Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 91: Chapter 91: Heartfelt

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Chapter 91:


Those in the room were silent as they watched and listened to Jace. They saw his love for his mother and the true gentleness underneath the fierce Ascended that he was. They could tell the pain in his heart just by listening to his words and the look in his eyes. They could see the child inside of him, still stuck in the past, but moving forward.

He was far from healed, but he was getting better. Selene could feel through their bond the fluctuating feelings coursing through him, but his warmth remained strong. He recalled every single detail that happened since he last saw her. Selene found it incredibly heartwarming, yet heartbreaking.

It had been difficult for him to not see his mother in all this time. She had known he truly loved her. She saw it in his eyes from the moment she met him. Felt and experienced it in his memories.

She had been his pillar of strength as a child. The one who shielded him the most from his father. She was someone he looked up to. Now, as she watched him, it all came together in such a heart wrenching scene.

"If only my mother had also..." As soon as the thought crossed her mind, and her heart became filled with what ifs, a hand reached to hers. Looking with surprise, she saw that it was Jace's hand. Following his touch, her eyes met his face. Her heart skipping several beats at what she saw.

His face was so warming and understanding. Their connection grew stronger in this vulnerable moment. She realized her thoughts as well as her feelings came through clearly to him. She knew this, because his came through to her.

It was like a light, as bright as the sun, blazed before her. His emotions were complicated, but clear. Sympathy mixed with sorrow. Regret flowed together with conviction. Determination stood with pride.

Above the rest shone the most brilliant: Love and Gratefulness.

They swirled in unison as each one gave their reasons. Her experiences brought out his sympathy and sorrow, which were surprisingly warm and pure feelings. A kinship they shared of their hard childhoods. Regret for her having to deal with that alone, but conviction to never let her be alone again.

He was determined to give her everything. He was proud of her for surviving and finding her own path. It reminded her of that night she cried in his arms. She had thought she couldn't love him any more than she already did, but that was just proven false.

"Thank you for being here," His thoughts came through clearly, "I'm sorry you were alone."

She shook her head, fighting back the sudden tears. She had resolved herself to be strong for him. Instead, here he was being strong for her.

"What a fool..." She thought lovingly, musing to herself before she realized he could hear her.

He simply chuckled, smiling as he pulled her close. Motioning to Liana and Kiera as well. Looking between each other in confusion, they all approached cautiously.

"I may be a fool," Jace spoke out loud, "But I am your fool."

He addressed them, and as he did, their connection began to return to how it was before. Although it had been for a brief moment, she couldn't help but feel suddenly alone. That feeling was quickly erased as he wrapped and around her waist. He did the same for Liana, with Kiera awkwardly standing next to her. Even so, he held her hand to include her.

"Mom, you've always worried about me," He spoke quietly, yet lovingly, "You still probably will, but I have these three to keep me in line. I've finally found what you've always wanted me to..."

He took his arms from them, and one by one took each of their hands. He placed them over each other's, above his mother's hand. There they hovered, waiting in confusion as they looked towards him. Selene gasped as she realized what he was doing.

She felt the conviction through their bond, even as it was weakened. Liana held her free hand up to her mouth as her emotions overcame her. She whispered his name, almost in disbelief. Kiera herself went frozen with shock, her cheeks reddening.

Jace had reached up to his neck, and very carefully, with a deep reverence, pulled the cord holding his mother's wedding ring over his head. Taking it, he began to very methodically wrap their hands within the cord. Finally, he rested the ring upon the top of their piled hands and cupped them all between his own hands.

"Maybe not the most romantic setting," Jace spoke sheepishly, that charming smile of his upon his lips, "But...I'd like you to meet your future daughter-in-law's. I'm afraid I only have one ring though, so-"

"Oh, shut up," Liana's voice trembled, half laughing half crying.

She leaned towards him, wrapping her free hand around her as she pulled him in for a deep kiss. Selene's ears turning red, her heart melting at this sudden outcome. It wasn't the most ideal setting, but it was appropriate for who he was.

It was a place with the people he trusted the most. Those he loved the most. It was before the very person who gave him the ring. Liana could hardly contain her overflowing emotions, and truth be told, neither could Selene.

She smiled widely, tilting his face away from Liana who smiled knowingly. His lips were sweet, and a little salty from Liana's tears of happiness. As she pulled away, Kiera smirked, giving him a kiss filled with passion. Selene was overcome with desire and passion herself.

This man was always doing such outrageous things. After doing such a thing, being so confident and filled with charm, he was nothing but a blushing mess now. Rubbing the back of his head as he smiled goofily. "How adorable..." It was all just a part of his charm.

"Jace, my love," Selene spoke softly as she took the cord with the ring on it carefully in her hands, "If you don't mind, may I see this for a moment?"

"O-Of course," He flustered with an awkward smile, "I give it to you all. Where it belongs."

"Thank you," She caressed his cheek tenderly, "Arthur, come here."

As she ordered him to approach, she turned with the ring held up for him to see.

"Can you have this duplicated?" She inquired, "See that three copies are made."

"Copies?" Jace inquired, tilting his head in confusion.

"Of course," Selene smiled, a twinkle in her eye, "It's cute how you're so perceptive, yet oblivious in these situations...Really, dear."

Liana giggled, throwing her arms around him from behind.

