Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 61: Chapter 61: A Sudden Chase

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Chapter 61:

A Sudden Chase

"So...he really set that up, huh?" Kiera asked, to which Liana nodded.

"He could sense some tension," Liana chuckled softly, "He felt a bit uncomfortable getting between us..."

"He's not between us," Kiera sighed, shaking her head before smirking, "Though..."

"Kiera!" Liana exclaimed, blushing, "Come on..."

"I'm just saying, having him between us wouldn't be that bad," Kiera winked, smiling mischievously.

"I-It wouldn'," Liana blushed even further, "But regardless, you know that's not what I meant!"

"I know, sweetie," Kiera leaned on her elbow, turning towards Liana, "He didn't want to interfere when we've waited so long, right?"

"...Yeah," Liana smiled tenderly, "I agree with him. It wouldn't have been as meaningful if it wasn't just the two of us, Sunshine."

Reaching up to Kiera's face, Liana cupped her cheek. Jace had messaged her when he was teasing her on the couch, stating she should use this opportunity to be with Kiera. It was at that moment she knew he had planned all of it for her. She was really touched.

"I really have waited to be with Kiera...just as I waited to be with Jace." Liana had loved Jace for as long as she could remember. Kiera had come along and found her way into her heart. She couldn't betray her feelings for Jace but had always felt guilt for holding out against Kiera.

"Love, don't give me that look," Kiera stated suddenly, "There's nothing to have been guilty about."

"I...!" Liana blushed, looking away sheepishly, " this what Jace feels when we read what he's thinking?"

"Ha! Probably," Kiera smiled, reaching her free hand up to Liana's cheek, "It's quite cute, but truly. Don't feel guilty. We're together now, truly."

"Yeah...We are," she leaned over, giving Kiera a kiss before sitting up, "I'm glad, everything is just-"

Liana's face suddenly froze, her expression turning to cold fear. A message popped through in her vision. It was from Jace.

>From Jace: Hey...Sorry to interrupt your fun, but...I need help.

Immediately after the message, a call came through. Kiera looked at her with concern. The call was coming through for Kiera as well.

"...Jace?" Liana answered, his face a bit frantic in the small box.

"Ah! Liana!" He smiled, his eyes drifting downward, "Well...that's a nice sight."

Blushing, she scoffed at his words, for if he was able to joke, he was okay for now. Even so, as the sound of gunshots came through, Liana's heart went cold.

"What's happening?" Liana asked as Kiera was already standing and getting dressed, "Where are you?"

"Uhm, about that..." Jace looked behind him, and she could see figures in head-to-toe black armor, "In some alley, trying to lose these fuckers. Sending you my GPS."

A ping came through, pulling up a map with a pin on. He was a few blocks away but moving further and further from them. Liana took several breaths as the fear and coldness in her heart turned to a burning rage. "How dare they..." She knew it was a risk to send him on a walk but didn't expect them to move this quickly.

"Kiera..." Liana's voice was deadly, "Go. Save our boy. Make them suffer."

Even before she asked, Kiera was already turning on her heels and heading for the door. Her eyes glowing a deadly red. "If I could keep up...I'd go with." Instead, she prepared for his return. She'd make sure he'd have a comfortable place to relax once he was back.


It was supposed to be a normal walk. Give time for Liana and Kiera to enjoy each other's company. They waited so long, and it was only right they had time to themselves.

The city was quiet with the news of the mayor being dead, but as there was no info on what happened, people were cautiously going about their day. Until it was determined if he was killed or died some other way, people still had to live their lives.

So, then why were a group of Paladins already in Westview? And why the hell did they know his face? He was walking through a small market, looking for some interesting ingredients Liana may be able to use for some food when he noticed them. While perusing a stall, one of them pointed at him, looked at something, and nodded.

He knew when to get the hell out of somewhere. Making his way slowly away, they followed him through the crowds. It wasn't until a shot barely missed his head that he began to book it. The thing about the streets is, people stuck together. One of the vendors saw them aiming their weapons and interfered. Then, chaos.

Everyone ran as the Paladins began to give chase. They even ignored the vendor who interfered, which was strange. That meant they had orders. Orders to go after Jace. They had no time to waste on anyone else.

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"Shit, shit, shit!" Jace couldn't believe this was happening. What the hell did he do to attract the attention of Paladins? Running through the alleyways, he tried to lose them. This was, after all, his territory. Yet, they were tenacious bastards.

To make things worse, he was forbidden to use magic. Yes, he could use it, but he was more scared of those three than he was of these Paladins. "Yeah...Not chancing it..." The only thing he could do was ask for help, and that's what he did.

For a moment, he was distracted by Liana who answered his call topless. "God damn..." He couldn't help but smirk before another shot ran out, chipping the nearby wall as he weaved and ducked to avoid their pursuit. Now, all he had to do was hold out until they arrived.

" did they move so fast?" Jace couldn't fathom it. The news of the mayor's death was just released. As quick as their response time was, it should still take a day to give the orders. Not only that, but why the hell were they targeting him? He had nothing to do with the mayor's death.

