Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 74: Chapter 74: Teatime Encounter

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Chapter 74:

Teatime Encounter

Confusion. That's all there was to this situation that Jace found himself in. Now that he was better, he had finally been able to convince the girls to let him take on some work. "But...what the hell is this!?" Jace wondered as he was sat down at a table with an older looking gentleman.

"Is the tea to your liking?" They asked with an air of sophistication, taking a sip from the teacup they held within their hands.

"O-Oh, uhm...Yeah, it's good," Jace responded awkwardly, setting his own cup down.

This was a lie, as the tea was quite bitter, but he wasn't about to say that in this situation. Honestly, Jace had no idea how he got here. Well, that's not true. He had taken a job in Pendleton when he was approached by the man sitting with him right now. An elf that wore a sleek swallowtail black suit. Grey hair slicked back and fair skin. Glasses with thin frames rested delicately upon his nose.

Jace could tell from the moment he met him, but he was strong. Jace could always roughly estimate the strength of someone, but after his training his senses were a lot keener than be. He had been prepared for a fight due to the man's menacing aura, but to Jace's surprise he had instead invited him to tea. This man was his client.

That is why Jace found himself on an open terrace on the third floor of a cafe. The wind was pleasant, if not a bit chilly. The strange thing is that of those who worked here. Jace could tell they weren't normal. He could feel their eyes on him.

Looking around, the entire cafe was empty. "No...that's not entirely right..." Jace thought to himself, taking in all the people who were lingering nearby, pretending to be customers and staff. "What the hell did I just get into?" He was more sensitive than most to things and could feel several Ascended among the patrons. It was safe to say it was empty of anyone normal.

The cafe itself was made of brown brick and built sturdy. The inside was a bit chic, as was the norm for Pendleton who tried to act as high class as possible. There were three tables upon this terrace. Jace and this man took up on of them, a square table made of wood and glass. There was a fanciful design of a lotus flower upon the beige tablecloth overtop of it.

There were teas and small cakes, though Jace was a bit apprehensive about eating any. He had reluctantly taken sips of the tea, as he didn't want to seem rude. After all, while this was quite an oddity, this was his client. Someone with wealth who came with heavy security.

Most clients didn't want their identity known. That's why they hire runners like Jace. Even for those who have their identities known, they had plausible deniability. "I should have double checked the job when the fixer was happier than normal to give me this job..." Jace sighed, cursing his impatience to begin working again.

The fixer he used was someone different, after Black Suit disappeared. Jace's blood still boiled when he thought of him. Though the girls told him not to worry about him anymore. He had the sense to not ask anything further about it. This time, he had gotten the job from the fixer Greeneyes.

"I do apologize for such a strange meeting," The gentleman spoke loftily, "I have yet to introduce myself to you, Mr. Ward."

Jace froze, his body tensing. "How does he know my last name?" Jace was confident now, this was a job he shouldn't have taken. "Damn it...are these remnants of Selene's father?" Jace wasn't sure, as he was told she had wiped them all out. Was it really possible she missed one?

"Please, relax," The gentleman told him, "My name is Arthur Mercer. I simply want to ask you a few simple questions."

"...Is that so?" Jace asked as he took a breath, regulating his breathing to calm himself, "Is that why you have so much security?"

Jace was different from how he used to be. Not by much, but opening himself up to those he was close with really changed his perspective. He was still reckless, but he tried to assess the situation a lot better before rushing in.

His words caused Arthur to raise an eyebrow and smile. As if a flip was switched, the atmosphere became quickly heavy. Arthur picked up his teacup and took a very careful, measured sip.

"So, you really did notice..." Arthur's smile held a hint of danger, "My Lady did mention that you had some uncanny senses."

"Anyone would notice when the entire place is filled with your people," Jace replied as he tried to assess his possible escape routes, "It's obvious you're not normal. Not many go out looking like you do so casually in the Barrens. Even in Pendleton which is known for its poshness. You're too clean. You mentioned your Lady. Is that who sent you?"

"Oh, heavens no!" Arthur chuckled, which was a strange sound for Jace to hear, "She would be furious if she knew. Which is why I'll have to make this quick."

"Who is he talking about?" Jace wondered and braced himself as Arthur set his tea down. Leaning forward on his elbows, Arthur clasped his fingers together. His gentle looking grey-blue eyes turning deadly.

"What are your intentions with My Lady?" He asked a question Jace didn't know how to reply.

