Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 68: Chapter 68: Overwhelming Love

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Chapter 68:

Overwhelming Love

Selene didn't know what would happen when she followed Jace out to the terrace. She knew she had to tell him about who she was. The guilt was eating away at her. Now that she was the head of the St.Claire Family, she could take care of him. She could help him and his mother.

Yet, she found herself frozen, unable to vocalize what she wanted to say. His silly jokes brought a better mood to her heart, though it kept distracting from what she needed to do. Of course, he was patient and kind. He listened to her. Made her feel at ease.

Ever since she entered that old, top floor manor that was her prison, she had felt the weight fall upon her. The weight she held up for so long. She told him almost everything. Leaving out parts that were too uncomfortable to say. She was grateful he didn't push, but that was just like him to be considerate.

It was what he said at the end of her story that really got her. She was worried he would hate her or blame her now that he knew she was responsible for the attacks on him. For him being injured. Instead, he embraced her.

Not only did he embrace her, but he said he was proud of her. It was the first time she heard those words without having just killed someone or erase their memories. She could feel it then, the walls crashing down and the tears streaming from her eyes. There was so much relief that washed over her. It was unfair of him to be this kind.

She didn't even remember the last time she truly cried. She thought all of her tears were dried up, and she never wanted to show such a weakness to anyone. Especially to him, who she wanted to be strong for. Yet, in the face of his words, his embrace, and his kindness, she was no match.

This, however, was exactly what she needed. She had rushed to see him, only to hesitate and agonize over it for a couple days before finally appearing before him. Since the first time she met him, she could feel this comfort from him. The first time he touched her hand, she didn't hate it. It was so gentle and kind.

Now, she was in his arms, which was several times gentler and kinder than that touch. She found strength in such an embrace. It served to further solidify her obsession with him. She would destroy anyone who thought to harm him. He was hers.

Of course, she wasn't neglecting Liana and Kiera, who she sensed nearby, listening in. They were a part of this as well. She knew their obsessions, which made her smile through her tears as she wondered if Jace really understood just the type of people he was with.

"Jace..." Selene spoke up after several long moments of silence between them, her tears finally drying, "Thank you. For coming into my life. For listening to me, not hating me."

"Hating you? How could I-" Jace began, but Selene wasn't going to give him a chance.

Reaching up to his face, she took his head in her hands and kissed him. The saltiness of her tears mixed with the sweetness of his lips, causing a surprisingly intoxicating mix. He didn't resist as her weight pushed back against the cushions.

Instead, his arms wrapped tighter around her, as if he didn't want to let her go, which only furthered her passion and desire for him. Selene was so entranced that she didn't mind that they now had an audience.

"W-Well...That's..." Jace could barely catch his breath as she reluctantly pulled away from him, "Wow..."

"Is that your professional opinion?" Kiera spoke up, causing Jace to jolt up in surprise, his face going completely red.

"Kiera!?" He exclaimed, sitting up suddenly his head whipping around to the door, "Liana too? How long were you guys there?"

"...A while," Selene responded, smirking and drying her face.

"Y-You knew they were there?" Jace pouted, a rather cute sight for Selene.

"Of course," Selene stated, pulling him to her, resting his head against her shoulder, "Though my attention is always on you, I am aware of everything around you so that you will always be safe."

He smiled sheepishly, as if he wasn't the one just comforting her moments before. His bravado melting in the cutest way. Selene would be strong for him and show him a side to her that he could be even more proud of. Now that she was able to release all the weight bearing down on her, just being near him was enough of a comfort.

" three," Jace grumbled, smiling as Liana and Kiara joined them on the couch.

Kiera began a fire to stave of the chill of the night. With the four of them together, they made a lot of small talk that was of no consequence. Mainly just teasing Jace. Selene felt so much better now that he knew who she was. Exchanging a knowing look with Kiera, Selene couldn't help but admit she was right. He had definitely been more surprised by her being rich than her being a Paragon.


"So...What happens now?" Jace wondered in the morning as Liana made breakfast.

