Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 89: Chapter 89: Lightning Strikes

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Chapter 89:

Lightning Strikes

Was it a coincidence that it decided to rain when the pieces of the puzzle fell in place for him? Selene wasn't sure. She saw recognition fall over his face as he stared up at the sky. She had taken care of the attackers but left the ones behind it so as to not take it away from him.

She would do anything for him, but she knew he would want to handle this personally. He understood that so intuitively. As dense as he could be, he was learning and quickly understanding her. It made her embarrassed in the best way.

His energy changed the moment he realized it. She shared a knowing glance with Liana and Kiera. They knew as well. This was his show. They were just along to ensure he got what he needed. Even Balek seemed to understand.

Selene had not had the time to speak with him, and only met him as Marian. He now knew the truth, but they didn't have time to really introduce themselves to each other. Selene hoped that after this, they would have that time. Balek was an important person in just Jace's life, but also Liana's.

Because of their unique relationship, Liana and Kiera were important to Selene. Not as important as Jace, but they knew that. It was what bonded them, and what helped them to grow close to one another. For this reason, Selene would ensure they lived well and were protected.

It was for this reason she would do anything to get rid of the obstacles in their way. Walking through the halls of the auxiliary building, her gaze constantly focused on him. Jace was a unique existence to her. Ever since she met him, her heart began to beat differently than it ever had before.

He was an existence that defied all logic to her. He grew up in such a hostile environment yet turned out so different than her. She wasn't naive. She knew there were differences between them. Some may think she was jealous of him. He had people there for him but had been blind to it.

This was wrong. She wasn't jealous at all. Even though she had been all alone, with even her mother turning away from her out of fear, she had found him. She wasn't alone anymore.

His words still echoed in her heart. "I'm so proud of you." He spoke that night when she told him almost everything. "You're not alone anymore." He had told her. His words so genuine and pure. He truly cared for her.

She never thought someone like him existed, and now that she knew he did, she was beginning to see the brighter side to life. A side that she would protect no matter how bloody her hands became. His bright smile washed it all away. His touched didn't make her feel dirty.

Such an existence was thought impossible in her mind. Yet, here she was walking hand in hand with him. All the while, she didn't feel disgusted, nor did she feel like he thought so. It all felt so...freeing.

He was growing fast as well. He had unlocked his potential in a moment of desperation. She saw a glimpse into his future. Should he be nurtured and raised properly, he would become a glorious existence. Her heart beat quickly in her chest at the thought.

Of course, it didn't matter to her if he was strong or not. All that mattered was that he stayed by her side. She could protect him, but she knew he wanted to become strong. So, she would see that he did. This was just one of many steps towards that goal.

"This is the room," The Mercer Agent motioned towards a door on the 11th floor of the building, "Please, step inside."

The door opened with a light woosh. Stepping in revealed a large conference room. An oval table situated in the center with roughly twenty chairs located around it. At the far end was the head of the table where a more impressive and cushioned chair lay in wait.

To the left as they walked in was a wall that went up a quarter of the way from the floor, before large windows took over. A view of the facilities could be seen from it. A light rain poured down, giving a rather soothing pattering sound.

She watched as Jace left her and Liana's presence. They could sense he was deep in thought. Making his way to the windows, he looked out into the rain and the darkening sky. A warm light permeated the office, giving the whole room a surprisingly cozy feeling.

Selene, Kiera, and Liana all exchanged a look together. Even Balek knew as he shifted about. "This will be anything but cozy..." Jace turned from the window, looking towards Selene.

"So...They're here," He said, his tone even and focused, "How is this going to go?"

Selene smiled, seeing in his eyes a clarity.

"First, you'll take your seat," Selene motioned to the larger chair at the end of the table, "That is where you belong. We will be by your side. Abby, go greet the Director and lead them here."

Selene spoke to the Mercer Agent who greeted them and led them up. As they received her orders, they bowed and left, leaving them alone. Jace walked the length of the table, making his way to the large chair. He seemed uncertain.

"Are you sure you shouldn't take this seat?" He asked, looking up at her, "You are the one who made this all happen. You are the head of the St.Claire Family."

"And you, my dear," Selene stated, cupping his face between both her hands, "Are the Master of the St.Claire Family. Since you are mine, that is a fact that is irrefutable."

"Don't we have to be married for that?" Jace joked, but as he saw her unwavering face, his turned an adorable shade of red, "...I see."

