Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: A Night of Truth

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Chapter 67:

A Night of Truth

Jace was getting air out on the terrace. The evening was calm, and everything seemed to be at peace. The city seemed to have changed, and not just because everything was quiet after not only the mayor's death, but also the terrorist attack on the St.Claire Industries Headquarters.

Recent links between the mayor's death and the attack on the corporations seemed to have been linked. Several other city officials had been attacked and subsequently killed. Yet somehow the city wasn't completely collapsing. Mayor Kingston, the woman who took over after Mayor Barnes death was proficient. Filling in the positions left vacant quickly.

Jace was apprehensive about these sudden changes. Though the terrorist attacks took out a lot of the scum in this city, more would just fill their place. That's how it always was, so then why did Jace feel that this might be different despite his apprehension? There was something there he just couldn't quite place, but it was too much to think about right now.

"Selene is finally back..." He smiled to himself, relief in his heart. Everything over the past several months has happened so fast. He met Selene, discovered feelings he'd never even considered before, moved in with Liana and Kiera, and now was surrounded by the three of them in a scenario he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams.

Just like that, everything seemed to fly by. His life was changing, but what did that mean? He didn't have answers. Honestly, did he really need answers? He was just happy to exist like this.

"Jace?" A soft, familiar voice called out cautiously.

Turning his head, he saw Selene opening the terrace door, her hand tentatively placed upon its frame. He smiled in her direction, happy to see her. Stepping the rest of the way out, the terrace door closed behind her. Making her way over to him, she leaned against the railing.

"Nice night..." She whispered, to which he agreed.

"Yeah, it is," His smile softened, and he felt himself drawn to her, "Much better now that you're here."

Leaning towards her, he placed his head against her shoulder. She didn't resist, though was a bit surprised. Her eyebrow raising slightly before a soft smile crept across her lips, her ears a light red. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the view of the city.

It was quieter than usual, due to the events that happened. Though, even so there were sounds of vehicles flying in the distance for those who still had to work. Despite such tragedy, the city never slept. It's vibrant lights still shining. New Eden in the distance a beacon as always.

Taking a breath, Jace could be content in this moment, though something in his heart told him it wouldn't last. It was that same feeling again. Deep in his heart that didn't quite feel like his own. It was...anxious.

"Can I...ask you a question?" Selene inquired quietly.

"Anything. Ask away," Jace answered without hesitation, "Know that there are no secrets between us."

Though Jace meant what he said, Selene seemed to hesitate, and a pain entered Jace's heart. "What is this?" It felt like his words brought pain. As if he shouldn't have said them.

"I'm sorry, if-" Jace began, though was silenced when Selene suddenly pulled him up into a deep, passionate kiss.

His cheeks burned, and all he could think about was the warmth of her body against his. When she let go, he saw the pain in her eyes, the worry and anxiety. Selene rarely showed such intense emotion on her face, which cleared Jace's mind almost immediately.

"Selene....What's wrong?" Jace asked, his arms around her, holding her lower back tenderly.

"I'm sorry...I never meant to lie to you," Selene began, and Jace's heart lurched in his chest.

" you mean?" He asked cautiously, looking her deeply in the eyes.

"You're right," Selene stated with a sigh, "There should be no secrets between us. I-"

"Hold on," Jace held a finger to her lips, "Before you continue...I said what I said not to make you tell me anything. I simply wanted you to know you can ask me anything. I am an open book to you."

"...I know," She smiled, reaching up and taking his finger from her lips, kissing the back of his hand as she held him to her, "That's not...I was just overcome with a lot of emotions. I hope you can forgive me."

"For what? The kiss?" Jace chuckled softly, "Never be sorry for that."

"Heh, no, I'm not sorry for that," She smiled deviously, though soon her expression turned serious, "I'm sorry because...I'm the reason you were attacked by the Paladins."

"What?" Jace felt his heart clench, his mind not quite registering what she just said, "Why would you be the reason for that?"

Selene was silent, her eyes adverting themselves from him. At the same time, she released him and went to move away, but Jace's quick reaction to reach for her hand stopped her in place. Her hand felt so soft in his, slender and delicate. Of course, he knew just how strong those hands truly could be, which is why I he was surprised to feel them trembling slightly.

"Selene...Talk to me," Jace held her hand firmly, trying to comfort her and keep them from trembling, his gaze unwavering, "Whatever it is, there's no way I'd blame you for the Paladins."

"You know..." Selene spoke, relaxing in place as she faced him, "I can face down countless assassins. Kill in cold blood. No thought or feelings to it. Yet...Why am I so terrified to face you?"

"Assassins?" Hearing that caught him off guard, but it wasn't what he focused on. "Terrified? Of me?" Those words hurt his heart, though he held it down for now. It was the first time he saw Selene struggle so much with something. He always sensed she was hiding something from him, but to see her like this made him want to cheer her up.

"I didn't know I was so scary," Jace chuckled, "Well, my enemies would say otherwise. Though, for you to think so...I don't want you to be afraid, so if this is something that-"

"Oh, shut up," Selene narrowed her eyes, a deadly glint to them that made Jace's knees weak in a good way, though despite her aggressiveness, there was a playful smile curling her lips, "You're very kind to be considerate of me, but this isn't a time to do so. If I don't tell you now, I don't think I will ever have the strength to do so."

Jace understood what she was saying, and so remain silent. Holding her hand in his, he felt her finally closing hers over his. It was warm and tender, yet strong as if she didn't want to let go. Jace hoped she wouldn't.

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"Jace, I am the reason you were attacked," Selene stated with confidence, "If it wasn't obvious, I'm not just some nurse or party girl. Before you stands the true me...but I've never told you who that was."

