Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 76: Chapter 76: The Walk Back Home

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Chapter 76:

The Walk Back Home

As the chill in the air grew and the day went on, Selene decided to treat Jace to something that would warm their stomachs after they left their rooftop perch. She had heard about a place from Kiera when they were working together. Since it was in Westview, and they were heading back there, it was the perfect stop on the way.

"I think I heard Liana mention this before," Jace said as he saw where they were going.

They held hands, making their way down the street. They could have continued moving using magic, but Selene wanted Jace to take it easy. That, and she enjoyed taking it slow with him, hand in hand. Her ears burning a bit as she thought of how nice it all was.

"Yes," Selene responded, "Kiera mentioned it to me, so I'm sure she's taken Liana here before. It's supposed to be really good."

"If they recommended it, then I'm sure it is," Jace smiled trustingly, Selene's heart fluttering in her chest.

The place they found themselves in was a small, two-story brick cafe in Westview. It had a bit of a rustic vibe and was called "The Nightingale". The sign was of a neon bird in flight with the words for the business over it. There were several people moving in an out of the place as they walked inside, the warmth of the approaching night quickly dissipating.

She was looking forward to this time together with him. She could feel other people looking in her direction, but the only gaze she cared about was his. The way he looked at her filled her with confidence, though he seemed to be feeling the complete opposite. The reason was obvious.

Though people looked in her direction with various intentions, they looked towards him with disbelief, jealousy, and disgust. An icy air began to swirl around her, but a simple touch from Jace upon her forearm brought her attention back to him.

"It's alright, Selene," he reassured her, "It's bound to happen with me walking around with you. You're gorgeous, and I'm-"

"Breathtaking," Selene interrupted him, finishing his sentence, her gaze upon him filled with love, "That is what you are. So, don't think of finishing your sentence with anything negative."

"Heh, you know me well," Jace chuckled softly, his hand tightening in hers, "But you know, as awkward as I feel, I really don't mind. After all, I'm with you and they're not."

"Yes," Selene smiled happily, looking upon him, "You definitely are."

With that, she pulled him close, much to his blushing response and her delight. He was just too adorable. It was enough for her to almost forget they had to order. The counter was a fake black marble with a wooden slat base. Behind the counter were several employees wearing black aprons with a golden Nightingale upon it.

Holographic menus displayed over the countertop where the patrons chose their options. Once chosen, it was relayed to the workers and made fresh for you right away. Selene realized quickly that that's what made this place so good. Not many places for quick food were made fresh anymore.

Most places were synthetic and instantly heated. Only sit-down restaurants had anything resembling real food. That's why Selene had always taken Jace to places you could sit down at. She wanted to treat him to real food. Of course, Liana always made things fresh, and was quite the amazing cook.

"Order whatever you want, dear," Selene told Jace when she saw him hesitating.

"Are you sure?" He asked sheepishly, "I mean, I know you can afford it, but..."

"Yes, of course I'm-" Selene's words were cut off as Jace's eyes darted behind her.

There was a deadly blue glint to his gaze, arousing something within Selene. She had noticed those that Jace's gaze took in but had chosen to ignore them because they were no threat. They were a group of four men who had been staring intently at her ever since she walked in. Even though she could handle herself, seeing Jace react like this was incredibly endearing, if not somewhat hot.

"Hey," Selene whispered sensually, wrapping her arm around him and turning his attention back to her, "Don't you worry about them. Focus on what you want to have."

"Well..." Jace's expression turned rather sly, wrapping his own arm around her and pulling her in close, "I already have what I want, but...I'll order some hot apple cider and a turkey melt. It caught my eye when I walked in."

Selene smiled at his cheekiness, ignoring the stares aimed in their direction. Not all of them were malicious, just those four who she could feel growing more hostile by the second. As their orders were placed, Selene and Jace waited next to each other while their food was being made.

It didn't take long before it was ready, though all the while those four never left the cafe, nor did they take their eyes off of them. Jace was getting a bit antsy, as she could feel his body was rather tense. So, as they were handed their food, they exited into the chill of the night.

"They're following, aren't they?" Jace muttered, sighing to himself as he took a bite of his food.

They were walking along down the street, keeping themselves warm with the food and cider they had just purchased. Though Selene was not hungry, so only ordered a cider. Of course, when Jace offered her a bite of his melt, she could hardly refuse.

"It seems like it," Selene chuckled softly, tucking her hair behind her ear as she leaned down to take a bite, a light blush to her ears.

Kiera had been right, the food was delicious, though the company was even better. It was a shame such a nice walk was soured by those who followed them. "They're underestimating us..." Selene thought to herself, running a thumb along Jace's lips where he missed a piece of food.

Licking the piece of food off of her thumb, Jace blushed and smiled, crumbling the wrapper the melt came in as it was now all finished. Tossing it into a nearby trash bin, they exchanged a look with each other. A silent agreement. They were both tired of this pursuit.

Locking arms with each other, they hurriedly made their way along, cider cups in hand. It was all an act of course. There were too many people walking the main streets. It would be better to take a shortcut through an alley.

The streetlights illuminated the sidewalks. The lights from businesses and apartments shone into the night. Neon signs buzzed and several screens flashed advertisements as they passed by. There was an alleyway ahead which they decided to duck into before slowing down.

"Do you know who they are?" Selene inquired, "Are they part of a gang?"

"Hmm, they looked like Highrisers," Jace told her, contemplating for a moment, "Gold chains around their necks, a few rings on their fingers. They look like they were here on vacation."

"Vacation?" Selene asked, rather confused.

"Ah, sorry," Jace laughed lightly, "It's a bit of slang for when another gang is in someone else's territory. Usually on business."

