Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 92: Chapter 92: Fly Over New Eden

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Chapter 92:

Fly Over New Eden

Jace fidgeted, adjusting the collar of his shirt. He was currently wearing clothing he wasn't quite used to. A sleek black suit with a mandarin collar. It fit his body rather well, as Selene had him fitted for the suit to be made. The material was nice enough, but just not a fit he was used to.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Selene whispered in his ear as she leaned towards him.

Glancing over, his heart skipped several beats. She was absolutely stunning. More than that, so were Liana and Kiera who were with them. They were in a flying vehicle with seats facing each other. Liana and Kiera sat across from Jace and Selene. "How did we even get here?" Jace was overwhelmed by the sudden change that was taking place.

After they saw his mother in NCMC (Neo City Medical Center), they left her in Gerard's capable hands while the transfer was still being prepared for St.Claire Hospital. He was grateful to Selene for wanting to make sure everything went smoothly. Still, he couldn't help but be anxious. Which is probably why the girls decided to distract him tonight.

Selene wore a beautiful silver dress that matched her hair. It hugged her body nicely, sweeping down to her ankles where she wore matching heels. The dresses skirt was split along the left side, exposing the tights she wore upon her legs. The dress had long sleeves coming to a point as they connected to a ring upon the middle finger of each hand.

Her hair was done in a beautiful bun, with strands of her hair falling elegantly around her face, framing it in a way that took his breath away. Her collarbone was exposed by the neckline of the dress, upon which she wore a golden, flat necklace which accentuated her outfit with its collar.

"No, it's alright..." Jace smiled, his face feeling a bit warm as he blushed, "Just not used to such clothing."

Glancing over at Liana and Kiera, both were just as dazzling as Selene. Liana wore a nice black shirt with long, puffy see-through sleeves with a flower pattern. The shirt was see-through around her midsection, showing off her toned abs, and tucked into black shorts. Underneath these shorts, she wore tights.

She wore black lipstick that had a slight gloss to it, and her green eyes with violet in them shone beautifully in the light of the vehicle they rode in. Next to her was Kiera, her hair tied in curly pigtails that fit her quite well. Her golden earrings seemed to shine even more than normal.

Kiera also wore a stunning, deep violet dress with sleeves similar to Liana's, though her dress covered her entirely body, with the skirt flowing beautifully down to her ankles.

Kiera had matching heels to her dress like Selene, while Liana wore a flatter heel, as was her style. Jace couldn't honestly see Liana in heels or a full dress. Either way, their ensemble was quite alluring, and the contrast worked beautifully together.

Truth be told, even though Jace's outfit was made of nice material, it was simple, and he felt rather underdressed compared to them. His hair was tied back as it almost always was in a half-ponytail. The collar of his suit was held together by a pristine silver button, along with several more running down where it was fastened.

Jace fussed with the cuffs of his suit as he looked out the window of the vehicle. It was not only to distract him from the girl's shining appearance, but to also take in the unbelievable view. They flew above Neo City, was New Eden. The city center.

It was unbelievable how different it was from the rest of Neo City. Its streets were pristine and clean, even with the snowfall. Everything just seemed to stand out more, as if they were polished to perfection. Holographic adverts played in a small plaza where people in business suits and other neat, tidy clothing walked. It was indeed a different world.

The adverts were of models or AI that were designed to be pleasing to the eye. They wore certain fashion brands depicting sleek dresses and nice suits. Other advertisements showed the newest in tech and cyberware. From prosthetic limbs to firearms. It was one of the few things New Eden seemed to share with The Barrens, advertisements were everywhere.

"It's strange..." Jace muttered, mesmerized by the view, "It's different, yet feels so similar."

He said this as his eye caught a man running on the ground. He was frantic, his open coat flapping in the wind as he ran. NCPD was hot on his trail, their tracks being left behind in the snow-covered ground. He took a turn into an alleyway, throwing what looked like a briefcase back at the cops.

Jace saw the flash of muzzles, and the familiar crimson at it soaked into the snow. Immediately, the NCPD began to section the area off. Before the vehicle flew out of sight, he saw one of the officers throw down a device that sprung up to block the area. Civilians began gathering around as if it was a spectacle.

"..." Jace didn't have many words for what he had saw.

Perhaps he was a little disillusioned upon seeing such a sight even here in New Eden, but regardless the atmosphere was different. The onlookers were not as grim as those in the Barrens would be. These people looked on with curious enthusiasm. As if it was a show put on for their own entertainment.

