Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 59: Chapter 59: Housecleaning

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Chapter 59:


Neo City. What was supposed to be a place of dreams was instead a cesspool for them to die in. Corporations ruled absolutely. Even those in the government bent to their whims. You weren't in public office without the backing of a corporation.

Laws, rules, permits. It was a rare event when one of them was passed or allowed without the say of some corporate agent. The neon lights of the city, holograms which advertised day and night, everything was for the corporations. One of the largest being St.Claire Industries.

Their advertisements glowed on billboards and screens throughout the city. Their name was on almost everything. From food to clothing, medicine to weapons. Nothing was off limits for them. It was almost sickening.

Vehicles flew overhead and drove on the streets below. Within them were parts created in factories owned by St.Claire Industries. Computer chips with the St.Claire stamp of approval. Cybernetics imbedded in your body. All of it was St.Claire Industries.

There was only one other company in Neo City which rivaled them. Empyrean Industries. Their hands were in just as many pots as St.Claire. Of course, there were others always vying for control as well, but in more specialized niches. Biorganix was one of them. The company which experimented on Kiera.

It was unfortunate that such things were typical in most of these companies. Some knew nothing else. Families born and bred for the corporate life. They were the elite of the elite. Just like the aristocratic families of old. They held power over the corporations. Always vying for control. Fighting amongst themselves for any scraps. Thus, they would do anything to remain in power.

It wasn't an uncommon thing for people to die mysteriously, or for deals to get bloody. Of course, if word got out that you were behind such an attack it would be game over. That's why any negotiation was a powder keg about to go off.

The way you tiptoe around with pleasantries and passive-aggressiveness was the norm. It's how you survived in such a world. Selene knew this because she was a part of it, or at least had been for a major part of her life. She was the St.Claire's secret weapon. An assassin, a negotiator, a torturer...a tool.

Selene wasn't without conscience, but by the time she gained one the damage she dealt was massive. It was nothing compared to her father. That disgusting speck who dares call himself a man was worse than trash. It was a rare thing to have someone decent in the corporate world, but it wasn't impossible.

Even so, even those types of people are not without blood on their hands. That is the world they lived in. A world that Selene would take advantage of for the sake of the one she loved, and for the sake of herself. To carve out a life for them. Anyone who stood in her way would either bow before them or be cut down like wheat for harvest.

Of course, no area was more infested with filth than the gleaming jewel of Neo City. The very heart of its life, New Eden. A paradise for those in the Barrens. A beacon of hope that maybe one day, they too, may be able to live among its splendors.

This hope could be seen in everyone, and for Selene this was seen in no more prevalent a way than in Jace. She saw that hope in him. The belief that if he finally made it, saved up enough money, he could move there, and everything would be better. His mother would be saved.

It caused a stirring in her heart. A stirring that spurned her to action. New Eden was not the haven Jace believed it to be. This was the bitter truth. She couldn't bring herself to dash his dreams, and so instead she intended to make them a reality.

New Eden must be purged. New Eden would be remade, bathed in blood if necessary, and blood would be spilled. No pests were ever taken care of without crushing them. Completely and utterly.

"My Lady, is everything alright?" Arthur's voice spoke to her over the call she was in with him.

His face looking on with worry from the small little box in the corner of her vision. Looking up from her daze, she took in the scene around her. Bodies littered the office the Neo Cities Mayor. A lavish room with a large executive desk with fanciful carvings depicting leaves and vines situated at the far end.

Windows looked out over New Eden to the left, its pristine nature glowing with the neon lights and holographic advertisements. Their light illuminating the otherwise dimly lit room. The wall behind the desk and to the right of the room were lined with shelves of books. Two couches in the center of the room were placed on either side of a large, oval coffee table.

Bodies of guards lay strewn across the floor. Bullet holes filled the walls, and Selene held by the throat the last guard. Their body limp in her hands. Selene passed her eyes to the only remaining person in the room. Mayor Wilhelm Barnes.

An Orc with dark hair cut short and slicked back. Their greyish skin contrasting against the dark colors of their two-piece suit. Several medals and accolades adorned it. Trophies ill-gotten and gained through shady means. None of them were properly earned.

Green eyes looked out from a stoic face, though Selene knew fear when she saw it. This man knew his time had come. His replacement, Gloria Kingston, would soon stand where he stood. The new Mayor of Neo City.

"Yeah, just finishing some cleaning," She responded coolly, "How is it on your end?"

"Section Five has been cleansed," Arthur reported proudly, "The sub-sectors have isolated themselves, but they won't last long."