"So, that's why they're so far from Palm Hills," Selene understood now, though Jace was looking at her rather curiously, "What is it?"

"Oh, I was just surprised you knew where they were from," Jace told her, though quickly panicked, feeling as if he had insulted her, "I mean, not that you wouldn't know, I just-"

"Relax, dear," Selene chuckled lightly, "I know what you mean. Kiera explained a bit about it when I was helping her."

Reaching a hand up to his face, she caressed it lovingly. It was so adorable to see him flustered.

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"Well, well," A husky voice called from the end of the alley, "Look what we have here. Two lovebirds showing such affections in public..."

They were finally here. Selene and Jace both side eyeing them. Four men, cargo pants and Hawaiian shirts. Just as Jace said, they had gold chains around their necks, and a few rings on their fingers. It was an odd choice of fashion.

Their hair was all cut short, with two of them sporting some kind of tribal tattoo upon their necks and arms. They were definitely cybered up. Their hands having the telltale signs of modification. Obvious mechanical joints, compensators for the guns they usually used, or so Kiera had told her.

"Yo, you mind if we join in?" One of them called over, laughing, "It's a bit cold out. Could warm you up real nice."

"...Seriously?" Jace muttered, shaking his head.

"Hey, why don't you run along home," Another spoke up, a slight Spanish accent to his speech, "I bet your mommy misses you. Don't worry, we'll keep the woman company. Make sure she gets home nice and safe..."

"First," Jace handed his cup to Selene, much to her surprise, "You're Highrisers, right?"

"Jace?" Selene whispered to him, "I can handle this."

"I know you can," Jace replied, whispering back as he turned his head towards her, "But...Let me protect you every once in a while, yeah?"

He smiled that charming smile of his, a heat rising to her ears. When he acted like this, how could she deny him? Not only that, but the fact he knew she could handle herself, yet still chose to defend her was quite attractive to her. It made her feel normal, something she always appreciated from him. "He's always making me feel like that..." Selene mused, thinking back on the first time in her office at the hospital, at Radiance when he discovered her, on their dates, and just when they're spending time together. He made her feel like a person, and not just a tool.

"Yeah, if you know that, then move on quickly," The one in front told him confidently.

The four men were in a diamond like position. With one of them at the front, two of them flanking him, and then one a bit behind. Their hands were hovering over their pants, which Selene could tell is where their guns were.

She knew Jace had grown stronger, but she didn't want him to push himself. If things grew dangerous, she would step in immediately. "I can't let him be harmed..." Selene thought, though as she glanced towards Jace, she realized her interference would not be necessary.

Jace was as calm as a storm right before it hit. In fact, she could smell a faint hint of ozone in the air. Everything was still, eerily calm. A slow smile spread over Jace's face.

"Arc. A name I chose, trying to be cool," Jace explained to them, cringing a bit as he took a measured step forward, "I'm sure you've heard of it, being Highrisers. Arc is short for Arcane. Magic or the unknown."

The Highrisers seemed to feel the stillness in the air as well, as everything seemed dry. Selene saw it in that moment, Jace's true potential. She had always thought he was amazing, his sensitivity to magic was incredible, but nothing compared to what she saw now with her eyes.

He had utilized the flow she had taught him. She saw the mana running through his body, collecting around him in a thin, fine film imperceivable to normal eyes. An electric blue that shone with refinement. "You've grown so quickly..." Selene praised, feeling pride for him.

"You...said Arc?" The one in back, recognizing the name asked, a bit nervous.

"You heard of 'em?" The Highriser in front inquired, picking up on their nerves, "Who is he?"

The man in back too a sniff of the air, his eyes widening as he looked around. The alleyway they found themselves in was filled with pipes. Metallic pipes. Selene smiled, realizing that Jace hadn't chosen this alley for now reason. He knew these streets and was utilizing his knowledge properly.

"I see one of you recognizes me," Jace smiled, a low rumble to his voice, like a storm on the rise, "Another use of the name Arc is...electricity."

"Fire! Fire now!" The one in back ordered quickly, but it was too late, "He's an Ascen-"

Jace raised his hand to the pipe next to him, clasping it firmly. The moment he did, Selene watched the flow of mana become conductive. Jace's eyes glowing a neon blue as arcs of lightning shot through the piping of the buildings, faster than any of them could react.

They barely had their hands on their rifles before the electricity launched itself from the pipes of the left wall and crossing to the pipes along the right. Like a bug zapper, the four Highrisers were caught in the electrical field. The alley lit up for several moments, their screams quickly disappearing into the night as the light faded, and their bodies slumped to the ground, crispy.

"...Talk about...shocking," Jace smiled at his own joke, though all Selene could do was roll her eyes at his dorkiness, "What? No?"

"No," Selene shook her head, chuckling softly.

"Well, I thought it was funny..." Jace pouted as he took his cup of cider back from her.

"I'm sure you did," Selene teased, smirking playfully, "Your performance was quite...electrifying."

"Oh, come on!" Jace exclaimed defiantly, "And you said my joke wasn't funny..."

"It wasn't," Selene told him, hiding her smirk.

"I see that smirk," he said, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Yes, yes," Selene teased, laughing lightly, "Let's just get out of here. I'll have people clean this up. Also..."

Leaning down, she kissed him lightly upon the cheek. His eyes widening in pleasant surprise.

"Thank you for protecting me," she whispered lovingly, "My striking savior."

Jace narrowed his eyes in a playfully deadly glare, a slight smirk to his lips. Sighing, he simply shook his head as Selene laughed freely. He was just too adorable, and though the jokes were rather corny, it was the first time she ever experienced something like this.

Placing her arm in his, Selene was filled with contentment as they left the ozone filled alleyway.


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