He was sitting next to Selene, with Kiera across from them at the kitchen island. After last night, there was a lot to think on. He pushed it to the side at the moment, but now that it was a new day, he couldn't stop his curiosity.

"There's also another thing I'm curious about, but..." Jace shifting in his seat, unsure how to bring it up, "I'm honestly not sure if I've been imagining things. Perhaps I've just been more attentive and my body's reacting to it, or maybe-"

"Jace, dear..." Selene spoke softly, her hand overlapping his as her sudden affectionate nickname caught him off-guard, "Slow down. We have time to discuss it all. As for the last thing...I think I understand what you mean."

With her free hand, she held it over her heart, clenching it into a fist. She smiled softly, a beautiful glow as the light from outside hit her just right. His heart nearly leapt from his chest as he became captivated.

"Y-Yeah...I guess you're right..." he mumbled, feeling in his heart a sense of calm, "Sorry, I guess I'm just a little worked up..."

"It's alright," Selene squeezed his hand, turning her smile towards him, "It's rather cute."

Jace grumbled sheepishly as the three women giggled at his reaction. "Honestly, these three..." Taking a breath, he calmed himself as best he could. Liana finished breakfast, which was a hearty meal of eggs, bacon, and toast. It was all made to perfection.

Enjoying their meal together, the morning went on without incident. They soon found themselves relaxing in the living room. Liana's head resting in his lap as Kiera and Selene talked about various trends. Jace was still curious about so many things but sitting there with his hand running through Liana's hair as she read a book, he decided to be patient.

This atmosphere was something he'd never imagine. He still wasn't sure just what was in store for him, but he had a feeling it would all work out. The only issue he had now was his arm. His mana was finally flowing properly and so he could use magic without damaging himself, but the bullet wound was far from being healed.

"So...I don't mean to interrupt," Jace broke the peaceful silence, something very important coming to his mind, "My next payment is going to be due soon..."

The silence in the room became a bit gloomy as he spoke. A sense of regret for mentioning it entered his heart, but before he could take back his words, Liana reached a hand up to his face. Looking down, he saw that she was smiling rather bittersweetly.

"I knew this would come up eventually," She stated matter-of-factly, "I'll admit, we tried to distract you from it..."

"How could I be distracted from something as important as my mother's hospital bills?" Jace chuckled softly, reaching a hand up to hers and holding it, "I could never forget about that."

"I know, it was just wishful thinking..." Liana told him gently, "Not for you to forget, but for you to at least not worry about it..."

"I appreciate it," Jace smiled gratefully before sighing and leaning back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling, "I've definitely felt more relaxed lately...Still, I have to do something, and no I won't have any of you pay for it...."

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He gave each of them a very stern look, much to their chagrin. They all smiled awkwardly as if that was exactly what they had planned on doing. As much as he loved each of them, he still couldn't bring himself to ask for their help financially. It felt disingenuous to all that they've done. Even if they were willing, it was the one hurdle he just couldn't get over.

"Well, it's not like we didn't expect this," Kiera sighed, throwing her hands up as she shrugged, "But in your condition, you can't work, so-"

She had a mischievous smile on her face as she exchanged a look with Selene. Of course, Jace had predicted this might happen. He wasn't exactly that dumb. Though whether that was something to be proud of or not, he wasn't sure.

"I can't?" Jace asked in a rather curious tone, a mischievous smile of his own, "I think I've very capable of working, as long as-"

"Jace, what are you-" Liana furrowed her brow, becoming quite firm in her words.

"Relax," Jace interrupted, playfully pushing between her eyebrows, "Frowning doesn't suit that beautiful face of yours."

Liana relaxed her face, rubbing between her eyebrows as she blushed.

"That's unfair..." Liana mumbled.

"What's unfair is not letting me finish my thought," Jace smiled lovingly at all of them, "I know none of you will let me work while I'm healing this damn wound, but that didn't stop me last time either, did it? So...."