"What? Who are you talking about?" Jace asked, rather confused, "I only know of three women who I'm involved with, so-"

"Three?" Arthur's tone became like steel before he composed himself, that calm face of his terrifying, "I see..."

Jace could feel the danger he was in, his instincts telling him he had to move. Now. Pushing himself off from the table, he flipped it towards the man as he went tumbling over his chair backwards. This had been the right call, as Jace landed he saw behind him that a knife had been imbedded in one of the steel foundations of the cafe.

Normally, he would trust his shields to defend himself. After all, they were good enough to stop a shotgun blast at point blank, but something was off about that knife. Thin wisps of purple energy rose off of it. "What the fuck?" Jace understood at that moment he was out of his depth.

Looking up, he saw Arthur standing unharmed with the same wisps of purple as the blade rising from his body. His aura was absolutely intimidating. Of course, Jace had been through many life and death situations, so he was able to keep at least a little bit of a cool head.

"...Right," Jace muttered, sighing as he attempted to look for an escape route.

That's when he noticed something. None of the others were making a move to attack him. No, they were blocking his escape routes. "Shit..." Jace wasn't weak, and could even fight Paladins, but the people he felt around him were stronger than them. He wouldn't be able to escape without injury, and he wasn't about to get scolded again.

"I need to contact...wait, Selene?" Jace could feel in his heart that she was close and getting closer. The connection they had to each other grew stronger the closer the other was. Though, no matter how far apart they grew, there was always at least some trace of the other they could feel.

It was comforting, and in this moment, he was feeling relieved. If he could just hold out until she arrived, he would be alright. Not just from injury, but also from being scolded. Not that he minded being scolded. "What the hell have they done to me...thinking I like being scolded..." Jace put his hand over his face in exasperation.

He had no time to be distracted, gathering mana inside of himself. He could feel the flow that Selene had taught him. She was right, it was so much smoother than before. It was just in time as another knife flew towards him. This time, he was ready.

Collecting his mana into the palm of his hand, he condensed it into an aquamarine mass before him. Jace caught the knife with a grunt as it slowed to a halt within the mass of mana. Arthur's eyes widened in surprise.

"You know..." Jace said, trying to bide his time, "You shouldn't throw such dangerous objects."

"How?" Arthur asked curiously, "You shouldn't be able to use mana properly right now. After the last time, I even used over the recommended dose..."

"Last time? What? Are you saying you poisoned me?" Jace sighed, because of course he would be after he stupidly accepted a drink from a stranger, "Well, I don't know why it's not working either can have this back."

Grabbing the knife, Jace pulled it free from the energy bubble. With the blade in his hand, he quickly flicked his wrist back in the direction of Arthur. He was sure he would hit, but with a deftness unlike anything Jace had ever seen, he caught it with his barehand.

"So, the poison didn't work..." Arthur sighed; adjusting his glasses, his face darkened, "I try to preserve my strength so that I may serve the St.Claire Family dutifully, but I see I must-"

"Wait, hold on, time out," Jace interrupted, making a T with his hands, "The St.Claire Family? So...the lady you mentioned. Is it Selene?"

It all made sense now. There was only one person that Jace knew who could have such a servant like this. He had been trying to piece it together the entire time, but now it clicked. The only thing out of place was why he was attacking him. This man should know about him, so why?

"You...say her name so casually," Arthur spoke softly, "While you already have three women...are you trying to play with her heart?"

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"Ah, does he not know?" Jace groaned internally as Arthur smiled with a terrifying calmness. Knives appearing between his fingers, and a murderous aura about him.

"Hold on, I think there's a misunderstanding..." Jace tried to tell him, but wasn't getting through.

"A misunderstanding?" Arthur asked, tilting his head, "The only misunderstanding, is that an insect like you thought you could get away with manipulating Lady Selene's heart."

"I...don't think that's what happened, man," Jace told him, feeling Selene nearby, "Look, just relax so we can talk before-"

"I will not waste anymore words on playboy trash like-" Arthur went to raise his knives, but as he did an intense pressure filled the area.

His words were cut off and his breathing became ragged. "She's here..." Standing with righteous fury on the edge of the terrace's balcony. Her eyes were alight with a beautiful silver that matched her hair.

She was staring directly at Arthur with a gaze that could literally kill. The fake patrons all backed down, kneeling before her. Even Jace was not immune, his breathing getting harder. Despite that, his heart beat quickly as he was mesmerized by her beauty.

