to him. The light of the fire flickering across his face gave him quite the enchanting appearance.

"Where's Liana?" She asked quietly, "I thought you'd be with her."

"Inside," He answered while shrugging, his words teasing, "Trying to get rid of me already?"

"Heh, no," She shook her head, "You're free to do as you wish."

"Oh?" Jace smiled mischievously, "Is that so? Well, good. Cause I figured you might want the company."

"Do I, now?" Kiera teased back, though rested her head against his shoulder, it felt...warm, "I suppose I do."

"...Heh, I guess so," Jace glanced down at her with a warmth in his eyes, enhanced by the light of the fire, "Are you warm enough?"

"Hmm..." Kiera pondered for a bit before smiling mischievously.

Opening the blanket, she placed it around him as well, pulling him inside. Curling her legs up on the terrace's sofa, she smiled against him.

"Much better," She stated, gazing into the flames.

"Yes..." Jace's arm wrapped around her, pulling her in close as he himself got comfortable on the couch, "Definitely better."

"This sly man..." Kiera mused, blushing at his touch. She didn't resist, and in fact was quite comfortable. He was getting bolder by the day, and she was quite pleased about it. The fact he showed any interest in her was nice.

"Kiera..." Jace spoke quietly, "There's something on your mind, isn't there?"

"W-What!?" Kiera was surprised, but quickly composed herself, " noticed?"

"Well, I try to pay attention more," Jace smiled sheepishly, "Especially to those who are important to me. So...yeah, I noticed."

Kiera's heart melted as a smile crossed her face. She was touched.

"Is it something you can tell me?" He asked softly.

"...Not right now," Kiera told him, her heart feeling heavy from having to keep it from him.

"I can't say it's not frustrating," Jace admitted, but he didn't sound angry, "Selene as two have your secrets. I'm just worried. Let me know if I can do anything, alright?"

"...Thank you, for caring," Kiera mumbled, nestling closer to him, "...I promise, I'll tell you and Liana soon. Just...for right now, can you hold me?"

Without a word, his hold on her tightened, pulling her closer. The two of them snuggled together before the fire. The chill of the night air vanished under the blanket with Jace. So, as her body shook, it wasn't from the cold.

Her past still haunted her. She was afraid, and for the first time, she let her guard down. He said nothing, though everything was conveyed. He would be there for her. He cared for her. Just as Liana did. These two were the most precious things in her life.

In his arms, her shaking soon left her. This was the single most, kindest thing anyone had ever done for her who wasn't Liana. Looking up at him, he smiled down at her. A silent communication was had as their lips met in a soft, tender kiss.

Pulling away, she smiled against him, staring into the fire. Drowsiness soon took her, and he followed shortly after. That night, neither of them had any nightmares. Liana smiled from the terrace door. Not wanting to disturb them, she turned back inside to get some sleep herself.


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