Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 58: Chapter 58: Movie Night

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Chapter 58:

Movie Night

Kiera's eyes glowed red, her face set in a cold glare. This area was her domain, and they dared invade it? Especially with the intent of harming Jace, which would put Liana in the crossfire as well. This just wouldn't do.

"All of you...Die," Kiera raised her hand and their cybernetics backfired.

Five people in dark bodysuits. Cybernetic lines ran across the suits which would usually enhance one's physical capabilities, but as they were facing Kiera, it was a death sentence. Their suits were nothing but their tombs.

She sensed them even before they entered the building. It was confirmed now. They knew where the loft was. They entered through a maintenance door by hacking the security system. They were good, but Kiera was better. She was a Technomancer, after all.

The moment they entered the maintenance shaft, they were trapped. The doors were locked, and the lights went off. All of this done from the safety of her bath. She lounged with one leg out of the water, the water soothing against her skin.

She smiled in satisfaction as the last of the group fell, dead to the floor. She'd have to call a cleaner to get them, but that was an easy thing. She wasn't in a rush and would do so after she was out of the bath.

Taking a deep breath, Kiera felt a touch against her cheek, startling her. It was the feeling of a finger poking her cheek. Her vision returned to the bathroom, a decently sized room with dark walls and slate gray flooring. It contained a bath and a shower, with a single sink and large mirror.

The place was well lit, but cozy. The bath was big enough for two people, of which currently occupied it. Herself and Liana. Her eyes focused in on Liana who was leaned over her, a mischievous smile on her face. She looked absolutely stunning, as always. Her body was quite fit and well proportioned.

"Quite a scary face you're making," Liana teased, caressing her cheek playfully, "From your words, I take it you got them?"

"Every single one..." Kiera spoke softly, yet rather sinisterly, "Squashed like bugs."

Despite her sinister tone, Kiera blushed from Liana's proximity to her. Liana raised an eyebrow, smiling in satisfaction before lounging back opposite of Kiera. Putting her arms over the edge of the tub, she gazed up at the ceiling.

"Good...Honestly, I'm jealous," Liana pouted, her head turning to the side as she stared off into nothing, "If only I was an Ascended as well...I'd be able to protect Jace better."

"You're a force in your own right, love," Kiera reassured her, "I've seen how you hit...I'm not envious of those who cross you."

"Heh, I appreciate it, Sunshine," Liana smiled, though there was still sadness in her eyes, "Even so, it frustrates me. I have to rely on you and Selene..."

"Oh?" Kiera was almost offended.

Adjusting herself, Kiera posed herself on her hands and knees towards Liana. Her gaze turned rather sultry as she made her way slowly towards Liana who watched with amusement. The closer she got to Liana, the hotter the entire room felt, until she was directly over her. The warmth between them felt like it would melt her.

"Is it so bad..." Kiera whispered tantalizingly, her hand tracing itself along Liana's body, making it out of the water to her cheek, "To rely on us? On me?"

Liana shivered at her touch, smiling sensually. Liana's hands reaching up towards Kiera's own face.

"You know that's now how I meant it," Liana sighed, shaking her head as she smiled, "Now, shut up. We have something important to do. We shouldn't take too long."

With that, Liana brought Kiera in for a kiss. Despite her best attempts, it was Kiera who was melting under Liana's touch. She had tried to take control over the situation, but instead it was turned on her. The kiss Liana engaged was intoxicating.

It was with great reluctance that Kiera let herself be pushed away. Liana knew exactly what she was doing. "Damn...I love this woman." Kiera sighed contentedly.

"Oh, don't pout like that," Liana teased, splashing her with water, "I'll make it up to you, but...don't act like you're not looking forward to this."

"I...Don't know what you're talking about," Kiera deflected, attempting to hide her blush.

"Please, you were glowing when Jace suggested a movie night," Liana smiled mischievously as she stood from the bath, "So...quit stalling and let's go."

Kiera really couldn't argue with her. She was right. The thought of a movie night, curled up on the sofa bed with Jace between her and Liana was...nice. More than nice. Just like the sight of the water dripping down Liana's body was.

"Like what you see?" Liana smirked, stepping out of the bath and sauntering over to her towel.

"...You know I do," Kiera's eyes followed her every step of the way.

"Well, if you behave...I'll give you a taste," Liana winked in her direction before beginning to dry herself off.

Kiera could do nothing but hide her head halfway into the water. The heat in her cheeks was insane. She had always wanted to get closer to Liana. To become more physical with her, and now that she had been with Jace, that was a guarantee. She wasn't angry that she had to wait, but more so was happy Liana was finally able to get what she wanted.

"Don't regret those words," Kiera mumbled as she slowly made her way out of the bath herself.