Smiling, he composed himself and nodded. They all took up their respective positions. The chairs were rearranged. With Jace at the head of the table, Balek sat in the nearby corner with his arms crossed. Liana sat next to Jace on his right, with Kiera standing next to her, and Selene standing next to Jace.

Placing a hand on his should, Selene smiled down at him. He returned the gesture with a nod. She was impressed with how quickly he took control of the room. The entire atmosphere changed the moment he took his position. Leaning back in the chair, he rested his right leg upon his left knee. Clasping his hands before him, his eyes focused in on the far door.


Jace sat in anticipation of the Director's arrival. His thoughts were focused. The Director dared try to harm his mother. Selene had set the stage for him.

As he saw the Director arrive on a nearby landing pad, he knew it would only be a matter of time before they confronted each other. He saw the muscle he brought with him. Men armed to the teeth with full body armor. It would have been foolish to expect him to come alone.

Glancing up at Selene, she gave him a reassuring, confident smile. "She has this all planned, doesn't she?" Jace was truly impressed by her readiness. There wasn't a shred of worry in her, nor on anyone else in the room. So, why should he?

Liana placed a hand upon his knee, a comforting presence. Noise began to arise in the hallway. Someone shouting, loudly. "What a fuss..." Jace thought as the door opened.

"Where the hell is he?" A loud, booming voice came from such a small man.

"Right this way, Sir," A young man motioned inside the room.

Jace saw a Mercer Agent he did not recognize, along with Abby, the other Mercer Agent who had left previously due to Selene's orders. Both of them escorted in a small human man, maybe a half head shorter than Jace himself. Behind him walked in two, fully armed guards. Jace wasn't worried.

"Please, have a seat," Abby motioned to the chair at the far end of the table.

The Director looked around in confusion, noticing the gathered group. His eyes locking in on Jace.

"That's my chair," He claimed, his voice quite deep for his stature.

The Director was maybe in his late fifties. Dark, greying hair cut short with golden, cybernetic eyes and weathered skin. He had a certain presence to him that only those in authority would possess.

"Abby, was it?" Jace ignored the director and focused on the Mercer Agents, "And...?"

"Marcus, Sir," The male spoke up, nodding in deference.

"Right, thank you," Jace nodded, "Abby, Marcus, please seat the Director."

"Excuse me?" The Director flustered, motion to his guards, "I was going to be generous and hear you out since you've been a paying customer, but-"

His words were cut short as Jace's eyes flicked to the guards. Abby and Marcus were excellent in interpreting cues. Before the guards even moved an inch, their throats were slit, and their blood sprayed the Directors face. Their bodies fell with a thud as the door to the room closed.

"Please, Director. Sit," Jace stated as Abby and Marcus grabbed him by the shoulders and placed him in his chair.

"Do you think you can get away with this?" The Director asked, though Jace could see his he was straining to control his sudden fear, "I am the Director of this Hospital and-"

"Are you?" Jace asked, tilting his head, "You're the Director?"

"Yes! I am Director Howard Smith!" He fumed, trying to stand, though was instantly pushed back down by Abby and Marcus; Glaring up at them, Howard continued to spew his venom, "You have no idea who you're messing with! The Board of Directors banned you. You're violating the law by being here, you-"

"Shut up," Jace spoke with power, thunder echoing outside the window as lightning flashed, "You say I have no idea who I'm messing with, but tell you?"

Another flash of lightning and clap of thunder from outside. Selene's hand upon his shoulder gave him strength. Liana's hand upon his knee gave him focus. Kiera's presence gave him confidence, and Balek gave him support.

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This was his stage now. The man before him, as Jace spoke, was taken aback. His eyes darting around the room. Jace could see the wheels in his head turning.

"Don't overthink it," Jace mocked, "Wouldn't want you to fry your brain before I can."

"Are you threatening me?" Howard's face hardened, "You have no idea who-"

"I'm messing with?" Jace finished his sentence mockingly, "Yeah, yeah. You've said that already. I want you to do something for me."

Jace uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. His eyes focused on Howard. Outside, rain pelted the windows, thunder crashed, and lightning flashed. Jace's eyes glowed with each illumination of the sky.

"Answer it simply," Jace's words were cold, "Were you the one...who order the hit on my mother?"

Howard swallowed hard, his eye twitching slightly. His expression turned defiant, almost smug as he sat back in his own chair.

"Yeah," He smirked, taunting Jace, "I gave the order. She would die anyways. It was a waste of resources. No matter how much you paid. The Board of Directors agreed."

Thunder crashed again; the room filled with silence. Jace's thoughts were clear.