"Just what is going on?" Jace's eyes widened as the sight of a blade came out from the corner of the alley way. Its sharp edge thrumming and glowing blue with power. His quick reflexes kicking in as he played limbo with the blade.

He may not be a trained soldier, but Jace was no novice when it came to fighting. Right now, it was life or death, he couldn't care about their lives if he wanted to live. As he dodged under the blade, his hand caught the wrist of the attacker. His momentum carrying him up and around.

His leg caught the Paladins neck and brought them low to the ground. Twisting the blade free from their grasp, he plunged it swiftly and quickly through their helmet. Its powered edge making quick work. Just like a hot knife through butter. Their body went limp as blood shot from their wound.

Not having time to stick around, he pulled the blade free and unhooked their sidearm. Taking a few potshots at his pursuers, he was once more running. Gun and blade in hand, his heart and mind were both racing.

"Why the hell are you after me!?" He shouted, taking a few more potshots as he rounded another corner, "The hell did I do?"

There was no response, of course. Paladins rarely ever gave their quarry any information. They simply followed orders. Without magic, Jace was quickly tiring out. He had been running for maybe ten or twenty minutes, he wasn't sure. He only knew his lungs were on fire.

"Fucking hell..." He mumbled, "If I survive this...I gotta do something about non-magic combat..."

Breathing heavily, he saw the barrel of a gun round the corner ahead of him. "Damn it...they're boxing me in..." Swinging the blade up, he knocked the gun barrel into the air and away from him. It cut in slightly from the powered edge.

In the same motion, he brought the pistol up under the Paladins chin and pulled the trigger. Blood, cybernetics, and brain splattered the wall as the body fell. There was another Paladin behind them who aimed immediately for him. With a burst of strength, Jace kicked the falling body into his buddy, causing them to stumble back and fall.

This created an opening for Jace to make his way past him as a shot rang out. A searing pain tore through Jace's left shoulder.

"Fuck!" Jace exclaimed, his blood splattering the wall and stumbling forward.

He could feel his grip loosening on the pistol. Not wanting to lose the range, he used himself stumbling forward to spin around and throw the blade in his right hand. He wasn't sure if he would hit anyone, but luckily whatever gods there were, were on his side. The blade flew true, hitting and slicing through the neck of the Paladin which shot him.

Grabbing the falling pistol with his right hand, he let off several potshots to stem the pursuit of the approaching Paladins. Unfortunately, he was the end of what he could do. As he turned the corner, he cursed himself for not realizing where he was in his haste to escape the Paladins. It was a dead end.

"Oh...come on..." He breathed, turning his back to the wall and leaning against it, "Paladins...honestly..."

Raising the pistol towards the way he came from, he would funnel them in at the very least. "Come on Kiera...Where are you?" He breathed heavily, the blood loss starting to get to him as he felt rather weak. Hearing them approach, he waited with focused eyes.

The moment he saw the barrel of the gun round the corner, he took a shot. The bullet shattered the brick near them, causing them to pause. They were cautious now that they lost three Paladins. Even though they were said to be fearless, it seemed they weren't without caution.

That's when he heard it. The pulling of a pin and the sound of something being tossed. It didn't take much for him to connect the dots as he saw the cylindrical grenade in midair. Flashbang. He tried to raise his left arm, but it was no use. It shook, but wouldn't respond to his orders. Pain shooting throughout his left side.

Grunting, he did his best to close his eyes and bury his face into his right shoulder. The moment it went off, a bright light tore through the area. A ringing went through his ear as he began to empty the pistol in the direction he last recalled.

He braced himself for the inevitable rain of bullets, but instead...there was silence. Slowly, he began to look up from his shoulder, opening his eyes. As vision came to him, he let out a sigh of relief. The group of seven Paladins were all frozen in place as they rounded the corner. Electricity crackling from their cyberware malfunctioning.

"Shit...Took your time, didn't you?" Jace slumped down against the wall, landing on the floor, "Kiera..."

Looking up, he saw that beautiful sight. Standing upon the fire escape above him, wearing sweatpants and a crop top, was Kiera. Her eyes glowing red, hair flowing freely in the wind. Her aura was terrifying, but for was the most comforting thing he could be feeling right now.

"I thought you could use the exercise..." She teased, smirking before turning her attention to the Paladins, "As for all of you...Die."

As she said this, she raised her hand and clenched it closed. Immediately, their cybernetics all went haywire. Screams of pain filled the alley before dying out. Their bodies fried as they fell to the ground in unison. Kiera deftly made her way down, floating towards Jace like the angel she was.

Feeling himself be picked up in her arms, he couldn't help but blush. Resting his head against her shoulder, he could smell the sweat upon her, but he didn't mind. It was somehow...sweet.

"...Thank you," He mumbled, "You know, three Paladins without magic...Not bad, huh?"

"Heh...Yeah, not bad," Kiera stated, holding him close as her eyes took him in, "Now rest...I got it from here."

"Yeah..." Closing his eyes, he let himself relax in the safety of her arms.


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