Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 60: Chapter 60: A Taste of Sweetness (Slight Spice/Smut at the End of the Chapter)

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Chapter 60:

A Taste of Sweetness

It was all over the news. The mayor was dead. The entire city was in shock. It was as if everything just went...silent. It wasn't unheard of to hear of someone dying in Neo City. That was normal. It was because of who died.

There was a rule even the dregs of society understood. You don't mess with government. The corporations backed them, and that meant an elite kill squad would be on your doorstep within seconds. Heckling, light assaults, even vandalism could be gotten away with. However, death could not.

If you were to kill a city official, it was game over. There were caveats, such as a corporation paying you to do so. Of course, it would take a fool or someone not afraid of the consequences to take those jobs. After all, corporations loved their asset protections. That meant ensuring no evidence was left of their involvement. Including the one they hired. In other words, it was a death sentence.

Most of those who took these jobs were desperate. Wanting money for their family after they were gone. Their lives were a small price to pay in their eyes. However, after such a death, the entire city became a powder keg. The Neo City PD and private corporate units were activated and sent on high alert.

Patrols were increased and any infraction was met with swift retribution. That meant Paladins. The Elite of the Elite. If a Paladin was called to the scene, no one was safe. They enforced whatever order or law they were told.

Corporate sanctioned hitmen. Paid killers with the latest in weaponry and cyberware. Some don't even believe them to be human. Armored from head to toe, you never even saw their eyes. Just the cold, unfeeling faceplate of their helmet.

This was why the city became so silent. They were waiting to see what the cause of death was. If someone killed the mayor, it meant Paladins patrolling the streets. It was for this reason Kiera, Jace, and Liana glued themselves to the TV.

"Did she...really kill the mayor?" Kiera knew a little bit of Selene's plan. She had told her that there were things she had to prepare before it would be safe for Jace to enter New Eden. In her own words there was "Rot to be cut out". Kiera could almost laugh at the news, if not for Liana and Jace being nearby.

She couldn't let them know she knew anything about this, but Liana had a sharp eye. Meeting her gaze from the corner of her vision, Kiera saw that look. She wanted to talk. Jace didn't seem to fazed by the news. He knew the consequences and about the Paladins, though his face made it seem like just an inconvenience.

"Well...I won't lie," Jace sighed, leaning back into the couch, a hint of anger in his voice, "I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner...that bastard..."

"Ah...that's right," Kiera recalled that Mayor Barnes was one of the reasons the hospital fees became so expensive. He passed an ordinance which limited the procurement of specific medicine. He did this as a way to "limit drug addiction" and "combat the drugs in the streets". There was a rise of shipments being stolen and dispersed illegally shortly before this ordinance was passed.

The populace ate it up. Backing the decision because of how widely those drugs affected the community, but little did they know it was all just a front. A scheme to allow hospitals to hike their prices up due to limited supply. Pushing the smaller hospitals owned by other corporations into being unable to provide certain services.

This was why the current hospital Jace's mother was at, was the only one in the Barrens capable of dealing with her condition. "Jace..." Kiera's heart went out to him, and so did her hand. Liana had the same idea as their eyes met. Smiling to each other, they both placed comforting hands upon his thighs.

This surprised him as he looked between the two of them. It didn't take much for him to understand they knew. Smiling, he nodded in appreciation.

"Thanks, both of you..." He placed his hands over theirs, and held them tight, "Honestly, the shit they get away with, but...I'm alright, truly."

"We know you are," Liana informed him gently, "Even still, we want you to know we empathize."

"...I know, thank you, my angels," With soft words, and an even softer touch, he lifted their hands up to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon them.

Kiera felt a heat to her cheeks as he spoke, as well as his affection. Liana was the same, though a bit redder than Kiera. Ever since Jace had a hard time figuring out a nickname for each of them, he began to call them angels.

In his words, "You're all beautiful, kind, and have been there when I needed you the've saved me. What else can I call you except angels?" All the while he had that damn, stupid smile on his face. The one that warmed the heart and showed his sincerity. It was boyish and charming, and somehow insanely goofy. It was dumb, and Kiera was stupidly weak to it. They all were.

"Damn it...that's unfair," Liana mumbled, pouting slightly.

"Oh, come now, you're the one who wanted me to think of something," Jace teased, laughing lightly.

"Even so! Unfair! I call foul!" Liana protested, though Jace was prepared.

Taking his hand from Kiera, she watched as he brought it up to Liana's cheek. Leaning closer to her, she became beet red.

"Unfair, you say?" Jace smirked, causing even Kiera's heartbeat to increase, "So...if we're playing unfair, I can do...this?"

His lips began to move closer to her, and each inch closer she grew even more flustered. Kiera watched in amazement as he went for the most unfair of spots. It was a spot Kiera didn't learn about for a while, but somehow Jace found it a lot sooner.

It was the spot just below the ear by the jawline. Right where it ended. His lips grew ever closer until finally they found it. Liana yelped, giving a slight moan. Kiera was becoming quite hot and bothered watching this, much to her interest.