She wore a long sleeved, black turtleneck dress that fit every curve. Split along the left side of the skirt, black tights fit her legs to protect against the cold. Her hair tied back in a messy updo, their strands of silver flowing around her as she exuded power.

"Who did you call trash, Arthur?" Selene inquired with an icy tone, "An insect? I hope my ears deceive me."

"M-Miss, I was only-" Arthur tried to speak, but was silenced as a burst of power radiated outwards.

"S-Selene..." Jace called to her softly, "Could you...relax a bit?"

Her eyes quickly went to him, wide with realization. She was incredibly strong, stronger than Jace could handle, and right now he was having difficult under such pressure. He could feel it in his heart, the anger she felt. It was the first time he felt such a pure, raw emotion like that through the bond. All of it was overwhelming him.

Immediately, the pressure in the area lessened. Selene glided towards him swiftly, catching him as his legs gave out. Her embrace was warm and comforting. Even though she had displayed such terrifying pressure, Jace wasn't afraid.

"Heh, hell of a way to meet again," Jace joked, resting his head against her shoulder, "I missed you. I'm glad you're alright."

"...I am, and I'm sorry," Selene whispered, holding him tightly, "For losing my anger and not controlling my people better."

"Don't be," Jace shook his head, "I'm just glad you're here, otherwise I'd be the one getting scolded instead of them. Besides, it was pretty hot the way you looked showing up like that."

Selene's ears went red as she smiled sheepishly. Her expression turning serious, however, when she glanced towards Arthur.

"Kneel," She ordered coolly.

Immediately, he dropped to one knee, his head down.

"My Lady, I-" he began, a fearful tone in his words.

"Silence," Selene cut through his words, "I expressly asked you if you disapproved...and you told me you didn't. So, were you lying to me this entire time?"

"No! Of course not, My Lady, I simply..." Arthur glanced up at Jace, disgust in his eyes, "I wanted to meet him to see if he was genuine, but he's nothing but a playboy! He already has three lovers!"

Jace could do nothing but sigh as he had grasped the misunderstanding earlier.

"Mr. Arthur..." Jace spoke up, feeling a bit awkward, "I was trying to tell you when I realized it was Selene you were talking about, but..."

Turning his gaze towards Selene, he couldn't help but be enamored. Her presence was always soothing. Though it had not been long since she left, it had felt like an eternity for him.

"I am one of the three," Selene explained, exasperated, "Honestly, Arthur. Has your intelligence gathering become so bad that you didn't even know that before approaching him?"

Arthur stared, dumbfounded at the scene before him. Selene held Jace by the waist, holding him close to her. Jace's head rested against her shoulder lovingly. A realization coming over Arthur in that moment.

"I...Have made a fool of myself," Arthur stated solemnly, "This humble servant has made a grave error..."

"We'll discuss your mistake later," Selene told him, her icy gaze passing over him, "Right now, I wish to catch up with Jace, but make no will be punished for this."

"Selene, do you really have to?" Jace asked, feeling a bit sorry for him, "He didn't seem to have done this out of malice, but concern for you."

"Be that as it may," Selene said softly, cupping Jace's face tenderly, "Any who try to harm you will not escape me. You are precious to me, Jace."

He couldn't help but feel touched by her words, squirming happily. It wasn't like Jace was above hurting others or punishing them, but this was all caused by a misunderstanding. It felt a bit wrong to do anything because of that, especially when no one was really hurt.

"I know what you're thinking," Selene placed a hand on his chest, over his heart, "I can feel the uncertainty, and I know that look. You're not hurt, but he still disobeyed me. Please understand."

"Mr. Ward," Arthur spoke up, "I appreciate your concern, but it is my mistake. I will take whatever punishment Miss St.Claire gives me."

"Alright, well..." Jace looked around at all the nervous faces of the agents, "Shall we go somewhere else? That pressure you gave off is sure to cause a commotion, and...I'd like some time with you."

"Of course," Selene smiled gently, then addressed everyone else, "Clean this mess up. I'll deal with all of you later."

"Yes, Ma'am!" They all said in unison.

With that, Selene tilted Jace's face towards hers, planting a soft, tender kiss upon his lips. Pulling her in close, he was a bit embarrassed by all the eyes on him, but he didn't care. Right now, he was just happy that Selene was back.

"Hang on tight," Selene whispered to him as she reluctantly pulled away.

He nodded, holding her tightly as she wrapped an arm firmly around his waist. The cafe quickly disappearing as she jumped away. Soon, they began to move together, Selene taking the lead as Jace followed her to wherever she would lead.


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