Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 93: Chapter 93: Grand Entrance

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Chapter 93:

Grand Entrance

Lights, bright and dazzling. Chandeliers shimmering with crystals that cast a soft, warm glow over the tables of the restaurant. Its maroon carpeting gave the entire place a sort of deep, rich feeling. With table clothes of similar color, but with golden filigree on their edges, this only enhanced such a feeling.

It was completely outside of anything Jace had ever been to before. Selene smiled with glee at the look upon his face that told her so, and the feeling within her connection with him. Liana as well seemed to be taken aback by the rich decor, though held it back better than Jace.

Kiera seemed rather pleased with herself, taking in both Jace and Liana's reactions herself as well. With Liana on Jace's right arm, and Kiera on his left, it allowed Selene to watch over them all as she walked close behind. It was a bit awkward for all of them to walk together, so this was what Selene decided was the best way.

A low murmur filled the restaurant with light, new classical music playing over it that added to the atmosphere as a waiter escorted them. Adorned in black pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a crimson vest with golden filigree, the waiters of this restaurant were held to a high standard of decorum. These people attended to each individual table privately, so each table had their own, personal attendant.

Theirs was a young human woman with fair skin and beautiful cybernetic eyes. They were beautiful for how graceful they were and the color therein. Black sclera with a neon green dot in the center of a similarly colored circle line. It wasn't as jarring as one might think, as cybernetic eyes were rather common.

Her auburn hair was tied back in a neat bun, with curls that framed her face. She smiled politely and had a rather expressive face. She was about the same size as Liana, having a rather petite build. "No weapons, but her movements are light..." Selene wondered if she had been a dancer before she started working here.

It was a habit Selene picked up over the years, being able to assess people at a glance. It was something she always sub-consciously did, but rarely paid attention to. As a Paragon, she never really had to worry about others, as they posed little to no threat. However, now that she had Jace in her life, she had realized how lax she had become.

"No one will harm him when I'm around..." Selene put the thought from her mind as they made their way through the restaurant. Marble columns were placed at certain intervals around the restaurant to add some decor and separate different sections. It was hard for her not to notice the eyes on them, as those of high society were all keen to know just who was who, and there were new faces among them.

Selene's eyes turned to Jace, who she was most worried about. Just as she expected, Jace was nervous. He was out of his element, of that, she was sure. He could feel the eyes on him just as well as any of them. It was almost adorable how he flustered and awkwardly he moved under their scrutiny.

However, this changed as she began to see the panic set in. Her heart wrenching at itself. She wanted him to hold his head high and stand tall. He was with her after all. He was above all those in attendance, and he was the attention of those who escorted him.

Her thoughts turned dark, wanting to turn this entire place to ruin. Instead, she steeled herself, not wanting to ruin the evening with him. Which is why her heart was warmed when Liana took note of his awkwardness, as well as his panic, and made the first move.

Liana stood tall, as if she owned the room. Though her style was different from most, she held an elegance to her that even impressed Selene. With her arm wrapped around Jace's arm, Liana smiled lightly, as if she held the grandest of prize next to her. Of course, Selene agreed that he was.

Selene could only smirk as Kiera glanced back at her. They both caught the other's eye and had the same thought. They soon followed suite with Liana. Kiera practically draped herself over Jace, yet without hampering his walk. This sudden move flustered him even more, causing a blush and a smile to appear.

As he looked in Kiera's direction, she smiled and whispered in his ear.

"You're with three of the most beautiful women in the world," She told him, entwining her hand in his, "Feel the power that brings."

"She's right, you know," Selene spoke softly to him as she placed her hand upon his shoulder in a rather sensual way, "Do you have any reason to cower under their gazes? You own this room."

She smiled in a devilishly alluring way as he glanced back at her. She saw it then, in his eyes. The change that pleased her immensely. He had his own insecurities, but his eyes became quite clear and strong in that moment.

His lips curled into that roguish smirk of his.

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"You're right," He sighed, his posturing straightening as he held himself confidently, "I guess it's all still just a bit overwhelming, but I can't have you three looking worse because of it."

"...Please," Liana teased, "You can't make us look bad. We're stunning."

"Yes," Jace nodded, chuckling softly, "You are. All of look absolutely gorgeous tonight. It's an honor to be your escort."

Selene's ears burned as she was filled with joy at his words. Kiera and Liana seemed to be of the same sentiment. With Kiera holding a dreamlike smile and Liana blushing lightly with a smirk of her own.


Jace had been nervous to enter the restaurant even before they arrived. It was a penthouse restaurant on the 25th floor of a building. The only way to arrive was either via the private landing pad, or the private elevator from the ground floor. Since they were flying, they landed on the private pad and a valet took the vehicle from there.

His nerves continued to get the best of him as they approached the golden framed doors on the outside. The name of the restaurant emblazoned in golden lettering above it. The Crimson Lounge.

It was way above The Medallion and leagues above Harborview. As they passed through the doors and greeted by their waiter, he found that the interior was true to the restaurant's name. Though the color of the tablecloths and carpet were more of a maroon, it held the vibe well.

Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place. Even as he walked with his angels, the eyes upon him were intense. He felt like they could see through him and see the true dirty street kid he really was. He began to have flashbacks to his time in the streets, trying to find food when his father starved him.

His mother would always give him something when she was able, though it often led to her being beaten by that bastard. It was hard for him to concentrate as the atmosphere continued to remind him that he didn't belong here. Soon, it wasn't long before he began to panic.

He tried his best to hide it, but he knew it was obvious. "I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't-" His thoughts were self-destructive and only getting worse. That's when he looked to his right and saw Liana standing tall. "Is she...not nervous?" He felt her tigthen her hold on him.

It began to shine a light into his heart. It was as if she was claiming him before all of them, as if they should be jealous and nervous, and not him. This was only enhanced as Kiera leaned on him, surprising and knocking his thoughts for a loop.

As her words entered his ear, he was reinvigorated. Selene's touch and her own words added to Kiera's. Taking a breath, the darkness entering his mind vanished. "They truly are my angels...As devilish as they can be, anyways." Jace mused to himself.

He was reminded of his own pride and confidence. He didn't want to make them look bad, though he could never do that. These three women were powerful and beautiful in their own unique ways. It would be foolish to not stand proud among them.

Straightening his back, he stood tall and composed as he strode through the room. Following the waiter, he dismissed the onlooker's gazes. Their thoughts and opinions did not matter. Only those who were with him did, and they were proud to be with him.

The shift in tone was sudden and obvious. The rooms atmosphere changed to a strange mix of disgruntlement and awe. There were jealous gazes among the crowd, along with several starry-eyed looks that spoke of curiosity and wonder. The four of them had captivated the entire place within a few moments, further boosting Jace's confidence.

"There's no reason for me to be nervous." Jace smirked.


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