"S-Stop..." Liana protested, though Kiera could tell she was enjoying it, "J-Jace...that's...against the rules..."

" something about it," Jace whispered into her ear, which was just enough to push Liana over the edge.

With her face completely burning, Jace knew he was in trouble. The pillow Liana grabbed came out of nowhere, smacking him square in the face. With an "oof" he was knocked back into Kiera who caught him easily.

"I may have gone a bit far," Kiera giggled, smiling down at him.

"I mean...It was fun though," He smiled that damn smile, Kiera's heart skipping a beat.

"You..." Liana fumed, standing over the both of them, "Come here..."

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Her hand grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up close to her. From an outside perspective, it may look like she's angry, but both of them knew. Her face was completely flustered, and her eyes spoke of what she wanted. However, Liana wasn't going to give Jace the satisfaction of winning.

"Take a walk, Jace," Liana ordered, holding him close to her, she whispered into his ear, "But...Be careful. I love you..."

With that, she kissed him deeply, passionately. It left him breathless and blushing.

"Aww...Alright, well...It's about damn time," He mumbled, looking towards Kiera, "Hey...take care of her, yeah?"

"O-Oh...Uhm, yeah," Kiera realized the reality of what was going on just in time for her brain to completely shut down.

"Look at broke her," Liana tutted, pushing him along, "Go...Kiera and I have things to...discuss."

"...You two deserve it," He spoke softly, kissing Liana on the cheek, "I'm sorry to have-"

"No, none of that..." Liana shook her head, "It was my choice, go. Go! Shoo! Remember, no magic!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Jace chuckled, disappearing down the hall towards the door.

Kiera's mind was in overdrive. "D-Did he...just set me up?" Her gaze slowly moved towards where he went. Liana stood in her way, causing her eyes to slowly drift up at her. She could only swallow hard from the look in Liana's eyes.

She smiled with lust in her eyes, and fingers lightly to her lips.

"You..." She spoke in a sultry tone, "Let's have some fun..."

Liana's hand through her hair and along her side was all Kiera needed. She was at her mercy as she found herself lying on her back upon the couch. Liana's lips all over her.

"That cheeky bastard...I'll have to thank him later." It was the last coherent thought before everything focused on Liana. Moans escaping Kiera's lips as she lost herself to the moment.


It was the first time Kiera and Liana had been this intimate. Liana had made Kiera feel pleasure many times, but there was always a limit when it came to Liana. Now, there were no limits. Their hands were everywhere upon the other. Skin against skin.

Their moans rose into the air. Their bodies entwined together. The pleasure coursing through their bodies. Liana knew how to use her fingers, pleasuring her in the way only she knew how. Kiera's back arched from her touch, a loud gasp escaping as she came, though she wasn't done yet.

With her mind focused, Kiera flipped Liana over on her back. Her lips finally tasting her flesh in the sweetest way possible. Passing over her breasts, supple and smooth. Her skin felt like silk, though hot to the touch. Kiera's lips moved along her body which trembled underneath her touch.

"I-I've been waiting for this..." Liana smiled down at her, "Even though...I wanted to wait, I've also...been looking forward to it."

Kiera smirked, looking up at Liana with passion her gaze. Her hands running along Liana's thighs, opening them with purposeful intent. Liana's hands ran through Kiera's hair, gripping tightly the moment her lips found Liana's slit. Wet from arousal, it tasted sweet to Kiera.

Her hands running along Liana's body, she pulled her closer, gripping her ass. Liana pushing her face firmly between her legs, Kiera didn't disappoint. Her tongue quickly found the small, delicate pearl. Her clit was extremely sensitive to the touch, causing her to moan with pleasure. Music to Kiera's ears.

Liana's legs began to quiver as her grip on Kiera's head tightened. Gasping loudly, she moaned, cumming from Kiera's stimulation. As Liana caught her breath, Kiera licked her lips free of the sweet juices Liana produced.

"Delicious..." Kiera smirked, looking with heavy eyes down at Liana.

"Sh-Shut up..." Liana breathed, though smiled herself, "I'm not done with you..."

Kiera gasped as Liana pulled her down, placing her over her face. Liana's hands held Kiera's legs down, her tongue beginning to work. Already sensitive from cumming once, Kiera quivered with pleasure. Liana knew what she was doing.

Her hands caressed her sensually, adding to the experience. Her fingers helping her tongue, entering inside of her. Kiera gasped at the pleasure, her body overloaded with emotions. Her clit was stimulated expertly by Liana, causing her to cum within moments.

Her legs shook as she grew weak, her muscles completely numb as she rolled off of Liana and laid there, catching her breath. Both of them smiling from the pleasurable exertion.

"," Kiera exclaimed breathlessly.

"Is that...your professional opinion?" Liana teased, much to Kiera's chagrin.

"Hey...that's mine, you can't say that," Kiera protested weakly, causing them both to giggle.

As they got their breath, they went from one more round. Their bodies entangled together, legs over legs, skin against skin in pure ecstasy.


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