"Not as bright as you expected?" Selene asked as she placed a gentle hand on his knee, her tone sympathetic, "It may look pretty on the outside, but underneath lies a gruesome nature."

"...Seems that way," Jace chuckled softly, placing his hand over hers, "The Barrens don't hide who they are. I've seen through your story about the war with your father and dealing with Howard that there is so much more under the surface. Something I always knew, but..."

"I know," Selene turned her hand, holding his and squeezing it comfortingly, "You want the best for your mother."

"...Yeah," Jace smiled, looking up at Selene, then passing his gaze over Liana and Kiera, "I have that now. All of you have helped me to make it possible."

"It's Selene who owns the hospital," Liana stated with a shrug, "We're just along for the ride."

"Don't be ridiculous," Jace told her, "If it wasn't for you Liana, I would have probably never had the confidence to meet her, and...Well, you were and are my first love. Though, I don't like putting any of you on a list..."

Liana's eyes widened and her cheeks turned slightly pink. As she relaxed, she looked away rather sheepishly, twirling the long side of her hair around her finger.

"I'm grateful to you as well," Selene spoke up, "When he talked about you, I knew his feelings almost immediately. To have your relieves my heart."

Selene held a hand to her chest as Kiera tensed. Jace could feel there was something there, but as Kiera relaxed, so did Jace.

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"I would have never harmed any of you," Selene spoke, though it seemed to be aimed more towards Liana and Kiera, "It would have upset him if I did. Though, I was determined to have him in my life somehow."

"I-I'm glad you wouldn't have harmed them, but..." Jace was a bit nervous with this conversation, "Would you do that? Harm those close to me or those who want to get close?"

"...Only if they try to harm you," Selene smiled, to which Liana and Kiera agreed with a nod, "We three are in agreement on that. We've reached an understanding, so don't you worry your pretty little head about the details."

Liana seemed to have perked back up, smiling in both Jace and Selene's direction.

"I'm just happy to see him smiling again," Liana explained, resting her head on Kiera's shoulder, "I had Kiera and felt that I had no business to interfere. Truthfully, it was you who allowed me, Selene."

"...We allowed each other," Selene mused, laughing lightly.

"I suppose that's true," Liana and her shared a mutual, affectionate look with a twinkle in their eyes.

Jace wasn't quite sure what this was all about, but he felt like he had the gist of it. They all liked him and came to some agreement between them that allowed this situation to flourish. He was grateful, whatever the case. He didn't wish any of them to be hurt.

"So, why are we here?" Jace finally asked, "You said we were going to dinner, even had Arthur take my measurements for this suit. Where are we going?"

"Well..." Kiera mused, resting her head against her propped up fist, "We thought we should distract you, and...It's a celebration."

"Celebration?" Jace said the word slow, confused slightly, "For what?"

The three women sighed, almost in unison, causing Jace to become quite flustered from not knowing.

"Honestly," Liana shook her head in amused disbelief, "Where is your head sometimes, love? Tell me, what is it you did to the three of us when we stood by your mother's bedside?"

"What I...did?" Jace thought back to the time at the hospital.

As he thought, he went through the entire visit. As his mind got to the moment he placed their hands together, his face began to redden. He remembered the ring and the words that he said.

"Th-The ring?" Jace asked, looking up at all of their pleased faces.

"Yes," Selene told him, "It's a dinner to celebrate those words. In other words, our engagement to you."

"Th-That..." Jace became rather flustered.

Even though he knew the reality of the situation, he had never really registered it. His relationship with all of them just was. As if it had always been. It was his norm, but when she said those words he was reminded of what the truly meant.

At the time he had wrapped the cord with the ring attached to it around their hands, he did so from the bottom of his heart. He loved them and wanted them to understand those feelings. He had proposed to them, and they had all accepted.

It was kind of crazy how fast it all was, but for him who had always lived fast it felt like the perfect decision. As he slowed down and took everything in these past few months, everything had felt right. So, he held no regrets with the decision.

"I guess...I did do that," Jace chuckled to himself with a blushing smile, "I look forward to our lives together. I hope I didn't move too fast."

"Not at all," Selene told him firmly.

"I agree," Liana nodded, "It's just like you to do things quickly, but I think you truly feel this within your heart. As I feel it in mine."

"...I do," Jace smiled bashfully, "It all feels...right."

"Just remember those words when it gets to it, yeah?" Kiera teased, causing him to blush when he realized his word choices.

"I-I will," he responded, leaning back in his seat.

They were on their way to a restaurant that Selene suggested. Reservations had already been made and Jace's thoughts turned to wonder if he would fit within such a society.


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