Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 69: Chapter 69: Training

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Chapter 69:


Jace's back hit the ground hard, the air forced from his lungs. The world spun above him as he tried to catch his breath. It had been a couple days since he fully recovered. His left shoulder was finally ready to go, but the way things were now, he felt like he would be back to resting before he knew it.

"Is she trying to do that?" Jace wondered, glancing over at the terrifyingly beautiful form standing a few feet away. Liana stood with her hands on her hips, shaking her head with a slight smirk to her lips. Wearing a dark sports bra and matching pants, though the pants were slightly loose around the leg, and tight against the ankles.

Her well-toned figure was quite evident, which made the blush of Jace's face not just from being out of breath. "I swear...I knew she was good, but fuck..." Ever since Jace ran into those Paladins, he realized he needed to get stronger without magic. He knew how to fight, and he'd argue he was good at it. However, he didn't have the stamina without using magic to supplement what he lacked naturally.

That's why he found himself in this training dojo. A room filled with mats, which despite their purpose, felt like they did nothing to cushion his impact. This was where Liana had learned to fight when she was younger as a way to defend herself and protect him. It was owned by a friend of Balek and Nadine's, who graciously allowed them to use it privately.

Because of this place, it wasn't long before Liana didn't need his protection, but even so he would always step in for her. She had always been precious to him, after all. Even so, he never realized just how strong she really was.

"And you...said you were...weak..." Jace spoke through labored breaths.

"Well, you're...Trying your best," Liana seemed like she was about to say something else before changing it last second as she scratched her cheek and smiled pitifully.

"...I don't know what's worse," Jace said as he finally caught his breath, "You not saying what you were going to say, or your reaction when not saying it..."

Truly, Liana had developed in the time Jace wasn't looking. He cursed himself for not paying enough attention. "Just how hard did she work while I was busy secluding myself?" Jace could only sigh to himself. A hand appeared before him, surprising him as he looked up to see Liana with a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry..." Liana stated softly, "I didn't mean anything by it. Come on, get up."

"No, it's alright," Jace smiled softly, taking her hand, "You're right...I'm weak. It's good to remind me of that. Otherwise, I'd be riding the high of taking out those Paladins..."

Chuckling softly, Liana easily helped him up. Perhaps too easily as he was pulled quickly to her, they stumbled a bit. Both of them reacted quickly, stabilizing the other. They found themselves face to face, bodies close against each other and hands on the others body.

Blushing deeply, they couldn't help but smile and stare into the other's eyes. Only the clearing of a throat nearby brought them back to their senses. Separating reluctantly, they looked towards their two observers. Selene and Kiera.

They wore casual clothing, unlike Liana and him. Currently, he was in similar pants as Liana and a form-fitting workout shirt. Selene was in comfortable jeans and a navy-colored blouse. Kiera was in a colorful purple sundress with a pink flower design near the hem. Since it was getting colder, she was also wearing a long-sleeved shirt underneath that matched the dress, with darker purple leggings.

"Honestly, you two keep going, it'll heat up to the point I won't need these layers..." Kiera teased, smiling as she tossed us both some water, "Drink. Don't forget to hydrate."

"Thank you, angel," Jace smiled in appreciation, of which Kiera returned with an affectionate wink.

They were all here to ensure he didn't go overboard. Selene had also been curious about Liana's abilities. She wasn't an Ascended but had heard she was a really good fighter.

"I agree with Jace," Selene spoke up, "He was able to take out three Paladins without magic. Not exactly an easy feat. Yet, and no offense love..."

Selene looked towards Jace as she said this before looking back towards Liana.

"You're making him look like a child," Selene gave a sympathetic smile towards him as she finished her sentence.

"No offense taken, dear," Jace understood exactly what Selene meant, "She's really come farther than I knew...Honestly, I feel a bit guilty."

"Really?" Liana shifted shyly under their compliments, "I guess you're right. I was underestimating myself, but-"

"You don't have to explain, Liana," Jace interrupted softly, "I understand. You were feeling down. It's natural to downplay yourself when that happens. It's why I, no we, are here to remind you. You're more amazing than you think."

"Heh, thanks love," Liana smiled softly.

Moving closer to him, she wrapped an arm around him and leaned in to kiss him gently on the cheek. Though suddenly her demeanor changed.

"Now then...What was that about feeling guilty?" Liana stared Jace down, not letting him go as he felt suddenly under scrutiny.