"Good," Selene took a deep breath, standing to full height, "Report to me once it's done."

"As you say, Ma'am," Arthur bowed, hand to his chest before the connection was cut.

Selene tossed the guard she held in her hand to the side. Her eyes glowing a deep violet as she smiled devilishly. Before her illuminated, imposing figure, Mayor Barnes could no longer hold his composure. His legs gave out as he began to plead for his life.

"P-Please!" His voice was deep and gravelly, "I'll-"

"Silence," Selene ordered without remorse, and immediately his mouth closed, "You hold no place in the New Eden my Jace shall live in. Your corruption ends here."

She watched with uncaring eyes as the mayor attempted to plead silently. With but a wave of her hand, blood splashed the bookshelves. A wave of precise silver energy cut through their neck. Their head fell to the floor before their body followed with a loud thump.

It was a quicker death than he deserved. Selene's gaze turned to the windows. Looking out at New Eden, a smile crept across her face then. "I'll make this place livable for you...Jace." Selene wasted no more time as she left to pursue other factions still holding out in her father's name.


One by one Kenneth's allies fell. Sector after sector of the company purged. Blood filled the halls of many facilities, and at the core of it was Selene. Meticulous and without mercy. Those who surrendered were brought before her and placed in judgement.

This judgement came in two forms. Reclamation or Annihilation. Those who were forced to work for her father were often spared, while those who willingly partook were executed on the spot. Very few exceptions to this rule were made, though exceptions there still were.

"P-Please...I didn't have a choice, I-" A man pleaded on his knees before Selene.

She sat in what could only be described as a throne. How Arthur got his hands on such an exquisite piece of furniture, Selene didn't know. "He always was resourceful..." Selene mused, looking uncaringly at the pleading employee.

The throne was made of wood, high-backed, and arched. Gilded in gold and stitched with the finest of leathers and plush cushioning which was colored maroon. Its legs were carved to resemble that of lion claws. The chair itself was set up in a makeshift office within one of the many facilities they had taken over.

Standing next to her was Arthur and several members of the Mercer Family. Not all of them were blood related, but all were trained especially well. Dressed in neat, well-taken care of suits, even the women wore uniforms that were no different from the men. Each one a force to be reckoned with.

They stood, stoic in an imposing fashion. The hapless employee wore a white lab coat stained in blood. Their dark brown hair wild and frayed with hazel eyes looking out from a pale, frantic face. A slightly stockier than normal build indicated him as a Dwarf.

"Silence," Selene ordered, the man immediately shut his mouth, "You have chosen to work willingly for my father...yet, you claim you didn't have a choice. One does not do something willingly without a choice."

The Dwarven man remained silent, his eyes to the ground. "Smart..." Selene tilted her head, watching him with eyes edged in steel.

"Speak," She commanded, shifting one leg over the other.

"Y-Yes...I do, no...did work for your father, Miss St.Claire..." The man almost deflated as he spoke, wringing his hands nervously, "Though it is true I had no choice...The facilities were the best at the time. I needed them for my research. Without them, I-"

"Really?" Selene's word was laced in venom, immediately silencing them, "You've caused so much pain and suffering...for a reason such as that?"

"No!" The man shouted, looking up, and immediately realized his mistake.

Throwing himself to the ground, he averted his eyes as he pleaded with his hands above his head.

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"I apologize! I did not mean to shout, I..." The man went silent, his words trailing off, "Once I was here...I was already trapped. I chose to work willingly, but I did not choose to continue willingly..."

"...I already know this," Selene sighed, smirking slightly. This man before her was a brilliant scientist and doctor. One of many that Selene sought. "Doctor William Grant...You'll be one of the team who cures Delilah..." Selene was quite pleased with herself for finding him still alive.

Her father had been cleaning house himself. Killing anyone who may dare betray him. It whittled his forces greatly. In his paranoia, he thought to burn the very company he ran in hopes to leave Selene with nothing. Of course, Selene had figured he'd do something this drastic. He was insanely vindictive.

"Arthur..." Selene motioned and the old man stepped forward.

"My Lady," He bowed, hand over his heart.

"Give it to him." Selene ordered coolly.

"G-Give what?" William shook in fear as Arthur stepped forward.

"Oh, my good man...don't be so nervous," Arthur smiled, kneeling down and placing one firm hand upon his shoulder, "It is nothing so bad that you need be afraid."

William looked with wide eyes as Arthur produced a small screen for him to look at. Tears immediately formed in his eyes, for what Arthur showed him was the family he thought held captive. The family Selene had released, and was now currently receiving treatment.