Their faces all light up with understanding. Just like when Kiera oversaw him last time. He could still do something while being safe. Jace figured this would be alright, but he underestimated their stubbornness. No, he underestimated Selene's stubbornness.

"No," Selene stated firmly, shocking not just him but Liana and Kiera as well, "Even if we are would be no different than us doing the work, right?"

"I...Well, no, not exactly, I'd be-" Jace attempted to explain, but Selene was unmovable.

"I know what happened last time," Selene explained, "Kiera did most of the work. I understand you at least did something, but you didn't have a physical wound at the time."

Kiera seemed to agree with her, rubbing the back of her neck with an awkward smile. Jace couldn't refute her words. It is true that aggravating a physical wound is easier than the wounds he had before. As long as he didn't use magic, he was fine, but almost all jobs required some kind of physical exertion.

"Even so...Selene," Jace pleaded, sighing, "I can't just...not do anything. I promise, I'll be careful with my left arm, I'll-"

"No, Jace," Selene spoke with authority that surprised him.

Her expression softened as she got up and glided over to him. Liana sat up, giving her space to kneel down next to him. Selene smiled in understanding, placing a hand upon his knee.

"I understand you want to do something..." Her words were tender and kind, worming their way into his heart, "I love that about you. You're truly devoted, and while this injury isn't the worst...I am not willing to take that chance with you. Call me overprotective, but it's not happening."

"I...wouldn't insult you like that," Jace grew nervous under her soft, tender gaze and the comforting touch upon his knee, "Besides...It's not like I hate this side of you..."

Scratching his cheek, he felt himself giving in. Even so, he felt the urge to do something.

"Good, so I'll make you a deal," Selene told him, a mischievous glint in her eye, "You want to work? Then I'll be your client. Your job is and heal. The payment is exactly the amount needed for your mother's hospital bills. Deal?"

"Th-That's not much of a job..." Jace grumbled, though was unable to put up much of a fight.

She was smiling so genuinely at him. Liana and Kiera were of no help, as they seemed to be on Selene's side. They smiled along with her, exchanging words of agreement. Stating it was a wonderful idea and a fantastic job for him to complete. Under their scrutiny, he would have no choice but to accept. Though it didn't exactly feel good and so he decided to be stubborn.

"...I don't want to," he answered defiantly.

"Oh, don't be like that," Selene laughed lightly, "I don't do this to be mean, you know."

"I know..." he pouted, crossing his arms in protest, "It's just rather unfair..."

"Girls, I think...he's in need of a down payment," Liana intoned mischievously, "A show of appreciation and a way to show him just what he gets out of this deal, yes?"

"W-What do you mean?" Jace faltered in his defiance, his blood running cold.

"Excellent idea," Selene agreed, "I think you'll understand...doing this will make us, very...very happy."

Jace swallowed hard as Selene leaned up towards him, her body quite close to him. He could smell the intoxicating aroma of her light perfume. A pleasant floral smell that wasn't too strong. At the same time, Liana leaned into his right, and Kiera made her way over with a playful smile behind him.

"Yes, Jace," Kiera told him, wrapping her arms around him from behind, "If you accept this'll make us extremely happy."

He could feel himself growing red the closer they got to him. "Damn it...This..." His thoughts were becoming quite incoherent. With Liana getting closer, her calming earthen aroma mixed with Selene's floral scent, which further mixed with the clean, slightly citrus smell from Kiera. It was enough to make him dizzy.

To make matters even worse, in unison they all planted a soft, tender kiss upon his face. Liana took his right cheek with Selene taking his left. Kiera too his forward as she tilted his head backwards. He could feel their bodies pressed against him. It was enough to push him over the edge.

"Alright!" He burst out, forcing himself out of their embrace as he breathed heavily, "Fine! Deal, that again..."

He grumbled and blushed as they giggled. They were more than happy to give him another kiss. This time, they were a lot softer than before. "I really...can't compete..." Though he thought this, the bad feeling he had earlier disappeared. Their bright smiles washing it all away.

"So what if it feels bad...It makes them happy, which feels good." He smiled, resigning himself to losing this battle.


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