"I...Well..." Sighing, Jace wrapped an arm tightly around Liana and held her close, his expression turning loving yet guilty, "I feel guilty because I wasn't paying attention. You were trying so hard while I-"

His words were interrupted with another kiss by Liana. It was quick yet held her intentions.

"I don't blame you, so neither should you," Liana told him, smiling tenderly, "You had your reasons. I simply wanted to make sure I didn't fall behind, even though I ended up feeling like I was..."

"You never did," Jace told her quietly, tightening his arm reassuringly around her waist.

"I know that now," She smiled brightly, taking a step away from him, "Now...Should we go again?"

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"...Are you wanting to injure me?" Jace teased, to which she simply grinned even more, "Alright...I wanted to go again anyways."

Thanking Kiera for the water, they handed the bottles back and got into position. Liana was a formidable opponent, but the perfect teacher for Jace right now. He wondered if he really ever protected her. Anyone who would attack her would find themselves face down on the ground before they could even think of doing anything. If anyone was falling was him.


"Did she even need my protection?" Jace wondered as they all sat down for dinner at the loft, "I think I'll be feeling sore for a week..."

"Hmm, probably not," Kiera smiled playfully, "Though I'm still grateful you did."

"As am I," Liana smirked, planting a grateful kiss upon his cheek, "I thought you were acting suspicious that night...Though I'll admit, I was lonely, so I didn't really care."

Jace remembered that night when he stopped those would be assaulters. Liana was feeling lonely for so many reasons. Kiera was busy helping him find the Spider, and she was all alone. On top of that, she had to deal with her feelings still being suppressed for Jace.

He was glad he arrived that night and wondered if Nadine had actually contacted him because of that, and only used those thugs as an excuse. He wouldn't put it past her to pull something like that, but he was grateful to have been there.

"I'm glad that I was there then..." Jace felt warmth in his heart as he smiled back, "Now, you won't ever be alone."

"I'll hold you to that," Liana teased, and the four of them all began to dig into the food.

It didn't come as a surprise to Jace that Selene knew about that incident. Kiera had been with her, after all. Of course Kiera would tell her what was going on. He was slowly beginning to understand just how much they all cared for him. He would be a fool not to be a little bit concerned, but then he guessed he was a fool, as he only felt the love they showed touch his heart.


Jace trained every day with Liana, spending time with her as well as Kiera and Selene. Under her guidance he began to become more proficient, though still nowhere near her level. With a mix of physical training and massages using herbal remedies she herself created, he felt his body becoming a lot less tense.

It was unfortunate that Selene had to return to work not long after she arrived.

"Selene..." Jace called to her as she went towards the door.

Reaching out to her, he grabbed her arm gently. He didn't want her to go. Turning around, she smiled softly at him.

"I know you want me to stay," Selene placed a hand over his, taking it from her arm and held it affectionately, "I want to stay as well, but I have some things to prepare."

"...I know," Jace stated reluctantly, "I just-"

"Jace," Selene interrupted, pulling him into a warm, comforting hug, "I promise you; we will never be apart. You feel it, don't you?"

Yes, he could feel it. A connection that began that night she helped him circulate his mana. It was still there and wasn't just their imagination. It grew stronger in the days she was with him. He could feel it pulling on him, and he knew she didn't want to go either.

"Alright," Jace hugged her tight, trying to imprint how she felt against him into his mind, "You're going to see my mother, right? Please tell her I'm doing fine."

"...I will," Selene smiled, tilting his face up to hers as she kissed him, "Behave while I'm gone. I don't want to come back to see you injured again."

"Hey, I do behave..." Jace frowned, pouting playfully, "Besides, if I'm injured, then you'll take care of me."

He smirked mischievously, which received a cold, yet loving gaze from her. Sighing, she simply shook her head with a smile.

"If you get injured again," Selene leaned down, close to his ear and whispered, "You don't want to know what I'll do."

Shivers were sent up his spine at her words. While he knew she wouldn't harm him, something about her words were both enticing an terrifying.

"A-Alright, well...I'll do my best, alright?" Jace reassured her with a blush to his face, "I don't do it on purpose."

"I know, my light," Selene called him affectionately, "Take care, alright?"

Nodding, he reluctantly let go of her. The door closing behind her was a cold, lonely sound. It was only tempered by the arrival and Kiera and Liana who took him back inside for a nice hot cup of hot chocolate, and some movies to distract him.


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