"There's three of us," Liana whispered in his ear, "And one of you. The original is yours, as it should be."

"B-But that's-!" Jace began to speak, but Kiera held a finger to his lips.

"No buts, Hun," Kiera stated, continuing as she teased him, "Well, unless you want ours."

She winked, causing him to avert his eyes shyly. Selene was amused by how quickly they turned everything around him. They were at his mercy as much as he was at theirs.

"Ahem, I don't mean to interrupt..." Balek chimed in, shifting a bit, "As Liana's father, you know you have my blessing, but could we not talk about butts in front of me? She is still my daughter..."

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He grumbled, and the room became silent for a brief moment as they all looked towards him. The silence was quickly broken as any tension there was evaporated. Laughter filled the room as Liana began to tease her father, making her way over to elbow him in the side. Kiera following after, not missing the chance to tease him herself. For all his looks, he was quite the soft one. Selene found it rather amusing.

It was the first time she had ever been in a room filled with such love and warmth. It was different from being with Jace, as she always felt warmth when she was with him. Handing off the ring to Arthur, who took it carefully in a silk bag he produced, she looked around as he left the room.

Liana and Kiera were busy with Balek, Gerard tried to ease the situation between them. Everyone seemed so relaxed. Even she felt something stirring in her chest but couldn't quite place what it was. It was at this moment she felt Jace's hand in hers.

Looking towards him, she realized that they were currently left to themselves, with only his mother next to them. He looked up at her with a soft, gentle smile. She felt through their connection a certain softness.

"You feel it, don't you?" Jace asked, causing Selene to tilt her head in confusion.

"What do you mean?" She asked, not quite sure what he was referring to.

"This atmosphere," Jace motioned to everyone, "It's different from usual, yeah?"

She eyed him curiously, smirking slightly in amusement.

"Oh, you notice that but not about the ring?" She teased.

"Come on..." He playfully sulked, though only briefly before he looked up at her with eyes filled with mirth and warmth, "But you're right. My brain just goes blank sometimes, but you feel it, don't you?"

"...It's different, yes," Selene nodded, smiling gently.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. His embrace was gentle, comforting. Her heart skipping several beats at his next words. Her world truly opening before her.

" the feeling of family," His words washed over her, filling her entire being.

Her eyes widened as she truly took in the room before her. That was the feeling she felt. It was different from the love of a lover. It was the love of family. A love she had not felt since she was small. When her own mother last held her.

"My mother will love you," Jace told her.

His words caught her off-guard as her eyes snapped to him.

"A-Are you sure?" She was uncertain about that, but he said it and she could feel the truth from not only his tone but the connection between them.

"Of course," Jace reassured her, taking her hand in his.

She watched as he moved both of their hands to his mothers. He placed his mother's hand in her palm, and over top he placed his own. Together they held her hand. They were careful, as she was very frail, but Selene could still feel the life pulsing within her.

"You saw my memories," Jace spoke softly, "My mother was someone who always loved to make people smile. She was also stubborn, just like me."

"Come on, you're not that bad," Selene told him, though as he looked at her doubtfully, she gave in, "Okay, maybe a little bit, but I love that about you."

He chuckled, and Selene smiled.

"Even as she slipped into the coma after hearing about Nadine's death..." Jace continued quietly, "She held her smile, recalling the wonderful times she had with her."

His eyes passed by an empty corner of the room. Selene couldn't sense anything, but she had heard about his ability. "Nadine...?" It was very possible she was there with them.

"Nadine loved my mother," Jace smiled, his eyes turning towards his mother's face, "And my mother loved her. She was always someone to put on a brave face so that others didn't worry. Someone who could always smile, no matter what happened in life. I can't imagine the pain my mother felt. It's why she's the strongest person I know."

It was here that his tears began to form. He tried to be like her, hiding his pain so that others didn't worry, but he knew they did. Just as they did for his mother. The only difference is, he had never been able to smile for them like she did. For him, it was important to bring her smile back.

"Jace..." Selene looked towards him, feeling the cold deepness of his sorrow through their bond, "We'll give her a better life. She will recover."

Cupping his tearstained cheek, he smiled against her hand. His eyes looked lovingly into hers before looking past her to two others. Liana and Kiera. They had approached them, each placing one hand upon both Jace and Selene.

Selene realized that the room had grown silent as they all listened in. Balek and Gerard stood off to the side respectfully with warm smiles upon their faces. Jace's tears dried as Liana wiped them from his face with Selene's help. Kiera adjusted his hair as they did.

"I know she will," Jace stated with a nod, "Thank you. It's possible because of you."

"That's-" Selene tried to dismiss it, but he wouldn't have any of it as he shook his head.

Her ears turned red from embarrassment. She was just happy to help him.

"I told you all of this for a reason," He explained, looking towards his mother, "She always wanted to bring a smile to my face. She saw it fade as her condition worsened. She gave me her ring so that I may find a reason to smile."

He glanced towards the three of them, each one of them Selene could feel melt under his tender gaze.

"I have a reason to smile now," He stated with a charming smile, "That reason is you three. That alone is enough for me to know she'll absolutely love you."

"I agree," Liana chimed in, "I know her as well. She will absolutely love you and Kiera."

Selene could only take their word for it, but she found herself smiling. She had been looking forward to meeting her after she recovered, but now she was kind of nervous.


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