"Oh, I won't," Liana wrapped herself in her towel and cupped Liana's cheek, "I've wanted to be with you as well, you know. Thank you for being so patient."

"Anything for you, my love," Kiera leaned in and once more gained a sweet, passionate kiss.

It was difficult for either of them to pull themselves from the other. Despite the years they've been together, their passion for the other never faltered. They had a bond that couldn't be easily broken. Kiera would do anything for this woman.

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"Alright..." Kiera breathed, taking a deep breath as she pulled herself from Liana, "Let's not keep him waiting any longer."

"...One day, he'll join us, you know," Liana blushed deeply at the thought.

" aware," Kiera fancied the thought of it, "I wonder...what faces will he make?"

"Kiera Willow!" Liana exclaimed, giggling as she playfully smacked her, "Come on!"

"What? You can't tell me you're not curious!" Kiera laughed, drying herself off as well.

"I mean..." Liana trailed her words, smiling devilishly.

"Exactly," Kiera stated, shaking her head.

With the two of them in agreement, they finished their bath and put on their comfortable clothes. Liana wore an oversized shirt and black boy shorts underwear. Kiera could only smirk as she gave Liana a knowing look.

"What?" Liana asked, but she knew exactly what Kiera's look was for, "Jace likes it...and him being flustered is cute."

"Right, right..." Kiera held up her hands up towards her, "Whatever you say, sweetie."

Liana pouted, but smiled. Meanwhile, Kiera wore a loose, grey crop top with a black sports bra underneath. For her bottom half, she wore grey pajama shorts. Pretty similar to Liana's outfit, much to Liana's own amusement.

"Oh come on! I wear this normally!" Kiera exclaimed, a light blush to her face.

"I know, love," Liana smiled brightly, "Come on."

Rolling her eyes playfully, Kiera took Liana by the arm and the two of them exited the bathroom.


"Yeah...I'm no match for them," Jace swallowed hard, his eyes unable to leave Kiera and Liana. Liana wore nothing but an oversized shirt, which showed over her well-formed legs exquisitely. Their curves and the smoothness of them accentuated in the dim lighting of the living room.

Despite Kiera wearing a bit more, it wasn't enough to hide her figure. She was a bit more filled out than Liana, but in all the right places and still rather fit. Together, they were almost too much for his heart. If Selene was among them, he may have just passed out.

Luckily, he held onto his consciousness, but not his senses. Words were hard to find, but despite these difficulties, he was more than glad he suggested a movie night. Liana's hair brushed her shoulders elegantly, while Kiera's hair had been tied in a loose side braid.

He himself was just wearing loose dark grey pajama pants and no shirt.

"Jace...are you trying to catch flies?" Kiera teased, her gentle hands helping to close his mouth, "If you want something to preoccupy your mouth with..."

Just like that, she turned his face towards her and kissed him. His heart beating a million miles an hour. Her hand upon his cheek was accompanied with her hand upon his waist firmly. As he lost himself to her gentle, loving kiss, Liana walked up by his other side.

Her hand reached up to his other cheek and pulled him away from Kiera gently, tenderly placing a kiss of her own upon his lips. Her other hand placed firmly against his back. He was trapped between the two of them and at their mercy within moments. Of course, he was more than satisfied with this.

"D-Damn..." It was the only word Jace could mutter as he was freed from their kiss.

The world felt like it was spinning, but with their help, he was able to safely make it to the sofa bed. His hands upon their waists, he held them to him. Their presence was intoxicating. Not only the feel of them beneath his hands, but the clean, flowery scent that wafted up into his nose. It was gentle enough to not be overpowering.

"Is that your professional opinion, hun?" Kiera chuckled softly at his one word.

"I mean...yeah," Jace was completely enamored with both of them.

"Well, I appreciate it," Liana giggled, pushing him back onto the cushions and pillows of the place they would be laying for the next couple of hours, "Now, make yourself comfortable."

He didn't need to be told twice. In quick order, he made sure he was settled in before the lights dimmed even more and the two of them made their way next to him. He could feel his blood burning from their proximity to him. Coursing to places he tried to ignore.

This wasn't the time for such thoughts, though for Liana she was quite amused. Even Kiera looked to be quite entertained. The two of them placed one leg each over him as they nestled close. They grew quite comfortable, and once the blanket was over all of them, it was game over.

They weren't moving the entire night as the movie played. "I hope...nights like these never end." Jace smiled to himself, his body finally settling down. He was comforted with their presence. As if he was encased in the most protective shell.

Still, there was something missing. "Selene..." He felt guilty thinking of her while being next to Kiera and Liana, but he knew they'd understand. So, instead of dwelling on it, he simply sent a wish for her to be safe as he pulled the two of them towards him. Without objection, they pressed closer to him, enjoying the rest of the night until sleep took them.


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