Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 75: Chapter 75: Comforting Rendevous

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Chapter 75:

Comforting Rendezvous

Arthur had been a fool. Lady Selene was right; he had been too impulsive and failed to gather the necessary information. Blinded by his own failure when she was younger, Arthur had prematurely moved on the Young Jace Ward. Wishing for nothing more than to protect her from anyone with ill-intent.

He saw now just how foolish that had been. His preconceived view of anyone close to Lady Selene was skewed. She wasn't the young child she used to be. Arthur knew this, but in his sentimentality, he became blinded to that. Still seeing her as that little girl he didn't properly protect.

His heart was at ease now, however. His doubts about Young Jace were disappearing. He saw the way he looked at Lady Selene. He was in love with her, truly. The same was true about Lady Selene towards Young Jace, no, Sir Jace. Anyone with ill-intent wouldn't look at someone like the way Sir Jace had.

"Sir?" An agent of the family, a young man with brown hair and grey eyes spoke up, "What do we do now?"

"You heard Lady Selene," Arthur turned his gaze towards the agents, "Clean this place up and deal with any authorities politely. No bloodshed, we were the ones who caused this disturbance."

"And the young man?" Another, young woman with dark hair and green eyes asked, "What shall we do about him?"

"What shall we do?" Arthur repeated the question as if the answer was obvious, "Nothing. We shall serve Lady Selene and Sir Jace to the best of our capabilities. It seems you all need some remedial lessons, myself included. Lady Selene has chosen her husband. Do you understand?"

The agent's faces went pale at the mention of remedial lessons, though they were not so absentminded that they didn't know the importance of his words. Lady Selene had indeed chosen her partner. Which meant their work would increase, but there was a pride in their hearts, for they lived to serve and were happy to see Lady Selene as she was now.

They had all been worried that she would never find love due to the circumstances of her past. Arthur had felt the same. Those who had come with him were wanting to test Sir Jace. They all underestimated Lady Selene's fortitude and judgement. That was unforgiveable, and they would accept any punishment for disobeying her orders.

However, Arthur was now even more curious about Sir Jace. Not only did he have excellent reflexes but had withstood the poison made to hamper Ascended. Mana's Bane. Just what kind of man was he for him to be able to resist such a strong dose of it?

"What an interesting young man..." Arthur mused to himself, satisfied with how things turned out despite his blunder.

Turning to the rest of the agents, he began to help clean up and rearrange everything with the authorities that came on account of Lady Selene's outburst. There were many civilians concerned that something was happening, but a few pleasant words and explanations later, all was settled.


Selene was furious with Arthur. He had directly lied to her and disobeyed her orders to leave Jace alone. Though Jace reassured her everything was alright, she couldn't forgive those who had planned this. They had made a move when they knew she was busy.

They had planned this behind her back. If she had been any later, Jace may have been hurt, or worse. Jace wasn't exactly weak, but Arthur and the Mercer Agents were no pushovers. It felt like a failure on her part. They were her people, and they had attacked that which she loved more than anything.

"Selene..." Jace's hand against her cheek snapped her from her thoughts, his gentle smile like a comforting hug, "Come on, I'm alright. You didn't do anything wrong."

"They disobeyed my orders, Jace," Selene told him with a sigh, "That is a failure on my part. It's the same as if I had attacked you myself."

"Oh, that's some bullshit," Jace dismissed her words with a hint of anger in his tone, "As you said, they disobeyed your orders. So, you didn't make them do it. They are people with their own individuality. You may be their boss or whatever, but in the end, they made their decision. It's not like you can completely control them."

His words hit her hard, for several reasons. He spoke the truth in so many aspects. They made their decision by themselves, but she could very well control them if she wished. Re-Write was very capable of putting them completely under her control, though she'd never do so unless absolutely necessary.

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"...Are you truly not upset?" Selene inquired, taking his hand in hers as she moved it from her cheek and kissed it tenderly, "You're a part of my life, so will be around such people again. I don't wish for you to be afraid or-"

"Selene," Jace interrupted gently, "The only thing I'm upset about, is you blaming yourself. Trust me, I know about blaming oneself a lot. So, I get it, but I'm fine, truly."

His words touched her heart as his warm gaze drew her in. They were currently sitting upon the roof of a small high-rise, just twenty stories tall, but the view was rather nice. It looked over a park in Westview, one of the few.

Below them walked people of many different types. Very few vehicles moved through the area, making it rather quiet. Though there was some music with heavy bass being played in the distance, it wasn't close enough to matter. There was a life to the city, but the only life that mattered right now to Selene was next to her.

"Honestly," Jace held her hand firmly in his, "I'm just happy you consider me a part of your life. Ever since I met you, I've been able to see the world differently. Not just you, but Liana and Kiera as well."

"Your words are too kind," Selene smiled, her heart happy to hear his words, "Yet, I can't help but agree with you, as it's the same for me. Meeting you changed my life. I see the world a bit differently now. I'll do everything in my power to make you happy."

"...Now whose words are too kind?" Jace chuckled lightly, "I can't provide much, but I'll do my best to make the three of you happy."

"You provide enough," Selene told him sternly, giving him a warning look.

"Yes, yes," Jace waved dismissively, "I appreciate it. Still, you know. With three of you, how am I supposed to split the ring? My mother did tell me to give it to the one I fall in love with, but..."

Selene's ears instantly went red at the implication of his words. She was overwhelmed by the emotions of her heart, and the connection between the two of them seemed to resonate together. Gazing upon the other, they drew close to each other, kissing passionately.

A warm embrace that pushed away the chill of the day. Reluctantly ending the kiss, their foreheads rested against each other as smiles lingered upon their faces.

"I can see the issue," Selene teased quietly, "I am just happy about the thought. We'll discuss it when the time comes, for now...I think you should keep it by your heart. As a reminder."

"I always do," Jace reached up to his neck, revealing the thin cord around his neck as he pulled from his shirt the ring his mother gave him, "Ever since Liana told me to wear it when I was with you, I began to think about what it all meant. My mother's words as well as everything you all have said to me. I realized that this ring meant a promise."

Jace shifted a bit, showing the ring to Selene with a delicate touch.

"Ever since," Jace explained, smiling down upon it, "I wear it close to myself to remind me of those who matter to me, and whenever I feel it against my heart...I feel you through our connection, and I'm also reminded of Liana and Kiera. My mother's words resonate in me, and I'm given a strength I've never had before."

His gaze turned to her once more, her breath caught in her throat. She was feeling such strong emotion from him right now, and in his eyes she saw it manifested. A love and desire that ran deep. She was overwhelmed and thrilled to hear his words.

"Thank you, Selene," Jace told her suddenly, "For being my light, and one of the angels who guide me. I love you."

"...I love you too," Selene whispered, wrapping her hand behind his head, and pulling him roughly to her for a deep, passionate kiss.

They stayed upon the roof of that building for hours, just enjoying the others company. In this way, they whiled away the day before the chill grew to be too much.


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