Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 77: Chapter 77: The Things They Do For Love

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Chapter 77:

The Things They Do For Love

Jace and Selene made it safely back across Westview to the loft where they were both happily greeted by Kiera and Liana, who had grown a bit worried after not hearing from Jace for a while. As he had been gone all day, with no word, they expected something had happened to him. Thankfully, it was just because he was distracted while spending time with Selene.

"Honestly," Liana sighed, shaking her head, "You promised to keep us updated, but I'm glad you're alright."

"Sorry..." Jace smiled apologetically while rubbing the back of his head, "I ran into a bit of trouble, but it was sorted out without issue thanks to Selene."

The three girls exchanged a silent look before their gazes fell upon him. "Ah...I guess I'll have to explain..." Jace laughed awkwardly, being ushered into the living room. Sitting down in a rather comfortable, sleek recliner, the three girls sat down nearby.

Selene took the other chair opposite him, while Kiera and Liana sat upon the couch. With Liana being closest to Jace, she leaned forward with that unwavering gaze. Wearing an oversized black shirt that hung off one shoulder and denim shorts with black tights underneath, Liana looked as beautiful as ever.

Kiera wore a beautiful white sundress with a red flower design. Underneath were grey tights and a long-sleeved grey shirt. Her hair was tied in a loose braid. She seemed to be relaxed, though Jace could tell she was as focused as ever on getting answers.

"So, dear," Liana spoke with a threatening calmness, "You appear to be fine, but you said there was trouble. What happened?

"Well..." Jace looked towards Selene for any bit of help, though she seemed to be interested as well despite being there, "As you know, I took a job from Greeneyes. When I headed to Pendleton, I was intercepted by the client who...Well, turned out to be someone under Selene's employ."

"What?" Liana quickly turned her gaze to her, confusion and a bit of animosity in her eyes, "Is this true? Did you plan this?"

Selene shifted under Liana's gaze, shrugging as she responded.

"Yes, it is true, though I didn't plan it," Selene's gaze turned cold as she stared down Liana, "Please do not assume I would do anything to harm him."

"I do not," Liana met her gaze, unwavering.

After a moment of tension that made Jace rather nervous, they both let out a smile, laughing as if nothing had ever happened.

"I've missed you, Liana," Selene stated genuinely, turning her gaze to Kiera, "You as well, Kiera. I know you wouldn't assume that, and I understand why you asked. Honestly, I was so caught up in seeing Jace, that I didn't even think to ask him about what exactly happened."

"Well, you saw it," Jace told her, leaning back in the chair, "Arthur invited me for tea and then tried to kill me when he thought I was manipulating you."

The room grew chilly as Jace mentioned someone trying to kill him. "...I should really be more careful with my words." Jace sighed, holding up his hands to the girls as if trying to calm them.

"Look, I get it, but it was a misunderstanding," Jace explained, looking between all of them, "I'll be the first to admit that my hands aren't clean, but he wasn't doing it maliciously. He was doing it to defend Selene."

"I can defend myself," Selene stated firmly, though a sly smile crept across her lips as she looked towards Jace, "However-"

"Don't you dare," Jace interrupted, giving her a warning look as a sinking feeling overcame him.

"Sometimes..." Selene smiled, meeting his challenge, "A striking savior comes along. It was quite shocking, as you say."

"Oh...come on..." Jace groaned, placing his head in his hands, "You won't let me live that down, will you?"

"I'm sorry, but not anytime soon," Selene chuckled softly, "It was just too adorably cheesy."

Liana and Kiera were looking on with rather amused, yet confused expressions. It didn't take long for Selene to explain the situation to them, causing them all to begin making electrical puns left and right. Jace's face had never been so red.

"Come on!" He pleaded, "Enough already! Didn't you want to know what happened?"

"Ah, that's right," Liana, who had moved over to him and had an arm around him as she teased him with puns, settled down on his lap, "You said this man, Arthur, invited you to tea?"

"Yeah," Jace nodded, taking a breath to calm himself as he placed an arm around Liana's waist, "We were talking, the entire place was filled with dangerous people."

Jace explained the entire conversation with Arthur. Everything went fine until Jace mentioned the three of them. That's when the understanding happened. He believed Jace was just playing around, not realizing just what kind of situation he was actually in.

"That's when Selene arrived and stopped everything," Jace finished, though as he did a thought occurred to him, "Oh yeah, there was something else that I forgot until now."

"What is it?" Kiera inquired, leaning on the arm of the couch.

"Well, when I was fighting him, I caught one of his knives," Jace told them, "But, he was quite surprised I was able to use mana."

"Did he not know you were Ascended?" Kiera tilted her head, "That seems like a lack of information from someone like that, from the way you described him."

"No..." Selene mumbled, thinking for a moment, "He knew, which means..."