"Papa!" A young girl's voice cried out through the communication device, "Is that you? Look! The good people gave me food!"

"B-Beatrice? Is that you?" William's hands reached nervously up to the device, though Arthur held fast to it, "Th-They aren't hurting you, are they?"

"No, but mommy was injured," The small voice explained through a mouthful of food, "But she's getting treated now."

"I-Is she now?" William began to laugh through his tears, "And what did we tell you about talking with your mouth full?"

"...It's not polite," Beatrice swallowed her food and smiled brightly, "They say we will see you soon!"

"Is that true?" William's gaze shot to Arthur then to Selene, "My family? You'll unite us?"

"...There have been many wronged by my father, William," Selene stated simply, "I seek to undo all the damage caused. So, yes. That includes you being reunited with your family."

His gaze grew sharp, clear for the first time since he was brought in.

" you want of me?" He asked quietly, "I doubt you'd do this because-"

"My good man," Arthur stated calmly, though his hand tightened on his shoulder, "Please do watch your words. Do not forget who you speak to."

"...I apologize," William swallowed hard, the calm face of Arthur incredibly terrifying.

"It's fine," Selene dismissed, "But you are correct. I want something from you. You are a talented scientist and doctor. An asset to the St.Claire's. I simply ask for your loyalty and continued devotion."

"Papa?" Beatrice asked over the call, "Why did you get quiet? You seem upset."

"No, no...Honey, I'm not upset," William spoke sweetly, "I have to go now, but we'll talk more later. There's important work to be done, alright?"

"Otay! Good luck at work, Papa!" Beatrice smiled once more before the holographic screen disappeared back into the device Arthur held.

William went silent, gazing at the floor. Selene waited quietly, but she already knew his answer. Arthur released him, though stayed nearby, as he postured himself before her. Kneeling in front of her, he bowed his head deeply.

"...If what you say is true," William stated with conviction, "Then I pledge myself to your service, My Lady Selene St.Claire."

"Do you know what an oath is, William?" Selene asked, holding out her hand, "It means you are bound to it, however...I cannot expect you to take an oath without something in return."

Her eyes glowed silver as she gathered the power inside of herself. Wisps of pinkish purple spread forth from her outstretched hand. Twisting and turning, they became tendrils which reached towards William.

He gasped as they touched upon his temples. She felt no resistance, and thus knew he spoke the truth. Smirking, her cold eyes seemed to almost turn warm. A feeling of relief washed over her. Something she didn't expect. "A byproduct of being around Jace...I don't dislike it."

"I, Selene Adria'Dea St.Claire, do promise protection of my vassal, William Oaken Grant, and his family," Selene stated with authority, "This shall be an oath upheld with the old laws. Do you, William Oaken Grant, accept?"

"The old laws, huh?" William chuckled softly, bewildered, "I see you're serious about this..."

"Very," Selene answered curtly.

"Then...I, William Oaken Grant, do hereby accept and offer myself as vassal."

Upon the final word uttered from his lips, he gasped once again as the oath was completed. In accordance with the old laws, William and his family were now like the Mercers. Bound in a pact with Selene. She would protect them, and they would serve her.

The Old Laws are very archaic and hardly ever used unless it was a serious matter. Set by powerful and influential figures among the different races in ancient times. The Old Laws were quite simple. Fealty. Oaths. Bound together in a system to unite and serve.

They persisted to this day, though not from lack of trying to get rid of them. Those who tried often ended up hitting some kind of ancient recoil. Those who didn't end up dead were irrevocably broken.

It went without saying why they didn't want the Old Laws existing. It went hand in hand with Selene's own innate ability. Perhaps that's why she found it so easy to manipulate. Perhaps one of those figures had a similar ability. The power to re-write reality and the very wills of people. To force them to obey.

It was said only a Paragon could reverse the Old Laws, but not many tried. It took many Ascended to invoke them, or a single Paragon. This act of Selene's would prove to the Mercers present, and to William, that was, in fact, a Paragon. It was a warning and a sign of power seared into their hearts and minds.

Selene was not like other Paragons or Ascended. She wasn't afraid of trying, and in fact her theory proved correct. She had re-wrote the Old Laws. William was not forced to obey, but should the pact ever be broken...she would know, and her retribution would be swift.

She simply used the Old Laws as a way to show how serious she was in her words. This gave her credibility and garnered trust. She planned to use this to change the oath placed upon the Mercer Family, but Arthur and the rest of them declined. They found their own loophole in the pact and were satisfied with it. Selene acknowledged their choice.

With one more vassal under her, Selene had much to prepare.


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