"No, not obvious at all," Jace teased, which received a wry, playful glare from her, "Sorry, Selene."

"Don't be, I like that part of you as well," She smiled, sighing, "Honestly...Jace, I'll never get to what I have to say..."

She watched him closely, waiting to see if he would interrupt again. After she was satisfied he was fully listening, she took a deep breath and collected herself.

"The reason why you were attacked..." Selene explained with a serious tone, "Is because I am Selene St.Claire, heir and current head of the St.Claire Family. My father...did not approve of me seeing you. He tried to hurt you to get to me. I did not agree, and...voiced my opinion as such."

Jace could hear her words, but they weren't quite registering in his head. It wasn't that he didn't understand what she said. It was that he was overcome with this revelation. "She's...a St.Claire. That would explain a lot..." All the times she acted indifferent to expensive things, Jace always chalked it up to her being unmoved by such things. Now, the reason for that was clear.

She was from one of the richest families in the world. His mind was racing a million miles an hour trying to comprehend everything. Part of him wasn't surprised, while the other part was definitely taken aback. "Focus, Jace...Why was this hard for her to tell you?" His brow was furrowed in thought, and he could feel Selene's anxious squeezing of his hand.

"...Jace?" she asked softly, almost fearful which caused his heart to drop, "Are you...upset?"

"What? No, I'm..." Jace didn't know what he was, but he knew he wasn't upset, "I'm definitely not upset. Just...collecting myself."

"Take your time," she smiled gently, nodding in his direction, "I didn't want to hide this from you, but I..."

She looked away and Jace could see it clearly now. She was afraid. Not of him knowing, but of him hating her. He could feel it. Such a strong emotion coming through to him, but it wasn't his. This was something to look into, but right now he felt the urge to do something.

"Selene..." Reaching up to her cheek with his free hand, her eyes widened in surprise then softened as she pushed her face into his palm with a smile, "Please...tell me everything. You've seen my life...Now I want to know yours. Why were you hiding yourself?"

Jace could feel there was something to her story. The reason why she went around in a glamour. She wasn't exactly known to the public, though Jace had faint memories of the St.Claire Family posing for magazines in the past. Though it was so long ago, barely anyone remembered it.

There was no way anyone would recognize her unless they knew her personally. There had to be a reason, and it was her eyes that gave her away. Ever since he met her, and actually looked at her did he notice. There was a fading light, and perhaps that's why he reached out in that hospital room and took her hand.

He saw that light flicker to life, only to suddenly begin to disappear before him. He liked what he saw when they came to life, and didn't want to see that light fade. Right now, he saw that light burning strongly, though it wavered as if uncertain.

"Liana and Kiera...They're right, you're uncannily perceptive when you want to be," Selene smirked, causing him to blush slightly, "You're right. I was hiding myself...I want you to know me. I'll tell you everything."

Leading him by the hand, she escorted him to the terrace couch to sit down. There, she began to tell him all about her life. Who she was and just what she went through being raised by her father. He listened with an attentive yet horrified heart.

She was born into the lap of luxury only to be a trophy. To be shaped into a ruthless killing machine. All the pieces fell into place on the terrace this chilly night. The reasons for her outwardly cold demeanor. There were things she kept out, but Jace didn't press it. This was hard enough for her already, he wasn't going to make it harder on her.

By the end of it, she was silent, hands clasped before her as she stared dejectedly into nothing. Now he knew everything. She was the "terrorist" they reported in the news. That time she left; she was going to war against her father. "I can't say he doesn't deserve it...I'd do the same if I ever saw my father again..." Jace sympathized immensely with Selene.

There was something else Jace felt towards Selene. He felt incredible warmth towards her. He didn't hate her like she feared, far from it. To think she was protecting him all this time. Her and Kiera. "That cheeky woman...Kiera's been playing innocent." Jace could only smile, because of course all the girls talked and told each other everything.

However, throughout her story, Jace could only think of one thing. It was something that weighed on his heart the entire time he listened. It is what made him smile tenderly, though with a bitterness inside of him. A bitterness that came from not being there for her when she was all alone.

"You know, you started this by asking if you could ask me a question..." Jace teased, "I still haven't heard you ask me a question."

"Tch, come on, Jace..." Selene groaned slightly as she rolled her eyes, though he could see a small smile forming, which is what he wanted to see. Her smile.

"I'm sorry..." Jace spoke, not because of his teasing, but because of the feelings he felt now, "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that alone...If only I could have been there for you. You faced all of that by yourself...I'm proud of you."

Her eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around her. After hearing her story, he wasn't angry she hid things from him. It was impossible for him to get upset. All that pain and suffering alone for so long...he knew just how that felt.

The difference was, Jace had never truly been alone. Liana had always been there. He had Balek and Nadine, and later he had Kiera. Along with all the people who worked at Radiance. Above all, he had his mother before she entered her coma. Selene...had no one.

"That's...unfair..." Selene whispered as the tears began to flow.

They were not tears of sadness, but of relief. She was finally able to let go of all the weight she carried all alone this entire time, and Jace couldn't help but love her even more. She was amazing. A precious existence to him.

"You're not alone anymore," Jace told her softly, "It must have been tough, but have me. You have all of us. Just as I have you and them."

"...You always will," Selene mumbled, clinging to his shirt.

Her tears flowed heavily, warm against his skin as they soaked into his shirt. There was no need to say anything more, and so he simply held her tightly. This night brought a lot into the light for Jace, but it was for another day to sort through it all. Selene needed this right now, and he was not going to disappoint.


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