Her eyes went wide, an anger rising in them. Looking towards Jace, her gaze was asking if what she thought was correct, to which he nodded.

"Yes, he used poison," Jace admitted, though held up a hand in Selene's direction to calm her, "But please, relax. I wasn't affected, which is why he was surprised. Said he even used over the recommended dose after last time, whatever that means."

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Selene grew quiet, thinking for a moment. Kiera and Liana exchanging a look as well.

"Mana's Bane," Selene sighed, placing her head in her hand in exasperation, "He even used's the same poison he used on my father. That's what he meant by last time. said you were fine?"

"Yeah, the tea did taste a bit bitter, but..." Jace could only shrug, "Sometimes tea is bitter. I didn't give it much thought, though I didn't exactly like the tea. I don't know why it didn't affect me though."

Liana shifted on his lap, his gaze turning to her as he saw the look upon her face. As if she wanted to say something. "Interesting..." Jace narrowed his eyes at her, as there was a hint of guilt upon her face that he saw.

"Liana..." he asked, to which she jumped slightly, "Do you happen to know why it didn't affect me?"

"Uhm, well..." Liana averted her gaze, scratching her cheek sheepishly, "I may...have had something to do with that..."

She chuckled nervously as Kiera smiled at her amusingly. It seemed that Kiera knew exactly what she did and was now enjoying seeing her squirm a bit.

"Liana, sweetheart," Jace smiled slightly menacingly, his hand upon her waist tightening, "What did you do?"

"Well, it wasn't anything bad, perse..." Liana smiled awkwardly, but under his gaze she gave in and sighed, "Alright, fine. As you know, I like plants. Herbalism is my specialty. Among plants are poisons..."

"Right..." Jace stated, urging her to continue her explanation.

"Well, as I wanted to protect you..." Liana fidgeted with the fringe of her hair, twirling it nervously, "I figured that there might come a time someone might try to poison you, especially when you became an Ascended, and considering how reckless you are..."

At that, she cast a knowing gaze upon him, which he couldn't refute. Shrinking under her knowing gaze, she smiled gently, her hand encasing his cheek. It was warm and gentle.

"You never really accepted help," Liana told him with a soft voice, "It was hard enough to get you to take care of yourself, let alone take any food from me...though what you did take was laced with small amounts of different poisons and antidotes to those said poisons."

Jace was taken aback by this revelation. All he could do was let out a quick laugh as he stared in disbelief at her. "Should I be angry?" Jace wondered, though found that he wasn't. In fact, he was impressed and further touched by how far ahead Liana had thought.

"So, you poisoned me over time to build my immunity?" He asked, to which she nodded affirmatively.

"Are you mad?" She asked with a worried expression.

"," Jace told her, pulling her close to him as he hugged her, "I'm just impressed, but...have you done that for yourself as well? What about Kiera?"

"...Yes," Liana smiled sheepishly, resting her head against his chest, "You are both precious to me. I don't want to lose either of you to cheap tricks like that, and I'm not naive. I work with plants. Some are very poisonous. Of course, I'd take precautions for myself."

"Hold on, you did it to me too?" Kiera propped herself up from the arm of the couch, "Really?"

"Wait, you didn't know?" Jace asked her, rather surprised, "From how you were smiling, I thought you knew."

"I mean...I did know about you, but not me..." Kiera blushed, looking away bashfully, "I guess that explains why I grew sick a few times..."

"Well, you wouldn't take it when I offered, so..." Liana stuck her tongue out cheekily at her, "I took great care of you when you were sick, regardless."

"You did...yeah," Kiera mumbled, blushing even more.

Relaxing once more, Kiera buried her head in her arms upon the arm of the couch, hiding her delighted smile. Meanwhile, Selene was looking on with a rather surprised, yet intrigued expression. As if she had an epiphany.

"You're more prepared than I gave you credit for," Selene stated, smiling in approval, "I never would have thought to do that myself...mind if we exchange notes? Are there any poisons you haven't done yet for him?"

"Oh! Of course," Liana exclaimed, getting rather excited, "There's a few I have only just started, but I can definitely-"

"Girls..." Jace interrupted, his heart quickening from the sudden nervousness and fear he felt, "As...touched as I am about Liana preparing me for poisons. You're not...suggesting you continue to poison me, right?"

Liana and Selene exchanged a look between them, smiling in understanding with each other before their gazes turned upon him. His blood ran cold, and his skin became a bit clammy as their looks became quite overbearing with their innocent devilish nature.

"Of course," Liana stated calmly, "It's not that bad. You didn't even notice before."

"It'll be fine," Selene told him, much to his dismay, "If anything happens to you, I'll be sure to nurse you back to health. I am a doctor, after all."

Jace could only laugh nervously as he realized that the angels before him were hiding quite the devil inside of them. "" Jace found that no help would come, but he was in the best of hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the ghost of Nadine chuckling in amusement.


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