"Director Howard," Jace spoke, eerily calm, "I want you to check your credentials. You may be aware that this hospital has undergone some changes."

His defiant look turned to curious confusion. He was expecting Jace to act, but now wasn't the time. Jace watched as Abby and Marcus released him. Bringing up his wrist, a holographic image beamed forth from the watch upon it. The blue screen buzzing red.

Over and over again, he tried logging into his credentials. The more he tried, the angrier and more frantic he became. Getting nowhere, he looked up from the screen towards them.

"What the hell did you do?" He demanded.

"Me? I did nothing," Jace shrugged nonchalantly, "At least, not yet. Were you not aware that this company was sold, Mr. Smith. To St.Claire Industries."

"That's..." Howard looked around as if in a daze, "I wasn't. I'm the Director though, I should have been notified if-"

"If you were still the Director," Jace interrupted, "Allow me to break the news to you. The beautiful woman standing to my left, is Selene St.Claire. Head of the St.Claire Family and new owner of Neo City Medical Center."

His eyes flicked to Selene, recognition of her name in his eyes. There was a panic setting in.

"She is also..." Jace told him, getting his attention back, "My future wife. Along with these two lovely women beside me."

Jace smiled in satisfaction as he saw all blood drain from Howard's face.

"So," Jace leaned back in his chair, "Now you know who you're messing with. Kiera, dear."

"Yes, Hun?" She asked rather jovially.

"Can you pull up the security feeds?" Jace asked, to which she nodded.

From the projectors of the room, the feeds of every single security camera of the hospital popped up. Displayed in holographic screens over the table. Upon them showed every single guard that Howard brought with him, along with every single Mercer Agent in disguise and not.

"W-What am I looking at?" Howard asked rather anxiously.

"Can they hear me?" Jace asked, looking towards Kiera.

"Yeah," She answered with a smile, her eyes glowing pink, "Give the order."

"Attention, all Mercer Agents," Jace's words were cold like iron, "My name is Jace Ward. We have unwanted guests in the hospital. Remove them."

As soon as the words left his lips, the agents moved. What was shown upon the screens could only be described as a massacre. The guards never stood a chance as what felt like half the hospital sprung into action. Blades and guns appearing as if from nowhere.

One by one, the guards fell quickly. They were unable to defend themselves in time. The distant, muffled sounds of fighting could be heard even from the room. Even as this was all happening, Jace's eyes never left Howard.

"You think this changes anything?" Howards asked, though his voice was cracking, "I already-"

"Sent a team to my mother?" Jace asked, nodding as he finished Howard's sentence for him.

As he said this, a singular screen was brought up over the table, replacing all the others as it was enlarged. Upon the screen was the heaviest armed group of individuals, all lying dead in a stairwell. Standing over them was Arthur, prim and proper as ever.

Looking up, he stared directly into the camera. With a hand to his chest, he bowed.

"Seventeenth floor secured, Sir Jace," His voice echoed through the room.

"Th-That's not possible..." Howard stuttered, but Jace was no longer listening.

His body felt more energized than before. He was moving even before Howard finished his sentence. The clap of thunder and flash of lightning was not from outside this time, but from inside as Jace appeared through the holographic screen, electricity wreathed around him. His eyes focused, glowing neon blue.

Everything seemed to have slowed down. It felt similar yet different to the time he killed Yamato. It was almost as if on instinct, as he had never been able to activate it before. Of course, it wasn't quite at the same level, but just enough to put fear into Howards eyes as Jace suddenly appeared before him.

"It's very possible," Jace spoke, his words holding power, "I told you. I don't want you frying your brain before I can."

His hand rested upon his face as he landed beside him. Abby and Marcus quickly backed away. Howard's scream filled the room as volts of electricity ran through Jace's hand into his skull, completely frying his brain.

"You should have never come after my mother..." Jace spoke coldly.

Releasing his hand from Howard's face, smoke wafted up from his head. The smell of burnt flesh and ozone filled the room. With electricity still crackling along his body, he turned his attention towards Selene.

"Thank you, for giving me this opportunity," He smiled, his eyes full of appreciation and love.

"It is my pleasure," Selene's ears turned red as she smiled sheepishly.

"I assume you have people by the Board of Directors as well?" Jace inquired.

"Of course," She motioned to Kiera who brought up a feed of different houses and venues.

Upon the screen were various people Jace didn't know.

"Don't kill them just yet," Jace told her, looking down at his hand that had just killed Howard; clenching that hand into a fist, his eyes flicked to the screens, "I want to send a message. Make them understand fear."


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